A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 313 The wind is full of buildings!

Chapter 313 The wind is full of buildings! (Seek full order)

In the early morning of the next day, Hua Twelve, the commander of Jinyiwei, stood in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony for the first time and waited for the court. The group of civil servants who had been in the palace for a day and a night naturally glared at him, and many ministers with red eyes looked at him. All with unconcealed hatred.

But Hua Twelve doesn't care if others stare at him, if he can get pregnant by being stared at twice, what will he do, in his opinion, these people are guys who are about to die, and there is no need to be as knowledgeable as them.

Contrary to the civil official group, the nobles and generals who were also waiting in line to go to court were extremely enthusiastic about him.

Seeing Hua Twelve, who was wearing a flying fish suit and waiting to go to court, all the great nobles of the Ming Dynasty came up to chat with him, and their words were flattering. Obviously, a series of house raids scared them all.

The generals are better. Strictly speaking, the Commander of the Jinyiwei is also a member of the military department, and in the eyes of these generals, they are all their own.

Especially the generals had been bullied by civilian officials for a long time. Now seeing Hua Shier, his own man, ransacking the homes of civilian officials one by one, they were all overjoyed and gloated, and they all got a little closer to the commander of Jinyiwei.

Hua Twelve has always done things right and wrong people, don't look at these nobles and military officers who are close to him now, when he spends time to rectify the military, the group of military officers who have done too much, what should he do, He will never be merciful just because he is laughing and calling him brother and brother at this time.

After chatting with several military officers for a while, they heard the sound of the three-way drum, followed by the sound of the bell. The door of the Hall of Supreme Harmony was slowly opened, and the civil and military officials entered the hall in two rows on the left and right.

Zhu Youxiao is now gradually recovering from his illness, especially last night he had agreed with Hua Shier to kill a pig today, so when he sat on the dragon chair, he was full of energy and in surprisingly good condition.

Others only thought that Long Live Lord had recovered. Only Hua Twelve, who knew the inside story, could see Zhu Youxiao's eagerness to try with his butcher knife.

After Zhu Youxiao sat firmly, the civil and military honorables of the Manchu Dynasty knelt down and kowtowed three times to salute the emperor. After getting up, the officials of Honglu Temple began to sing, starting to play if there was something to do, and leaving the court if there was nothing to do.

Hua Twelve was the first to stand up: "The minister has this performance!"

Then this guy took out a roll of lists in his arms, and all the civil servants who knew the inside story began to tremble.

Hua Twelve started with the dozen officials who insulted him in Qianqing Palace that day.

Report the property statistics of Yang Suoxiu, Chen Eryi, Lu Chengyuan, Cui Chengxiu, Chen Yin, Li Yangde, Yang Weiyuan and others to Zhu Youxiao one by one.

Originally, the amount of property that these officials' incomes did not match was extremely huge, which should have aroused a lot of exclamations, but the strange thing is that the civil servants were all miserable, and all of them turned black and bowed their heads in silence.

Only on the side of the military officer did someone cry out in disbelief. They didn't expect that this group of students would be so dark, earning a lot more than they did on empty pay and soldiers' blood.

This scene naturally fell into Zhu Youxiao's eyes, and the eyes that looked at the civil servants became more and more unkind, okay, everyone was tacitly aware of it, and he, the emperor who co-authored it, was a second fool and didn't know anything. .

Although I heard the specific amount from Hua Shier last night, Zhu Youxiao still showed a look of surprise and asked:
"What Hua Aiqing said is true?"

Hua Twelve stared at the knife-like eyes of the civil official group, and said indignantly:

"Every sentence is true, if it is false, I will not be able to get the money to frame your lords!"

Zhu Youxiao nodded, and immediately asked Yang Suoxiu and others about the source of these properties, but how could these officials be able to explain clearly, they all knelt on the ground, faltering, unable to explain, so anxious that they All sweaty.

Zhu Youxiao took the opportunity to get angry and waved his sleeves: "Since you can't explain clearly, I will find you a good place and let you talk slowly!"

He turned to Hua Twelve and said:
"Commander Hua, send all these corrupt officials to Jinyiwei Imperial Prison. Your Jinyiwei is responsible for examining the source of the money. As for the property confiscated, it will be returned to the national treasury!"

Hua Twelve obeyed the order, then waved his hand, and watched with a smile as these adults who had scolded him before were dragged away by the big Han general in front of the palace who had scolded him in embarrassment.

At this moment, Hua Twelve himself admired himself. Although he didn't know how to tell fortunes, his sixth sense was accurate. At the beginning, he thought that these people's lives were not long, but now it seems that it is today.

He's greedy for so many people's fat and people's anointing, and he's still interrogating a fart. He plans to arrange for them to commit suicide in fear of crime later, so as not to waste manpower and material resources.

As for finding out those who gave bribes to these officials, Hua Twelve never thought about it. Seventy-eight out of ten of the civil servants in the court are corrupt. Immediately paralyzed, but also to support the fart of Longting.

This is the same as surgery, as long as the necrotic meat is cut off, the inflamed part can be treated slowly with antibiotics, don't cut it all at once, otherwise the person will die.

After these people were dragged down, Hua Twelve continued to read. Every time an official was read, those who could not explain the source of their property would be dragged away by the wolf-like general Han. As for those who could explain clearly, Well, none of the officials he pointed out!

After Hua Twelfth General finished reading the list data in his hand, less than one-third of the original civilian team of more than a hundred people remained, and even the chief assistant of the cabinet, Huang Liji, was dragged away and sent to prison .

Last night, when Hua Twelve told Zhu Youxiao the list of these people, the Emperor Apocalypse was shocked.

At that time, Xi Zong was not as excited as he is today. After hesitating for a while, he discussed with Hua Shier whether to leave some officials with less corruption and let them continue to work for the court.

Otherwise, if there are so many officials missing all of a sudden, what if the government orders fail and the court is paralyzed.

Hua Shier patted the data collected by the factory guard in front of Zhu Youxiao, and asked him if corruption of 50 taels was considered a minor corruption?If not, then there really isn't.

Looking at the speechless Zhu Youxiao who was being questioned, Hua Twelve also gave his own advice.

Hua Twelve doesn't know much about governing the country, but he believes that professional things should be done by professional people. He did this in "Flying Fox World", and the results seem to be pretty good.

Therefore, Hua Twelve suggested that Zhu Youxiao use Sun Chengzong, Sun Ge, who had resigned at home, as the chief assistant of the cabinet, and then he gave a few names such as Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting, Yuan Keli, Huang Daozhou, Ni Yuanlu, etc., which he knew in later history books. The names of Mo Nengchen tell the emperor that these people can be promoted.

Hua Shier and Zhu Youxiao's explanation was that he did the calculations and knew that these people were capable ministers who could revive the Ming Dynasty.

Well, this is similar to the excuses of the later generations, Quantum Mechanics, which can’t explain time and space, can’t explain everything. Zhu Youxiao believed in such a nonsense reason when he said pinching his fingers.

So today the civil service group was directly smashed into fragments. Zhu Youxiao immediately issued an order to summon Sun Chengzong to the court as the chief assistant of the cabinet, and the rest Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting and others were promoted to Beijing and entrusted with important tasks.

Zhu Youxiao went to the court today to deal with the affairs of these corrupt officials. When the matter was finished, he immediately announced his retirement from the court and returned to the harem to raise him.

When Hua Twelve left the Hall of Supreme Harmony, he was immediately surrounded by a group of nobles and military officers. Of course, they didn't want to slap him with bricks, and they were all smiling faces.

While flattering and flattering Hua Twelve, these people inquired about his tone one after another, wanting to find out from him the emperor's real intention of attacking the civil society, so as to judge whether their interests were in danger.

Hua Twelve patted his chest and assured that this matter had nothing to do with the emperor at all, it was all because of Wei Zhongxian's random grabbing and biting after he was taken down, which led to what happened today.

It's fine if he doesn't explain, but the nobles and military officers are even more worried after this explanation, none of these people has something to do with Wei Zhongxian, the old eunuch bit those civil servants today, and he can bite them tomorrow.

These people looked at each other and could see the fear in each other's eyes.

Looking at the expressions of these people, Hua Twelve sighed in his heart, why are these people not on the way, coughed lightly, and then reminded in a seemingly comforting way:

"Everyone, please rest assured that although Wei Zhongxian is rambunctious, but I have always served people with 'ceremony', and I will order my subordinate Jin Yi to investigate carefully, and will not 'wrong' any adult!"

He put a lot of emphasis on the words 'ritual' and 'wronged', and the nobles and military officers around him immediately understood the mystery, their eyes lit up, they bowed their hands and said goodbye, and they all went back to prepare their own rituals 'went.

They were all planning to go to the mansion of the new Jinyiwei Commander at night to talk about the "rituals" of the great way.

Of course, Hua Twelfth is temporarily appeasing these people. When the turmoil caused by today's incident subsides and the court is stable, it will be time for him and Zhu Youxiao to attack the Xungui Group and these military officers.

After leaving the palace, Dongchang Zhao Jingzhong, Zheng Zhangban, Jin Yiwei Yin Cheng, Pei Lun, Lu Jianxing and others have been waiting at the Meridian Gate for a long time.

Hua Shier handed over the imperial decree to Zhao Jingzhong and Yin Cheng, and asked them to lead a brigade of factory guards to ransack the houses one by one according to the decree.

After the two men took the order to leave, Hua Twelve gave orders to Zhang Zhang:

"I don't think many of the adults who were sent to the prison today were wronged. According to the Taizu's edict, they will all be skinned and used as grass. Let's do something good. Go and send them a ride, let them Be decent, commit suicide in fear of guilt, don't die too badly then!"

Although these people were imprisoned by Jin Yiwei, Hua Twelve still prefers people from Dongchang to do this kind of thing. After all, people who have taken the Three Corpse Brain God Pill make him feel more at ease when doing things.

Zhang Zhang understood, immediately embraced the order, and led the people there.

At present, all things are being done by someone, and Hua Twelve finally relaxes. After coming to this world, he has not been free these days, and he also plans to give himself a day off.

Immediately greeted: "Pei Lun, Lu Jianxing, accompany me for a walk in this capital."

The two clasped their fists at the same time: "Yes, my lord!"

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "You don't need to be so cautious in private, I'm just a little tired these days, and I plan to take a walk around the city!"

He didn't take the sedan chair as he said that, and asked the bearer to carry the sedan chair back to Beiya, while he took Pei Lun and Lu Jianxing to wander around the capital in the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing a snack seller on the street, he immediately asked Pei Lun and Lu Jianxing to sit down. Hua Twelfth ordered three bowls of wontons, and three of them were to be burned. As a result, the three of them sat here in flying fish suits, and all the other diners left. , The proprietress of the food stall was scared to tears.

Hua Twelve shouted to those who were about to leave: "Leave after eating. Believe it or not, you will be arrested for every morsel left? Also, don't forget to pay the bill."

As soon as he finished speaking, the diners who had just stood up and were about to leave immediately sat back with a huff, and then all of them held the bowls and filled their mouths with the rest of the food, gulped it down, took out The meal money was placed on the table, and they ran away in a hurry.

Hua Twelve looked at this as a joke, Jin Yiwei's fierce reputation is really well-deserved, even more powerful than Jingjiehu.

After eating the wontons, Hua Shier wanted to pay the bill, but the proprietress refused to take it no matter what, she was so frightened that she almost cried, Lu Jianxing took out a dozen or so dollars, threw it on the table, and said to the proprietress:

"Our lord is a good official, there is no reason not to pay for meals, you woman, don't mess around!"

As soon as he stared, the proprietress didn't dare to shirk. She thanked her tremblingly, but she didn't dare to take the money. She only waited for the three of them to leave without a trace. , Why are these Jinyiwei different from the usual ones today?

Walking around the corner of a street, Hua Twelve smelled the smell of medicinal materials, looked up, and saw a triangular guise with the word 'medicine' hanging in front of it, but there was a pharmacy there.

Seeing the pharmacy, Hua Shier remembered the human-shaped Shouwu he had just bought, and thought that the Fuling Shouwu pill should also be put on the agenda.

He has the prescription of Fuling Shouwu Pills in his hand, and it is said that he can go to the Imperial Hospital for dispensing and other medicines, but he is not at ease in the current Imperial Hospital, so he turned his head and asked Pei Lun and Lu Jianxing who were following him:
"Is there any doctor in this capital with superb medical skills and reliable character?"

Pei Lun smiled at the side and said: "My lord, our Jinyiwei is the emperor's army. Of course we go to the imperial hospital for medical treatment. The medical skills of those imperial physicians must be good, but their character, hehe, it's a matter of opinion!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "The Tai Hospital is not good. In this situation, I don't feel relieved to use a doctor from the Tai Hospital!"

Lu Jianxing clasped his fists and said, "My lord, I know a doctor who can help the world with a hanging pot. His medical skills are very good. He often treats diseases for the nearby people for free. Naturally, his character is not worth mentioning!"

Hua Twelve was overjoyed: "Then what are you waiting for, take me there now!"

When the time came, Hua Twelve instantly understood that this place was called Bailu Medical Hall, and it was the home of the girl Run who had the same name as Queen Zhang Yan in the original plot.

Lu Jianxing led the way, and when he entered the fenced courtyard of the hospital, he shouted loudly:
"Is Mr. Zhang at home, a distinguished guest, come out and greet him!"

As soon as he shouted, a beautiful girl who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old quickly walked out of the medical hall. When she saw Lu Jianxing, she immediately smiled and showed two small canine teeth:

"Brother Lu is here. Is the old lady better?"

Lu Jianxing said with a hearty smile: "After taking the medicine prescribed by your father, I'm much better. Thank you for thinking about me. Is your father at home? There is a distinguished guest, let him greet you quickly!"

Miss Run looked at Hua Twelve and Pei Lun, curled her lips and said, "Aren't they all Jinyiwei like you? It's fine if you don't shout for beatings and killing, so why are you customers?"

Hearing her words, it seemed that she didn't have a good impression of Jin Yiwei except Lu Jianxing.

Lu Jianxing was afraid that she would offend Hua Twelve, so he quickly winked at her: "You girl, can you talk, hurry up and call your father!"

Miss Run also seemed to lose her temper: "Brother Lu, do you have bad eyesight? What are you doing blinking? Do you want me to get you some medicine for clearing and rejuvenating your eyes? My father is decocting medicine in it. He If you want to see if the fire can't come out, you can go in by yourself if you look for him."

After speaking, he turned around and went back to the house with a curtain.

Lu Jianxing turned around and said to Hua Twelve, "My lord, this girl is not sensible, don't be so fussy with her, I'll call Mr. Zhang out to greet you!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "No need, haven't you heard that people are decocting medicine? What are you making trouble for? Let's go in and wait until they finish their work!"

The three entered the pharmacy, and they saw a middle-aged man with a beard who was fanning a row of medicine stoves with a fan. Seeing Lu Jianxing and others coming in, the other party nodded and showed a smile:
"Just wait a little longer!"

Before Lu Jianxing could speak, Hua Twelfth nodded and said, "Sir, it's up to you, we don't have anything important to do, we can wait as long as we want!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he walked to a bench and sat down directly, took out two cigarettes, threw one to Pei Lun, and then lit one himself and started smoking.

Said it was a while, and after waiting for about two quarters of an hour, Mr. Zhang came over after finishing the medicine.

Lu Jianxing hastily introduced: "Mr. Zhang, this is my Commander-in-Chief. He is the one who asked you for something today!"

When Mr. Zhang heard that he was the commander of Jin Yiwei, he immediately changed his color and wanted to kneel down to salute. He was supported by Hua Twelve, and then, without any nonsense, he took out the prescription of 'Fuling Shouwu Wan' and handed it over:

"Sir, don't be too polite, just help me to see, can you make the pills on this house?"

Mr. Zhang took the prescription over and looked at it, and immediately smiled wryly:
"My lord, I only have a few kinds of medicinal materials here, and the rest are expensive things. I can't get any of them. I'm talking about even if I have money to gather enough other medicinal materials. They are all treasures of heaven and earth, so where do you get them?"

When he spoke, Miss Run in the room also heard her, she ran out curiously, looked at Fang Zi from the side, and was glared at by her father, she just stuck out her tongue, not very scared.

Hua Shishi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about the medicinal materials, I have already prepared them, so you can tell me if you can make this medicine?"

This time, Mr. Zhang said decisively: "Yes, if the medicinal materials are ready, give me a month, and I can make these prescriptions into pills!"

Hua Twelve frowned: "This is not alchemy, why does it take so long for the medicinal materials to be ready?"

Mr. Zhang patiently explained: "The properties of these medicines are different, and they need to be steamed, fried, boiled, dried, and many other steps to make medicinal materials, especially the thousand-year-old Poria cocos and human-shaped Shouwu, which need to be cooked for a whole month to bring out their full potential. Medicinal!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Okay, it's up to you, let's go to Dongchang to help me dispense medicine today."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang refused directly: "My lord, this is not allowed."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Jianxing's face changed suddenly. Pei Lun directly drew out the Xiuchun knife, looked at the father and daughter with cold eyes, and asked in a cold voice:
"My adults didn't hear clearly, can you say it again?"

Just as Pei Lun drew his sword, a Jinyi elementary school in Jinyi Weizhao Prison also pulled out his Xiuchun sword. Wei Zhongxian, who was tied to a stake, smiled sadly:
"Is it time? Why don't you even give me a meal of severed heads!"

Unexpectedly, the captain in Jinyi didn't intend to kill him, instead he stepped forward and cut off the binding rope on Wei Zhongxian's body, and then took out a pearl hairpin:
"Nine thousand years old, this is the token given to us by Mrs. Fengsheng. Follow me quickly, and I will rescue you now!"

With unpredictable changes on Wei Zhongxian's face, he said tremblingly: "Okay."

At the same time, in the flower hall of Yan Peiwei's house, Yan Peiwei was sitting opposite a woman in a moon-white gown. He held a letter in his hand and read it carefully. After reading it, He took a deep breath:

"Xiaguan's family, young and old, the lives of hundreds of people can't be put on top of this letter alone. I don't know how many people you have in your hands now?"

The woman in the moon-white gown, Weiwei smiled: "The Governor of the Beijing Camp, Cheng Guogong Zhu Chunchen, is one of us!"

Yan Peiwei's eyes lit up, he put the letter in his bosom, and said respectfully: "Please report back to that one, the next official is willing to be on the saddle and back, and let him be ordered!"

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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