Chapter 218 Sister Pang
Captain Qiufeng, who was originally standing sideways to Zhu Su and the others, immediately turned around following Xiao Xue's gaze upon hearing this.

Unexpectedly, Yan He was suddenly stunned!
Even the footsteps suddenly became a little stagnant.

For a moment, I just felt that although the expression on Furong's face in front of me was extremely cold, those peach blossom eyes were extremely attractive!It seems that it just hooked his soul all at once...

Zhu Su also immediately stared at the other party in amazement, looking and looking again and again!

Although the other party's outfit is very neutral, even the hair is cut very short!But this not only did not damage her beauty at all, nor could it conceal her good figure that was as mature as a peach, but on the contrary added a bit of aggressive sex appeal.

Especially those flaming red lips!
It really makes people want to take a bite when they see it.

Even Zhu Su, a woman, couldn't help but have such strange thoughts in her heart, let alone Yan He, a big man!
After getting along for such a long time, it was the first time for Zhu Su to see Yan He, who was usually joking and often erratic, suddenly became serious because of a woman.

The expression on his face was also extremely serious, as if he was facing some extremely terrifying monster!

Although Zhu Su felt very strange in his heart, he didn't care about thinking about it at all, so he quickly turned to look at Lu Cenfeng.

But Lu Cenfeng was also frowning and staring at the female captain!
However, his eyes were still cold and sharp, and he didn't have the reaction that someone who is fascinated by watching should have at all.

Pang Yanyan watched coldly, and after scanning the faces of the three of them one by one, she quickly made a decision in her heart.

Then he immediately took two steps forward, stretched out a hand to Zhu Su enthusiastically and said, "Hello! Xiaoxue just mentioned you to me last night! You are Susu, I am glad to meet you!"

Zhu Su hurried forward a few steps, raised his hand to hold it, and shook it gently following the opponent's rhythm.

I don't know why in my heart, but I still feel a little excited!The tone could not help bringing out a bit: "It's me! I am also very happy to meet you! You should be Captain Pang of the Qiufeng team?"

Pang Yanyan suddenly smiled at her, and it melted like ice in an instant!The tone is also as friendly as the spring breeze blowing on the face: "Just follow Xiaoxue and call me Sister Pang, don't look outside!"


Just when Zhu Su wanted to be kind and change his words according to the other party's wishes, Lu Cenfeng suddenly called her, "Come here!"

Although Zhu Su didn't understand why, he just smiled at Pang Yanyan, then turned around and returned to Lu Cenfeng's side.

And asked in a low voice, what happened when he suddenly called himself over?
How did Lu Cenfeng answer Zhu Su? Pang Yanyan was a little far away, so she didn't hear clearly.

But this didn't prevent her from suddenly snorting secretly in her heart! "Small... she's quite alert! But I heard from Xiaoxue that this girl named Zhu Su is very capable, and it's worth working hard to win!"

So when Zhu Su didn't know anything, the secret contest between Pang Yanyan and Lu Cenfeng had already begun.

It's a pity that more and more teams of supernatural beings will come one after another!Therefore, Pang Yanyan could only temporarily give up her plan of poaching corners, and began to greet people she knew well one by one.

And as the gathering time stipulated in the brochure drew closer, the legendary task leader finally appeared on the scene.

The first thing that appeared in front of everyone were the two uniformed bodyguards who were exactly the same as when Lu Zhiwen appeared on the stage!

But the difference is that it was not Jiang Donglin who was guarding behind the two bodyguards, but——

"Jiang Long!"

Zhu Su accidentally blurted out!

Although the voice was not loud, she immediately covered her mouth in fright!And hid behind Lu Cenfeng!
His left hand was still tightly grasping the hem of his shirt, and he put his head on Lu Cenfeng's backpack, so annoyed that he didn't dare to look up.

I'm afraid that someone will find out that she called the name just now...

Lu Cenfeng couldn't help opening his mouth slightly and took a deep breath.

Then he could only reach behind his back, patted Zhu Su's back lightly, and signaled her not to be afraid, he was here!

Fortunately, there were a lot of people at that time, and the scene was always noisy!So except for a bodyguard who seemed to glance in their direction, the others seemed to have not heard, and there was no special reaction at all.

After a few seconds, wait until Jiang Long has passed by Lu Cenfeng!Zhu Sucai slowly moved out from behind him, stood beside him, and quietly took his hand.

Lu Cenfeng immediately grabbed her back!
And immediately turned his head to look at Zhu Su, shaking his head in disapproval.

Zhu Su quickly put on a bitter face, and silently assured him: "This is not an example!"

Only then did Lu Cenfeng turn his head back, and looked at the group of people walking past all the supernatural beings present.

There were still two bodyguards wearing the same uniform behind Jiang Long, as if this had become the standard equipment for the second generation ancestors!
And behind these five people, there was a man in a Chinese tunic leading a group of soldiers with live ammunition, following them without turning their eyes.

At this time, if Zhu Su still can't recognize which one is Jiang Donglin, that would be strange!

So she coughed lightly and wanted to talk to Lu Cenfeng again.

But Lu Cenfeng quickly turned his head and stopped her with his eyes!

Signal her to keep quiet first!

Because there are too many supernatural beings here!Maybe there is someone who has the strange ability like Luan Yuanyuan, who can hear what everyone nearby is saying...

Fortunately, the mobilization meeting before the action was very short, and Jiang Long didn't even speak.Only Jiang Donglin briefly talked about his requirements for the supernatural beings and the punishment for violations. It is nothing more than obeying orders in all actions!Then he got in the car directly and ordered the large troops to set off.

Lu Cenfeng and his off-road vehicle were left at the Ludong base, so they were driving an ordinary jeep at the moment.

After all the military cars from the base drove away, the supernatural beings were all dawdling, and no one wanted to be the first to start the car, for fear of following too closely, but Yan He immediately followed without being urged!
The mother and daughter of the Luan family, father and son of the Xiao family followed closely behind...

When Pang Yanyan saw this, she didn't need to be reminded by Xiao Xue, who was sitting in the co-pilot, she stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and chased after her with a rumbling sound!

Naturally, her team members had no choice but to follow immediately and formed a line.

Seeing that there were already so many people in the lead, the other teams of supernatural beings should not be afraid of being caught by the base at any time, so they rushed to fight each other, and started their cars one after another, and quickly joined the traffic flow go.

(End of this chapter)

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