A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 319!The medicine is completed, and the strength goes one step further!

In order to wait for the "Fuling Shouwu Pill", Hua Shier handed over all the factory guards to Wei Zhongxian, told Zhu Youxiao that he wanted to practice in seclusion, and told the outside world that he was sick at home, so he was in the original Xinwang Mansion, now Xipinghou I have been in the mansion for more than two months.

During this period of time, Hua Twelve thought a lot, such as how to support the Dragon Court and how to save the Ming Dynasty.

As a modern person, he has naturally read some Internet about traveling through the late Ming Dynasty. The protagonist in it is obviously an ordinary person in modern times, and he is far from a successful person, but after traveling, he can rely on foresight and knowledge. The convenience of history has become a super talent with the ability to govern the country.

Some have become a generation of Mingjun, some have become a generation of famous ministers, as for all kinds of reforms, they are fundamental.

In their hands, the corrupt Ming Dynasty was rejuvenated in a few years, turned upside down in a dozen years, and unified the world in a few decades.

Hua Twelve is now in this precarious late Ming era, and when he compares himself with the protagonists in those novels, he feels that he is a little too good.

You must know that he also knows the direction of history, and there are some things that can change people's livelihood, but let alone let him take the lead in reforms, reforms, and restorations. He felt a little overwhelmed when he dealt with those factory guards every day. .

It's hard for Hua Twelve to imagine how the protagonists in the movie can achieve success after they suddenly ascended to a high position from a small person in the promotion?Just because the prophet knows the direction of history?He always feels unscientific.

Well, Hua Twelfth admits that maybe he doesn't have the talent to be a leader. He thinks that the protagonists' methods to save the Ming Dynasty, such as reforms, may not be able to be done by him, or even if he can do it, he may not be able to complete it in a short time.

So Hua Twelve found the most suitable path for him through thinking during this period of his otaku life.

That is the 'rule of law'!
If the Ming Dynasty is regarded as a terminally ill patient, then as a surgeon, Hua Shier, through his own perspective and thinking mode, feels that if he wants to save this patient, the first thing to do is to remove the lesion.

Only when the lesion is removed can the functions of the human body return to normal and there is hope for recovery.

Of course, there are also those who are seriously ill and are not suitable for surgery, but in the Ming Dynasty during Zhu Youxiao's period, it was obviously not that bad. If you have surgery as soon as possible, there is still a possibility of recovery.

And if the Ming Dynasty is regarded as a patient, the 'rule of law' is the scalpel.

The so-called heavy codes are used in troubled times, and heavy medicines are prescribed for serious illnesses. Hua Shier intends to start with the rule of law, and use his convenience to control the factory guards to start the Ming version of the crackdown.

Hua Twelve feels that it doesn't matter if he doesn't know how to govern the country, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't know how to govern the people, but no matter whether he is a prince, aristocrat, or a trafficker, as long as he breaks the law, he will kill him.

When he scares all the unruly people, beats them so that they don't dare to break the law, and they all follow the rules and live in peace, he will not believe that the precarious Ming Dynasty will not be stable.

After making up his mind, the confusion in Hua Shier's heart gradually dissipated. Now he is waiting for the successful configuration of the 'Fuling Shouwu Wan' and entering Beijing with Mr. Sun Ge and the others before he can start his own actions.

A lot of things happened in this month, and the relationship between Hua Shier, Zhou Miaotong and Beizhai has become a matter of course.

It was natural for Zhou Miaotong to return her heart. In order to save Yan Junbin, she had already given herself to Hua Twelve. From that moment on, marrying a chicken followed a chicken, married a dog followed a dog, married a monkey and traveled all over the mountains, and became the concubine of the Hua family with peace of mind. No more thoughts.

As for Yan Yanbing and Ding Baiying who later came to assassinate Hua Twelve and participated in the conspiracy of King Daoxin, they were labeled as traitors and sentenced to death. They wanted to die by themselves. engaged.

However, Beizhai's return to his heart has many twists and turns.

This girl is not as honest as her sister. At first, she thought of assassinating Hua Twelve to avenge Xin Wang. This made Hua Twelve very depressed. It was Wei Zhongxian who killed Xin Wang. Why are you always fighting with me? .

So once Beizhai failed, he was hit hard on the chest. After a few times, it has changed from d to e, and the name of the anti-collision airbag is more and more worthy of its name.

After suffering a few big losses, Beizhai may also have realized that because she wanted to kill the chief spy of the Ming Dynasty, it was a bit whimsical. One day, after packing up the gold and silver, she planned to run away with Zhou Miaotong.

But she underestimated the determination of a woman immersed in love. What is a sister? Some parents don't need it.

Ever since, she was betrayed by her own sister Zhou Miaotong, and the price was a meal of fried pork on bamboo boards given by Hua Twelve, which made her hips grow again.

After this time, Bei Zhai resolutely gave up the idea of ​​taking her sister to run away, and she chose to escape alone on a dark and windy night.

In the heavily guarded Xipinghou Mansion, Bei Zhai took his bundle and slipped in through the dog hole in the corner, wanting to run to the freedom outside.

But this time she underestimated herself, how could a dog hole that could just allow her narrow shoulders to pass through let her go out with the anti-collision airbag.

So the e-cup was stuck in the dog hole, unable to get out, unable to retreat, until Hua Twelve squatted down in front of her with a smile on his face, and asked:
"Did I dig this hole just right?"

Beizhai lay on the ground crying, and after being dragged back, he had another meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

After recovering from the injury, Bei Zhai felt that her figure was getting better and better, so she gave up running away. She decided to lie flat. When she heard the door being pushed open, she closed her eyes, tore off her clothes, and shouted:
Install the latest version. 】

"Come on, don't you just want to get me, I accept my fate, just treat it as being bitten by a dog!"

Then I heard my younger sister Zhou Miaotong's voice saying: "Sister, calm down, it's me."

The news reached Hua Twelve's ears, this guy had fun all afternoon, and then went to "bite" Beizhai at night.

He didn't go out for two days, and on the third morning, Beizhai began to draw circles on Hua Shier's chest with his slender fingers. A kind of rush that I still want.

From that day on, Hua Twelve lived a happy (without shame) life in the Hou's mansion, accompanied by two beauties, happy to leave home, but the noise was a bit loud, which made Miss Lan who lived in the mansion , every time I saw him from a distance, I blushed and ran away ahead of time.

President Hua Twelve lamented this with Zhou Miaotong and the Beizhai sisters. This man is too attractive, which is not a good thing.

These words brought about admiration from the two women. One time, Beizhai was so admiring that he hurt his eye muscles and needed acupuncture to straighten his eyes.

When the 30 days were up, Dr. Zhang came to do business. The thousand-year-old Poria cocos, the human-shaped Shouwu, and various precious medicinal materials were taken out by Huashier. Karasuma' come.

This actually gave Hua Twelve a big surprise.

Ma Shiying, governor of Fengyang in the world of Jinwu, used this formula to make 120 pills, but he made [-] here. Obviously, the thousand-year-old Poria cocos and human-shaped Shouwu he got were larger than those obtained by Ma Shiying.

Of course, Hua Twelve didn't think that it was due to other reasons, such as drawing sticks or something, but after taking it, he felt the surging medicinal power of this precious medicine, and he knew that there was absolutely no problem with the medicine.

The problem of the atrophy of Huashi's dantian and meridians was exactly the same as Xu Lingtai's judgment at the beginning. After taking only ten Fuling Shouwu pills, the dantian and meridians were expanded even better than ordinary people under the surging medicine.

Moreover, in the process of expansion, due to the continuous nourishment of the elixir, the dantian and meridians did not leave hidden wounds, and the toughness was much higher than that of ordinary people, which meant that his potential for cultivating internal strength was much stronger than ordinary people.

In addition, Hua Twelve's muscles and bones are also as Xu Lingtai said, under the nourishment of the elixir, they have gone a step further, and their strength has increased by at least one-third.

Hua Twelve was overjoyed by this, he put aside other things for the time being, and concentrated on using 'Fuling Shouwu Wan' to start practicing Quanzhen internal strength.

Not only Hua Twelve was practicing, but after he released the "Sunflower Collection" inside the East Factory, all the top executives of the East Factory were also practicing.

Especially after Zhang Langzhong discovered that even if there is no millennium Poria cocos and human-shaped Shouwu, the Poria Shouwu pills made with only ordinary Poria cocos and Shouwu have a good effect on strengthening the body.

Hua Twelve asked all the eunuchs who practiced sunflower to try this ordinary Fuling Shouwu pill, and the result proved that this ordinary pill also has a slight auxiliary effect on the cultivation of internal strength.

Therefore, under the instruction of Hua Twelve, the high-level officials of Dongchang began to practice "Sunflower Treasure" by using ordinary Poria Shouwu pills, and they entered the country quickly.

"Sunflower Treasure" was originally a quick martial art, but "Sword of Exorcising Evil" is just a remnant of "Sunflower", which can make Lin Pingzhi, a low-ranking Jianghu man, be able to compete with the Jianghu masters in just a few years. Competing with the master, it can be seen how amazing the speed of improvement of 'Sunflower' is.

In less than a month now, with the help of the elixir, even an old man like Wei Zhongxian has found a sense of aura.

Young eunuchs like Zheng Zhangban, who have always practiced martial arts and are in the prime of life, have improved even more in strength. Now they can be compared with the second-rate masters like Tian Guinong in the "Flying Fox World".

In such a situation, Hua Twelve also felt that his decision to let these people take the 'Three Corpse Brain Pill' in advance was so correct.

After Hua Twelve started retreating, he was immersed in the pleasure of rapidly improving his internal strength. It was not until several people entered Beijing that his life rhythm like salted fish was interrupted.

On this day, Lu Jianxing returned to the capital in a hurry, and immediately came to Xipinghou's mansion to report, saying that Lord Hou had found those few people who had been found.

Hua Twelve's heart moved when he heard the words, and he immediately met the few people he asked Lu Jianxing to find in the flower hall.

Gao Yingxiang, who is nearly forty years old, Li Zicheng, who is currently working as a postman in Yinchuan, who is seven years younger than him, Zhang Xianzhong, who is now a small soldier in the frontier army in Yansui Town, Jiubian, and a young candidate from Qixian County, Henan Province who just passed the exam this year Li Xin.

Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Zhang Xianzhong are all well-known rebel leaders in the late Ming Dynasty.

Especially Li Zicheng, after taking over the title of King Chuang from Gao Yingxiang, he successfully attacked the capital, forced Emperor Chongzhen to death, and established the Dashun Dynasty. a sum.

The last person named 'Li Xin' may not be known to many people in later generations, but if you say his other name 'Li Yan', then many people will know, because he is Li Zicheng's military advisor who can accomplish things, and Li Zicheng's subsequent failure also had a lot to do with not listening to Li Yan's advice.

Hua Twelve originally wanted to let the factory guards go directly to kill these future anti-thief leaders, and nip the disaster in the bud.

But when he thought about it, it seemed that this method was treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, not to mention whether these people have evil deeds now, whether it is fair or not to kill them, the point is that even if they were killed, it would still be a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause.

So Hua Twelve asked Lu Jianxing to investigate first, if these people had evil deeds, they would be killed directly, if not, they would be brought to Beijing to show him.

If it is said that there are not many who can succeed, they all have their own abilities and abilities. If Hua Twelve thinks it is feasible, he will take them for his own use.

Lu Jianxing led a few people into the Flower Hall of the Hou Mansion, and shouted: "Master Hou is in front of you, please wait and see the ceremony!"

Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Zhang Xianzhong all knelt down and kowtowed. Only Li Xin cupped his hands and said, "Student Li Xin, I have met Lord Hou!"

Hua Twelve nodded. If Lu Jianxing could bring him in front of him, it meant that they hadn't committed any evil deeds of losing their heads. He waved his hand to make them all get up.

Then he said kindly, "Do you know why I asked you to come here?"

Several people shook their heads one after another. In fact, they were puzzled. Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Zhang Xianzhong were all from Shaanxi. Let alone Lord Hou, they had never seen anyone at the prefect level.

Li Xin is from Henan, the first three are traffickers, and he is a Juren. If he is placed among the people, the people will call him Master Juren. It doesn't match up with those three, and he can't even guess. By now, the very popular Marquis of Xiping wanted to see what was going on with him.

Hua Twelve took a sip of the tea brought by the maid, then let out a mouthful of hot air, and said with a smile:
"A capable man who has known the past for more than 2000 years and the future for more than 300 years said that you are all sinners who caused the Ming Dynasty to wreak havoc. Let someone bring you here to see how to deal with you!"

The four of them broke out in cold sweat. Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Zhang Xianzhong yelled that they were wronged, knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

Li Xin said emotionally: "My lord, this is a piece of nonsense. I don't know who is bewitching the crowd, the students are going to beat the Dengwen drum, and I will never stop with him!"

Hua Twelve coughed lightly, and when these people looked up at him, he pointed at himself: "That person is me!"

The four of them were exhausted at the same time, they didn't know what to say, they knew it was useless to say it, he was the Marquis of Xiping, one sentence was enough to decide their life and death, so what if they were wronged, if they were killed in this mansion, who would know where they came from? over it.

Looking at Lu Jianxing who brought them here, he saw this rich family with his hand on the handle of the knife, staring at them with murderous intent, fearing that if Marquis Xiping said something, the four of them would die in front of him. Let's go.

Those three were intimidated. As a scholar, Li Xin still has brains. As soon as he rolled his eyes, he cupped his hands and said:

"Students venture to guess, Master Hou, you want to kill us is just a matter of one word, but if you let this Lu Baihu recruit me to the capital, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as killing us!"

Hua Twelve smiled and clapped his hands: "As expected of a scholar, he hits the nail on the head!"

He said sternly: "I think it's too much to convict you with things that haven't happened, and you will definitely not accept it, but it is related to the safety of the world, and this matter has to be prevented, so Master Ben thought of a way to get the best of both worlds." , is to accept you to serve the imperial court!"

As he spoke, he took out four pills from his arms and placed them on the table:
"This is called the Three Corpse Brain God Pill. After you eat it, someone will tell you the effect. Now you have two choices, one is to die, and the other is to take this medicine, join the factory guard, and serve the court and the Marquis. !"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he lit a cigarette for himself, and said with a smile: "There is no other choice."

Unsurprisingly, although the four of them were extremely reluctant, they obediently stepped forward to take the 'Three Corpse Brain Pill'. Lu Jianxing checked one by one to make sure they had swallowed them all before giving up.

Hua Shier still wanted to explain some things to them, so someone came to report, and Sun Chengzong, the new chief assistant of the cabinet, came to visit.

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