A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 265 Cooperation

Chapter 265 Cooperation
With the help of Xiaobei, the pig teammate, Fangdie and the others were speechless about the matter of gold.

Then Hua Twelve said something that made their hearts tremble: "God said, you are to save the country!"

Fang Die shook her head with the others, and the former smiled apologetically: "Brother priest, I am an actor, and that is a director. They are involved in drama affairs and scene records. How could we be the ones who saved the country? That would be decapitated." Yes, don't hurt us!"

The others nodded at the same time.

Hua Twelve didn't bother to play dumb with them anymore, and said directly: "The eight tons of gold will fall into the hands of your National Salvation Council, what do you plan to use?"

Fang Die sneered and said: "You see, we still can't explain clearly. We are really not here to save the country. It is because we see those golden eyes that we have a crooked mind."

The others nodded again.

Hua Twelve sneered and said, "What about the patriot who saved the National Assembly who died in the movie theater, and the one in the prison, the little devil has published it in the newspaper, saying that both of them are saving the National Assembly!"

He pointed at Xiao Dongbei: "This kid just brought the information out of the prison today, and you brought him here, and you said he wasn't from the National Salvation Council!"

The brawny man with a knife who is known as 'often killing people' is a scene recorder, pointing at Hua Twelve and shouting: "So you are from the Wa country, you little devil!"

This time, Hua Twelve stretched out two fingers, leaned forward and poofed them on his eyes. The perfect force control made the opponent hurt but not blind.

Looking at the wailing scene, Hua Twelve smiled and said, "God said, you point at me and I point at you, or two fingers!"

After he finished speaking, he shook his head and sighed: "If I were from the Japanese country, could I still call them little devils? Can I still have such a friendly chat with you for so long, then I would have led soldiers to arrest you sooner!"

Fang Die and others also felt that what he said made sense, she asked in a deep voice: "Who are you and what is your purpose? Is it really for the eight tons of gold?"

Hua Shishi was very relieved to see that Fang Die finally stopped being sloppy after she was earnestly speaking and showing her breasts, no, she was honest with each other.

Immediately let them all stand up and sit down, and treat the anti-Japanese fighters in the same way as before.

After everyone was seated, he said: "Let me ask you first, if you get the eight tons of gold, what do you want to use the gold for? Can it be shipped out of Xinjing? Or buy weapons for the guerrillas outside? "

He thought that if people rob gold to buy weapons for the Anti-League, he really can’t touch the gold, so he can help out as an obligation. Although we are not from this world, we are also descendants of China, so we can’t rob things with the Anti-League, right? .

There was a struggle in Fangdie's eyes, obviously she was considering whether to continue to deny it, but when she saw Hua Twelve's playful eyes, she knew that the other party was sure of them.

With a wry smile, he said: "The reason why we bought eight tons of gold is to prevent the Japanese from using the gold to buy arms from Italy. We never thought about shipping it out. This is Xinjing, a puppet country of the Puppet Manchukuo. Vehicles have to go through strict inspections, not to mention how much sensation the gold will cause if it is lost, it is simply impossible!"

Hua Twelve suddenly burst out laughing: "Fang Die, Fang Die, you really are saving the country, you finally revealed your secrets!"

Just when Fangdie and the others turned pale with fright, thinking that he was really a Japanese, Hua Twelve smiled and said:
"Then let's talk about specific things!"

Everyone: "."

Regardless of their expressions, Hua Twelve said directly:

"I'll help you rob gold together. I want eight tons of gold if I get something. The little devil has no gold, and he can't buy arms. Your goal has also been achieved. What do you think of the cooperation that will benefit both?"

Xiao Dongbei poked his head over in anger: "As for me, I have already negotiated a [-]% return."

Before he finished speaking, Hua Twelve put up two fingers and inserted it: "Beep beep and poke you blind again, a street slut, what right do you have to get your hands on gold!"

Xiao Dongbei covered his eyes and shouted: "I know the information, without my information, you will get nothing!"

Fangdie pouted at Xiao Dongbei, and Chaohua Twelve smiled and said, "How do you say?"

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "I know about the same thing that he knows. Although I don't know the exact date of the gold's arrival, I do know the delivery route map and the exact date of the eight tons of gold. They are all in Yamato In the study of Gu Xianming, the president of the bank, I think with your skills, you should be able to get it!"

At the beginning, he wanted to kill Hua Twelve, but at this moment he couldn't help shouting: "We have to do everything, so what are you doing, asking for gold if you don't do anything?"

Hua Twelve snapped his fingers: "You are in charge of finding information, and I am in charge of robbing the gold. When the time comes, you all go with me, just watch the show honestly, and leave the rest to me!"

Fang Die and the others thought that Hua Twelve was more than one person, and it was probably a group of people's idea to make gold. After a few people studied it, they nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, Hua Twelve smiled and said, "I can't let the hero who saved the National Congress help me for nothing. In this way, you can contact me to see where I can buy weapons. I'll buy a batch as a gift for you. That's all." Now, when you have any news, go to the church and find me, I am the deputy priest of our Catholic church!"

In fact, he could get the information in Gu Xianming's hands by using lightness kung fu and going around at night, but that is really unnecessary. According to the plot that Hua Twelve knew, the process of Fang Die and the others getting the information was safe and sound. You can't dampen the enthusiasm of comrades to work, just let them go to work.

Fangdie said in surprise: "You are really a priest!"

Hua Twelve picked up the cross on his chest: "It is necessary, how can a clergyman lie!"

Xiao Dongbei came over again: "Father, let's discuss it, I want [-]% more!"

This time, Fang Die and the others laughed: "Just now you have information, you can bargain with us, but now your information is worthless, why should you ask for [-]% gold?"

Xiao Dongbei made a ruthless look: "The confidentiality fee is [-]% gold, and I will keep it secret for you!"

Fang Die waved her hand: "Drag it out and kill it!"

The two guys who tied Xiaodongbei rushed over and dragged Xiaodongbei out.

Xiao Dongbei struggled and said: "Half, half, ten..., five..., three, I only want three, no less, you are saving the country on the one hand, and priests on the other, it's not a big deal to take human life like this you"

Hua Twelve stretched out a finger: "Look at you, you are poor, a gold bar after everything is done, do you want love!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the two people who were dragging Xiaodongbei stopped. In fact, they were just trying to scare the kid, and they never thought they would kill him.

Fang Die smiled and persuaded: "There is a lot of one, enough to nourish you in this new capital for several years!"

Looking at the situation in front of him, Xiaodongbei estimated that if he didn't agree, he would be silenced, so he said helplessly, "Okay, one will be one, and when I have money, I will eat lump soup every day!"

Seeing that the matter had settled down, Hua Twelve stood up with a smile: "Then I will wait for your good news in the church!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked away quickly.

The man who wanted to kill Hua Twelve at the beginning followed Hua Twelve and sent him out of the studio. When he saw that he was far away, he turned around and came back.

Fang Die angrily said to this person: "Wu Zhipian, you are usually very ruthless, you want to kill this one, and then you want to kill that one, how can you deal with this priest? !"

Producer Wu gritted his teeth and said, "As for that bastard, I just want him to be on the same path as us, otherwise I'd have been up and down already."

In the middle of his speech, he asked in surprise, "Hey, do your eyes still hurt? Why are you blinking at me? I hurt too, and I'm not dripping like yours. There's no steel at all."

Fang Die couldn't stand it anymore, and pointed behind him.

As soon as Wu Producer turned around, he inserted two fingers into his eyes, causing him to let out a scream.

Hua Twelve withdrew his finger and made the sign of the cross on his chest: "God said that if you speak ill of the priest behind your back, there will be retribution, and you will be retribution!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to push aside the martial film, and then said to Fang Die: "By the way, I was thinking about gold just now, and I almost forgot about the business. Can you use your channel to find someone for me?"

Fang Die was not ambiguous when talking about the whole thing, and asked, "Who?"

"President of Fengtian Association, Ma San!"

(End of this chapter)

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