Chapter 217 Autumn Wind
"Ah? Why?" Zhu Su was very surprised.

"Because I'm a celebrity!" Xiao Xue smiled until her eyes were crescent-shaped, "Our entire team is a celebrity!"

"Oh, by the way, I haven't told you about our Qiufeng team yet!"

"Squad of Autumn Wind? Have you joined the team of supernatural beings? Then Xiao, will your father and the others also want to be with you?"

"That can't be done! Our team doesn't accept men! And you don't know? Our Qiufeng team is the only team in the capital base that is composed entirely of women!"

"Really!" Zhu Su immediately became star-eyed, "Then your captain must be very good!"

"Of course! Our captain, Sister Pang, is a dual-line supernatural power! I don't tell ordinary people!"

Xiao Xue suddenly changed the topic while talking! "How about it? Do you want to join us too?"

"Ah?! Let's forget about this..."

Zhu Su smiled embarrassingly again, because she really didn't expect that after meeting Xiao Xue for the first time, she wanted to poach her for a new job!
It's just that even if she doesn't want to continue the chat, the chat can't be cut off directly in this atmosphere, can it?

So Zhu Su asked more questions, "Your team's name is Qiufeng, do you have any explanation?"

"Have you never heard of a saying?"

Seeing that Xiao Xue made a fool of himself on purpose, Zhu Su immediately cheered very cooperatively and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Treat your friends as warm as spring; treat your enemies as ruthlessly as the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves!"

Zhu Su: "Uh huh..."

She really can't talk anymore today!Who can come and save her...

It's a pity that Lu Cenfeng and Xiao Haicheng were discussing serious matters, and they both thought that the two girls had a very happy chat, so they ignored it.

Mrs. Luan was also preoccupied with the bathroom, always paying attention to whether any accidents would happen to her daughter in it.

So Zhu Su had no choice but to continue to carry forward her heroic spirit, and took the initiative to provoke another topic.

"So it seems that your team has participated in this mission? Why are you the only one here?"

"Isn't this normal? I'm here with my dad, not on behalf of our Qiufeng team!"

Xiao Xue's tone was very rational, and she clearly distinguished her family from her teammates, which had nothing to do with each other.

Zhu Su couldn't help admiring her rationality, because people are always more interested in what they can't do but what others can do!
So I asked: "Then when the time comes, will you stay with your teammates, or stay with your father?"

"Of course they are teammates!" Xiao Xue immediately said without thinking, "Didn't my dad and the others want to be with you?!"

"...That's right!" Zhu Su is really not good at chatting with this kind of girl, and just when he didn't know how to continue, Lu Cenfeng suddenly stood up!
When Xiao Haicheng saw him looking towards the bathroom, he immediately got up and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Lu Cenfeng replied in seconds.

After thinking for a while, he said, "She succeeded!"

As soon as the words were finished, Luan Yuanyuan opened the door of the bathroom and walked out with a face of shame.

He opened his mouth, just about to say "I'm sorry", but swallowed the words habitually.

He just stepped aside and made a 'come in' gesture towards the bathroom door.

Its meaning is self-evident, "What's inside, you should see for yourself!"

Lu Cenfeng took the lead, followed by Xiao Haicheng!Zhu Su and Xiao Xue also got up immediately, followed curiously, walked over in a row, and took a look inside one by one.

In the dim bathroom, the mirror for washing his face, the bathroom heater and lamp above his head were all broken, and there were broken glass all over the floor.

"Not bad! I have mastered the trick of resonance in such a short period of time. Next," Lu Cenfeng paused, "the next step is to find everything you want to kill, such as zombies, animals, and the resonance of the human body." frequency!"

Luan Yuanyuan nodded solemnly, then suddenly bowed deeply to Lu Cenfeng!But still did not speak.

Mrs. Luan came here pushing the wheelchair at this time, and after seeing this scene, she couldn't help holding her daughter's hand tightly.

Zhu Su hesitated for a moment, then again, but finally couldn't help but said: "Actually, I wanted to say it before, isn't it tiring to communicate like this all the time? Can you try to find something to replace it like performing a musical instrument?" Are you speaking up?"

When the mother and daughter of the Luan family heard the words, they immediately turned their heads and forgot to come to her.

Mrs. Luan then explained: "Actually, we have thought about this before, but we can't find the right equipment! Now that Yuanyuan has learned resonance, maybe we can try again!"

"Also, thank you for your reminder, little girl!"

Zhu Su immediately felt embarrassed!Fortunately, after such a long period of tempering in the last days, her skin has thickened a lot!

So after a short meal, he quickly waved his hands and said with a smile, "You're welcome."

"Since everything is said and done, we, mother and daughter, will take our leave first. See you tomorrow!"

"Well, indeed! We should go too." Xiao Haicheng said afterward.

So after calling out Xiao Yu and Qiu Bai who had been 'educated', the two groups quickly left.

As soon as they left, Zhu Su immediately caught Lu Cenfeng and asked, "Why did you send me back to the room before? Do you know that you will embarrass me by saying that suddenly!"

"...I'm sorry! I was,"

"Hey! Compared with the face, it's even worse if the girlfriend's beauty is seen by others!"

Yan He suddenly interrupted and joked.

Zhu Su was stunned for a moment, but Lu Cenfeng acquiesced without saying a word!I couldn't help being both amused and angry.

I had no choice but to say: "Brother Xiao is not an outsider, what are you doing..."

Hearing this, Yan He couldn't help but sighed sincerely for Lu Cenfeng, "As for what's not, you just can't understand it anyway!"

"What does he mean?" Zhu Su looked at Lu Cenfeng and asked whether he understood.

"Nothing! Are you hungry after sleeping?"

Lu Cenfeng didn't want to pierce the window covering Zhu Su's eyes, so he immediately changed the subject.

"Ah? Hungry! If you don't tell me, I'll forget..."

Early the next morning, the three of them set off for the meeting place marked in the mission brochure half an hour earlier.

As a result, as soon as he got to the vicinity, he saw a woman with a hot figure who was admonishing the girls there. The aura on her body was as proud as her breasts!
Zhu Su saw Xiao Xue who was standing in the first row listening to the training at a glance!

So he immediately realized that this was the Qiufeng team that the other party was talking about!

It happened that Xiao Xue also saw Zhu Su and the others out of the corner of her eye at this time, so she immediately raised her hand and said, "Report to the captain! I see someone I know! I want to go over and say hello!"

(End of this chapter)

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