A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 206 Who is so bold? !

Chapter 206 Who is so bold? ! (Seek full order)

As soon as the table was cleared after eating noodles, the phone rang. Hua Shier picked it up and checked the call. It was the number of Han Chenggang, a top financial student who helped him with the materials.

Hua Twelve was a little puzzled, the money and goods had already been settled last time, and the other party called again, not sure why.

Immediately connected the phone, Han Chenggang over there said in a somewhat embarrassing voice: "Hello, is this Mr. Hua, I am."

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "I know, Han Chenggang, I left your phone number, why, can you call me?"

Han Chenggang was silent for a while, and said: "I just want to ask, does Mr. Hua have a similar job as last time? I, um, I can charge a lower price."

Hua Twelve heard his hesitant tone and seemed very embarrassed, guessing that the other party might have some financial problems and needed money urgently.

He thought of the world he was about to enter soon, and his heart moved, and he said immediately:

"It's still the data of one daily limit stock last time. This time, I want to count the data from the 80s to the present, the United States, the mainland, and Hong Kong Island. How about the statistics of the international financial trends in these years, the major economic Events are also counted for me.”

Han Chenggang almost fainted when he heard the phone call:
"Mr. Hua, the things you asked for last time were bought by a brother in the dormitory overnight. Don't think that you can easily find these materials on the Internet. If you can't find them in China, we will open them." For trading software, look at the history of each stock, but for foreign ones, we entrusted the relationship of many senior brothers and sisters, and even found a mentor to get what you want."

He said with a wry smile: "That's only 11 years of data, this time if you want it to be decades, we"

Hua Shishi could understand the difficulty of the other party, and said directly: "Add another 5000 yuan on top of the last remuneration, if it's okay, if it's not, forget it!"

With his current ability, entering the world of plots with a modern background, he does not necessarily have to rely on money to open his way. Even if he wants money, he does not have to rely on stock finance. Is martial arts practiced for nothing? Going to a place like that abroad , Robbing, well, it’s not impossible to rob the rich and give to the poor.

Han Chenggang groaned for a while, and then said: "Okay, I will take this job!"

The two agreed to deliver the goods in three days. Hua Twelve simply cleaned up and drove out.

He went directly to a jewelry store, looked at the prices, and determined that he was a price-sensitive consumer, um... poor.

He simply turned around and went to the bank, spent more than 7000 yuan, bought a 50-gram gold bar, and then withdrew 2 yuan in cash before returning to his home. He also looked at gems and so on in the gold store. He doesn't like the small ones, and he can't afford the big ones, so he doesn't think about it in the real world, and wait until the mission world.

Back home, communicate with the system, and first make sure to use the 50 grams of gold bars to expand the storage space.

After the expansion was completed, Hua Twelve opened the storage space and suddenly became a little mad: "System, you can't see this at all, are you sure you didn't embezzle my gold?"

Well, he was just complaining about it. The storage space is indeed a little bigger, but the range is too small. The cheat books he stuffed in now seem a little less crowded, that's all.

Hua Twelve looked at the [-] cash in his hand, put it away, and kept it for daily consumption. Let's wait until we enter the mission world to expand the storage space. This is a huge pit.

For three days, Hua Twelve went to the shooting club during the day to practice gun shooting, and at night after dinner at home, he began to practice various martial arts in the "Nine Yin Manual" in order to quickly retrieve his body's memory. After ten o'clock in the morning At two o'clock, take a 'Snow Ginseng Yuchan Pill' and meditate to exercise your internal strength until dawn.

He doesn't want to waste his time sleeping now.

On the third day, Hua Shier practiced guns in the morning and went out early in the afternoon to meet Han Chenggang at the coffee shop where he met last time. Although this guy was dressed a little rustic, he was very confident and had a good mental outlook.

But now when they met again, Hua Shishi almost didn't dare to recognize him. He saw that Han Chenggang didn't comb his hair or wash his face, with an unshaven beard, as if he had just returned from begging for food.

When Han Cheng just saw Hua Twelve, he immediately squeezed out a smile, and took out a stack of printed materials:
"Mr. Hua, we stayed up all night for two nights. We just finished work this morning. All the materials you want are here!"

Hua Twelve took it over and looked at it, and saw that it was as detailed as the last time, including all the information he needed on Lao Mi, the mainland and Hong Kong Island, and immediately nodded in satisfaction. These materials should be useful in many mission worlds , just keep it in the storage space.

He put the documents on the table, and asked curiously, "Can I ask, how did you get into this state, and what happened to you?"

Regarding this question, Han Chenggang hesitated a bit, maybe because he really needed the money, he said after a while:
"I lost all my stocks."

It turned out that this high-achieving financial student speculated in stocks with his classmates. He took out part of the money and borrowed part of the money from his classmates. It turned out that the idea was very simple, but he realized that theory is not equal to reality after practice.

Now all the living expenses he paid were gone, and his classmates urged him to change the money. His family was in trouble and he didn't want to talk to his parents, so he thought of Hua Shier.

But with the reward this time, he was able to pay back the debt.

After hearing the reason, Hua Twelve couldn't help but feel a little speechless. Why is it so dangerous to study finance? If you actually operate it, you will lose yourself.

When he was about to transfer this reward to the other party, Han Chenggang thanked him a thousand times with a smile on his face.

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Don't thank me, you deserve this, but you have to be more cautious when trading stocks in the future, after all, the stock market is risky!"

Han Chenggang nodded again and again, and Hua Twelve stopped nodding, and it would be annoying to talk about it, so he greeted the other party, checked out and left.

When I got home, I took out the Yi Jin Jing remnants from the storage space and put them in the bookcase, then stuffed the newly acquired materials into the storage space, thought about it, lay down on the bed, and chose to accept the task.

The familiar darkness came as expected, and when he opened his eyes again, Hua Shier found himself climbing on the roof of a building with an L96A1 sniper rifle in front of him.

Hua Twelve was a little dazed. Looking forward through the scope, he saw a man in a suit who was covered in blood lying on the steps in front of a building about 1000 meters away. There were many people around him. The bodyguards were nervously looking around with their guns in hand.

Hua Twelve couldn't help sighing: "It's really a happy Millikin shootout every day, people shoot people in the street in broad daylight, who did it, how bold, hey, why are those bodyguards pointing at me?"

"Damn it!"

Looking at the sniper rifle in front of him, Hua Twelve instantly realized something, and at the same time, he also received the memory of the person he replaced that was transmitted by the system for him.

He was quite sure that it was he who shot the man, or rather the predecessor he replaced, Mr. Smith.

Looking at the scene of a group of people rushing over with guns in the scope, Hua Twelve quickly disassembled the sniper rifle and put it in a cello box beside him according to the memory he received, then picked it up and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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