A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 314 It's Not Peaceful Tonight!

Chapter 314 It's Not Peaceful Tonight! (Seek full order)

In the Bailu Medical Center, Pei Lun drew his knife and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Miss Run also knew that she was afraid at this moment, and hid behind her father nervously.

Lu Jianxing hurriedly clasped his fists at Hua Twelve and Pei Lun and said:
"My lord, calm down, this"

Hua Twelve smiled and didn't say a word. Sometimes he doesn't want to be the villain, so someone has to be the villain. You can't just talk to others with a smile. Otherwise, Jin Yiwei's glorious tradition of stopping children crying at night will be thrown away. Is it?

As the commander of Jin Yiwei, he personally went to find a private doctor to help with dispensing medicine, but was rejected. Does he really think that Jin Yiwei is easy to talk to?
Do you really think that his commander is made of mud?
Pei Lun is not a villain, but he knows what he should do. Seeing that Hua Twelve didn't say anything, he knew he did the right thing. He put the steel knife on Zhang Langzhong's neck:
"Didn't you hear it? Let you say it again! If you can't hear me clearly, then your brain is useless."

Zhang Langzhong is highly skilled, but he is just an ordinary person. Facing such a fierce Jin Yiwei, he trembled in fright, waved his hands repeatedly and said:

"My lord, it's not that the villain doesn't want to, that's not what I meant."

Hua Twelve crossed Erlang's legs and asked with a smile, "Oh, what do you mean?"

Zhang Langzhong hurriedly said: "My lord, you don't know. There are more than 20 patients in the vicinity. They are all poor people who rely on me to help. No one cares about these patients, I'm afraid their lives will be lost!"

Upon hearing this, Hua Twelve stretched out his hand and pushed Pei Lun's arm away, allowing the Xiuchun knife to move away from Zhang Langzhong's neck.

"It's easy to say. From now on, the factory guard will be responsible for the medical expenses of your few patients. You will first dispense the medicine for me at the East Factory Yamen, and I will get you a small banner of Jinyiwei, who will be in charge of healing the factory guard. From now on, you will be wearing official clothes, and you will still have a monthly payment, what do you think?"

"Ah, this, this."

Zhang Langzhong's heart was moved instantly. Although Jinyiwei has a bad reputation, he is still an official. He jumped from an ordinary doctor to Jinyi Xiaoqi, and he couldn't even think about it.

After he hesitated, Pei Lun's eyes widened again:
"Why, you don't want to, you have to move your head to be comfortable?"

Zhang Langzhong shivered, came back to his senses, and quickly said: "I am willing, I am willing, I was just so happy just now, I can't believe it!"

Hua Twelve nodded with a smile: "As long as you want to, then it's a deal!"

He pointed at Lu Jianxing: "Mr. Zhang will be in your charge from now on. I will find a few brothers to help him move in a while, and I will make it neat before noon. I will ask him to help me with the work in the afternoon!"

Seeing the turn of events, Lu Jianxing was also very happy, cupped his fists and said, "Don't worry, my lord, just leave it to me, and it will be over in a while."

Hua Twelve got up and patted him on the shoulder: "You can stay here and help out, I'll be waiting for you at the Dongchang yamen!"

After he finished speaking, he greeted Pei Lun to leave, but after thinking about it, he turned to Zhang Langzhong and added:

"In the future, when you have nothing to do, you can also treat those poor people. As long as the people at home really can't get rid of the problem, the factory guard will bear the medical expenses!"

This time Zhang Langzhong was even more overjoyed, he knelt down and kowtowed: "Thank you sir, thank you sir, you are really a good official!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "It's hard to talk about being a good official. Life is not easy these days. If you can, help!"

After leaving the Bailu Medical Center, Hua Twelve took Pei Lun for a stroll around the city to see how the factory guards ransacked their homes. Looking from a distance, there are crowds of people watching the excitement in front of each house, and it is very lively for a while.

According to Hua Twelve's instructions, Jin Yiwei and Dongchang Fanzi wrote down the amount of taels copied by each family on the notice, and posted it on the wall of each house for the people to see.

Originally, when the common people saw that these well-loved and well-known officials had their homes ransacked by the factory guards, they thought it was Dongchang and Jinyiwei who had started to harm people again. Although they came to watch, they all secretly scolded the factory guards for nothing. , There are also people who show sadness because the house of a good official in their hearts is ransacked.

But when those notices were posted and the literate people among the common people explained them to those around them, the common people's hearts changed from anger to suspicion.

It wasn't until the loads of belongings were transported out of those officials' houses that the common people suddenly realized, shit, clean officials, how could clean officials have so much money.

Suddenly, the wind changed drastically, and the common people began to yell at those officials, but they applauded the factory guards' act of ransacking their homes.

Many people went back and took rotten vegetables and rotten eggs, and threw them into the homes of corrupt officials through the fence. In the end, the factory guards had to come forward to maintain order.

Hua Twelve led Pei Lun to a censor's mansion whose house had been ransacked. At this moment, cartloads of gold and silver were pulled out of the censor's mansion, and the common people cursed endlessly.

At this time, a scholar rushed out and shouted loudly:

"I am Lian Hongmao, a student of the Imperial College. I don't believe that my teacher is a corrupt official. You factory guards must have framed loyal officials. If you have the ability, you open the boxes on the silver car. I'm sure there is no gold or silver in those boxes!"

A Dongchang fan shouted loudly: "What nonsense, get out of here!"

The scholar named Lian Hongmao's eyes lit up immediately, and he shouted:
"Look, everyone, the factory guards have a guilty conscience and dare not open the box in public. They must have framed them."

As soon as he called out, several scholars rushed out from the crowd, all calling for grievances for the censor.

"Open the box and convince them!"

Hua Twelve shouted from behind the crowd, and then walked forward, Pei Lun and the other Jin Yiwei immediately stepped forward to part the crowd to let him pass.

When the factory guards escorting the car saw Hua Twelve, they quickly saluted, and then obeyed his order, opened the box, revealing that it was full of gold, silver and jewels.

These gold and silver jewels are shining brightly in the sun, they are so dazzling that the eyes of those around them are dazzled.

Those scholars couldn't believe it: "This, how is this possible!"

In their minds, their teachers are bright and aboveboard, and they are good officials for the country and the people. How could they be greedy for so much money.

But as each box was opened, there were valuables inside, and they had to believe that it was real.

Lian Hongmao felt that he had been deceived by the teacher, his face was red and purple in embarrassment, and suddenly he waved his sleeves:
"Such a corrupt official is useless as a teacher. We will learn the books of sages and sages, so don't work with them. From then on, the friendship between teachers and students will be cut off!"

After finishing speaking, he spat bitterly and walked away!

Seeing this, the other scholars all followed suit, spat at the Yushi Mansion one after another, and then quickly followed Lian Hongmao.

Looking at the appearance of these scholars, Hua Twelve smiled and shook his head. Corrupt officials were not corrupt officials from the beginning, just like the censor in this mansion. Before he became an official, he was probably like these scholars. Afterwards, make decisions for the people, be a good official, and treat those corrupt officials and treacherous officials as thieves.

But after these people entered the officialdom, I am afraid that most of them would choose to join forces, and only after many years did they realize that they had become the people they hated the most.

Hua Twelve hoped in his heart that these scholars could take what they saw today as a warning, and not repeat the mistakes of their teachers.

He waved his hand and called a Dongchang fan over, and ordered:
"Go and inform that the government offices of these officials who were raided opened the boxes for the onlookers to see before their belongings were taken away, so as to save our factory guards from making unfounded claims and being thought of as framing Zhongliang!"

After turning around, Lu Jianxing came to report that Zhang Lang's father and daughter had been settled. The man on duty in the Dongchang yamen heard that it was Hua Shier's intention, and immediately arranged a private house for Zhang Langzhong in the yamen.

Hua Twelve immediately went to the Dongchang yamen, first found an empty room, took out the medicinal materials he had prepared, and then took all the medicinal materials to the place where Zhang Langzhong was staying.

After looking at the environment, it was quite good, so he gave the medicine and the prescription of 'Fuling Shouwu Wan' to the other party, and said:
"Get the medicine out as soon as possible, I need it urgently!"

Zhang Langzhong was also cautious, opening and checking the appearance of the medicinal materials one by one. When he saw the thousand-year-old Poria cocos and the human-shaped Shouwu, he was so surprised that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He nodded again and again, and immediately started to brew the medicinal materials.

Hua Twelve saw that he was busy, so he asked the head of the East Factory on duty to arrange some good men to guard around the yard around the clock.

Some important things often come to a head at the last step, Hua Twelfth is not too much to add a hundred cautions at this time, we must ensure that these precious medicines are safe.

Before leaving the East Factory, Zhang Zhang hurried in, and said solemnly:

"My lord, Wei Zhongxian and his adopted daughter Wei Ting were rescued!"

Before Hua Twelve could speak, Pei Lun and Lu Jianxing both exclaimed;
"What, it's impossible, Jinyiwei Imperial Prison is impenetrable, unless thousands of soldiers and horses are used to attack, it is impossible to be breached from the outside!"

Zhang Zhang sneered and said, "It was done by the Jin Yiwei inside the Imperial Prison. When the jailer found out and reported it, no one could be found!"

There was a trace of sneer at the corner of Hua Shishi's mouth: "It seems that those hiding cockroaches and mice are dishonest. Wei Zhongxian was rescued. I'm afraid it will be a rough night!"

He pondered for a while, and then ordered: "Xiao Zheng, go and mobilize a thousand pure troops to search all over the city for me. You must find Wei Zhongxian!"

"It's my lord!" Zheng Zhangban clasped his fists and left.

Pei Lun reminded: "My lord, don't you close the city gate?"

Hua Twelve suddenly smiled, shook his head and said:
"That's not necessary. The person who rescued him was still thinking about how to use him. How could he let him out of the city? By the way, Pei Lun asked Lu Jianxing to fill up the big hole in my yard this afternoon. It has already made a lot of holes. It’s gone, so it’s probably useless.”

"After filling it, move it a foot inward, and then dig the same big hole out!"

Pei Lun had black lines all over his head, thinking that his adults cheated others and became addicted to cheating.

Hua Shier took a nap at the East Factory Yamen, woke up in the afternoon and entered the palace again. Tonight was not peaceful, so he planned to order antibiotics for Zhu Youxiao in advance, and he would not enter the palace at night.

After entering the palace, the whole journey was unimpeded. When he arrived at Qianqing Palace, Wang Tiqian hurriedly stepped forward to salute Hua Twelve and told him that the emperor was playing chess with the empress.

Hua Twelve didn't need to inform, he just opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

Zhu Youxiao, who was holding the flag and was thinking about how to settle his son, suddenly showed anger when he heard someone came in through the door without notification.
"Why did you come so early today, sir!"

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "My minister is also in a high position now, so I thought it would not be a problem to enter the palace too late every day, so I might as well give the emperor the medicine in advance today!"

Zhang Yan rolled her eyes when she said this, you also know that it is not good to enter the palace at night, she wanted to say this a long time ago, but because Hua Twelve was treating the emperor's illness, it was not easy to save the other party's face.

Zhu Youxiao had no objection to this, and nodded his head.

Hua Twelve walked over, checked Zhu Youxiao, and found that it was almost healed in the past few days, and immediately smiled and said:
"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the lung-heat disease is no longer a problem, as long as it is strengthened with medicine for two days, it will be completely cured!"

After hearing this, Zhu Youxiao and Zhang Yan were all beaming with joy.

Zhang Yan saw that Hua Twelve was walking in a hurry, with beads of sweat on her forehead, she called to the serving maid and said, "Go and call the Imperial Dining Room, and bring three cups of sour plum soup!"

Hua Twelve hurriedly stopped him and said, "Two bowls are enough. The sour plum soup is a cold thing. The emperor has just recovered from a serious illness, so he can't drink it yet!"

Once the drug was put on, the person could not move, so Zhu Youxiao simply lay down on the bed, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep shortly after the drug was put on, with a slight snoring sound from his mouth and nose.

In the dormitory, there was another awkward scene where Hua Shishi and Zhang Yan sat facing each other.

Fortunately, when the sour plum soup came, Zhang Yan kept the maid by her side, and the two of them felt better with the presence of others.

Zhang Yan took a sip of the sour plum soup first, and then invited Hua Shier to drink with her.

Hua Twelve was also thirsty. After thanking him, he picked it up and wanted to drink, but just as he picked up the bowl, his nose moved and his brows raised:
"Your Majesty, there is something wrong with this sour plum soup, it smells different from the usual one!"

His sense of smell is better than that of normal people. At this time, he smelled another faint smell in the sour plum soup. He had never smelled this smell before, but it felt like he had seen it in that book.

Zhang Yan frowned: "Really, why didn't I taste it?"

She told the maid: "Go to the imperial dining room and ask, what's the matter with today's sour plum soup?"

The palace maid was ordered to leave, leaving only Zhang Yan and Hua 12 in the room.

At first Hua Twelve didn't think much of it, but after a while, he heard the breathing of the queen Zhang Yan who was opposite him became heavy, and his eyes were full of charm.

"Empress Empress."

Just as Hua Twelve was about to say something, Zhang Yan had already stood up and rushed towards him, saying in a flattering voice, "Mr. Hua"

The sound was crisp to the bone.

Hua Twelve really wants to say what are you doing, your husband is still lying on the side, do you want to be so exciting.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the taste seemed to be something introduced in Wang Nangu's "Poison Classic", and immediately knew that someone had tampered with the sour plum soup.

At this moment, the queen was already in front of her, Hua Twelve didn't have time to think about it, so she stretched out her hand and wiped Zhang Yan's acupuncture points with an orchid brush, instantly sealing Zhang Yan's acupuncture points, making her unconscious first.

Hua Twelve hugged the queen so that she would not fall to the ground, and immediately felt the soft jade and fragrance when he touched it.

Just when he was about to put Zhang Yan on the imperial bed, as soon as he turned around, he saw Zhu Youxiao staring at him with wide eyes, looking at him in disbelief, and at the same time asked in a trembling voice: "Mr. Hua, what do you want to do?" what?"

Hua Twelve said with a depressed face: "Your Majesty, I said that the Empress rushed over by herself, can you believe it?"

Putting Zhang Yan next to Zhu Youxiao in a hurry, he finally explained clearly that there was something wrong with the sour plum soup.

Fortunately, at this time, the maid came back to report that the imperial chef who made the sour plum soup was missing, and now the Jinyi army is looking for it.

Only then did Zhu Youxiao believe Hua Twelve's words. He carefully looked at Zhang Yan's flushed cheeks, rising body temperature, and heavy breathing. He frowned and said:
"Why does he look so similar to Ke Baba after drinking the tonic?"

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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