Chapter 205
After Yan He yelled at the two of them again, he found a corner far away from the other group of people, put down his backpack, sat down, and started to eat dinner.

But the interaction between the three of them has all fallen into the eyes of those who care!However, the three people who recognized Yan Helai did not act rashly.

Although Luan Yuanyuan was a little irritable at first, she was quickly soothed by her mother's eyes.Because Mrs. Luan remembered that this man didn't seem to have supernatural powers, but she didn't know why he was acting alone at this moment.

It would be great if his other two companions also came, then their mother and daughter would definitely try to ask for help again!
But now he is alone, but it doesn't seem safe.

So with this in mind, Mrs. Luan chose to wait and see.

And the reason why Qiu Bai didn't dare to admit the person immediately was because he was afraid that if there was a fight, he would be taken as a hostage, which in turn would drag Yan He down!

So, while everyone in the team was busy, some were making a fire to cook, some were discussing matters together, and there was not even a guard around him, Qiu Bai wanted to try urine escape!See if you can run to Uncle Yan and Uncle first.

And as expected, as soon as he stood up, the man who was sitting with him in the afternoon immediately looked up!

Qiu Bai immediately put on a shy and obedient child and said, "I want to go to the bathroom."

The man immediately pulled the corner of his mouth into a smirk!Then he put aside the work in his hands, walked over and put his arms around Qiu Bai's shoulders, and said affectionately: "Let's go! Good brother will take you there!"

Qiu Bai had no choice but to suppress his nausea and nodded.

Then he quickly took the initiative and immediately raised his legs and walked towards Yan He's direction.

The man didn't seem to notice that there was anything wrong, because there was indeed a small back door in that direction!So he let Qiu Bai take him there.

After all, Yan He has been with Lu Cenfeng for a long time, so he has long been used to leaving a way out for himself!That's why I chose such a place that didn't seem very safe, just for the sake of advancing and retreating.

Originally, he was thinking of closing the door with a wire immediately after eating, and then squinting for a while while those people were awake!In the end, he suddenly discovered that among the two people walking towards him, one was actually Qiu Bai!

Sitting in the dim light, before receiving Qiu Bai's wink, Yan He had already keenly noticed something was wrong!
So when Qiu Bai and the others approached, they immediately got up and blocked their way: "What? Didn't the two brothers tell you just now? I'll just make do with one night here and promise not to disturb you!"

"Get up! I'm not here to find you!"

The man was thinking in his heart that he could take advantage of whatever he wanted when he went out later, but suddenly he met a person blocking his way!So the mood was naturally not very good, and the tone was inevitably a bit harsh: "Just stay on the sidelines!"

"Oh!" Yan He immediately stepped aside pretending to be grateful, and made way for the two of them.

Only then did the man turn pale, and after hugging Qiu Bai tightly, he quickly walked out through the small door.

However, he didn't know that, less than three meters away from him, Yan He followed him silently!

But Qiu Bai, who had already expected this, was secretly determined!Hastily broke free from the man's arm as soon as he went out the door, and said with an anxious look: "I can't hold it in anymore!"

The man wanted to be angry at first, but after hearing this sentence, he laughed again.

He pointed at the wall not far from the door, and teased loudly: "If you can't hold it back, you can pee on that wall! It just so happens that I can't hold it anymore, eh!"

The last scene in front of the man's eyes is that the sky is below and the earth is above!And Yan He looking down at him with a cold face.

Until he stopped breathing, he still didn't understand how he died...

But Qiu Bai, who was standing in front of the man, stared at the headless corpse and swallowed, and had a new understanding of Uncle Yan in his heart.

Because before this, he had never seen someone who was so cruel that he could directly fold the head of a living person back in half!

But Yan He just casually pushed the man's head aside with only a layer of nape skin connected to his body, causing the blood-spraying corpse to fall to the ground.Then, with a disgusted expression, he stretched out his feet and pulled a pile of soil to cover the man's neck, as if covering a pile of shit, for fear of dirtying his shoes!
Then he said without raising his head, "Tell me what's going on, Xiaobai!"

"Cough, cough!" Qiu Bai suddenly blushed!

Although he knew in his heart that Yan He had already seen through everything, he still concealed it slightly: "That's right, they saved me first! Then they tricked me into following them..."

After listening to a few words with a calm expression, Yan He finally raised his head.In the end, he met Shang Qiu Bai's gaze and asked directly: "Then what are you thinking now? We have to get out of here quickly! This blood will soon attract a lot of zombies."

"Uh!" Qiu Bai was obviously taken aback!
Although he didn't have a good impression of the remaining men, it was far from the point where he wanted to kill someone.So after hesitating for a while, he said: "Actually, it's okay to leave them alone! But there are three women in there, and they seem to be forced to be together by them."

As soon as Yan He heard it, he said, "Let's go! Hurry up and have a look!"

After all, he is a second-level supernatural being now, so even though there are more than a dozen people on the other side, Yan He is really not afraid of them.

So as soon as he entered, he immediately took Qiu Bai straight to that team!

Seeing that he seemed to be a bad visitor, those men quickly stood up and gathered together, wanting to confront him.

Just in this way, the remaining three women became more conspicuous...

Yan He saw that there was still a couple of acquaintances here, and couldn't help feeling even more angry in his heart!

Dang even provocatively said: "Your people tried to bully my eldest nephew just now, but I killed him! Who else here has his idea, stand up for me!"

Qiu Bai: "..."

Didn't you come here to save people?Why did you suddenly bring him up as an issue?

He is so embarrassed now that he wants to find a crack in the ground and go straight down. It's really embarrassing!

The mother and daughter of the Luan family were all taken aback when they heard the words!Obviously, he didn't expect that Yan He would come to single out a group of people so stupidly!

When Yan He's voice fell, the men all surrounded him!
Some people look angry, some look disdainful, and some don't care...

(End of this chapter)

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