A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 102 Household Affairs

Chapter 102 Housework (for genuine subscription)
PS: Seek genuine subscription, seek follow-up.

Li Yutang really loves him, his fourth concubine, and seeing Yueru's complexion changed, he didn't even bother to say hello to Shen Chongyang, a guest, so he quickly got up and walked over to ask with concern:
"What's the matter, what's wrong here?"

As he spoke, he beckoned to the servants on the side to quickly pick up all the broken teapots on the ground.

Yueru forced a smile and said: "No, it's nothing, it's just my hand, my hand slipped!"

Hearing what his fourth aunt said, Li Yutang felt relieved: "Look at you, let the servants do the work of serving tea and water next time!"

While talking, he suddenly found that his fourth aunt always glanced at Chongyang, and asked in surprise:

"This is Mr. Shen, the chief assistant of the Chinese police force. He is a big man who is on an equal footing with foreigners. Why, have you met Mr. Shen?"

Hearing his question, Yueru seemed to be stung by something, and hurriedly shook her head: "No, I haven't seen it, I've never seen it before!"

At this moment, she had the urge to run away, but she still had a little luck, hoping that Chongyang didn't come here for her, and don't talk about their past, after all, they have lived in peace for the past few years.

And Yueru also has a little doubt in her heart, isn't Chongyang just a small patrolman, and why is he always helping a big man.

Although Li Yutang felt that there must be something he didn't know about it, but the current occasion was obviously not suitable for asking his concubine to the bottom, to find out what was going on, just as he was about to let Yueru in, he saw Chongyang who had been silent before standing up , opened the mouth and said:

"Boss Li, my visit this time is indeed related to your fourth aunt. I think it's better to talk about some things!"

Li Yutang was a little dazed, he looked at Chongyang, then at his fourth concubine, with a look of suspicion on his face again.

At this moment, Chongyang's words finally shattered Yueru's last fantasy, her mind went blank for a moment, and when she regained consciousness, a voice filled her head: "It's over, everything is over!"

She shouted like crazy: "Chongyang, you bastard, you don't intend to let me go, do you, you just want me to die."

The sharp voice spread in the main room, and also alarmed the servants in the mansion. The other wives and aunts on the second floor quietly went out to check.

Smith also had a puzzled face: "What's the matter?"

Yueru rushed over at this time and wanted to scratch Chongyang's face, but Li Yutang grabbed him by the side: "Yueru, what's wrong with you, calm down!"

Yueru was pulled back and shouted loudly: "Come on, drive him out!"

She is the fourth concubine in the mansion, the youngest of Li Yutang's wives and concubines. She usually takes care of all the affairs of the mansion, so under this order, some of the servants of Li's mansion rolled their arms. Sleeves popped out.

The first one was Ah Si, the fourth brother of Deng who was pulling the cart. Behind him was a strong man over two meters tall. This strong man was holding a noodle bowl in his hand. :

"Master Li, whoever dares to make trouble with you, I will throw him out with one hand!"

Hua Twelve directly pulled out the pistol from his waist, raised it above his head, and shot upwards, instantly smashing a glazed lamp on the main room.

However, the effect of this shot was extremely obvious, and those servants stopped in their tracks, staring blankly at the situation in front of them.

Chong Yang shouted to the surroundings: "What are you doing? Want to attack the police, come up and try!"

The big man refused to accept it and said: "What kind of skill is using a gun, if you can put the gun down, I will hit you ten times!"

Chongyang took a look at the other person, he knew this person, he was Shaolin disciple Wang Fuming who sold stinky tofu for a living on Hong Kong Island, he was born with supernatural power, and he was good at Shaolin Kung Fu.

To be honest, there are not many people in this world who can compete with Hua Shier, and the big man in front of him can definitely be counted as one.

Hua Twelve gave him a cold look: "You can't use a gun, you can't put it down, but today I'm here to talk about things, you stand aside and don't make trouble, let's discuss another day!"

He is not bragging, Wang Fuming is good at martial arts, and his strength may not be much smaller than him, but his size is too large, which makes his speed too slow, his agility too low, and he has obvious flaws in his hands.

Smith also reacted at this time, quickly got up to smooth things over, and smiled at Wang Fuming first: "Do you know who this is, the owner of the No. Don't look at how big you are, you two are not enough for Master Shen to play around with!"

After Smith finished speaking, he turned to Li Yutang and said, "Yutang, let them go down quickly, we are visiting, let's talk about something!"

Li Yutang also came to his senses, and yelled at the servants: "What are you doing, I'm talking with the guests here, and whatever you are here for, come down!"

The servants were reprimanded by him, and quickly retreated, only Wang Fuming squatted a little far away with a big bowl, and said, "I'll just eat noodles here, so that these two people won't harm you, Mr. Li!"

He was not from the Li family, and Li Yutang couldn't force it. He was very grateful to Wang Fuming for worrying about him, so he nodded immediately.

Turning around and holding Yueru's hand, she felt that her fourth aunt was too stiff and trembling all over.

He couldn't help frowning and asked Chongyang, "Sir Shen, this is the first time we've met, I don't know you and Yueru"

Yueru collapsed, she cried and fell limp and hugged Li Yutang's leg: "No, don't ask him, master, I beg you, don't ask him, drive him out quickly."

Hua Twelve sighed at the right time, and said earnestly: "You can't hide this matter if you want to. Even if you don't care about my feelings, you can't keep Boss Li in the dark!"

What she said made Yueru want to kill him.

Under Li Yutang's increasingly suspicious eyes, Hua Shier pointed at Yueru: "This woman is my wife. She ran away from home a few years ago and never came back!"


There was an exclamation from the second floor, and everyone in the hall looked up, and saw Li Yutang's wives were all looking up.

Although Li Yutang was puzzled in his heart and didn't want to believe it, but seeing Yueru's expression before, he was afraid that this was the truth of the Qing Bacheng. There were so many people watching such a shameful thing, and there was no way to hang on his face. He said angrily: " Go back to the house, everyone!"

At this time, no one dared to touch his master's brows, and all the wives in the house flickered in an instant.

Not only did they dodge, but even Wang Fuming, who was squatting in the distance eating noodles just now, did not do anything.

Li Yutang turned to Hua Twelve. Although he believed it in his heart, he still asked tremblingly, "Sir Shen, is what you said just now true? You can't talk nonsense about such things!"

Smith asked doubts for his old friend: "Shen Sir, what is going on!"

Yueru was still holding Li Yutang's leg and crying, when she heard this, she looked at Chongyang with pleading eyes: "Don't say it, please don't say it!"

Hua Twelve glanced at her indifferently. Yesterday, this woman wanted to fool him into risking his life for his incumbent. Now, in order to get his daughter back, how could he show her any favors.

Immediately said: "Of course I won't talk nonsense about such things. This woman is the wife I am married to, and she has been with me for eight years. Later, I gambled and lost all my family property. She ran away from home because she thought it was a hard life with me!"

When he said this, he suddenly laughed and said: "By the way, we still use the Qing law for marriage in Hong Kong Island. According to the Qing law, if a wife is a fugitive with her husband behind her back, the stick will be [-], and the marriage will be sold by the husband."

"Whoever remarries because his wife has escaped will be hanged and wait in prison."

"Boss Li, according to the law, if you know about it, you will be punished with the same crime!"

When Hua Twelve said this, looking at the constantly changing expressions of the people on the opposite side, he felt that he was close to a folding fan with the words 'outlaw fanatic' written on it. If he opened it with a swipe, it would be really cool.

 Thanks: Brother 08a, Jianの心 for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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