A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 103 I Have a Perfect Plan

Chapter 103 I Have a Perfect Plan (For Genuine Subscription)

PS: Seek genuine subscription, seek follow-up.

Li Yutang let out an 'ah' and almost fell down. He looked at the fourth aunt who was holding his leg in surprise, and asked, "This, is this all true?"

But Yueru couldn't speak at this time, she just kept crying, crying into tears.

Upstairs and downstairs, there were many eavesdroppers, and at this moment, they all looked like they had eaten a lot of melons. The fourth concubine turned out to be running away from her husband!

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Don't worry, Boss Li, I believe you didn't know about this matter, and I didn't come here to pursue responsibility. Women, if you change your mind, you can't keep it. A twisted melon is not sweet." !"

Smith wiped the sweat off his forehead, and smoothed things over for his old friend again: "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, it would be great if Shen SIR could think so. People don't prosecute officials, so let's talk things out. Don't be lenient. , take care of yourself"

Hua Twelve glanced at him indifferently: "Your Madam Gui Geng?"

Smith couldn't speak for a moment, okay, you're asking my wife how old she is, it's hurting my feelings.

However, he also knew that there was nothing wrong with this kind of thing only if the person concerned said that he would not pursue it. If other people said this, they would feel like standing up and talking without back pain, so they quickly shut up with a smile.

Li Yutang is a big businessman, and the ups and downs of the business world have made him develop a character of calmness. Although his heart is like a stormy sea at this time, he still maintains his reason.

He heard Hua Twelve said that uncovering this incident was not for the purpose of pursuing responsibility, so he suppressed the resentment in his heart and asked doubtfully:
"Since Shen SIR didn't come here to pursue responsibility, then what is it for? Please tell me frankly!"

At this moment, Yueru seemed to come back to her senses, she sat on the ground and cried, "Don't say it, don't say it."

Hua Twelve sneered and said, "Is it still possible to hide the matter now!"

His mission is to bring his daughter back, and at this time, he will definitely not soften his heart just because the woman cries twice.

What's more, according to the modern thinking of Hua Twelve, it is reasonable for a husband to bet badly on his wife to leave, but you should not hide the fact that you are pregnant. After all, no matter in feudal society or modern society, as a child's father, you have the right to know .

What's even more exaggerated is that three years later, this child was used by you as a bargaining chip to blackmail your husband and make him take risks for your concubine.

This is not as simple as green tea, such a woman does not deserve his sympathy.

Immediately sneered, and said: "This woman went to my house yesterday and ordered me to protect you, Boss Li, on the [-]th day. I asked her why, and she said it was for our daughter!"

Li Yutang didn't understand it at first, but he realized it in an instant, his body swayed, and he almost fell down: "Which daughter are you talking about?"

"Yutang, calm down!" Seeing his old friend like this, Smith hurried forward to help his old friend, fearing that his body would be damaged by anger.

Hua Twelve also sighed, and when he was about to tell when Yueru ran away from home in his memory, he asked Li Yutang to check it himself to see if it matched his daughter's birthday.

As a result, Li Yutang seemed to be struck by lightning, and his whole body's energy and spirit declined instantly. He thought it was a premature birth, but now he knew everything. It was his most beloved little daughter, and he couldn't bear it.

Smith quickly helped him to a chair and sat down, Li Yutang looked at Yueru: "Tell me, is this all true?"

What else can Yueru say at this time, she just weeps and has no face to answer.

Hua Twelve didn't push people too much, he was seeking justice for Chongyang against Yueru, and his main purpose of coming to the Li family's mansion was to pick up his daughter, but he didn't think of making Li Yutang mad.

So he lit a cigarette, smoked it quietly, and when Li Yutang's face calmed down, he said:
"Boss Li, look at your expression, you don't need to ask what's going on. I came this time to pick up my daughter. Naturally, I have to take Chongyang's daughter with me, and I can't let her wander outside!"

Unexpectedly, before Yueru spoke this time, Li Yutang waved his hands excitedly and said:
"No, you can't take Nian Ci away!"

Hua Twelve's face immediately darkened because of the categorical words he said, he really thought he was easy to talk about.

Seeing that Hua Shishier was about to get angry, Smith quickly persuaded Li Yutang; "Yutang, calm down, if Nian Ci is really Shen Sir's daughter, you can't stop her father and daughter from recognizing each other. Get out of here!"

Li Yutang's eyes were a little red, and he said to Chongyang, "Sir Shen, this man's heart is full of flesh. For three years, I really treat Nianci like my own daughter."

As he spoke, he gestured to the baby's length: "From being so big to now being able to walk and jump, I can't bear to call me Daddy!"

Hearing his words in Yueru's ears, she seemed to be alive again, she crawled towards Li Yutang: "Master, I'm sorry for you"

Li Yutang looked at him with complicated eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Let's talk about our business later, okay?"

Seeing Li Yutang's expression and hearing the alienation in his words, Hua Shier knew that Yueru's fate would be to be kicked out of Li's house.

After all, Yueru and Shen Chongyang are legally husband and wife now, and it is considered a fraudulent marriage in the Li family.

It's fine if Li Yutang didn't know about it before, but if he knew about it and took in Yueru, he would be breaking the law. Besides, he is a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong, and he can't afford to lose this person.

Hua Shier saw that Li Yutang didn't want to understand at this time, and kicked out the mother of the child, so what's the point of keeping the child.

He directly tore through the layer of paper, and said, "Boss Li, is it still meaningful for you to keep the child now?"

Li Yutang's body shook again, and finally he leaned back on the chair slumped: "Yes, I am not Nian Ci's biological father after all!" He stared blankly at the front, what happened that day really hit him too hard up.

Hua Shier admires Li Yutang as a patriotic businessman, and the matter between Chongyang and Yueru has nothing to do with him. The other party is just a picker that Yueru finds.

So he directly gave a proposal that he had already thought about in advance: "Boss Li, I am very grateful to you for raising Nianci for three years. Look at this, I know you have encountered difficulties recently, and you are helping Mr. Sun's arrival in Hong Kong." Worry, return your daughter to me, and I will help you with Mr. Sun's matter!"

Li Yutang was startled, Smith was also a little surprised, turned around and reminded Hua Twelve: "Sir Shen, this matter must not be touched!"

Hua Twelve originally wanted to help secretly, but he was not as good as God. He beat Hou Sheng to death in advance, but Yan Xiaoguo still came to him, and brought Gong Baotian, the top boxer of the Eight Diagrams School who had an enmity with him, obviously The visitor is not good.

In addition, the gun he was about to sell to Yan Xiaoguo had problems, and the other party would definitely not be able to let it go after the fact. Hua Twelve thought about it carefully, then he might as well end up in person and take everything into his own hands. This is the most reassuring choice .

Seeing the shocked two people, Hua Twelve couldn't help but smile slightly: "Don't worry, I have a perfect plan for this matter. Not only can I keep Mr. Sun safe, but I can also satisfy the higher-ups!"

After he finished speaking, he said to Li Yutang: "The matter of Mr. Sun cannot be hidden from the eyes of our police. You and Mr. Ling have participated in this matter. If you preside over it, it will be very dangerous. No one can guarantee your safety. Let me control it, and your Li family doesn't need to take such risks!"

"I agree to this matter, even if I repay your kindness for raising Nianci for three years, I don't know what Boss Li wants?"

(End of this chapter)

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