Chapter 63 Teddy
After all, it is the first time to fall in love, so it is inevitable that there is no experience.So when Lu Cenfeng found out that he hurt Zhu Su, his first reaction was to apologize immediately, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

In fact, it would be fine if he pretended not to know, but as soon as he said these two words, both of them felt awkward...

After more than ten seconds, Zhu Su finally found his voice!Embarrassed and authentic: "It's okay."

After a pause, she quickly said again: "I'm a little sleepy, so go back to sleep! I'm asleep too!"

Looking at Zhu Su who quickly got under the covers and covered his head, Lu Cenfeng couldn't help but help his forehead silently.After thinking about it, he stood up and said, "Then I'll go back to sleep first! But don't sleep with your head covered all the time, it's easy to lose your breath."

Zhu Su: "...I know, you can go now!"

Not to mention how these two people tossed and turned that night, unable to sleep because of their high spirits.It only said that when the sky was just dawn, both of them were about to fall asleep, but suddenly there were bursts of weird cries outside the window!
Lu Cenfeng immediately jumped off the bed, and quickly began to get dressed.At the same time, he did not forget to use his mental strength and shouted in a low voice: "Zhu Su! Lao Yan! Get up quickly! There is a situation outside!"

"Ah, huh? What's the situation!" Yan He woke up immediately!Then he hurriedly dressed like Lu Cenfeng.

But Zhu Su was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes!
Even though he knew that he should listen to Lu Cenfeng's words and get up quickly, he was still powerless.

He could only barely support himself with meager willpower, and sat up with drooping eyelids.

Seeing this, Lu Cenfeng had no choice but to walk over quickly!Without further ado, he picked up Zhu Su's clothes and helped her put them on her body!
Thinking while putting it on, this is not the first time he helped her dress!It's just that last time was simpler than this time, just put on a coat.This time it is from the inside out...

After being fiddled with a few times, Zhu Su finally realized what he was doing, and immediately opened his eyes in embarrassment!With a blushing face, he said, "I'll do it myself!"

As soon as Lu Cenfeng heard it, he immediately let go of her arm.

After sweeping his eyes away from her face, he turned and walked towards the window.

"What's going on?" Yan He also came to the window after getting dressed, but because he didn't hear the cry before, he was a little puzzled.

Lu Cenfeng took a deep breath. With his mental sensitivity, he naturally sensed the danger, "Large animal! I don't know what species it is. Don't rush downstairs, see the situation first!"

Yan He immediately frowned, "What about the four people downstairs?"

"I'll call them up!" After Lu Cenfeng said this, he immediately released his mental power and moved towards the first floor.

I don't know how he communicated with them. After a while, Zhang Lei led the other three people to the second floor on tiptoe.

Zhu Su has already finished dressing at this moment, and even the bed and other commonly used items have all been taken back to the space.Only three backpacks were left, piled up at her own feet.

When the three men, including Zhang Lei, went upstairs, their eyes lit up when they saw Zhu Su!The fire-type power user was more impulsive, and immediately greeted her, "Good morning, beauty!"

Zhu Su glanced at him, but said nothing.

Because she had seen this kind of casually chatting up man before time travel, and the more he talked to him, the more shame he would get!So from the beginning, you can't talk to him, lest he get too far.

She didn't speak all the time, and the fire-type power user who lost face in front of everyone suddenly seemed a little annoyed!Just as he was about to stab her with some bad words, he was suddenly pulled back by the water-type supernatural being.

"What are you doing!"

The fire-type power user directly vented his anger on him.

The water-type power user didn't have the same knowledge as him, but pointed directly out of the window on the second floor, "Listen! There's movement outside!"

The fire-type power user looked disbelieving, "What's the matter! That's what you said just now, and now,"

"Ooh! Ooooooh..."

All the people in the room fell silent immediately.

Yan He frowned, "Why does this sound a bit like howling a wolf!"

"Impossible!" Zhang Lei immediately vetoed: "This is so close to the city, how could there be wolves!"

Yan He also thought it was impossible, so he turned his head to look at Lu Cenfeng, "Team Lu?"

"Captain Lu, do you know what that is outside?" Zhang Weiwei had been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time!At this time, when Yan He called Lu Cenfeng, he immediately jumped ahead of Yan He and asked in a delicate voice.And with a pair of eyes that don't look at anyone, they just stare at Lu Cenfeng!

Seeing this, Zhu Su couldn't help feeling a little amused.

Even at this time, he still doesn't forget to hook up with men, what a pure love brain!
It's just that if she worked hard yesterday, she might still have a glimmer of hope, but it was too late to come back this morning.

Because Lu Cenfeng, this weed by the nest, happened to already have an owner...

Fortunately, Lu Cenfeng turned a blind eye to Zhang Weiwei and turned to look at Yan He.Quickly explain what I found, "Black four-legged, flexible running, bigger than an adult boar, the distance is getting closer and closer! Get ready to fight! It should be a mutant animal!"

Although Yan He was surprised, he immediately assumed a vigilant posture!But Zhang Lei became more and more curious the more he listened, and couldn't help asking: "Why are you so sure it's coming for us?"

Lu Cenfeng glanced straight at everyone present, and then replied in a low voice: "There are too many supernatural beings here! Mutant animals have very sensitive noses, and they can smell the kernel through the glass!"


"What core?!"

The fire-type superpower and the water-type superpower blurted out at the same time!
However, Lu Cenfeng didn't have the American time to talk to them, so he yelled: "Quickly get back!", and immediately waved his hands to set up a spiritual barrier in front of everyone!

In the next second, the glass window on the second floor shattered into countless pieces and shot out!Then a black-haired animal jumped in from the window on the second floor!
What kind of animal is this!

The black hair is fluffy and curly, and the body looks extremely strong, not like a black pig, but more like a black male lion!
Everyone was on guard while secretly guessing in their hearts, but Lu Cenfeng could tell its species with just two glances! "It's a Teddy! Be careful, everyone!"

"Did you say this is a dog!" Zhang Weiwei's face was filled with disbelief!He said to himself: "How could it be so big!! Could it be a giant Teddy?!"

Lu Cenfeng didn't want to talk anymore, but he was afraid that her misleading would make everyone present relax their vigilance!I had no choice but to say again: "Don't talk nonsense! This is not a giant teddy, this is a first-level mutation! It's coming for us!"

Hearing the last sentence, Yan He and Zhu Suju's hearts shuddered!
I never expected that it was the first time I encountered a mutant animal, and it would be so tricky!
(End of this chapter)

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