A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 218 You are a younger brother up close!

Chapter 218 You are a younger brother up close! (Seek full order)
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Seeing the other party jumping out of the car, the rocket shot into his soul, and directly blasted the supercar into a fireball, but Hua Twelve didn't feel happy at all. Just by looking at the other party's marksmanship, he knew that he was definitely a professional, not a top killer Also a top mercenary.

This kind of person will not suffer any injuries just by jumping off the car, let alone affect the opponent's combat effectiveness.

Based on the humanitarian thought of taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Hua Twelve took the bazooka back into space, replaced the M16 assault rifle in his hand, and ruthlessly buckled it at the man who just jumped out of the car and was rolling on the ground. Trigger, the car is gone, what are you still doing alive, I will give you a big gift package of people and cars.

Da da da da
The bullets from the assault rifle left a string of sparks on the road, and with the marksmanship of the ace hitman, he didn't even hit anyone.

It's not that Hua Twelve's marksmanship is too good, but that the opponent's reaction is too fast.

After jumping out of the car, the man used the inertia of the jumping car to roll more than a dozen times, and then supported the ground with one hand, his body flew up into the air and landed in the bushes by the side of the road, just in time to avoid Opened the M16 kill.

A gunshot sounded from the bushes, and shot straight at Hua Twelve's eyebrows.

The moment the opponent entered the bushes, Hua Twelve quickly dodged to the side. With the memory of the ace killer, he knew that the enemy was in the dark and we were in the clear. When he encountered a hot-spot of the same level, standing where he was was a dead end.

Sure enough, just half a foot away from his body, the bullet flew past his head, and the sound of the bullet piercing through the air shook his eardrums to buzz.

"Sure enough!"

Hua Twelve walked back quickly in a serpentine shape, and at the same time used the M16 to shoot around the area where the bullet was fired just now.

At the same time, the bullets fired from the bushes passed by his side and ears from time to time.

This road is an open highway, and there are no street lights on both sides of the road. At this time, it was just past zero, and except for the residual flames on the wreckage of the supercar that exploded, the surrounding area was pitch black. Hua Twelve and the killer opposite, only They can judge each other's positions by the light of the muzzles of the guns when they start grabbing each other.

When the other side opened fire, the direction changed from time to time. It was obvious that the other side was also dodging quickly behind the bushes and at the same time returned fire with a pistol.

Hua Twelve quickly retreated to the other side of the road, hid behind a big tree and shot at the one in the bushes across the road.

At this time, the corners of his mouth turned upwards. In his opinion, he would win this battle, because he found cover at this time, and there were only bushes within a hundred meters around the opponent. Even if he didn't show his head, he was dead.

Just as he was about to take cover, aim carefully, and shoot him again, the fire flickered in the bushes on the opposite side, and at the same time gunshots came.

"It's now!"

Just as Hua Twelve was about to pull the trigger and pour out all the remaining bullets in the M16 magazine, when he was covering and shooting, he suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart, and he quickly dodged and retracted his body behind the tree.

Sure enough, at the next moment, a bullet pierced through the air from where his head was just now.

Hua Twelve was shocked. The two sides were separated by a road, at least tens of meters apart. It was hard to see with the naked eye in such dark conditions. How did the other party find the position of his head?

If it was a lie, he definitely wouldn't believe it, since they are all masters, don't make any coincidences, he can feel that the opponent hit him right between the eyebrows.

You are so clairvoyant!
But what Hua Twelve didn't expect, the fact that he was surprised by the opponent's eyesight was nothing at all, because the opponent's shot missed, and there was another gunshot from the other side of the road.

Immediately afterwards, a flower of blood burst out from Hua Twelve's arm, and the bullet spared the big tree where he was hiding to hit him, which is simply unimaginable.

But Hua Twelve immediately reacted: "The arc shot is the brotherhood's killer!"

This also explains why the other party can see clearly in the dark, because the burst of adrenaline will enhance the five senses, and the eyes can be used as telescopes.

He immediately ruled out that the person who came was not his cheap wife, because judging from the figure when he jumped out of the car before, the person who came was undoubtedly a man.

"Fuck, who is afraid of whom!"

Hua Twelve knew that since he was a brotherhood killer and could shoot arcs, there was almost no difference between him having a cover and not having cover, and the cover became his burden instead.

So he chose to give up the bunker immediately.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Hua Shishi's mouth. He handed the gun over to his left hand, and a snake-like raccoon flipped over and leaped a distance of more than ten meters from behind the tree. Before his feet landed, he immediately pressed down on the M16 with one hand, and fired at the direction where the opponent just started grabbing. .

At the same time, he took out an M-DN61 steel ball grenade from the storage space with his right hand, which he bought from the black market at a high price. It was embedded with 4300 steel balls with a diameter of 2 to 2mm, and contained 3g of Taian explosives. , The explosion coverage area can reach 50 meters.

Hua Twelve didn't believe that this thing couldn't kill the opponent. While shooting with his left hand to empty the magazine, he bit open the ring of the grenade, and threw the steel ball grenade over with a sudden force with his right hand.

The bushes on the opposite side were swept across a large area. When Hua Twelve threw the grenade, he quickly lay down on the ground to avoid being affected by the explosion.

The moment Hua Twelve lay down, a few steel balls shot through the air from the opposite side and flew past him. At the same time, he also clearly heard a muffled groan amidst the sound of the explosion. Obviously the one who attacked him People were affected by the explosion of the steel ball grenade.

There was no more gunfire from the opposite side, only the firelight of the bushes being ignited by the explosion of the grenade.

Hua Twelfth waited for a while, but seeing that there was no movement, he changed the magazine of the M16 and got up, wanting to go over to see if the opponent was dead, and if he was not dead, he would refill another round of bullets.

But he gave up this plan just after taking two steps. Fang Shiyu's fucking senior brother said a wise saying, safety is the first in the world.

Hua Twelve took out another steel ball grenade, intending to make up a grenade first, and then go there before it's too late.

But just when he took out the grenade and wanted to bite the ring, he heard a scolding voice from the bushes that were not affected by the explosion: "Xie Te!"

Then a figure suddenly jumped out of the bushes and charged towards him at an inhuman speed.

When Hua Twelve saw this man's speed, he didn't believe the words 'Bolt is the limit of human speed' anymore, because the killer on the opposite side rushed over faster than Qinggong, sprinted for a short distance, and left the string. Sharp arrows are no different.

Hua Twelve thought to himself, even if he used the snake-moving raccoon flip on the 'Nine Yin Manual', he might be a little slower than the opponent.

Moreover, his snake raccoon can only jump over a distance of more than ten meters at a time, but the opponent can rush over a distance of tens of meters in one breath, and rush to him before he can shoot.
When the other party approached, Hua Twelve had already seen the other party's situation. The right half of his body was bright red. Obviously, he had been injured by the explosion just now. At this time, the killer was holding a tactical dagger with his left hand. His eyes slammed across his throat.

A disdainful smile flashed across the corner of Hua Shishi's mouth. If it was a match of marksmanship, he admitted that he was not as good as the brotherhood, but if it was a close combat, even if the opponent burst out with adrenaline, he was still a younger brother in front of him.

You don't need to use the kung fu in the "Nine Yin Manual", or the boxing at the level of "climbing to the top", let's find out.

 Thanks: 08a, Hubai Xiaomi brothers for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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