A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 200 Palace Change

Chapter 200 Palace Change
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Hua Shier recruited Liu Yong to surrender, but as soon as the words fell, the other party spat out sticky phlegm, and he dodged to avoid it.

Liu Yong saw that he was helpless, so he turned his head and cursed at He Shen: "He Shen, you wolf-hearted thing, how did Long Live God treat you, and you turned out to be the first to betray!"

Heshen was also suffering. He caught up with you, Mr. Liu, who hadn't taken the 'Three Corpse Brain Pill', so he could only hold on and say: "Mr. Liu, those who know current affairs are outstanding!"

Liu Yong continued to scold: "You ungrateful bastard!"

He always had this attitude, and He Shen was not happy anymore, and immediately countered:

"Liu Yong, I admit that I am a villain, but don't forget that you are a Han. You are loyal to the Qing Dynasty, but you have betrayed your nation, your blood, you can even the nation, blood, and ancestors. Sentenced, what right do you have to scold me!"

Liu Yong was speechless for a while, then sighed, and his whole body also became tired. He smiled bitterly and said:
"The salary of eating the king, the matter of being loyal to the king, in short, it is impossible for you to want me to betray the master!"

Hua Shier originally thought that Liu Yong was a well-known good official in the history of the Qing Dynasty, so he wanted to take it for his own use, but he didn't expect him to be so loyal to the Qing Dynasty, so he cursed angrily:

"Bullshit eats the king's salary, you Manchu officials eat the people's fat and people's ointment from the people of my Han family. Are you used to treating people as grandchildren? Don't you even recognize your ancestors?"

Liu Yong did not refute, but said: "My Liu family has been an official in the court for four generations, and now I only want to serve the former Lord underground!"

What he said made the other two in the tower, one gritted his teeth with hatred, and the other flushed with embarrassment.

Hua Shishiyi waved his hand: "This person is useless, he has no sense of nationality, no matter how good his ability is, it is useless, kill him!"

He Shen blushed and didn't say much, and called someone to come in and drag Liu Yong out and chop him up, and the latter would also be labeled as a member of the rebellion who took refuge in the kings!
Hua Twelve Chaos He Shen asked: "Is it necessary for Ji Xiaolan to ask?"

He Shen smiled wryly: "Let's ask, Ji Dayan is good at flexibility, and won't be as rigid as this hunchback!"

Sure enough, as He Shen said, Ji Xiaolan agreed without much effort.

Hua Shishi asked curiously: "You and Liu Yong are both well-known people in the government and the public (in the plot), why would he refuse to join me even after death, why is Mr. Ji so talkative?"

Ji Xiaolan said 'hi': "We are different. Liu Yong only wrote a few bad poems. His main identity is an official. I am different. I regard myself as a writer, writing notes, compiling books and so on, you see Let's see which writer has a bottom line!"

He Shen on the side was stunned for a while: "Hey, I have increased my knowledge!"

Hua Shier took out a 'Three Corpse Brain Pill' to let He Shen explain the efficacy of the medicine, and handed it to Ji Xiaolan at the same time.

Ji Xiaolan hesitated for a moment and ate it happily. According to him, if you don’t eat it, you will die immediately. As long as you eat it honestly, you still have hope of living.

Hua Twelve asked all the civil and military officials who accompanied the king this time, and what made him chilling was that most of the Tartar officials had surrendered. They were all used to eating, drinking, and having fun. As long as they could save their lives, they would do whatever they wanted. However, only a small half of the Han officials surrendered, and most of the officials were loyal to the Qing court, and the rest were still cursing like Liu Yong.

Hua Twelfth was also in a hurry. Are you used to being a dog? Only one person who refused to surrender immediately was left, and the rest were chopped off.

First, give each of the defectors a pill of the Three Corpse Brain Pill that he made in the last month, and finally take another pill, strip the medicine coat, and give the mud pill containing corpse insects to the people in front of everyone. Unwilling to surrender, he fed it down, causing it to explode on the spot.

Use the tragic present to let those officials who have eaten the Three Corpse Brain Pill know what the consequences will be if they betray.

He Shen smiled wryly and said: "Everyone, I have also eaten this kind of elixir from the master, now you know why, hurry up, as long as you are loyal to the master, I guarantee that you will be fine!"

The others were greedy for life and afraid of death, and they were frightened to death when they saw the tragic effect of the medicine. They nodded repeatedly when they heard this, including Ji Xiaolan, they all knelt down to Hua Twelve and said long live.

Apparently they all heard Hua Shier's previous plan, and saw Qianlong's one not staying, so they could only choose to be blind, and even changed their names.

Ji Xiaolan just surrendered and was about to make meritorious deeds. She changed her title and suggested:

"Long Live Lord, the most important thing now is not to arrest people, but to let Mr. He and us protect you into the palace. We must take down the commanders of the forward, guard, and Xiaoqi battalions as soon as possible, and take control of the military power in the palace. Then clear the inner palace!"

"As for the civil and military officials, they can be caught in one catch the next day when Yumen is in charge of the government. This will save the adults from arresting people from house to house. That would have too much impact and easily lead to other troubles!"

Hua Twelfth suddenly felt reasonable when he heard that, let's see... what is a talent, you are a talent. Although the character is not good, the strategy proposed by him is more thoughtful than he thinks.

All the eunuchs and guards who came with Qianlong were slaughtered, and the corpses above and below the city, left and right in the city, were all piled up in a pile in the middle of the martial arts field in Tuancheng.

Hua Twelve's original plan was to burn it directly, but Ji Xiaolan stopped it, saying that Yongqi joined forces with the kings to rebel. It will increase the authenticity of the attack on the holy car.

He Shen and Ji Xiaolan asked Hua Twelve to get on the imperial chariot, and then escorted them from left to right.

The members of the Red Flower Society, Cheng Huaixiu, Jiang Tuo, Ma Chunhua, and others also asked for the guards and eunuchs to wear them on their bodies, and they wanted to protect Hua Twelve and enter the palace together.

With Heshen and Ji Xiaolan as guardians, and many court officials accompanying him, who would dare to question that Qianlong is not sitting on the imperial chariot?
The imperial chariot didn't stop when it entered the Forbidden City. The guards and defenders guarding the imperial city all knelt down on both sides of the imperial road to welcome the holy chariot.

After He Shen entered the palace, he sent Hua Shier and others into the Qianqing Palace, and the latter showed his true face only after entering the Qianqing Palace.

Then He Shen directly passed the "emperor" command to take down the commanders of the three battalions of Qianfeng, Hujun, and Xiaoqi, and then the relatives of the He family in the three battalions took over the command position, which almost instantly brought the power of the three battalions into his hands. inside.

Heshen was also the head of the House of Internal Affairs, so it was very convenient for him to do things in the palace. After he secured the military power, he arrested all the guards, eunuchs, and court ladies who had been serving Qianlong and killed them with sticks.

Then, in Xuanhuiyuan, Etiquette Supervision, this kind of remote department in the palace, a few eunuchs who have never seen the emperor in their life were dispatched to serve Hua Twelve, and they found two more who entered the palace last year. The maid of honor came to serve.

Of course, the so-called waiters are just to deceive people and put on a show. Hua Twelve is not used to the corrupt life of being treated like an emperor, eating, drinking, and messing around without having to do it himself.

Eliminate these small hidden dangers, and then martial law began in the palace, and Heshen passed on Hua Twelve, the "emperor", from now on, no one is allowed to leave the palace except those who hold the imperial decree.

At the same time, all the guards in the palace were arrested by Qianfeng Battalion and detained on the spot.

All elder brothers are not allowed to leave the elder brother's place for half a step, including the queen Fucha and all concubines are not allowed to leave the palace where they live.

Next, in the evening, Ji Xiaolan imitated Qianlong's handwriting vividly, taking advantage of the city gate being closed at night, and wanted to capture the kings that night.

A vigorous change unfolded overnight with the momentum of thunder.

 Thanks: 08a, Ultimate Emperor Xia lhx brothers for their rewards, thanks for the support of a pack of 200 yuan brothers, thanks for the brothers who voted for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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