A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 217 Whoever You Are, Damn It!

Chapter 217 Whoever You Are, Damn It!
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Hua Twelfth waved his hand: "It's still early, there are other vehicles on the road, and we'll do it when he comes back. With the tracker, we can find him a few kilometers away. Are you afraid that he will run away? Now Chasing it becomes a road chase."

Matilda took two deep breaths, and then said apologetically: "You are right, I was too anxious!"

Hua Twelve gave Matilda a childish look, then closed her eyes and said:

"According to the information given by the private detective, every time they go to the warehouse, they will return to New York very late. By then, there should not be many vehicles on this road. That is a good time to do it. Let me take a nap first, you Keep an eye on the tracker, and if you see them coming back, call me immediately!"

Matilda nodded: "Don't worry, I will guard this thing."

Hua Twelve nodded, really relaxed and squinted for a while. It didn't take long for him to hear the sound of a mobile phone button. According to the function of the Logia mobile phone in this era, he immediately judged that Matilda was sending Short message.

Without opening his eyes, he asked lazily, "Mattie, who are you texting?"

Matilda was happily chatting with her patient, introducing her own experience in developing 'special functions', when Hua Twelve suddenly asked her, her hand trembled, and the phone flew out of her hand.

She glanced at Wesley's name marked on the phone, and said with a guilty conscience, "It's a classmate I just met today!"

Hua Twelve immediately felt relieved when he heard the words, and smiled with his eyes closed: "Not bad, you will have new friends on the first day, that's right, you should make more new friends in school and spend more time with your peers Play!"

He always felt that after experiencing the tragedy of killing her family, Matilda became a little too mature in character, or subjectively wanted to mature herself. The way of protection is not necessarily a good thing, and it will lose a lot of happiness that she should have at her age.

So after Matilda entered school, Hua Shishi was afraid that Matilda would not be able to make new friends, but now it seems that she doesn't have to worry about it.

Matilda noticed that Hua Shishi hadn't opened her eyes, so she quickly typed the question on the phone: "How is it? Did you try as I said today? Did you activate that ability?"

Not long after the message was sent, I received a reply: "It only succeeded for a moment. I saw the trajectory of the wings of the mosquito flying. It's incredible. It feels like the whole world has slowed down."

Matilda replied: "Great, that's how it feels. Congratulations Wesley, you also have special powers."

Wesley on the other side of the phone replied: "After that feeling passes, I feel so uncomfortable that I want to vomit!"

Matilda replied in the tone of someone who has experienced it: "Don't worry, it's a normal phenomenon of adrenaline fading. Next time, you can gradually shorten the burst time and find a time that suits you."

What Matilda didn't know was that there was a middle-aged man who was also looking at the message she sent, and was still trying to locate her location through the signal of her mobile phone.

When the time came to midnight, Matilda suddenly shouted: "Here we come, the signal from that car has returned!"

Hua Twelve opened his eyes and took a look, and sure enough a red dot was approaching him!

He took out a Glock 26 pocket pistol and handed it to Matilda, and said: "I'll stop the car in a while, and it's up to you whether I can take revenge with my own hands. I'll only give you that two-second chance, so be good!" grasp!"

Matilda took the pistol, and Hua Twelve was about to open the door and get out of the car.

"Wait a minute!" Matilda called him to stop, then took out two sunglasses, one large and one small, from her pocket, put them on for Hua Twelve herself, looked at them, nodded and said, "This is what I gave you. Buy it, we look like killers like this!"

After finishing speaking, she put on the small sunglasses herself: "Hey, why are they so dark?"

Hua Twelve looked defeated by her: "I think it was a mistake to take you out to do things. It's just after midnight, and you insist on wearing sunglasses at night. Can it be black?"

Matilda quickly took off the sunglasses of the two of them, and said with a giggle: "Well, I'm just afraid that you will be nervous, so I'm just making a joke to relieve the tense atmosphere before the battle!"

"I don't know which of us is nervous!"

Hua Twelve shook his head, opened the door and got out of the car, and walked generously to the side of the road.

The information given by the private detective said that this road was relatively remote, and it was true. At this time, there was no car on the road, only the sound of an engine coming from a distance from the target direction.

Two or three minutes later, a Lincoln car came speeding up, and Hua Twelve gave a light drink: "Ready to do it!"

He said that he already had an M16 assault rifle in his hand. When the Lincoln car was still a hundred meters away from him, he raised the assault rifle and strode towards the Lincoln car. trigger.

Da da da da
A series of bullets shot out, blasting the left front tire of the Lincoln car. At this time, Norman Stanfield, who was driving the car, was startled by the gunshots from the side of the road. He got off the brakes, and then turned the steering wheel to the left, intending to use a flick of the tail to make the driver's seat avoid the opponent's gunpoint.

This was completely a subconscious reaction to avoid bullets, but at this moment, the left front tire was blown out, coupled with Norman Stanfield's sudden steering, the entire Lincoln rolled directly on the road.

Hua Twelve whistled and said to Matilda beside him, "It's purely an accident, whether they survive or not depends on fate!"

When the Lincoln car stopped, the entire body was deformed during the rollover, and the two rear doors were thrown out, and two people flew out of the car, and fell to the ground without knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Hua Twelve took a look, shook his head and said, "There is no Stan, be careful he is still in the car!"

With two bang bangs, the doors of the front and passenger seats of the car were kicked open at the same time. Two figures with blood on their faces rushed out of the car, one on the left and one on the right, both holding pistols and about to shoot in this direction. It was Stan and one of his black cops.

At this time, Matilda moved, and she instantly controlled herself to burst out a large amount of adrenaline, and instantly made her heart rate reach [-] beats per minute. The surrounding things seemed to slow down at this moment, and her feet Mai, has rushed out like a leopard.

The Glock 26 in his hand had already fired first, bang bang bang, three clear gunshots, and one shot hit the subordinate's forehead, killing him directly.

There were two bullets left, one hit Stan's wrist, making him unable to hold the gun in his hand, and fell to the ground, and the last bullet hit his left leg knee, causing him to kneel directly on the ground, sending out Cries of pain.

"Mommy Falk, you broke my leg"

The expression on Stan's face was distorted in pain. At this time, he also saw Matilda and Hua 12 who were approaching, and shouted loudly:

"You are attacking the police. I am a New York police officer. It will be very troublesome for you to kill me."

While he was speaking, his right hand moved towards the back. Seeing that Matilda hadn't noticed the other party's small movements, Hua Twelve put away the M16 in an instant. He already had a Glock 17 in his hand, and he shot Stan on the shoulder. Let it fall sideways in pain.

Stan shouted with a distorted expression: "Can you tell me, who sent you here, and what the hell did I do?"

Matilda clutched her chest and gasped for breath, and said loudly, "You killed my brother."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly knelt down, panting more and more fiercely, Hua Twelve hurried forward to touch her veins, and found that this time the heart was not beating hard, but extremely slow, like some kind of heart attack Same with disease.

Hua Twelve probed into Matilda's body with his own internal strength, and finally felt that there was a serious problem with her heart, so he quickly took out a 'Snow Ginseng Yuchan Pill' and stuffed it into Matilda's mouth, and at the same time cried, "Mattie, swallow it!"

At the same time, he didn't want to waste time here. He aimed at Norman Stanfield with Matilda's hand holding the gun, and pulled the trigger. With a bang, a bullet went straight to the head. , Send this black policeman on his way.

Then Hua Twelve shot several other New York black police officers on the ground, and all of them hit vital points. Then he hugged Matilda by the waist and walked quickly towards the 82 Ford.

At this moment, there was a beast-like hiss from the highway heading towards New York, which was the sound of a supercar engine blasting the street at night.

And at this time, Matilda's cell phone rang suddenly, Hua Twelve took a look at the new Nokia from her pocket, saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and chose to refuse to answer and hang up.

And the headlights of the supercar in the distance have already shone along the road, and Hua Shier, who is shaking, can only use his hand holding the phone to block the dazzling light for a moment.

At this moment, from the driver's seat of the supercar, someone stuck a micro-gun out of the car window with one hand, pointed at Hua Twelve and pulled the trigger.

At the moment of crisis, Hua Twelve carried Matilda, a snaking raccoon, overturned, a series of vertical leaps and rolls, jumped more than 20 meters, entered the bushes, and hid behind the 82 Ford car.

And the bullets fired by Wei Chong seemed to have eyes, and followed him all the way, and finally jingled, hitting his Ford car with sparks.

Seeing the black supercar speeding past without slowing down, Hua Twelve gritted his teeth with hatred, and put Matilda on the ground behind the car. When he stood up, he was already holding the M16 assault rifle in his hand.

The ass chasing a supercar is a chug.

Of course, the ace killer's marksmanship was not boastful, and sparks were shooting from the tail of the supercar he was shooting.

Surprisingly, the supercar drove about 200 meters at top speed, turned around and rushed back after a drift turn. With a slight charge, he shot at Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve was afraid that Matilda would be hurt, so he moved his body quickly, and took all the bullets that came from him to another direction.

When he stood up to fight back, the supercar flashed by on the road and showed him the taillights again.

"You don't want to run away!"

Hua Twelve didn't need a gun anymore, he took out the bazooka directly from the space, and pulled the trigger on the butt of the supercar, whoever you are, fuck the fuck.

A rocket spewed out its tail flame and shot away quickly. The driver of the supercar didn't even want to jump out of the car.

It was really a close call, just when the man jumped out of the car and rolled his body on the road, there was a loud bang, and the supercar that looked like a black beast instantly turned into a huge fireball.

(End of this chapter)

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