A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 202 This is the Emperor!

Chapter 202 This is the Emperor! (Seek full order)

PS: This chapter is a big two-in-one chapter, with more than 4000 words, it will not be divided into chapters. I originally planned to finish writing the world in this chapter today, but there are a lot of things to explain, so I have to wait until Chapter 1 tomorrow to finish , Tomorrow Chapter 2 will enter the new world.

In the capital, those who met Qianlong were either imprisoned or killed by He Shen and Ji Xiaolan. Only those officials who were assessed by the two as greedy for life and afraid of death, and not loyal to the Qing Dynasty stayed, and for the sake of Everyone took a three-corpse brain god elixir, and then collectively visited the effect of the elixir.

Since then, these officials have dedicated their knees to China's [-]th Five-Year Plan.

Two days later, Hua Twelve began to live in the Forbidden City as Qianlong. As for the empresses and concubines of Qianlong, they were all imprisoned in the clan mansion on the charge of their natal family participating in the rebellion of the kings. Only by clearing up the suspicion can we regain our freedom.

A group of elder brothers were also implicated by their mothers and concubines' natal families, and were also imprisoned in the clan's mansion, awaiting investigation.

But three days later, a big fire turned the clan mansion into ashes, including the concubine, brother, kings and clan members who were imprisoned in it, all died in the sea of ​​flames.

The matter was ordered by He Shen and Ji Xiaolan, but they did not personally order it, but hinted at Jiang Tuo, asking the Cao Gang to send people from the Jianghu to set the fire.

It was too late for Hua Twelve to know, but he also knew that He Shen and Ji Xiaolan didn't want to embarrass him. He called them closer, but he didn't reward or reprimand him.

Both He Shen and Ji Xiaolan could hear the earnestness and seriousness in the mouth of the new master, and they also knew that the master had approved their actions. After all, they were helping the new master once and for all, eliminating future troubles forever.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Hua Twelve muttered:

"The death of the harem and even the clan will always give the world an explanation. Have you thought about how to end it?"

Both He Shen and Ji Xiaolan nodded heavily to reassure their master. Obviously, with the wisdom of the two, they had already thought of a way to deal with the aftermath before doing it.

The fifth elder brother united with the kings to rebel on the day of the martial arts performance in Tuancheng, followed by a fire in the clan mansion, and the clan died. Such a big event shocked the government and the public in an instant.

Of course, the group of people in the court are all pretending to be shocked. They are all under the threat of the intelligence agencies controlled by the Three Corpse Brain Pill and He-sama. .

And the ones who were really shocked were those small officials who even the emperor couldn't see, and the people who were all over the capital.

Ji Xiaolan imitated Qianlong's handwriting to announce to the world that there was a demon girl from the White Lotus Sect, Xiaoyanzi, who conspired to win the emperor's trust, was accepted as a righteous daughter, and was named Huanzhugege, and then she even used her beauty to confuse the fifth elder brother.

In short, Ji Xiaolan took advantage of his being the author of supernatural novels, vividly portraying Huanzhugege as a Daji-like character.

It is said that the fifth elder brother has been loyal, filial, honest, and talented since he was a child. He was bewitched by the white lotus demon girl with sorcery, so he lost himself and his temperament changed drastically. usurper.

Fortunately, the emperor is the son of the real dragon, blessed by the heavens, allowing Lord Ji and Lord He to understand the conspiracy in time and quickly suppress the rebellion.

On the issue of the rank order of gaining insight into the conspiracy and suppressing the rebellion, He Shen and Ji Xiaolan had a big fight until Hua Twelve Fan couldn't take it anymore and threw two knives out for them to fight each other.

Hua Twelve couldn't laugh or cry, these two stinky and shameless bastards, they both know that this f*ck is a lie made up to favor the people of the world, and they have a woolen name, how shameless you are.

In fact, Hua Twelve just sat on the dragon chair and didn't know how to use power. The two people competed for this ranking, which actually had many benefits, such as currying favor with his new master and allowing them to stand closer to him.

And the bigger advantage is that they can leave a name in history. No matter whether Hua Shier wants to overthrow the Qing court after becoming emperor, they can leave a name in history by suppressing the rebellion of the kings.

Well, Hua Twelve is still tender.

At the end of the proclamation to announce to the world, the fire of the clan mansion was directly pushed to the White Lotus Sect, saying that they wanted to kill people to silence their mouths, so the emperor ordered the officials of all provinces to pay the White Lotus Sect members all over the country.

When the proclamation spreads, the top leaders of the White Lotus Sect will be very depressed, and they don't understand why they are inexplicably lying down.

Next, Ji Xiaolan continued to write the imperial decree, this time to the nine officials of the frontier, namely the governor of Zhili, the governor of Liangjiang, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, the governor of Huguang, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, the governor of Sichuan and the general of Shengjing.

The nine imperial edicts were rushed to the hands of nine officials in the borderlands by six hundred miles. In addition to explaining what happened, the imperial edicts also comforted them with good words to satisfy the hearts of these officials in the borderlands.

The content of the process is much more detailed than what was stated in the proclamation to announce to the world. Of course, these nonsense were fabricated by Ji Xiaolan, a self-proclaimed writer, but feudal superstition is serious in this era, as long as he dares to write, others will dare to write. letter.

Not to mention waiting for these imperial decrees to be passed on to those officials in the frontier, these governors and generals read and read it several times as long as they can read, and even those who cannot read have their servants recite it to them several times, and they all listen to it. I'm so happy, it feels much more exciting than the ones sung in the opera.

Ji Xiaolan needs to know that he has unintentionally developed a few book fans, and it is estimated that he can write the imperial decree into a serial and publish four thousand words a day.

Among the nine edicts, only the edict addressed to Sun Shiyi, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, was slightly different. In the edict, he was ordered to go to Beijing to report on his duties, and the person who delivered the edict also brought a family letter from Fang Shiyu to Sun Shiyi's daughter Sun An'er.

Speaking of the imperial guards, there is another person that must be mentioned, that is, Debu, the head of the imperial guards who was sent out by Qianlong to track down the Red Flower Society with eighteen masters.

My brother was playing around and sent him out to make fun of it, but he took it seriously. On the day of the Tuancheng master meeting, the Red Flower Society was sent to Baiyun Temple by Hua Shier. It was led to Chengde.

As a result, he ran into Tian Guinong, the head of the Northern Sect of Tianlongmen who came from outside the pass to attend the meeting of heads.

The two parties had met before, Tian Guinong, in order to curry favor with the head of the imperial guards, knew that the other party was here to arrest imperial criminals, so he didn't even attend the meeting of the masters, and brought his abducted wife, Nan Lan, with them. As a disciple of the doorman, he helped Deb to catch the prisoner.

The Red Flower Society is in Baiyun Temple, so these people can't find the right owner at all. When they first arrived in Chengde, they met the golden-faced Buddha Miao Renfeng whose eyes were healed by Hu Fei and Cheng Lingsu.

Miao Renfeng went out to go back to Ninggu Pagoda to pay respects to the Miao family's ancestral house, so he hurried on his way without noticing this group of people.

As a result, Tian Guinong's heart to entrap Jin Miao Buddha was not dead. When talking to Debu and the others, his words were intentional or unintentional, implying that this person was skilled in martial arts, and he might be the legendary Honghuahongman.

Although the fool Debu didn't believe it all, he still sent a Mongolian expert among the eighteen masters to inquire. As a result, the Mongolian expert spoke extremely aggressively and used dirty words. on the ground.

This time, Debu and the others will quit. They are imperial guards, and they are used to running rampant. If they are bullied, they must be brought back. For Jiang Yang's crime, he should be executed after autumn.

It turned out to be miserable, and several of them died when they went up. They wanted to ask Tian Guinong for help, but found that this guy had already run away.

In the end, Debu was knocked out with one arm by Miao Renfeng with a sword, and from now on he can take the route of Condor Heroes. The eighteen masters in Da Nei, Siman, Wumeng, and Jiuzang monks, finally became Yiman, Ermeng, and Sanzang monk.

From a metaphysical point of view, 123 is a rising number, which is very auspicious, so after they knelt down to Miao Renfeng and begged for their lives, they successfully obtained Miao Renfeng's forgiveness, and tears burst out of excitement.

After finally escaping to a distance, Debu reluctantly asked: "If the green mountains don't change, the green water will flow forever, dare to ask grandpa's name!"

The other party replied: "Miao Renfeng!"

Deb didn't even dare to say harsh words, and ran away. Grandpa was right, Nima is invincible all over the world, Tian Guinong, you are a big scum.

Debu and the others didn't dare move Miao Renfeng, didn't they dare move the fields back to farming? They immediately ran to Chengde Mountain Resort, the military barracks where they were stationed to guard the mountain, took out the badge of the head of the imperial guards, and called out more than 3000 people. After searching, Tian Guinong was finally caught.

Tian Guinong didn't expect that the opponent didn't play cards according to the routine. They were all warriors. What officers and soldiers did you call?

After Debu and the others caught Tian Guinong, they beat him severely at first, and then felt that it would be too cheap to kill the grandson, so they directly regarded him as a key criminal. The disciple who suppressed this guy and his abducted wife returned to Beijing to return to life.

They have all agreed, and they will kill him when they go back. This guy is a close partner of the Red Flower Society. He planned to plot against the court and the emperor when they met in Chengde. They, the big insiders, fought desperately to capture the thief.

To say otherwise would make them appear incompetent with so many dead.

It was a good idea, but as soon as he returned to the palace, he was taken down by He Shen.

He Shen heard that Debu and his gang had captured the partners of the Red Flower Society, and even had a fight with the head of the Red Flower Society. He Shen wanted to spit on him at that time. The wives were all buried by the Red Flower Society, you fought with ghosts.

Immediately after a severe torture, Deb finally couldn't stand the full blow.

When He Shen reported it to Hua Twelve, the latter couldn't help laughing out loud, a bunch of big jokes, this is it.

However, the unsolved case that has been lingering in his heart has been solved, which is the whereabouts of Tian Guinong.

Now that Hua Twelve, who has already sat on the dragon chair, has become more broad-minded, so he doesn't bother to argue with Tian Guinong. He just asks people to cut off the grandson's tendons, and then uses internal strength to destroy his grandson. The sphincter of the large intestine is the kind that pulls the bed all day long.

Then he asked Heshen to find a house where Tian Guinong and Nan Lan could be raised because of the delicious food, and sent people to guard them to prevent them from leaving. Don't let him die, live a few more years if he can.

Doesn't Nan Lan want true love? Didn't she abandon her husband and son for the farmer's return? How long can Lana's so-called love last?

It turned out that it didn't take too long. Before Sun Shiyi, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, arrived in the capital, Hua Shier received a report from He Shende. Nan Lan stabbed Tian Guinong's heart with a pearl hairpin, and then hanged himself with a belt. .

Hua Twelve shook his head, feeling no sympathy for these two people in his heart, whether it was Tian Guinong or Nan Lan, in his eyes they were both bitches, and he had no sympathy at all.

This is the love that the official lady abandoned her husband and daughter in exchange for. She thought it was earth-shattering, but in fact it was just a mirage, like a bubble, and with a little external force, she was finished.

He Shen said that Nan Lan killed Tian Guinong with a pearl hairpin. Hua Shier thought that in the original plot, Nan Lan always carried the pearl hairpin given by Miao Renfeng, but he didn't know that there was a treasure hidden in the pearl hairpin. treasure map.

Hua Twelve immediately asked He Shen to fetch the pearl hairpin, and then found a short knife beside Tian Guinong, which was the King Chuang Saber.

In terms of work efficiency, you can always trust Mr. He. In less than half an hour, Zhuchai and Chuangwang Saber were placed in front of Hua Twelve.

After dismissing He Shen, Hua Shier called the heroes of the Red Flower Society to discuss the matter.

He has his own use for breaking into the king's treasure, and it is about a large amount of treasure. He is worried about sending people from Yancao and Yancao gangs to handle this matter, because he is afraid that the people who take the treasure will see the money.

But Hua Twelve believes in the Red Flower Society. Although these people are not capable of rebellion, they are all people of faith.

Hua Twelve handed them two things and told everyone in the Red Flower Society that this was the treasure map of Chuang Wang's treasure, and the saber was the key to unlock the treasure.

After handing over two things, he said:
"I don't plan to use this money myself, and I don't want to give it to the court. It's the money that King Chuang robbed the people and the gentry and officials of Daming. It's all the people's anointing. I plan to take this money from the people and use it from the people!"

Hua Twelve revealed his plan. He planned to set up a disaster relief fund similar to that of later generations. You must know that the Central Plains is full of disasters and disasters in this era. The money will first be used to build a bank. The two gangs of Cao take care of it together.

Usually open a bank to make money, and when a natural disaster occurs, a sum of money is used to relieve the victims.

Everyone in the Red Flower Society applauded when they heard it, and immediately decided that Zhao Banshan, the third master, and Yu Yu, the fourteenth master, would lead people to go outside the pass to retrieve the treasure.

Hua Twelve rejected this proposal, Zhao Banshan can go, Yu Yu and him are of great use, and the admiral of the Nine Gates is still temporarily in charge of Heshen's relatives, and he intends to arrange a tartar status for Yu Yutong and let him do it This nine admirals.

The father of Yu Yu and his wife Li Ruanzhi, Li Kexiu, was the chief soldier, and now he is the admiral of the navy.

If Yu Yutong sits on the position of Admiral of the Nine Schools, with the assistance of Li Ruanzhi, he will be able to do it.

In addition, Hua Shier left Yu Yutong and Li Ruanzhi and his wife behind, just like Fang Shiyu was left behind to recruit the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and planned to use them to recruit Li Kexiu, the admiral of the Navy.

The imperial decree for Li Kexiu to go to Beijing to report on his duties has been issued, and now these two people must not be let go.

He told his plan, and while everyone in the Red Flower Club was happy for Yu Yutong, they decided to send Wen Tailai, the fourth master, Wen Tailai, and his wife, Luo Bing, to go with Zhao Banshan.

In a blink of an eye, Sun Shiyi, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, finally arrived in the capital, and Li Kexiu, the admiral of the navy, arrived with him.

When they knelt in front of the imperial throne of the Qianqing Palace, after Shan Hu called Long Live, they were stunned when they looked up, because the one on the dragon chair was not Qianlong.

The two important ministers stood up immediately and asked, "Who are you, how dare you sit on the dragon chair!"

He Shen and Ji Xiaolan stood up and shouted: "Bold, this is the emperor!"

Li Kexiu said angrily: "My lord, Mr. Ji, you are crazy, this is not the emperor!"

"This is the emperor!"

"That's not it!"


Hua Twelve One shot the case: "I'm not Qianlong. I killed Qianlong. If I killed Qianlong, I can naturally take this position!"

He knew that something would happen when Li Kexiu and Sun Shiyi met today, so he dismissed the eunuchs a long time ago. At this time, the Qianqing Palace is his own.

Li Kexiu and Sun Shiyi were dumbfounded when they heard the news. Before they got mad, Yu Yutong, who was already the admiral of the Nine Gates, came out of the side hall with Li Ruanzhi under the pseudonym Yue Deji.

In addition to their husband and wife, there was also Fang Shiyu, who was already the head of the imperial guards and whose alias was Menduhai, and came out with his second wife, Sun An'er, who had rushed to the capital ahead of time.

In fact, Sun An'er took Fang Shiyu's family letter and secretly rushed to the capital with her parents-in-law and eldest sister Lei Tingting. They were not as troublesome as Sun Shiyi's travel. They had to deal with the banquets of local officials when they went anywhere. We didn't have such troubles. So although the departure time was later than Sun Shiyi, he arrived in the capital one step earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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