A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 205 Focus!

Chapter 205 Focus! (Seek full order)

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Hua Twelve read the mission description, and there was a black line on his forehead. He knew that 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' was a film made by Pitt and Jolie. At the same time, this film was also rumored to have witnessed their derailment and intervening love affair.

Speaking of the matter itself, Hua Shishi has seen the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", but what does the word "follow-up" mean?
Looking at the mission description, it should be something that happened after the end of the movie. Doesn't that mean that this time the mission lost the advantage of being a 'prophet' again.

Well, Hua Twelve also felt that he had gotten used to hanging and hanging, and had lost the fine tradition of hard work, which is not good.

Depressedly turned on the computer and re-watched the movie 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith'.

The movie is about a pair of male and female killers. John and Jane met in Columbia. They didn't know each other's real identity, but they were attracted to each other. They entered the palace of marriage in this way. Since then, Jane took her husband's surname, Smith.

But they ignore that the foundation of a happy marriage is mutual honesty.

What the two people see to each other in their lives is the illusion after layers of camouflage. They both try their best to hide their killer career and their true selves, and show the most ordinary side to each other.

So six years later, the passion brought by the appearance and figure receded, leaving only the illusion and ordinaryness displayed by the two at the same time, which made this marriage so boring that it seemed to come to an end.

They began to seek the help of a psychiatrist, but at this time, the killer groups the couple belonged to discovered their marriage. As rival companies with fierce competition, they had reason to suspect that the failure of several missions was caused by their own subordinates. The ace killer betrayed the information.

Even if the two did not betray the company, but because both of them are ace veteran killers and know too much inside information, this marriage must not be allowed.

The two companies teamed up to formulate a clean-up plan, let them assassinate the same target, the purpose is to let them kill each other.

As expected by their respective companies, John and Jane almost killed each other under many misunderstandings. Reality and passion.

So the two reconciled, and gained insight into the conspiracy of their respective companies. The two joined forces to fight back and succeeded in having the last laugh.

Hua Twelve has seen this movie before, and now I re-watched it to deepen my impression.

After watching the movie, Hua Twelve started his own analysis based on the ending of the movie and the task description given by the system in his mind. He drew a few key points for this task in his mind.

Key point [-], the description mentions that Jane Smith joined a new killer organization after that, and the word 'faith' is mentioned here, which means that the killer organization Jane joined is definitely not simple, and it is likely that this Mrs. Smith , some kind of religious brainwashing was carried out.

The second point is that the task requires preventing Mrs. Smith from derailing in marriage. That is to say, during the time when Jane Smith and John Smith had a fight, they may have new friends of the opposite sex, and it is the kind of relationship that can go further.

Hua Twelve felt speechless for a while, Yueru in October, Ma Chunhua in Flying Fox, and now another killer wife who was on the verge of cheating.

He complained to the system in his heart, if he had to arrange women for him, he wouldn't be able to deal with Xiao Zhao, Shuang'er, Momoe Yamaguchi, Little Judea, Han Youniang, these gentle types, and they would be better than each other of.

As a result, the system didn't respond at all, as if it was telling him with a silent response that mediation is fate!

Hua Twelve suddenly thought that if the task requires preventing 'marriage' from cheating, then the other party who divorced early would not count as cheating. Ahem, well, this is a bit cowardly. Looking at the final task requirements, it is obviously impossible for him to pass the test easily.

The task requires Mr. Smith to regain his glory in this marriage, that is, the marriage must survive, and of course kill Mrs. Smith. From this point of view, there is absolutely no possibility of compromise.

Hua Twelve gritted his teeth, the system's requirements were too harsh, he had to conquer or be widowed, there was no possibility of divorce at all.

Turning off the computer, Hua Shishi saw that it was past nine o'clock in the morning, and he was no longer in the mood for morning exercises. He cooked himself a bag of ramen noodles, laid two eggs, added a piece of corn sausage, and sat in his spacious viewing room. On the balcony, enjoy a delicious breakfast while watching the scenery on the Huangpu River.

While eating noodles, I opened the skill panel. Maybe it was because I had consumed a lot of energy in the mission world. I couldn’t stop being sleepy yesterday. I didn’t even remember to look at the skill panel before going to bed.

Now while he was eating and watching, he found that his boxing skills still hadn't been upgraded, and he was still in the state of 'reaching the pinnacle', and he hadn't reached the last step of 'returning to the basics'.

For the last level of boxing, although Hua Twelve is looking forward to it, he also knows that it is not enough to force it. Fortunately, the peak level of boxing is enough now, and the last step is left to its own accord. It is estimated that the accumulation is enough, and it will come naturally. .

"Taomen Breathing Art", before entering the "Flying Fox World", it was a "beginner's first practice", and now it is "entering the room". Well, it has been practiced for several years, and it has been promoted to two levels. This progress makes Hua Shier quite satisfied, which is a normal level .

Looking further down, all the martial arts belonging to Xu Zheng have been erased by the system, leaving only what Hua Shier learned after entering the mission world.

"The first four strokes of the Hujiaquan classics and swordsmanship", and the skill level is "beginners and first practice".

'Quanzhen Neigong' was drawn from the lottery yesterday, and the skill level is 'First Glimpse'

'Quite true swordsmanship', skill level 'beginner and first practice'.

'Nine Yin Scriptures' (disabled) skill level 'beginner'.

'Flame Knife' (disabled), skill level 'beginner'.

'Archery' skill level 'beginner's practice'.

'Shooting' skill level 'beginner's practice'.

The skill level of 'Riding' is 'slightly successful'. This skill has made great progress. It should be because he has been riding a horse for several years in the rivers and lakes.

Hua Twelfth frowned a little. Why, except for the internal strength he got yesterday, all other martial arts are just beginners. You must know that only the Great Subduing Demon Fist in the "Nine Yin Manual" has been hard-fought. How many years.

Suddenly, Hua Twelve realized, yes, although these martial arts still existed in his memory, his physical memory was erased by the system yesterday without retention. Fortunately, the feeling of practicing boxing is still there, and it is not difficult to practice it again.

In addition, both "Nine Yin Scriptures" and "Flame Knife" are shown as (disabled), which Hua Shier can also understand. It is also normal that it is marked as 'residual' by the system because it is a way to run the Qi and release the knife Qi outside.

Hua Twelfth planned the time for himself for these three days. After eating, he went to buy some gold, gemstones, etc., and came back to compare and see which things that gather group consciousness are the best for expanding storage space.

Then during these three days, he planned to practice gun shooting during the day, and practice Kung Fu and "Quanzhen Internal Strength" in the "Nine Yin Manual" at night to improve his strength.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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