Chapter 204 Coincidence
"Hey! If it weren't for not having a double parachute, I wouldn't have been driven to the shelves, and I even learned to drive..."

In addition to Zhu Su, he was also complaining constantly, thinking that the Ludong base, which is so big, doesn't even have a few double parachutes, but there is another person!That is Xiao Haicheng.

Because although he jumped down right after the two children, he still hasn't found a single one until now!
The whole person couldn't help being anxious and depressed.

But because of skydiving, everyone didn't carry much water with them, and it was only enough to last one person for three to five days.So after a full two and a half days of delay, he still had to find a car quickly, and drove straight to the capital base.

From the bottom of my heart, I only hope that the two children are already together with Yan He or Zhu Su!

At worst, even Lu Zhiwen can do it!Anyway, those three people are more mature and stable than the children, I believe they will be able to bring Xiao Yu and Qiu Bai to the capital base safely!

It's a pity that Lu Zhiwen, whom he had placed a third of his high hopes on, only stared at Xiao Yu when he was in the air, so after landing, he only found Xiao Yu alone, but did not find him. Qiu Bai!
Even under Xiao Yu's strong request, the two lingered around their landing point for a long time, but they still found nothing.So, even earlier than Xiao Haicheng, they casually found a car and drove it, and hurried north!

As for Zhu Su?

She still remembered the appointment the night before boarding the plane!
And if possible, she would try her best to find those two children.

But the key now is that no matter where she goes, she can quickly catch up with a large group of zombies!

It's just too much to take care of yourself...

Besides, when she looked around on the endless waterway before, she didn't see other humans, so it can basically be concluded that Xiao Yu and Qiu Bai should not have landed with her.

Then the problem is coming!

Where is Qiu Bai, who has been searched for but cannot be found?

But it turned out that he directly attracted a group of zombies because of that!At the time when he was struggling to survive and face danger, he was unexpectedly rescued by a team of supernatural beings passing by.

Then, when he learned that the other party's group was also going to the capital base, he chose to go with them for the time being.

But for some reason, Qiu Bai felt that the team of supernatural beings who saved him was a bit strange!
This was not only because the only three women in the team never spoke a single word to him from the beginning to the end.Or because the men in the team treated them and him with weird attitudes!

If Zhu Su had been present at that time, she would have recognized that the mother and daughter who were sitting in the wheelchair and pushing the wheelchair in that team were Luan who had asked Lu Cenfeng and the others for help. His wife and her daughter, Luan Yuanyuan.

As for the other thin woman, she lowered her head timidly and followed behind a burly man from the beginning to the end!

Unfortunately!At that time, before Qiu Bai had time to think about it, the captain had already told everyone to get in the car quickly!
The entire team consisted of only a dozen people and three cars. The three women quickly got into the first car and the third car respectively, but Qiu Bai was directly assigned to the second car in the middle by the team leader. in the car!And he was still sandwiched between two men in the back seat.

This can't help but make the introverted Qiu Bai feel very uncomfortable!At that time, I couldn't help but want to discuss with the people around me, and wanted to change to the position near the car door.

As a result, when he raised his head and looked at the man on the right who had just squeezed into the car, he immediately shut his mouth silently.

Because it wasn't until then that he suddenly realized that he seemed to have been tricked into boarding a pirate ship!The man who looked at him just now was full of malicious intentions!

So in the following journey, Qiu Bai inevitably suffered a little loss.

But fortunately, there are still a lot of zombies on the road!

And the two men sitting side by side with him, one on the left and one on the right, were still busy killing zombies, so they never had much time to take advantage of him...

But Qiu Bai also lost his personal freedom because of this.

It wasn't until the evening of the skydiving day, when the team temporarily settled in a remote dilapidated factory, that Qiu Bai finally understood the meaning in the eyes of the mother and daughter in wheelchairs looking at him.

Their gazes were almost exactly the same as when they first met him in the morning!But it was clearly saying: "Why are you so stupid!"

Qiu Bai couldn't help but forced a wry smile at the other party.

Looking at the situation in front of him, he already understood somewhat that the three women in the team should all be guarded by those men just like him!

It's just that I don't know whether they have compromised or not...

Anyway, no matter what, he will never give in!

Just when Qiu Bai made up his mind that he would rather be broken than broken, the god of fate has quietly favored him.Yan He, who was leisurely heading north alone, was actually guided to the vicinity of this factory.

Seeing that it was getting dark, he naturally wanted to find a place to spend the night!So he set his sights on this old factory building.

It was only when Yan He drove the car to the gate of the factory yard that there were already people here!Because the three cars of the convoy were parked in the yard brightly.

But going out alone, Yan He didn't care about being reserved, immediately parked the car, and walked in with big strides!
Then he was seen by the two men in charge of security, and Dang even shouted at him: "Hey? What's the matter with you? Didn't you see the car in the yard? There are already people here!"

Yan He didn't get angry when he was yelled at, he just took out a pack of cigarettes, took out two and handed them over.

"Brother! Smoking a cigarette to calm down! It's not easy for everyone. I'll just find a corner and make do with one night! Just one person can't affect you, what's the big deal? Big guys Just make it convenient!"

When the two men heard it, it seemed that the same reason!
There are so many of them, are you afraid that he will fail alone?

So they looked at each other, and they all reached out to take the cigarettes.He said in his mouth: "You are good, boy! Where did you find such a good cigarette!?"

Yan He immediately knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string song, and quickly threw away the remaining half pack of cigarettes!
He laughed and said, "Hey! Luck! It just happened."

The one who caught the cigarette among the two also said: "Ha! Isn't that right! You are really lucky! Otherwise, it would not be such a coincidence to meet such a talkative person like the two of us!"

(End of this chapter)

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