A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 187 The World's Heads Conference!

Chapter 187 The World's Heads Conference! (Seek full order)

August [-]th, Mid-Autumn Festival, noon.

The meeting of the masters of the world was held, and the imperial court hosted a banquet at the Martial Arts Field in Tuancheng to entertain the masters of the world to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together.

Tuancheng Martial Arts Field, located at the southern foot of Xiangshan Mountain, is the place for Emperor Qianlong to parade his troops, and it is also the place for the Jianrui Camp to perform martial arts. It has a unique layout and magnificent buildings.

In the real world, the place where the gold medal was competed in the movie "The Lion King" and the Tuancheng where Ye Gucheng first appeared in the movie "Battle on the Forbidden Top" were all filmed in the Tuancheng Martial Arts Field .

Today, the Martial Arts Field in Tuancheng was guarded by thousands of Jianrui battalion soldiers. The heads of various martial arts sects were waiting in Tuancheng anxiously, fearing that the imperial court would use the army to encircle and suppress them.

Inside Tuancheng, around the inner wall of the city wall, there are hundreds of round tables. On the left side are the heads of various martial arts sects, such as Shaolin, Wudang, Kongtong, Kunlun, Sancai Sword, Baguamen, Taijimen, Liuhemen, etc. Foot turn Ziquan, in short, south fist and north leg, more than 100 sect leaders are all sitting, and on the right side are three hundred officers and soldiers of the Shanpu battalion participating in the martial arts performance.

He Shen, Ji Xiaolan, Liu Yong, and other officials of various ranks sat on the tower.

When Emperor Qianlong appeared on the tower, thousands of officers and soldiers of the Jianrui battalion and three hundred officers and soldiers of the Shanpu battalion all knelt down on the ground at the same time, shouting: "Long live, long live, long live!"

Frightened by the morale of the Manchus, the leaders of the various factions fell to their knees and shouted long live.

Under the guard of Hua Shier and Fu Erkang, Qianlong walked to the position of the dragon chair on the tower and stood still, then turned to the people in the city, and said loudly, "Be flat!"

"Thank you!"

All the officials and soldiers got up one after another, and all the masters of the rivers and lakes followed suit, Xie En stood up.

Qianlong was condescending, and said with a smile: "Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the whole world celebrates it. I will celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with you. You don't have to be restrained. Let's have a banquet!"

After Qianlong finished talking, he sat on the dragon chair. Naturally, eunuchs and maids set up tables and brought dishes, fruit plates, snacks, and fragrant tea for him to taste.

He Shen leaned over and said with a smile: "Long live, the soldiers of Shanpu Battalion have been looking forward to it, why don't they start performing martial arts, firstly to add to the fun, and secondly, let these people in the rivers and lakes look at the athletes in our army!"

Qianlong nodded: "Quite!"

He Shen immediately waved his hands to Shanpu Ying, and the latter immediately got up and ran down the tower to cheer.

The next moment, the three hundred officers and soldiers of the Shanpu Battalion immediately lined up and walked to the arena, all of them clasped their fists towards the heads of the various factions, and said loudly: "Everyone from the Jianghu, please give me your advice!"

After he finished speaking, he gave an order, and three hundred officers and soldiers of the Shanpu Battalion began to practice at the same time. The first was the routine drill, which was the kung fu of Buku and Mongolian wrestling.

There are only 300 people in the Shanpu Camp. When Kangxi captured Oboi, he found a group of young people who practiced Buku and wrestling. After the event was completed, the team formed by these people has been passed down to this day.

Shanpuying is usually responsible for cooperating with the imperial bodyguards to follow the holy car, and also undertakes performance tasks similar to today's.

The masters of martial arts all nodded their heads when they saw that the 300 people in Shanpuying were able to move in a uniform and imposing manner, but they didn't pay much attention to how exquisite the rehearsal was.

After the group performance, there was duel practice. Three hundred officers and soldiers caught each other two by two, tore and wrestled each other, caught, pulled, pulled, pushed, pressed, and all kinds of vicious grasping and beating were used one after another. , although these masters of the rivers and lakes still had some disapproval, they still applauded, which can be regarded as giving the court some face.

After the performance, Qianlong praised Shan Puying a few words, Ziyou Heshen passed on the emperor's praise loudly, and three hundred officers and soldiers threw themselves to the ground excitedly, thanking Shengen.

Then Qianlong picked up the wine glass again, and had a drink with the heads of various martial arts sects in a respectful distance.

Among the martial arts sects, except for the heads of a few sects, the heads of hundreds of other sects were so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

Hua Twelve sighed in his heart, he was thinking about how to deal with the leaders of these factions in his plan, now it seems, hehe.

After Qianlong toasted, he waved his hand to indicate that He Shen could start the next thing.

He Shen nodded in understanding, then stood on the top of the wall, and said loudly: "There is a saying that the big guys may not like to hear when I say it, but I still want to say it, that is, since ancient times, the use of martial arts has been banned!"

Sure enough, what He Shen said was not bad. When he said this, the faces of the heads of the sects below all changed.

He Shen pressed his hands together, and said with a smile: "Don't be impatient, let me finish my sentence. Some people learn martial arts first, such as Shaolin Wudang sects, spreading kindness and enlightening one side. This is immeasurable merit. !"

Zen Master Shaolin Dazhi and Wu Qingzi, head of Wudang, stood up and stood up, each chanted the Buddha's name and the Taoist name, and then sat back down again.

He Shen also clasped his hands together to return the gift, and then said: "It's also like the master of the Sancai Sword, the hero Tang Pei known as 'Ganlinhui Qisheng', he is also a model of helping the poor and helping the poor, and his reputation spread far and wide! "

Tang Pei, who was named by Heshen, got up quickly, cupped his hands towards Heshen, and responded with a smile: "Your Excellency has praised you absurdly, this is all a matter of duty!"

After speaking, he bowed his hands to the surroundings with a smile on his face, and immediately greeted the applause of all the people in the world.

If you don't know, I'm afraid you really think this guy is a good guy. Unfortunately, Hua Shier, who has read the original book, knows that this guy is a typical human face and animal heart.

Yuan Ziyi's green tea mother was first defiled by Feng Tiannan, and then ran from Foshan to Jiangxi to be taken in by Tang Pei, and was defiled again, so she felt ashamed and hanged herself. In the plot, Feng Tiannan and Tang Pei got along pretty well after they met, talking and laughing, they were like dogs of a feather.

Qianlong on the throne nodded: "This Tang Pei is not bad!"

Hua Shishixin said that this is blindness, no wonder he was able to indulge Heshen for so many years, it is really wrong to co-author the emperor to see people.

After He Shen waited for Tang Pei to sit down, he continued:
"Everything has a good side and a bad side. There are good people and there are bad people. Last year, the flower picker Feng Ziqi, who committed crimes in the eight southern provinces continuously, was born in the Yanzi family. There are also many strong people who know martial arts every year. The cases you have committed are all representative of practicing martial arts for evil!"

"That's why the imperial court feels that martial arts worlds can no longer be scattered like in the past. They need to compile statistics and standardize management. In the future, the names, places of origin, backgrounds, and kung fu learned by each sect of disciples will be recorded in the yamen!"

"If someone uses martial arts to commit a crime again, we can determine the murderer's sect according to the martial arts moves he used, lock his true identity, and arrest the murderer. The murderer's sect is also obliged to help the Yamen arrest him, otherwise he will be jointly and severally liable!"

When He Shen said this, the faces of the heads below suddenly turned bad, so that the world's martial arts can be completely controlled by the imperial court.

Hua Twelve nodded in his heart, thinking that this is a good management method.

He Shen smiled, and continued: "According to the above, it can not only purify the rivers and lakes, but also benefit the martial arts world!"

Hearing this, many decent sects, such as the heads of Shaolin and Wudang, became thoughtful and felt that there was some truth.

He Shen continued: "We hold this master meeting is a great event for martial arts in the world. There are two main purposes. What I just said is just one. The second is that it is the Mid-Autumn Festival. With the grace of Long Live God, according to the heavenly stems Earthly Branches, bestow 22 gold medals!"

"From now on, the sects of Jianghu will be ranked according to this, with the heavenly stem 'Jia' at the head and 'Gui' at the end, and the ten sects that won the heavenly stem gold medal will be the 'Heavenly Stem Top Ten'!"

"The earthly branch's 'zi' is the first and 'hai' is the last, and the twelve gates of the earthly branch gold medal are the 'earthly branch's lower twelve gates'!"

"In this way, the 22 sects are hand-picked for Long Live, and the rest of the sects are not popular!"

Following He Shen's words, there was an uproar in the room below. Since ancient times, Wuwu has no second place. Although those small schools are not as good as Shaolin and Wudang, no one wants to be in the top. Compete for the places of these 22 sects.

Those sects with strong strength want to compete for the "top ten sects of the sky", while those with average strength set their goals on the "twelve sects under the earthly branches". There are more than 100 sect leaders, and no one wants their sect to become inferior .

Zen Master Shaolin Dazhi and Wudang Wuqingzi couldn't help but glance at each other, they both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes, they already guessed that this was the imperial court's killing move against Jianghu martial arts, it was a conspiracy, but unfortunately they were powerless to stop it.

But at this moment, the sound of firecrackers and fireworks for folk festivals was suddenly heard in the distance, and then along the northwest wind in autumn, a burst of smoke came from the northwest, mixed with the smell of gunpowder after the firecrackers and fireworks exploded .

Hua Twelve is now the deputy head of the imperial guards, and before the imperial driver could carry a knife, he felt a little excited when he saw the wafting smoke, knowing that it was time to do something, he slowly put his hand on the cold moon sword above the hilt.

(End of this chapter)

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