A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 186 I want to slay the dragon!

Chapter 186 I want to slay the dragon! (Seek full order)
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Qianlong was going to hold the world's masters meeting. In the original plot, Fukang'an was ordered to hold this event, with the purpose of holding all the world's martial arts sects in the hands of the imperial court.

But now, Fukang'an had already died in Merchant Fort, so Qianlong planned to preside over the meeting of the masters of the world himself.

What the emperor personally did was of course the fart of the gods. This meeting of the masters of the world, no matter the scale or the status in the hearts of the warriors in the world, must far exceed the meeting in the original plot.

This time, not only was the ranking of the sects in the world to be judged, but Qianlong personally decreed that according to the ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches, 22 gold medals would be awarded by the emperor, and all the masters of the world would compete for them.

In fact, this point of thought was put on the bright side. In addition to controlling the martial arts, the imperial court also wanted to weaken the power of the Jianghu. The imperial gold medal thrown out was just a bait, in order to attract the heads of all walks of life to compete for it.

It is inevitable that warriors will suffer casualties in their fights, so they are merciful, but as long as the winner is determined, enmity is inevitable. In the future, there will be swords, swords and bloody winds in the rivers and lakes. In this way, martial arts people can kill each other and reduce resistance The power of the imperial court.

However, although the imperial court's intentions are obvious, people die for money, birds die for food, there are imperial gold medals and sect rankings, and whoever is the head of the world can see through fame and fortune and not participate in it.

As time approached August, Hua Twelve, the deputy head of the inner guards, finally got busy.

During this period, there was nothing to do with Hua Twelve. Qianlong ordered Heshen to prepare for the meeting of the masters of the world, and ordered Debu, the head of the imperial guards, to be responsible for receiving the heads of the various masters who came to Beijing to participate in the meeting of the masters.

However, a secret report was received at the sticky pole, that Chen Jialuo, the chief rudder of the Red Flower Society, led the heroes of the Red Flower Society to go northward, and now they have arrived in the capital, which immediately touched Qianlong's nerves.

Although Qianlong and Chen Jialuo were brothers, but six years ago, the Honghua Society trapped him in the Six Harmonies Pagoda and was forced to form an alliance under the city.

What's more, although Qianlong was forced to recognize his identity as a Han Chinese and promised to gradually restore the Han people, but six years later, he did nothing, and the Qing Dynasty was still dominated by the Manchus.

So when Qianlong heard that Chen Jialuo, the third younger brother, was going to Beijing, he immediately thought that the other party came to settle accounts with him because of his failure to keep the covenant, so he immediately sent Debu and Ouchi eighteen masters to look for Hong The traces of the Flower Fair, wanting to wipe them all out.

Deb went to hunt down the Red Flower Society, so the task of receiving the various leaders naturally fell on him, the deputy head of the imperial guards.

These days, Tianhua Twelve received the heads of dozens of sects from all over the world, arranged accommodation for them, and was responsible for coordinating all their affairs in the capital.

In fact, arranging board and lodging is still secondary, mainly because the various factions inevitably have mutual hatred. The main task of Hua Twelve is to ensure that these people do not fight before the meeting of the masters, so as not to disturb the law and order of the capital.

Therefore, according to the information provided by the sticky stick, Hua Shier separated the sects with hatred and settled them separately, and at the same time established a rule that no sect could make a big move in the capital, otherwise they would be treated as rebels.

In addition, Hua Shier felt that he couldn't be busy in vain. When receiving various heads, he revealed to the other party that he was a brother of the Zhongtang clan, overtly and secretly, and shamelessly hinted that the other party would give him gifts.

Ordinary sects know that Hua Shier is the deputy head of the imperial guards, or a brother of He Shende, so they are naturally rushing to curry favor, sending money and goods, so that this guy can make a lot of money.

Of course, those who fawn on will be ignored. For example, the head of Shaolin Master Dazhi and his party, and the head of Wudang Wu Qingzi and his party are very unimpressed with Hua Shier, a member of the Zhongtang clan.

Hua Twelve didn't say anything, he still smiled at the two factions, and then directly asked people to arrange the residences of the Shaolin and Wudang factions in Hanjiatan Hutong near the Dashilan area outside the front door.

This place is very famous in later generations. Together with the other seven alleys, there is also a separate name, which is the Eight Great Alleys.

On the first night when the Shaolin and Wudang factions came to live here temporarily, they were all dazed. They saw the lights on the left side of the alley, and rows of female benefactors waved their handkerchiefs, calling out to passers-by: "Master, come in and play!"

On the right side of the alley, there was a row of men with male and female faces, who also greeted: "Master, we have a husband here, so we can row a boat!"

This is not a big deal, the main reason is that the courtyard where Shaolin Wudang lives, the southeast and northwest are Jinmei Building, Manchun Courtyard, Jinfeng Building, and Yanchun Building, which are completely surrounded by red dust.

The most unbearable thing is that martial arts practitioners have sharp eyes and ears, and those who have basic internal skills have excellent hearing. At night, they hear all kinds of unbearable sounds, which are continuously transmitted to the ears of the two factions of masters, making them unable to help but fantasize.

That night, when Buddhism and Taoism were having evening classes, they read several passages of the scriptures incorrectly.

The next day, people from Shaolin and Wudang factions came to negotiate with Hua Shier, and they wanted to change their place of residence, or they could go out and stay in a hotel by themselves, and they couldn't stay in Hanjiatan for a day.

Hua Twelve lost his smile at that time, and his face darkened: "You dare to change the residence arranged by the court at will. You two factions are relying on their huge power and don't take the court seriously. When are you planning to raise troops?"

In a word, the eminent Shaolin monks and Wudang Taoist priests who came to negotiate were in cold sweat and dared not speak.

Hua Twelve sneered: "Don't dare, then just wait and see. If I let the official know that you disobeyed the court's arrangement and left without permission, I will punish you for conspiracy!"

At this time, Liu Jingtong, the head of the Nanhai Sword Sect, walked over and said with a smile:

"Yesterday, I heard someone say that you, deputy chief, love martial arts. When you were traveling in the rivers and lakes in the next year, you accidentally got a copy of the secret book of the drunken eight immortals. Because you don't have martial arts in your school, you can't use it if you keep it, so I gave it to the deputy chief. , it should be a little wish from our South Sea Sword Sect!"

Hua Twelve accepted it with a smile: "Sect Leader Liu is very polite, if you need help from a lower official, please tell me directly!"

Liu Jingtong quickly said: "When the residence was assigned yesterday, there was a vegetable market next to it, it was too noisy, you see."

Hua Twelve quickly said: "Oh, it's our negligence in the arrangement. In this way, there is still an empty courtyard in the former Shangshu Mansion in Xicheng, which is quiet and elegant. Now, I will let someone take Mr. Liu to live there temporarily!"

Liu Jingtong was full of smiles and thanked again and again. The people in Shaolin and Wudang were all black-haired, and they gritted their teeth and said:
"Master Vice President, our two factions also have presents, and I'll send them to you later!"

On the same day, Hua Shier received two boxing books from other schools from Shaolin and Wudang. Although both of them were general martial arts from Shaolin and Wudang, he was greedy for other people's things, because he wanted to save face!

Hua Twelve collected the things and told his subordinates to change places for the two factions to live. Don't pick up the pies, give them some good things, and then change places for them to live.

But I don’t want the two factions to bear it. As long as it’s not in Yanhualiu Lane, I can live anywhere else.

During the period when Hua Twelve was receiving the heads of various sects, he was looking forward to the arrival of Tian Guinong, the head of the Northern Sect of Tianlongmen. He wanted to come to this meeting, no matter what, he had to treat this old friend well.

It's a pity that Tian Guinong, the head of the sect, seemed to have given up on the meeting of the heads, or knew of Hua Shier's plans in advance, and never appeared.

August [-]th, night.

In Hefu, the side courtyard where Hua Shier and his party lived, above the flower hall, was brightly lit.

Hua Shier took the first seat, Cheng Huaixiu, Ma Chunhua, Jiang Tuo and Xu Lingtai sat on both sides.

Jiang Tuo opened his mouth and said: "The Tiandihui group have been in the capital for many days, we have been leaving them alone, and now the martial arts in the capital say that you are afraid of Chen Jialuo!"

"Everyone? Hehe, do they know who I am?"

Hua Twelve thought that his identity was well concealed, and now he was active in two lines, the He Mansion and the palace every day. After almost a month, no one but his own knew that he was the one who kidnapped the second son of the Chen family in Yangzhou Mansion that day. Where is Jiangyang Bandit!

"You don't have to think about it, you know that the Tiandihui people released the news on purpose. The purpose should be to stimulate me to show up. Hehe, what a red flower society. I have already sent the news. We will meet in the capital on August [-]th. Why can't you wait for these days!"

He pondered for a while, and said to Jiang Tuo: "Send a smart brother to pass a note to the Red Flower Society, tell Chen Jialuo and them that they want his second brother to live, and at noon tomorrow, see you at Baiyun Temple!"

Jiang Tuo nodded in response, Cheng Huaixiu frowned and asked, "Master, tomorrow Mid-Autumn Festival, don't you want to accompany the king to drive to Tuancheng Martial Arts Field?"

The corner of Hua Twelve's mouth twitched: "It's because I have something to do that I temporarily dismiss them!"

He changed the subject and asked Xu Lingtai first, "Mr. Xu, what happened to the things I asked you to get?"

Xu Lingtai nodded and said: "With the financial support of the Yancao gang, everything is not a problem. I have already prepared the medicines you asked me to prepare, and I can take them at any time. I have also tried the efficacy of the medicines. There is no difference in the scriptures!"

Hua Twelve nodded in satisfaction, turned to Jiang Tuo and Cheng Huaixiu and asked:

"How about the things I explained before? How many people have you arranged to come to the capital?"

Jiang Tuo first said: "Gyeonggi is an important place, no more than other places. If too many people are transferred, I am afraid that the court will notice it immediately. I only selected three thousand disciples of the Cao Gang, and they will come to Beijing one after another with the autumn cargo ships. They are all according to the requirements of the master, and they are all brothers who are alone and have nothing to worry about."

Cheng Huaixiu followed suit and said, "My Salt Gang also selected three thousand brothers to follow dozens of caravans from all over the south of the Yangtze River to the capital in the name of guards. Now they are hiding in various salt gang industries in the capital!"

Hua Twelve nodded. There were 10 people in the capital, and 6000 people came in, and they all had their own origins. The imperial court should not have a big problem.

Jiang Tuo asked worriedly:
"Master, you asked our Yancao Gang to send so many people to Beijing, is it just to deal with the Red Flower Society? If there is a big fight in the capital, I'm afraid of the court."

Hua Twelve waved his hand, stopped Jiang Tuo's words, and told Ma Chunhua, "Chunhua go out and watch, don't let anyone get close, what I'm going to say next is very important!"


Without saying a word, Ma Chunhua walked out of the flower hall with her Longquan sword in hand, flew up to the room, and monitored all the movements around her.

Hua Twelve said to the people in the hall with a half-smile:

"I didn't tell you before because I was afraid that you would be burdened. Tomorrow is August [-]th. I can tell you some things. This time I transferred people to Beijing and made so many preparations. I didn't want to deal with the Red Flower Society. , but I want to kill the dragon in the palace on the Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow!"

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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