A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 201 You're done, take control of the Qing Dynasty!

Chapter 201 You're done, take control of the Qing Dynasty! (Seek full order)

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Sometimes the destructive power of enemy traitors is incomparably huge, especially the enemy traitors who sincerely surrendered.

Because only they know the weakness of their original camp, and because they understand it, they can destroy it like Dugu Nine Swords, pointing at the flaws and becoming more powerful.

This is what Hua Twelve is going through now. As the promoter of a change, he feels that since he entered the palace, he doesn't have to worry about everything.

With Heshen and Ji Xiaolan, two traitors from the Qing court, there are no small details. These two former opponents joined forces to unleash all their talents and abilities and make the greatest contribution to the great cause of overthrowing the Qing court.

Both of them have recognized the reality. When things come to this point, they will survive if they succeed, and they will perish if they fail. Only by going all out to help Hua Twelve succeed, can they and the family behind them have the hope of surviving.

So from clearing the inner palace to arresting the kings, Hua Twelve became a spectator, watching these two like thunderbolts, and settled everything.

Before He Shen even went to capture the kings, he took his cronies to Shoukang Palace and killed the Empress Dowager Chongqing, who was the prototype of Zhen Huan.

Turning around, she ran to the Qianqing Palace, and cried in a fake manner: "Your Majesty, the Holy Mother and the Empress Dowager were killed by the rebels who sneaked into the inner strength!"

All the people in the Red Flower Club around Huashi were stupefied, as if we were rebels and we hadn't done anything.

Ji Xiaolan gave a thumbs up to Chao Heshen in admiration after being shocked, you are a ruthless person!
Then he turned around and explained to everyone in a low voice:

"Concubines from the queen down in the palace, and even the prince and elder brother, must obey the holy order. Only the queen mother is the birth mother of Qianlong. Therefore, even if the emperor orders martial law in the palace, the queen mother and even the people who serve around her cannot be restrained. The palace maid and eunuch, so she is the biggest threat we expose, and my lord is eliminating the threat in advance!"

He Shen's eyes widened, showing grief and grief: "Don't talk nonsense, it was the rebels who did it!"

Ji Xiaolan nodded again and again: "That's right, it was the rebels, the rebels did it!"

After finishing speaking, he whispered: "Anyway, we are all rebels now!"

He Shen pointed at him: "You, Ji Xiaolan, you, why do you have the heart to mess around with you now!"

Ji Xiaolan turned around and suddenly bowed to Hua Twelve and said: "Long Live Lord, weeds must be eradicated. Since the queen mother has been reconciled, um, killed by the rebels, I think the queen and a few favorite concubines are there."

Hua Twelve had a headache, He Shen was ruthless, Ji Xiaolan was even more ruthless, and even wanted to kill Qianlong's concubines.

The reason why he felt a headache was because it was difficult to decide whether to kill the Empress Qianlong or not. You must know that there were many women in Qianlong, so it was not a matter of killing two or three people. Did not become a hero.

Although he got the system, he was just an ordinary person before. If you want him to kill people who are not criminals, no matter how many times he is not soft-hearted, he has been walking in the rivers and lakes for several years, and he has personally killed more than a hundred villains. It's also eighty, so there is no burden on my mind, just get used to it.

But let him kill those women in the harem who never leave the palace because they married the wrong husband, he really can't do it.

Ji Xiaolan was exquisite, and when he saw Hua Shier frowning, he almost guessed his mind. He had seen the cruel side of the other party in the Tuancheng school, and now he also saw the other side of the other party who was soft and soft.

He and He Shen looked at each other, and instead of being disappointed by Hua Twelve's performance, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

If the other party nodded without hesitation and agreed to ask Ji Xiaolan to kill those harem concubines, then after Hua Twelve used them up, he could cross the river and tear down the bridges and kill them at will.

It is precisely because of the immediate hesitation that it proves that the new master is a person who should be ruthless at times, but has a bottom line in his heart and a benevolent heart.

In this way, they can confidently and boldly follow each other to do things, so that they can have expectations for their future.

The master chooses good ministers, so why don't good ministers choose wise masters!
Although neither He Shen nor Ji Xiaolan had a choice, this did not prevent the latter, known as 'the most intelligent man in the world' in this world, from a little temptation to his master.

Ji Xiaolan suddenly ouched: "Long live, I was confused just now. A group of women in the harem can make any noise. As long as the people around them are sent away, there will be no troubles in the palace. Confine the cold palace and let them fend for themselves!"

Hua Twelve also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but it was different from the battle between heaven and man in his heart, so he nodded immediately and said: "Okay, I will leave it to you and Sir He!"

Everyone spent the night in the palace. The Huashi family stayed in the Qianqing Palace. The members of the Honghua Society and Jiang Tuo were arranged to live in the Kunning Palace behind the Qianqing Palace. It used to be the residence of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Yongzheng. When Qianlong arrived, he no longer lived there, so it was very convenient for everyone to live in the past.

Early the next morning, He Shen and Ji Xiao, who hadn't slept all night, came to report the results of last night.

Last night, Heshen took Ji Xiaolan's forged imperial decree, first took down the clan mansion, and then took several grandparents in Beijing, as well as other princes, county kings, Baylor, Beizi, as long as they belonged to the clan, even their family members, even The family members, servants, maidservants, etc. in the mansion were not spared. They were captured overnight and put into the clan mansion to be imprisoned and guarded by the disciples of the Yancao gang.

The captured people filled the cells of the clan mansion overnight.

That is to say, Hua Twelfth arranged for the disciples of the six thousand Yancao gangs to enter Beijing in advance. Yesterday, the two gangs of disciples cooperated with Heshen, otherwise Heshen would be too busy to survive with the little troops on hand.

In addition, the nine admirals, the banner owners of the Eight Banners except He Shen, and the chief and deputy commanders of several battalions were all taken down by He Shen and Ji Xiaolan together.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the power of the brand name "Hezhongtang". Before Heshen made a move against the clan, he asked the housekeeper Liu Quan to take his name card and invite the leading generals of several battalions to the Zuijin Tower for a banquet.

When the time comes, one of the generals leading the troops counts as one, and none of them will not come.

These generals are all in the banner, and He Zhongtang must give face. Each of them came with a small number of soldiers and gifts, but they were directly taken down by the five hundred Yancao disciples who had prepared in advance.

After Hua Twelve finished listening, he nodded in satisfaction, and asked with a smile: "So Mr. He has now controlled the military power of the entire capital?"

He Shen nodded obsequiously at first, then suddenly thought of something, broke out in cold sweat immediately, and explained:

"It's also a matter of urgency. After the slaves and those generals, I will first take the imperial decree written by Mr. Ji and let the relatives who are related to the family take the temporary command. When the big event is completed, the dust will fall. After the decision is made, it will be up to you, master, to decide on the commander-in-chief!"

When Hua Shier saw He Shen's sincere and fearful look, he was surprised at first, and then realized that this guy was thinking too much, so he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile:

"You just love to think about things. You did a good job this time. After today's work is over, I'll give you this year's antidote first!"

He Shen was overjoyed, and knelt down to thank him again and again. His flattery to Qianlong was deeply rooted in his bone marrow, and he couldn't change it. However, Hua Twelve felt that it was a good feeling for a Tartar official to be so flattering and careful.

This morning, the people inside and outside the capital discovered a strange thing. The city gates that should have been opened in the past were not closed today. Combined with the shouts of killing heard in some places last night, the people were all panicked and guessed that it might be possible. Something big happened.

At the time of Chen, it was finally time for the imperial gate to listen to the government. Many civil and military ministers, all wearing official uniforms, waited at the Qianqing gate, waiting for Qianlong to come, accept worship from all officials, and deal with political affairs.

In the end, He Zhongtang brought the soldiers from the Vanguard Battalion over and wiped out all the officials in the court.

Among these people were ministers of military affairs, who were not inferior to He Shen, and they all yelled and shouted, clamoring to see the emperor, but the soldiers who captured them drew their knives and killed them on the spot, and no one dared to speak anymore.

After taking down these people, He Shen went to arrest other officials from the Six Departments and other yamen. According to the records in the palace, those who had been summoned by Qianlong or who had seen Qianlong in person in the past 20 years were all within the scope of arrest. .

As the news came up one after another, Hua Twelve slowly felt at ease, and at the same time began to calculate whether the three corpse brain pills he had newly created were enough.

On this day, the capital was violently stormy, and the situation changed suddenly, but these were aimed at the upper-level officials. For those small officials and common people, they could only feel the oppressive atmosphere, but they did not bear the cold of the wind and rain.

After this day, Hua Twelve's original idea was realized like a dream under the joint operation of He Shen and Ji Xiaolan.

From then on, he could sit in the Forbidden City, take control of the Qing Dynasty in his capacity as Qianlong, and then slowly replace those foreign officials who were loyal to the Qing Dynasty, dismantling the Tartar Dynasty from the root.

He said to the leader of the Red Flower congregation who had an incredulous expression when he heard the news:
"How about it, planning for two days in January is successful, this is how bold you are and how productive you are, I will say that you are not capable."

(End of this chapter)

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