Chapter 64 Fire Rain
Lu Cenfeng had no fear in his heart, but this teddy's way of jumping directly to the second floor made him and Yan He do bad things with good intentions!Because they all thought that it would come in through the main entrance!
Thinking of this, Lu Cenfeng said again: "Let's hold it up later, you four can escape by yourself!"

"What? Escape?" Zhang Lei was stunned when he heard it!
It's just a big dog, how powerful can it be?He hasn't killed a dog before, but it doesn't mean he hasn't eaten dog meat!
It's a pity that the situation in front of him didn't give him a chance to think about it at all. Teddy had already determined his attack target in just a few seconds, and rushed towards Yan He very quickly!
"Damn! No way! Why are you coming at me directly!" Yan He yelled strangely while dodging its attack, not forgetting to fight back cursing: "Damn it! I'm a bully, right? Show some color!"

Seeing this, Lu Cenfeng quickly released his spiritual power to help Yan He defend against the enemy.

The rest of Zhu Su and the four-person team stood aside to watch the battle. The water-type supernatural person couldn't help but quietly tugged Zhang Lei, and persuaded in a low voice: "Since we have nothing to do, let's go quickly!"

The fire-type power user was also standing very close to him, and immediately glared at him when he heard this!
"Go for what you want! Just believe what he says! You were pretty smart before, why don't you even know this? This dog is so big, it can eat meat for a long time! He must be Want to swallow it alone!"

Zhang Lei was caught in the middle of these two people, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing faintly. He couldn't help but scolded: "I said, can you two be quiet! It's fine if you don't plan to help, but you are still complaining here!"

When he said this, the faces of the water-type superpower and the fire-type superpower immediately looked very ugly!

The outburst of the fire-type supernatural being couldn't be suppressed all of a sudden, and he rushed to Zhang Lei angrily, regardless of the water-type supernatural being's blockage: "Do you think they have the ability, so you want to throw it away?" Leave the two of us?"

Zhang Lei's brows were suddenly twisted into a knot, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm talking nonsense? Your sister's eyeballs are almost glued to other people! Don't think we can't see! You, a brother, can just let her go? And ah! Don't think you think we are snoring loudly We don’t know about the matter, we didn’t sleep last night and got together to mutter together, we know exactly what we said!”

Zhang Weiwei, who was still silently worried about Lu Cenfeng, turned red when she heard this!

The water-type power user also turned red, and then turned black again!Finally, I completely disliked the pig teammate who is a fire element supernatural being!

The four of them were divided into two groups and faced each other faintly, but Lu Cenfeng's urgent cry suddenly came from the side!


As soon as the words fell, dozens of groups of raging fires that were bigger than an adult's fist shot out instantly.It turns out that this teddy dog ​​is still a mutant beast that has awakened the power of the fire element!
Yes, one year after the end of the world, in order to distinguish the mutant animals with awakened abilities from ordinary mutant animals, they gave the former a new name, called mutant beasts.

It originally wanted to eat Yan He easily before eating other people.In the end, after being trapped by Lu Cenfeng's mental power, he beat him up hard!Not only was the whole dog completely unable to dodge and move, it couldn't use all its strength, Yan He also had a lot of big cuts on his body with a machete!

As the blood flowed more and more, it finally couldn't help it and went crazy, and immediately spewed out a rain of fire!
Facing these huge fireballs that were several times more powerful than those with fire-type abilities, the first reaction of Zhang Lei and the four of them was to run back quickly!And desperately want to avoid it!
It's a pity that even though Lu Cenfeng reminded them in time, the speed of the fireballs is too fast and the distribution is dense, so it is inevitable that someone will be tricked!

The fire-type power user is that poor unlucky guy. The scorching flames made him scream and keep trying to shoot it out, while jumping around and shouting to his teammates: "Damn! Why can’t the fire be extinguished? Hurry up and help! Is it stupid to step on horses one by one?!”

The water-type supernatural person gave him a cold look, and after hesitating for a while, he raised his hand and released water arrows.

Zhang Lei also quickly took off his coat, leaned forward and beat him continuously.

Only Zhang Weiwei didn't want to care about him at all, so she didn't even look at him!Instead, he suddenly turned his head!He looked straight at Zhu Su, who was always (stupidly) standing on the other side, but he was still safe and sound.

With a puzzled face, he asked, "Why are you okay?!"

Zhu Su glanced at her as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person, "Whether I have anything to do with you is none of your business!"

"You!" Zhang Weiwei was so angry that her chest bulged, she wished she could raise her hand and slap her immediately!But because he was afraid that Zhu Su could make the stone rebound against him for no reason last time, he forcibly endured it first.

But in his heart, he fantasized that when she catches up with Captain Lu, she must let this hateful woman leave the team!

However, Zhu Su didn't take her seriously at all. After he was finished, he immediately turned his eyes away and refocused on the battle situation on the field.

Lu Cenfeng, who is familiar with the characteristics of mutant beasts and knows that after using their powers once, there must be a short interval before they can regroup, is taking this opportunity to suddenly fight back!The whole body is full of killing intent!
The teddy dog ​​seemed to have suddenly realized its own crisis, and immediately became furious!A pair of fiery red eyes shone with a terrifying light. After opening his bloody mouth, his sharp fangs were exposed, and he rushed towards Lu Cenfeng!

Zhu Su was so frightened that his heart tightened!Subconsciously rushed two steps forward!Even though he knew in his heart that it would be useless to pass with his own abilities, he still wanted to help him resist together!
However, at this moment, Lu Cenfeng suddenly looked at Yan He and growled, "Old Yan!"

Relying on the tacit understanding between the two for many years, Yan He, who could understand what he meant with just one look, immediately yelled, "Got it!!"

Before he finished speaking, he raised his breath and jumped towards Teddy, riding on it!And immediately grabbed the hair on its back, and slashed fiercely on Teddy's neck!
Simple and straightforward.

After the blade passed, blood splashed everywhere, and Teddy immediately uttered a scream of "Ow!" in pain!And frantically or twisting the body, or raising the claws to scratch back, just to overturn the human sitting on the ground.

Yan He was not afraid of this, he grabbed the dog's fur with one hand, and slashed wildly with the knife in the other!

Such a bloody scene, Zhang Lei and the three who had just extinguished the flames couldn't help being stunned, their calves felt weak...

(End of this chapter)

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