A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 227 Gun drawing technique, and Carlos' training method!

Chapter 227 Gun drawing technique, and Carlos' training method! (Seek full order)
After learning the skill of throwing a spear, Hua Twelve still felt that it was not enough. He spent money to invite Bob Munden, who was still alive at this time, from the United States to the East Country, and taught him the miraculous skill of drawing a spear.

Bob Munden is the fastest gunman in the world to draw a gun, and he was included in the Guinness Book of World Records. He only needs 0.15-0.21 seconds from drawing the gun, to aiming, to shooting.

And this is just one of the shooting records he created. He once shot 2.12 shots in 10 seconds in a game in Las Vegas. He is also the fastest person in the world. The world's fastest gunner, the Flash of the pistol world.

When Hua Twelve was in the real world, he once watched a video of Bob Munden showing the quick grab on the Internet. Under the TV camera, he drew his gun instantly, and then fired two shots in a row, blowing up one left and one right in front of him. two balloons.

The whole process was indistinguishable to the naked eye, and Hua Twelve was astonished.

It's just a pity that when Hua Shishi saw this video, Bob Munden had passed away due to a heart attack a few years ago.

Now that Hua Twelve has entered the mission world, and Bob Manden is still alive, he feels that he cannot miss the opportunity to learn how to draw a spear.

Under the influence of money ability, Bob Munden and his wife happily got on the plane to the magic capital of the Eastern Kingdom.

When Cross saw this old cowboy who was good at using a revolver, he looked disgusted, and then said to Hua Twelve:

"You don't know how to learn the flashy marksmanship of cowboys, do you? We are professionals. It's shameful that you actually went to learn marksmanship from cowboys."

He wanted to say that we are all professional killers, but he thought that there were others beside him, so he swallowed the word 'killer' back.

Bob Munden, who was born in 1942, is 63 years old now, but the temper of the old cowboy is still there. He yelled directly: "Boy, dare you compare your marksmanship with the old man? The rules follow the rules of our western duels." !"

Carlos the Cross shook his head and laughed: "Forget it, I'm afraid of hurting your self-esteem!"

Hua Twelve didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, so he ran on Carlos and said: "The old man has already called the gauntlet, don't be cowardly!"

He immediately asked the staff of the shooting range to get some laser pistols and supporting equipment for real-life battles.

Carlos shook his head helplessly, and said to Bob Manden: "Okay, old man, let me tell you that your methods are outdated!"

Bob Munden smiled and chose the gun without speaking. He found a laser pistol that was about the same weight as the revolver he often used, then asked the staff how to use it, and then tried it himself.

Finally, Chaohua Twelve asked, "How is your marksmanship?"

Hua Twelve pointed at Carlos: "It's a little worse than him, but it's the gun king among the American soldiers!"

The old man was happy: "Then you come too, I will treat both of you alone!"

At this moment, Hua Twelve felt that the old man was too crazy, but Bob Manden said: "One person is not enough, you should go together, or I will turn around and go to America!"

Hua Twelve looked at Carlos with a wry smile, and the latter shrugged: "Western cowboys are so confident that they are annoying!"

"Okay, then I'll play with you too, but I feel that if you meet the two of us, old man, you will probably lose!"

Hua Twelve also picked up a pistol and said with a smile.

Bob Munden put on the induction vest, put on the induction helmet, and then shook the pistol in his hand: "The cowboy will use this to talk!"

Hua Twelve said helplessly: "Okay, I hope it won't hit you too hard!"

In his opinion, even though Bob Manden is awesome, he is now in his 60s, and it is simply impossible to challenge him and Carlos and win them.

The three of them put their pistols in the holsters around their waists, and stood at a distance of twenty steps from each other, forming an equilateral triangle.

The rules are similar to the duels in the West. Toss a coin and the coin will land before you can draw your gun and shoot.

When the three of them nodded to indicate that they were ready, Matilda tossed a coin high and landed among the three of them.

Just when the coin was falling in a parabola, Hua Twelve and Cross Carlos both adjusted their breaths and held their breath. Although they absolutely did not think that they would lose in a two-on-one match, as professional killers, they also entered the state subconsciously, without any hesitation. There will be a little carelessness.

The moment the coin landed, the two of them moved and pulled out their pistols quickly. Although Hua Twelve hadn't counted them, he knew that the hand speed obtained from John Smith, the ace killer, would not exceed 0.6 seconds.

But the moment he raised his pistol, there was a soft chirp, and the induction helmet he was wearing began to emit colorful smoke, and so did Carlos over there.

Both were shot in the head by Bob Munden.

Bob Manden put down the gun in his hand, and shook his head at his wife who was watching the battle: "Old man, firing a gun is much slower than before!"

The old lady was very happy after hearing this, but she was not surprised at all, because in her memory, her old man had never lost.

Bob Munden may play street fighting with live ammunition. He can't beat the ace killer, but for the western cowboy stand-up duel, since he learned how to shoot at the age of 11, he has never been afraid of anyone.

Hua Twelve put down his gun: "Submit it, otherwise how could I invite you from the United States to train me with a high salary!"

Carlos said unwillingly: "I want to compete again, I didn't use all my strength just now!"

Hua Twelve knew that what he said was that he didn't use the secret technique of bursting adrenaline just now, so he felt unwilling.

Bob Manden laughed: "Okay, I just haven't played enough, let alone this laser gun is also very fun."

The two changed their equipment again. This time, Hua Twelve threw out a coin, and the coin was still in the air. Carlos launched the secret technique of bursting adrenaline. The five senses instantly entered a state of detachment, and the whole world slowed down in his eyes.

The moment the coin landed, he quickly pulled out his pistol, and then watched helplessly as the old man opposite him had already pulled the trigger on him.

Chi~, colorful smoke spewed out, Hua Twelve went up and laughed for a while, Carlos glared at him: "At least I saw him draw his gun clearly, did you see clearly?"

Hua Twelve's smile instantly subsided, and his old heart was firmly established. It's easy to lose friends if you talk like that.

When Bob Manden taught Hua Twelve how to draw a spear in person, Carlos also offered to pay the tuition fee to come and learn together. No one wants to learn a technique that Nima can't even win with a burst of anger.

After learning from Bob Mandon, the two of them knew that the world record of only 0.21 seconds from drawing the gun to aiming and shooting was actually a record that was only counted after the old man got old.

When Bob Manden was young, he once made a program with a TV station. At that time, he put his hand on the gun and got ready to pull out the shot at the fastest speed. The whole process was shot by a high-speed camera, and the speed was calculated through playback, and it was found that The process is only 0.0175 seconds.

Hearing this number, Hua Twelve and Cross shook their heads like a rattle drum, thinking it was impossible, but they checked the Internet and found that there was such a number.

Bob Manden smiled and said to them: "Actually, I don't believe it very much until now. After all, this figure is too exaggerated, but several experts also said the same after watching the playback of the high-speed camera!"

Carlos said without hesitation: "How is it possible? This is simply not a speed that humans can achieve. It takes 0.3 seconds for a normal person to blink. In other words, if you are facing you, you have already been shot twice in the blink of an eye. Already!"

Bob Munden shrugged:

"A scientist checked my body and said that the muscle fibers in my arms are different from ordinary people, which makes my hand speed faster than that of a rattlesnake. I guess you can't reach the speed I draw a gun!"

Hua Shishi's face is a little dark, so why did I hire you here for fun?
Fortunately, Bob Manden went on to say: "But I can pass on my experience and tips to you. I am confident that through my training, your shooting speed can reach at least 0.3 seconds, but you have to practice For rapid fire, a revolver is best."

Hua Twelve nodded and said, "That's no problem, it doesn't matter what kind of gun I use!"

In this way, the two practiced gun drawing with Bob Munden in the morning, and crossed Carlos in the afternoon to help Hua Twelve develop the ability to freely control adrenaline.

On the first day, Carlos took Hua Twelve to play bungee jumping, and on the second day to play diving, jumping off the cliff.

As a result, Hua Shishi couldn't stimulate the adrenaline, and finally Carlos took Hua Shishi to skydiving. After deliberately giving him a bad umbrella bag, he kicked him from a height of 3000 meters.

Hua Twelve was pulling and pulling in mid-air, and the umbrella bag couldn't be opened no matter how hard he pulled it. When he was about 1000 meters away, he felt the danger of death and exploded instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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