A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 233 Killing Wife to Prove!

Chapter 233 Killing Wife to Prove! (Seek full order)

Hua Twelve shot the remaining corpses with a shotgun to make sure there were no more Tibetans, so he stopped.

At this time, Carlos had already bandaged Wesley's hands briefly, smiled and said to his pained son:
"I was able to block that attack for you just now, but I didn't block it for you. Do you know why?"

Seeing his father gloating, Wesley was somewhat aggrieved and did not speak.

Hua Twelve quickly put away the shotgun, took out the M500 hand cannon and reloaded it, put it back into the holster on his waist, and replaced it with two Glock 17s in his hands. While he was busy, he interjected:

"Your dad is letting you know the pain, so you will remember it for a long time next time!"

The cross patted Wesley on the head: "This injury will be healed after going back to the medicinal bath for a day, it's not a big deal!"

The three of them continued to move forward, passed through the basement, and rushed up from the stairs on the other side. Inside was an inner circular library.

No one looked in from the door, but all three of them knew that there must be those top killers of the Brotherhood hidden inside.

Hua Twelve reached out his hand to stop the cross who wanted to drive Wushuang to rush in, put his two guns on his waist, then took out two steel ball grenades, bit the pull ring one left and one right and threw them in.

After throwing the grenade, he quickly dodged from the door with the cross and his son.

If someone is ambushing in the library, seven to eight thousand steel balls in the two grenades will collapse back and forth, and see if you die.

As for his nominal wife, Fox, from the moment she pressed Hua Shier's tracker, he had no intention of keeping her.

Boom, boom.

Two steel ball grenades with an explosion range of 50 meters exploded in a circular library of more than 20 square meters. In the sound of the explosion, the sound of dense steel balls splashing and hitting the wall was heard.

Among them were the screams of at least seven or eight people, obviously these people were the top killers who had ambushed in the library in advance.

After the explosion subsided and the smoke cleared, Hua Shier, Cross and his son took their guns and walked into the library cautiously.

Seeing that the steel ball grenade raged in the library at this time, it was in a mess. All the bookshelves were densely packed with holes made by steel balls, and all the books were turned into waste paper, scattered everywhere.

Behind several pillars in the library lay a man with bloody flesh. Some of these people were dead, and some were only seriously injured and unable to fight. There were blood holes punched out by steel balls all over their bodies.

Obviously, those who are not yet dead will not last long.


Cross looked at the bloody killer closest to him, said the nickname of his former colleague, and then suddenly raised his hand and shot the seriously injured repairman in the head.

Then he turned his gun on another black man:
"Mr. Grin!"

Boom!Another shot.



The cross was shot one by one, and those who had died also went up to make up a shot.

Holding two guns, Hua Shishi stood there motionless, but his eyes scanned the library: "No, that bitch Fox isn't here!"

"And Sloan and the armorer are not here!"

The Cross added: "They're probably in the office up there, that loom is there!"

Hua Twelve felt a little funny, sure enough, the villain BOSS wouldn't die so easily, he was about to rush up to finish off a few remnants, when he heard a voice say:

"Mr. John Smith, may I speak?"

Hua Twelve looked behind a bookshelf in the library, where the voice came from, and he smiled:
"Hide your head and show your tail, and want to talk to me, do you have the qualifications?"

The voice was not angry, just smiled and said:

"I planned to withdraw from the secret passage before, but I accidentally found a curious little girl who seemed lost, so I kindly asked the armourer to bring her here!"

Following his words, a young black man walked out from behind the bookshelf. It was the same black man who taught Wesley how to throw a spear with Fox in the original plot, that is, the armorer.

At this time, the armourer covered a girl's mouth with one hand to prevent her from making a sound, and with the other hand, he put a Beretta pistol on the girl's head and walked out slowly.

When Hua Twelve heard that they had captured a girl, he felt a little bad, but now his guess was confirmed, because the armorer captured Matilda who was supposed to be in the command vehicle.

"Now we can have a good talk, shall we?"

A black uncle who looked exactly like the black movie star Morgan Freeman and wore a windbreaker came out with a smile, followed by Fox with an expressionless face.

The armorer let go of Matilda's mouth, as if he wanted her to scream in horror, so as to share Hua Twelve's heart.

As a result, Matilda shouted to Hua Twelve:

"I wanted to help you, but I accidentally got caught by these two niggers. Leave me alone and just kill them. Is that thick lip your wife? It's so ugly, with such a big mouth It's all over the back of my head, and she's still a bitch"

"Shut her up!"

Fox and Sloan shouted at the same time, this little girl is too vicious and racist.

The armorer couldn't cover Matilda's mouth again.

Fox looked at Hua Twelve and joked, "Is this your new lover? Your taste is getting more and more cold!"

Hua Twelve countered: "No matter what, she is better than you, the woman who murdered her husband. She is right in one thing, you are a bitch!"

Fox's eyes could almost spit fire at this moment.

"Okay, let me say a few words!"

Sloan interrupted the couple's tussle:
"John Smith and Fox, do you still remember the purge that your respective companies launched against you? At that time, Fox was still called Jane Smith!"

Hua Shishi and Fox looked over at the same time, and Sloan nodded towards them: "That was arranged by me!"

"Why?" Hua Shishi and Fox asked at the same time. They thought they had never offended the Brotherhood, so they both showed puzzled expressions.

Sloan smiled slightly: "The brotherhood has been around for thousands of years, and it always needs fresh blood to join, and you are the most outstanding killers that have appeared in North America in the past five years, except for the brotherhood."

"So I arranged that trial and placed orders with your two companies separately, asking them to find an excuse to kill you. I want to see if I can stimulate your adrenaline bursting ability in the face of a life-and-death crisis!"

Sloan spread his hands at this point: "As a result, when Jane was faced with a certain death situation, she burst out with potential, allowing the two of you to escape, but Mr. John Smith did not have this potential at the time, so. "

Hua Twelve narrowed his eyes: "That's why you let a wife kill her husband?"

Sloan didn't feel embarrassed at all, but said solemnly: "It's not us who want to kill you, it's fate, your name appeared on the loom!"

Carlos the Cross, who was watching the play, laughed: "Sloan, if you really followed the list given by the loom, you should have died a long time ago!"

Carlos took out the piece of fabric he stole from the fraternity from his coat pocket and showed it to Fox and the armourer:

"Look, this is Sloan!"

Both Fox and the armorer turned to Sloan, who nodded, "That's right, my name appeared five years ago!"

He reached out and took out a stack of cloth strips from his pocket, then took out one and threw it in front of Fox: "Look, this is yours!"

Throwing another one to the armorer: "This one is yours!"

Then he walked around the library, throwing a strip of cloth with their names woven on top of the dead top killers, even throwing a strip of cloth with Carlos' name in front of the cross.

After finishing all this, Sloan spread his hands: "Look, we are all damned here. Was it wrong for me to kill John Smith? It was only because Jane broke out that I used a white lie to bring her into the organization."

When he said this, he sighed: "My only mistake is that I didn't expect Mr. Smith to have such amazing potential!"


Sloan emphasized his tone: "It's still too late to make up for this mistake, Mr. Smith, the people here are the most powerful killers, we can join forces to reorganize the brotherhood, the loom is outdated, we can form a new killer group , when the time comes, rights, money, you and Fox can get back together, we."

Fox raised the gun without warning, aimed at Sloan's head and pulled the trigger, then turned around and shot the bewildered armorer in the head.

When Sloan and the armorer fell to the ground, their eyes were full of disbelief. It wasn't that they hadn't considered that Fox would turn back and help her husband deal with the Brotherhood, but the woman passed several tests, and even John Smith Almost died at her hands.

Even the Long Island Villa was betrayed by Fox, and it was because of this that Sloan trusted her so much, but he did not expect to fall into her hands in the end.

As soon as the armourer fell to the ground, Fox pulled Matilda away, pointed the gun at the girl's head, and said to Hua Twelve:

"John, this girl is innocent. If you want her to live, you have to kill the cross, and then I will die with you, okay?"

Cross subconsciously took his son Wesley back a few steps.

Hua Twelve couldn't turn the corner, and asked Fox angrily, "What exactly are you trying to do?"

Fox smiled sadly: "Don't you understand? That loom is God's will, it is the arrangement of fate, and our names appear on it. We are all sinners who deserve our sins and deserve to die!"

Hua Twelve also understood that this girl got too deep after being brainwashed, she chose to follow the original plot, and planned to die with all the sinners.

He sighed: "Jane, forget it, let's call you Fox, look into my eyes, I want to see how much sincerity is in your eyes!"

The two were more than ten steps apart, looking at each other, and neither of them spoke. Fox looked at him with affection and guilt, but more firmness.

Ten seconds passed, Fox suddenly blinked, and at this moment Hua Twelve moved.

Draw a gun!
From drawing the gun, to aiming, to shooting at a hand speed of 0.2 seconds, after Fox blinked, before he could lift his eyelids, he was headshot by the M500 bullet.

It was John Smith who had feelings for this woman.

Although Hua Shier inherited Mr. Smith's memory and had a little influence on her, he would never accompany her to die.

Since she wanted to die so much, Hua Twelve didn't mind sending her on the road with his own hands. He thought that this could be regarded as killing his wife to prove the truth!
Matilda was not frightened by the blood all over her body at all, she jumped all the way into Hua Shier's arms, and shouted happily: "Beautiful job!"

Hua Twelve pushed her away and said disgustedly: "Stay away, don't touch me!"

(End of this chapter)

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