A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 234 Stealth in place plus shelter!

Chapter 234 Stealth in place plus shelter! (Seek full order)
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Hua Shishi was in a bad mood, not because Matilda rubbed him with blood, but mainly because after he shot Fox, a system notification came in his mind, saying that the host had completed the task and could return within 24 hours. , you can start the lucky draw reward at any time.

It's so sudden!

He felt that he had only been in the mission world for a few months, so why did he suddenly return, especially since he hadn't arranged many things yet.

Hua Shier hurriedly checked the system tasks.

The task of the system is to let him prevent Mrs. Smith from derailing in marriage, help Mr. Smith regain his power between husband and wife, or kill Mrs. Smith and destroy the killer organization behind her!
In the original plot, Fox and Wesley had an ambiguous relationship, but this dewy relationship caused Hua Shi to get mixed up in advance.

Then the second task of the system is to restore the glory between husband and wife, or kill Fox and destroy the brotherhood.

Obviously, this task point system gives two options, the former is to play development, and the latter is to play speed push.

In other words, Hua Shier killed Fox and destroyed the Brotherhood, that is, he chose to speed push, and he really completed the system task.

Well, Hua Twelve admitted that it was his fault!

Matilda sensed that Hua Twelve's mood was not very good, so she calmed down immediately, took his hand and stood quietly aside.

Carlos also felt Hua Shier's emotional changes. He thought that the other party had killed his wife, so he felt uncomfortable. He walked over and didn't speak, but patted him on the shoulder as a comfort.

Hua Twelve was slapped by Carlos, and he came to his senses in an instant. He knew that 24 hours is not much time, and there are still many things that have not been arranged. From now on, it is time to race against time and not waste any time.

He greeted several people to leave the textile factory, and called the security director of Blackwater as he walked.

The beauty director apologized as soon as she answered the phone, saying that Mattie told her to go to the bathroom, but she took her to a safe place for convenience, but she didn't expect the girl to take the opportunity to run away. Her people were looking for Mattie. Please Hua Twelve forgive Yunyun.

Hua Twelve didn't pursue her intentions. Mattie could burst adrenaline freely, several times faster than ordinary people. She wanted to sneak away without breaking her leg.

Hua Twelve just said on the phone that everything was settled and let Blackwater handle the beginning and end.

The director of Heishui immediately agreed, this was their duty.

An hour later, the New York News Channel reported that a textile factory established in the last century had caused a fire due to aging wiring, resulting in the death of hundreds of employees.

In addition, there are reports that the fire caused the crew of a blockbuster spy war movie in Hollywood to re-select the filming location Yunyun.

While Hua Twelve lamented the efficiency of Heishui's work, he took care of his own affairs. He placed the cross father and son and Matilda in the presidential suite of a certain hotel provided by Heishui. Of course, Heishui only provides the qualification to jump in the queue. The bill still needs to be settled by himself.

He asked a few people to wait for him at the hotel, said that he had some things to do when he went out, and made an appointment to have dinner together at night, leaving a team of Heishui security personnel to take care of the safety of the few people, and left in a hurry.

I have earned so much money, if I don't deal with it quickly, if I can't come to this world in the future, then all my hard work will be in vain.

At present, Hua Shier has more than 3 million U.S. dollars in property, not counting a few real estate properties in New York, including deposits and stocks.

It is obviously impossible to withdraw all the cash. After he left the safe house, he called his personal lawyer, Farlan, and he said that he needed a large amount of US dollars in cash within 24 hours. He asked his law firm if he could If there is no similar business, can you meet your own requirements?

Farlan smiled heartily on the phone: "Of course boss, we never say NO to our employers!"

However, Farlan did not explain how to solve it on the phone, but asked to meet and talk.

Hua Twelve went directly to Farlan's office, and when they met, the other party said:

"I have also helped previous employers launder money, but they all laundered cash into legal income. This is the first time I have seen someone like you, BOSS, laundering legal income into cash!"

Hua Twelve said impatiently: "Farlan, I don't have much time now, you can just talk about the business!"

"Alright boss!"

Seeing that Hua Twelve was not in high spirits, Farlan said directly, "It's through the casinos in Las Vegas, which is done all over the world. Do you want to launder the cash or launder the money in the account into cash?" Yes, but the price is not cheap, a 10% handling fee is required!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "Does that include your share?"

Farlan spread his hands and said, "I only charge one percent. You know that I have to take risks, and I am also responsible for solving legal problems that may arise in the future!"

Hua Shishi waved his hand and said: "Okay, I just said that, you help me get it first, um, just [-] million in cash!"

Farlan was not surprised. He knew the strength of his boss. He immediately went out and made a phone call. When he came back, he made an OK gesture.

Hua Twelve heaved a sigh of relief, and stood up directly: "Okay, then when shall we go to Las Vegas?"

Farlan asked in surprise, "What are you doing in Las Vegas?"

"Cash out!"

Farlan laughed loudly: "Boss, this is New York, not rural Cleveland. You just need to give me an address, and the money will be delivered to you in just two hours!"

Hua Twelve directly reported the address of the safe house where he grabbed the cross last time, and then went to the safe house with Farlan under the protection of Heishui security personnel, waiting for the other party to send money.

What Farlan contacted was the behind-the-scenes owner of a famous casino, and the other party really knew everything. In less than two hours, a cash transport truck, under the protection of a team of security personnel, transported a total of 1.05 tons, bundles of hundred Yuan Meidao was placed in front of Hua Twelve.

Hua Shier had seen a photo of someone with [-] million RMB on the Internet before, and he didn't feel anything at the time, but now he saw the hill-like dollar bills in front of his eyes, and he was shocked.

In addition, Hua Shishi finally knew why the other party didn't want any guarantees, so he dared to send money directly to the door. The security personnel who sent money in were all tough and bulging in their clothes. They were obviously well-trained gunmen. It is estimated that reneging on debts may be done directly.

However, even though these people were stubborn, Hua Twelve was confident that he would kill them all. For a moment, he really wanted to go whoring for nothing, but after thinking about it, he really couldn't do it.

I happily transferred the 10 million including 1000% handling fee, and the other party left with satisfaction, and left a business card before leaving, saying that I would look for them if there is such a business in the future, and the next cooperation with more than [-] million dollars You can give away supercars, famous watches, a one-month trip to Las Vegas, and a total of one billion yuan to give away yachts and so on.

Hua Twelve heard a black line, and after sending these people away, he asked Farlan and the security personnel of Heishui to wait for him outside, and then ordered the system to use all the [-] million dollars in front of him to expand the storage space.

The next moment, the system prompts that the expansion is complete, and the storage space is now three cubic meters!

A black line appeared on Hua Shier's forehead. The storage space was expanded to 2000 cubic meters for more than 1.5 million yuan before, and now it has increased by 1.5 cubic meters, but this time it cost [-] million yuan.

Although the system has already said hello that the larger the storage space is, the more money it needs, but it is still a bit exaggerated to see it. If you want a bigger space in the future, you will not be able to buy it. Just think about it.

The storage space has expanded to three cubic meters, which is much larger. It is no problem to put a bed and come in and sleep.

When Hua Twelve thought of this, he suddenly had a thought. He tried to open the storage space, and then got in by himself, and found that it was really possible.

He thought for a while and went to the changing room, opened the space in front of the changing mirror and got in. When he looked back, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, because he could see the mirror outside through the opened space entrance, but from the mirror There was no sign of him.

Doesn't this mean that in the future, he will not only have an extra refuge space, but also an extra ability to hide in place!

Suddenly, Hua Twelve felt that the [-] million dollars was worth the money!

 Thanks: Brother 08a, Xiao Ye Ye Pie for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of spicy sticks, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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