A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 228 There is great terror between life and death!

Chapter 228 There is great terror between life and death! (Seek full order)

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The umbrella bag couldn't be opened, and Hua Twelve's hairs exploded in an instant. He felt the boundless danger. At this moment, he heard someone shouting not far away:

"Open the parachute!"

Hua Twelve turned his head and saw that it was a cross. It turned out that this guy jumped down with him, and it was not far from his left side, falling rapidly with him.

It was his first skydiving, no, to be more precise, he was not skydiving, but he was kicked off, he knew the parachute of the fart, what is the parachute, who can explain it!
Hua Twelve opened his mouth, let the howling wind pour into his mouth, and shouted, "Where is the secondary umbrella?"

The Carlos guy suddenly laughed and shouted: "Okay, without the secondary umbrella, you are dead!"

Hua Twelve's scalp was blown, and now he wondered if this guy wanted to take the opportunity to kill himself. He was considering whether to take out the M16 from the space and give the cross a shuttle.

It is said that the initial falling speed of a person during skydiving is about 50 meters per second. When the falling speed and air resistance reach a balance point, they will enter a state of uniform speed, which is about 175 meters per second.

So if he can no longer open the umbrella, Hua Twelve can say goodbye to this world, and now he feels that he is getting closer to the ground.

He felt that all his blood was boiling, and the next moment, he felt that his soul was out of his body, and he seemed to see his figure falling rapidly below him.

Hua Shishi wondered if this was the so-called, people flying in front, Hun'er chasing behind.

"I'll open the umbrella first, hurry up and pray, anyway, you have nothing else to do but pray!"

Carlos let out a gleeful laugh not far away from him, and Hua Twelve, in this state of being out of his body, seemed to hear the sound with an echo, as if the sound came from a very far away place.

A strong unwillingness rose in Hua Shishi's heart. He felt that his soul had returned to his body in an instant, and then he was about to take a gun from the space and kill the grandson of the cross first.

But there was a hula, and Carlos' umbrella bag opened, and the distance between him and the opponent was instantly opened, and it was too late to hit the opponent with a gun.

And Hua Twelve was not in the mood to deal with Carlos again at this time, because the moment he seemed to be out of his body and returned, he seemed to have entered another world, or the whole world seemed to have slowed down.

The wind blowing in front of you, the sounds around you, and even falling into yourself, it seems that everything has become a slow motion in a movie.

Hua Shixin said that it is no wonder that in some movies, those who jump off the building can look back on their life before falling to the ground, or recall some particularly important things. It turns out that it really feels like this.

He thought that if it was really that slow, then he could eat a hot pot or something slowly before landing, at least he could be a dead ghost.

Just when he was thinking wildly, Carlos, who had already opened the umbrella above his head, took out a remote control and pressed it with a smile.

With a whimper, Hua Twelve felt that the umbrella bag on his back was opened, and then felt that his body was pulled up a certain distance by a strong force.

When Hua Twelve came back to his senses, the feeling of being in slow motion just now had subsided, but his heart was beating violently.

The moment he landed, Hua Twelve directly collapsed on the ground, he was on his back and refused to get up, at this moment he just wanted to lie down quietly, it was best to sleep first before talking about anything else.

But before lying down for a while, a figure covered the sun in front of him, and Carlos appeared in front of him, grinning and saying:

"How about it, young man, doesn't it feel good?"

He shook the remote control in his hand and said with a smile, "The distance I opened the parachute for you just now was 1000 feet, which is about 304 meters. It's exciting enough."

Hua Twelve jumped up immediately, untied the umbrella on his body, and cursed: "304 meters, let alone two or three seconds later, I will be on the ground!"

He rushed over and punched Carlos.

Cross also wanted to compete with Hua Twelve with his close combat skills, but he was completely crushed in terms of strength and technique. Shouting to be soft and begging for mercy.

This time he changed to a cross and lay on the ground. He covered his old waist with a bitter face, and complained to Hua Twelve, who was still furious:

"It's you who asked me to train you, okay? I'm almost fifty, and you don't have any seriousness in your strikes. By the way, why are you so strong? No wonder you broke two of my ribs with one punch!"

Hua Twelve laughed angrily: "Is there anyone like you in training? I thought you were going to kill me. I thought I was going to die!"

He said in his heart that his mental quality is better now, otherwise he might have peed his pants.

The cross spread his hands: "There is no way to do this. You are not born with this kind of talent in your blood like Wesley and I. If you want to have the ability to burst adrenaline freely, you must be like the girl Martina. , to be strongly stimulated!"

"But with the psychological quality of your ace killer, apart from facing death, what else can really stimulate you!"

Hua Twelve also calmed down quite a bit at this time, and what he said about the cross made sense when he thought about it this way, and it seemed that he was in the final stage just now, and he seemed to have really entered that feeling.

Immediately pulled the cross up from the ground. As for apologizing, it was impossible. No one could apologize for anyone who experienced something that was only a few seconds away from falling into a pile of flesh.

Hua Twelve expressed his previous feelings, and Carlos' eyes lit up:
"Let me just say, you Orientals say that there is great terror between life and death, and it turns out that the stimulation between life and death is the most effective. This proves that you have found the explosive switch in your body. Just touch it often, Must be able to master this method like Mattie!"

The next day, I continued skydiving, but in order to appease Hua Twelve, this time Carlos handed him the remote control in his hand and told him: "I don't need to stimulate you as much as before today, so if the parachute bag can't be opened That was definitely an accident, you just press this to ensure safety!"

As a result, after Hua Twelve jumped, when he was about 1000 meters above the ground, he tried the umbrella bag first, but he couldn't pull it open. It seems that Carlos definitely did it on purpose.

Then he pressed the remote control once, twice, no matter how hard he pressed, there was still no response.

At this time, Carlos, who was skydiving with him, shouted: "I forgot to install the battery."

"Your uncle!"

Hua Twelve didn't know that he was tricked again. Although he guessed that the cross had other means to help him open the umbrella, guesses were just guesses after all. The inevitable sense of fear and the excitement between life and death made him enter the world again. The five senses are detached from the explosive state.

Sure enough, Carlos still has a remote control in his hand, this is real.

This time, the distance he chose to open the parachute for Hua Twelve was lower than last time, and he chose to open the parachute when he was about 200 meters away from the ground.

This time it was extremely dangerous. If anything went wrong, Hua Twelve would definitely have to face a dead end.

Fortunately, there were no accidents, and after facing death twice, Hua Twelve finally became familiar with the feeling of bursting with adrenaline.

Carlos asked him to remember this feeling, and it broke out every day in the following days, and then recovered with medicinal baths.

What surprised Carlos was that Hua Twelve's heart was stronger than that of their father and son, and he didn't feel any discomfort after the outbreak.

In fact, what he didn't know was that when Hua Twelve obtained the 'Peak Ao Pang Strength', his muscles, bones and heart had already been passively strengthened once, so he could adapt to the sequelae of the adrenaline burst faster.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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