Chapter 267
Nine days and nights, that is, the night when the gold was robbed.

All the members of the National Salvation Council, including Fang Die, were dispatched. Although Hua Shier said that he could handle it here, it would be enough to keep the National Salvation Council away and watch the show, but when it was time to set off, they didn't see any other helpers. Take his words as fart.

Everyone lay in ambush on the dirt slopes on both sides of the mountain road. The moonlight is very good tonight, and the sight is clear. If there is a convoy coming over, you can see it from a long distance.

Xiao Dongbei saw that Hua Shier was still wearing a priest's robe, and said with a smile, "Why are you still wearing this today, old man?"

Ever since he saw Hua Twelve's ability in Lianhua Mountain, people who know current affairs like Xiaodongbei are much more honest, and they use honorific names when speaking.

Hua Twelve pointed to the black divine robe on his body: "Have you never heard of Pingshu? What color is the night suit? My robe is equivalent to the night suit. Look at all of you wearing gaudy clothes, not professional at all!"

"Hey, don't say it, it really makes sense!"

Xiao Dongbei suddenly felt reasonable, and nodded in admiration.

Fang Die walked to Hua Twelve's side, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Father brother, where is your helper, this time we are fighting devils and grabbing gold, if we save the country with a lot of effort, are you still willing to take all the gold? "

Hua Twelve originally wanted to handle it by himself, but after hearing what Fangdie said, he began to evaluate it in his heart.

Finally, considering that the devil has a squadron of people this time, and that Ma San and Huo Diange are two great boxers in the martial arts world, he decided to find a helper for himself in order to ensure nothing goes wrong.

He said to Fang Die: "The helper will be here soon, wait a minute, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Hua Twelve said as he walked into the poplar forest under the slope, took out Matilda's character card, and said with a smile: "I chose the summoning function.

After a while, there is no response, and the system prompts that if the summoned person does not appear within 10 minutes, it means that the summoned person has rejected the call, and the character card cannot be used again until the next world.

Just as Hua Twelve was guessing why Matilda refused the summoning, a little beauty who had already grown a head tall, carrying a rocket launcher, and a girl with at least five guns hanging from her body appeared in front of him.

"Hua, I'm here to help you!"

It turns out that Matilda thought that Hua Shier was in trouble when she received the character card call just now, so she didn't immediately agree to be summoned, but ran to her own arsenal and took a bunch of ammunition that she could carry , which selects the invitation.

Hua Twelve was so sweaty, he hurriedly said, "Calm down Mattie, don't fire!"

Seeing that there was no danger, Matilda's eyes turned red, she threw away her weapon, and threw herself into his arms with some grievances:

"You said you would summon me right away, but it has been two years!"

After Hua Twelve communicated with the system in his heart, he realized that the flow of time in the plot worlds is different, but it is not stagnant. Matilda has been in the "killer world" for two years.

He was startled in his heart. If he calculated it this way, if he had spent decades in a certain world, what would he do if he summoned Mattie and found that she had become an old lady?
The system told him that the character card can adjust the time range of each summoning through the time node. For example, if this range is set to one month, then no matter when he summons Matilda, the time will be located in the "killer world" One month after the last call.

In this way, there will be no problems that Hua Twelve is worried about.

Hua Twelve thinks about it, which is not bad. In this way, for him, he can only call Maddy when needed, while for Matilda, he can see him once in a natural month.

In addition, the system also told Hua Twelve that after the characters on the character card are summoned to other worlds, their age will be locked by the character card, and they will not have all kinds of troubles of growing old when they go back because they have been in other worlds for too long.

This setting makes Hua Twelve envious. Isn't this locking youth? If he stays in this world for 80 years, Matilda will follow him for 80 more years of experience, and she is not old at all. This kind of thing Who wouldn't be envious to say it.

After getting rid of Mattie who was entangled with him like an octopus, Hua Twelve asked about the current situation of the 'killer world'.

Matilda has the property he left behind and has a carefree life. Now she goes to school every day and is interested in acting. She has enrolled in several dance classes, acting classes, etc., and studies in her spare time.

As for living alone because of her good looks and money, there were quite a few people who tried to get her ideas, but those people were all sent to see Satan by her arc shooting and long-distance killing.

The cross father and son also have contact with her, and they often talk on the phone. Because Matilda is not old enough, she must have a guardian, so her guardian fills in the name of Carlos.

Speaking of which, Mattie and Wesley are considered legally recognized brother-sister relationship, but the two are in Miami all the year round, and only occasionally come to Los Angeles to visit her and have a meal together.

When Hua Twelve returned to the slope with Matilda in a weapon, Fang Die was stunned: "What kind of organization are you, why are you still using minors?"

Matilda couldn't understand Chinese, and Hua Twelve didn't explain, but said to Fangdie: "In short, you can just watch it for a while, and leave the rest to us!"

Hua Twelfth didn't discuss the main tactics with Matilda either, just relying on the means of the two of them, just be reckless.

Mattie also learned about the enemies to be dealt with tonight through Hua Twelve. Both of them are top killers with brotherhood secret skills. Just stop playing with guns.

A row of headlights in the distance is driving on the mountain road, turning around and gradually approaching.

Holding the binoculars, Fang Die said in a low voice: "The seven trucks all have sun flags on them, and two of them seem to be armored trucks with the words Daiwa Bank on them, that's them!"

Ten minutes later, the little devil's convoy was within range, Hua Twelve cleaned up, and Matilda pulled the trigger on the first truck, carrying the rockets she brought from the "Killer" world.

With a bang, a huge fireball rose directly from the first truck, and turned into scrap iron. At the same time, it also blocked the mountain road, making it impossible for the vehicles behind to move forward.

Hua Twelve took a heavy machine gun, put it on the slope and started to shoot down. Some of the devil soldiers in the cars behind were killed by him before they could jump out of the car.

Matilda threw away the bazooka and started playing with a sniper rifle. She specially targeted those who got out of the car and took out their guns to fight back. One shot at a time was clean and neat.

The two cooperated, and after a few clips, two more cars exploded on the side of the devil convoy, and then there was no more movement, corpses fell all over the place, and red blood dripped from other trucks.

Hua Twelve put the heavy machine gun aside, took out two Glock 17s of his own, and Matilda also took out two Glock 26s, and the two of them activated the burst secret technique at the same time. The slope rushed down.

The members of the National Salvation Association wiped out a squadron of devils when they saw the two, and their mouths couldn't close their mouths in shock. This is too exaggerated.

Seeing Hua Twelve and the others rushing down, Fang Die came back to her senses, and shouted: "Be careful, maybe there are still some alive."

blah blah!

As soon as she finished speaking, Mattie shot twice casually, killing two devil soldiers who were hiding under the car and wanted to sneak attack.

Hua Shishi and Mattie ran past like the wind, and in their eyes, there was slow motion around them, but everyone who hadn't died just now had a shot, and after 5 minutes, the battle was completely over.

But at this moment, Hua Twelve's brows were furrowed, because he didn't see Ma San.

"Gold, hey, I have one in it!"

The people who saved the National Congress had already descended the slope and followed them. Xiao Dongbei rubbed his hands together and couldn't wait to open the escort vehicle. Suddenly a foot came out of it, and he was kicked five or six meters away with a bang. , hit the front of the truck behind with a bang, and then fell to the ground, vomiting blood, and it was about to die.

Two men in cotton coats jumped out of the escort vehicle, and one of them had a face as sharp as a knife, with a look of arrogance: "If you dare to rob gold, you will all die!" It was Ma San.

(End of this chapter)

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