A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 320 Beating Elder Sun Ge!

When Hua Shier heard Sun Chengzong's visit, his expression became playful.

Before taking the 'Fuling Shouwu Pill', he had been waiting for Sun Chengzong to enter the capital, so that he could have a good communication with this old Sun Ge, and then carry out the next action.

But Sun Chengzong arrived in the capital half a month ago, and he has already joined the job as the new chief minister of the cabinet, and he has no intention of meeting him during this period, which is interesting.

Sun Chengzong used to be the supervisor of Liaodong, and Tianqi resigned from office and returned to his hometown in five years because he was dissatisfied with the eunuch party. This time he became an official again. Reasonable, but also to pay a visit to make sense.

But Sun Chengzong seemed to have no such thing.

This is not only the case with Sun Chengzong, but also with several other officials recommended by Hua Shier, such as Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting, Yuan Keli and others.

Hua Twelve can understand the attitude of these people, because his reputation is not very good now, and some people call him the second Wei Zhongxian behind his back.

Regarding this, Hua Twelfth said hehe, these people are so blind, or their brains are not working well, so they have to treat Wei Zhongxian as dogs if they don't see Wei Zhongxian.

In addition, Hua Twelve estimated that Sun Chengzong didn't want to see him. The main reason was that these people were all civil servants, and he had just reviewed the civil servant system in the capital. too much.

Now Hua Twelve can be said to be at odds with the Daming civil official group. According to the news from the Jinyiwei, the Jiangnan area has already demonized him, saying that he is a demon from the sky, possessing Jinyiwei Shen Lian, that's why he suddenly It was renamed Huashishi.

When Hua Shier learned about this statement, he blinked and wondered how they knew.

At that time, Beizhai and Zhou Miaotong saw his expression as weird, they should be angry, how could he have such an expression.

Hua Twelve immediately shouted: "Slander, they slander me!"

There are also rumors that he is actually a faceless and skinless celestial demon who peeled off Shen Lian's human skin and wore it on his body. Because the dead skin is bloodless and he doesn't look like a human being when he wears it, so he has to use pen, ink and paint to paint his eyes every day. Ears, mouth and nose, painted red flesh color to go out to meet people.

When Hua Shier heard this rumor, he couldn't laugh or cry. Isn't this just a painted skin? I didn't expect Pu Songling to say this before he was born, and the prototype turned out to be him, which is very funny.

Of course, if the latter rumor had no culture, it would be impossible to make it up. Jin Yiwei made it clear that it was the civil servant group in Jiangnan who spread the negative news about him.

Hua Twelve used a small notebook to write them down, and when he worked hard, he would settle accounts with these people.

Originally, Sun Chengzong didn't come to Beijing to see Hua Shier, and the latter was not in a hurry. If he wanted to start with the rule of law, he had to have enough evidence. First of all, the purge campaign of Dongchang and Jinyiwei was going on, and the moths inside had to be cleaned up.

After the factory guards cleared themselves, they would start collecting what Hua Shier wanted.

Then, after the evidence was sufficient, Hua Twelve was going to write to the imperial court to ask Zhu Youxiao to launch a crackdown campaign. Before writing the letter, even if this old Sun Ge didn't want to see him, he still had to meet with the other party and communicate in advance.


Unexpectedly, Sun Chengzong seemed to have changed his mind, or had other thoughts.

Therefore, Hua Shier felt that Sun Ge's visit to see him this time, the "Second Wei Zhongxian", was worth pondering.

Let people take Li Zicheng and four people to Beizhen Fusi to report for their employment first, and wait for a while to work in Jinyiwei to see their abilities before talking about other things.

After the people went down, Hua Twelve asked someone to invite Mr. Sun Ge to come in.

Sun Chengzong might have opinions on him, but Hua Twelfth respected this humerus pillar of Ming Dynasty very much. Instead of sitting and waiting for him to come to see him, he took Lu Jianxing to stand in front of the flower hall to greet him.

Hua Twelve has seen descriptions about Sun Chengzong in later generations, and many records say that this old Sun Ge looks magnificent.

The word 'extraordinary appearance' does not describe a person's good-looking appearance, but instead describes an ugly person, not just ugly in general, but ugly with characteristics.

For example, Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who was indeed not very good-looking, was described as "magnificent in appearance".

When Sun Chengzong was brought in by his servants, Hua Twelve finally saw what was meant by a 'magnificent appearance'.

Sun Chengzong's appearance can't be called ugly. In Hua Shier's eyes, he can be regarded as the word "sturdy". The roots are like needles, which look like raked beards from a distance.

That was really unforgettable.

"Xia Guan Hua Twelve, I have met Mr. Sun Ge!"

Hua Twelve bowed his hands and was about to bow. Sun Chengzong, despite his sixty years of age, was vigorous and vigorous. He quickly stepped forward and supported Hua Twelve with both hands. He laughed and said:

"Master Hou, don't want to hurt the old man. The old man was recommended by the Lord Hou in front of the Long Live Lord. He re-entered the court as an official. He had to come to the mansion to visit him. However, the old man just took over the cabinet, and there are too many official duties in custody. , I didn’t come to pay a visit until today, and I hope Lord Hou won’t blame the old man for not knowing etiquette!”

Hua Twelve smiled and spit out two words: "Hypocrisy!"


Originally, when the two of them met, they were talking clichés. This kind of thing was the norm in the officialdom. It stands to reason that they should be polite. The host introduced the guests into the flower hall, served them tea, and talked about business in a tactful manner. This is the normal routine.

Hua Twelve said: "Hypocrisy!" Sun Chengzong couldn't handle it anymore, and asked in disbelief: "What did you say?"

Okay, the old man spoke out all the Henan dialect in a hurry.

"I said you are hypocritical!"

Hua Twelve said it again with a smile, and then said:

"Sun Ge, you, Lu Xiangsheng, Yuan Keli, you are all civil servants, I killed so many civil servants, you just think that I am a traitor, and you are not the same as you, so you don't come to see me, you dare to say that is not the reason "

Sun Chengzong's old face was flushed, and he looked like Guan Gong at first glance, before he said after a while: "Yes, it's just because you little bastard is not pleasing to the eye!"

"Oh, let me go, you old grandson, if I knew your virtue, I would recommend a donkey to be the chief minister of this cabinet, and I would do better than you. At least the donkey can only bark, not swear. Not as hypocritical as you!"

"Who do you call a donkey"

"Speaking of others, wouldn't I be sorry for you!"


"Can you say that again!"

"You're a donkey!"

"I'll kill you little bastard!"

Sun Chengzong was furious. Although he was a civil servant, he was also skilled in bowing horses and martial arts. voila.

As a result, as soon as the arm was raised, there was an "oops" and I was shot.

As soon as he covered his eyes, he was kicked in the stomach. His stomach hurt and he couldn't stand upright. He stepped back a few steps and sat on the ground.

"You old man turn off the light, you still want to hit me, kicking you can't kill you, look at me. Big footprints!"

Hua Twelve was so unreasonable and unforgiving, he stepped forward a few steps while speaking, and when he jumped up, he was about to use a footwork that fell from the sky.

Lu Jianxing on the side was dumbfounded at first, but he didn't expect that Lord Hou and Shoufu would start scolding each other when they met, and then the quarrel turned into a fight in an instant.

Seeing that his Lord Hou knocked down the chief minister of the cabinet to the ground, and was about to blow up his anger, Lu Jianxing hurried forward and hugged Hua Shier who jumped up, not letting the sudden move fall from the sky.

"Master Hou, Lord Hou, calm down!"

Hua Twelve was held in the air by him, and his feet were still trying to reach Sun Chengzong. After kicking for a long time, he couldn't reach it. Suddenly his body shook, his face was confused, and he turned to Lu Jianxing and asked:

"Old Lu, why are you hugging me? Is it because I'm sick again?"

After speaking, he blinked at Lu Jianxing.

Lu Jianxing was startled for a moment, but when he saw his Lord Hou blinking, he immediately understood:

"Oh, Lord Hou, your madness happened again just now. If I don't pull you, Sun Ge will be beaten to death by you!"

Hua Twelve said with an exaggerated expression: "Is it so serious? Then let me go and let me see what's going on with Mr. Sun Ge!"

Only then did Lu Jianxing let go of Hua Twelve's waist, letting his feet fall to the ground.

Hua Twelve hurriedly apologized to Sun Chengzong: "Oh, look at this, you may not know it, Mr. Sun Ge. I have never listened to others scolding me since I was a child. When others scold me, I go crazy. The last time Wei Zhongxian was there Swearing in front of me almost made me kick into a eunuch!"

Sun Chengzong covered his eyes with one hand and his stomach with the other, and said angrily:

"Wei Zhongxian was originally a eunuch, you little bastard, who are you fooling!"


A quarter of an hour later, in the flower garden of Xipinghou Mansion, Hua Twelve sat on the main seat with an apologetic expression on his face. He looked at Sun Chengzong, whose eyes had turned into panda eyes, and was being applied hot eggs by the maid in the mansion, and apologized:

"Mr. Sun Ge, look at what's going on here. I always said that I would go crazy when people scolded me, and you still swear in my face. Isn't this a crime against the wind?"

"Oh, even so, after all, I hit you. It's all my fault. I will take responsibility to the end. Before you leave, you will take two baskets of eggs back and apply it slowly. Morning and evening, two days That's good, the rest can still make up for you!"

At this time, Sun Chengzong also understood that the commander of the Jinyiwei was a bastard, and he was too lazy to argue with him, so he let the grinning maid help him, and said straight to the point:

"Marquis Xiping, since you say that this old man is hypocritical, then this old man has to say something straight. Yes, we didn't come to see you after we entered Beijing because we thought you were a traitor. Tell me how many people you killed and how many families you ruined. , wife and children, this is not a traitor, what is it?"


"However, since the old man entered Beijing, you have lived at home, and even the factory guards have been handled by Wei Zhongxian. The old man felt that he couldn't see through you, so he took the initiative to come to the door. He wanted to observe your behavior and see what your plans are. What do you want to do?"

A smile flashed across Hua Twelve's face, it's okay to stop pretending, he waved his hand and said:

"Mr. Sun Ge, don't say anything else, I'll just ask you, those officials I killed, shouldn't they kill them? The money I copied from their homes is not fake, right? It was indispensable in the Taizu period. Let’s just peel off their skins and turn them into grass, compared to what the Emperor Taizu did, I’m still giving them a slack!”

Sun Chengzong looked disdainful: "You are also worthy of being compared with Taizu"

After finishing speaking, he said solemnly: "Could it be that those officials who were killed by you were wronged or framed by you?"

Hua Twelve was speechless, and you didn't figure it out when you co-authored it, so you made a judgment easily.

He pointed in the direction of the palace: "To frame you, go and see the emperor's internal funds, and the treasury of the Ministry of Households. There are real gold and silver worth tens of millions of taels and countless properties. Where can I find so much money to frame them?" "

When Hua Twelve said this, he suddenly changed his words:

"It's not that there are no frame-ups, but they said that I embezzled Wei Zhongxian's tens of millions of taels. They are indeed greedy, so why should they be wronged!"

Sun Chengzong suddenly stood up: "But why what I heard is different from what you said?"

"That's because you're too stupid, you'll believe what people tell you!"

Sun Chengzong's eyes flickered: "How dare you ask the Three Law Departments to review this case?"

"Why don't you dare, Jin Yiwei supervises all officials. When I was not in office, Jin Yiwei recorded all the corruption and bribery of these officials. But at that time, officials and officials protected each other, and corruption had become a trend. This kind of case No one reported it, if you don't believe me, you can personally supervise the Sanju Department to investigate and see if what I said is wrong or not!"

Sun Chengzong looked at Hua Twelve for a while, as if to see if he was guilty, and seeing that he was indifferent, he said loudly:

"Okay, since Marquis Xiping agrees with you at this time, then this old man will go back and lead someone to review the case. If those people are really not wronged, I will follow the example of Gu Lianpo and come to the door to plead guilty. Wash your neck and wait for the beheading!"

After speaking, he waved his sleeves, turned his head and left: "Farewell!"

Hua Twelve looked at Sun Chengzong's back, with a smile on his face. He was a bit confused because he was old, and he came from a civil servant group. He had been brainwashed for many years, but he admired this style of character. Daming is like this If you are an official, then the world will be peaceful.

In the afternoon, Zhu Youxiao sent someone to pass the decree, and invited Hua Shier to enter the palace.

In the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Youxiao looked hopeful, and asked with a little excitement: "I heard that you beat Mr. Sun Ge"

Sun Chengzong used to be the emperor's teacher, that is, Zhu Youxiao's teacher. Emperor Xizong was a little apprehensive about this unsmiling teacher since he was a child. Today he heard that he was beaten by Hua Shier. For some reason, he still felt a little happy in his heart, so I specially asked this Mr. Hua to come to find out what happened.


After Hua Shier told the story, Zhu Youjian's face became more excited after listening.

Pulling Hua Twelve, he carefully asked how he punched, how much strength he used, and what kind of footwork the big footprints made Hua Twelve couldn't laugh or cry at this childlike emperor.

Under Hua Shier's strange gaze, Zhu Youxiao also realized that he had lost his composure, so he quickly sat upright and said solemnly:
"These days, there is a censor report, saying that the people have a lot of talk about the corruption of hundreds of officials before, and they make random guesses. It's better to let the three law officers check it out. It's just to set the record straight and pay back your innocence, sir!"

Hua Shishi nodded and smiled: "Understood, in fact, I have long expected that there will be a counterattack, and I have been prepared to wait for them. I will start to investigate whoever made the rumor later, and see that these people have nothing to do. Still full of gold and silver!"

Zhu Youxiao shook his head and said with a smile: "Mr. I'm afraid he will get a reputation for retaliation!"

Hua Twelve cupped his hands and said: "The emperor is kind and honest. If you really want Long Live you to kill corrupt officials like Taizu and Chengzu, you may not have the heart to do it, but if you want to help Daming, there are still people who want to do this kind of thing, so let the minister Come bear the infamy!"

Listening to Hua Twelve's words, Zhu Youxiao seemed to see the bloody storm in the Ming Dynasty Hall.

In the early morning of the second day, Hua Twelve still did not go to court. Sun Chengzong wrote to the emperor, asking the Three Law Departments to review the corruption case of the courtiers. Zhu Youxiao nodded in agreement.

On the same day, officials from the Sanju Department went into Jinyiwei's archives to inquire about a large number of cases.

Wei Zhongxian, Zhao Jingzhong, Yin Cheng, Pei Lun and others all came to the Xipinghou Mansion to see them, but they were turned away by Hua Twelve one by one, and they only let Lu Jianxing pass on the word that the shoes are not afraid of crooked feet, let them check!

A few people are stunned, is this the opposite?
Hua Shier is not afraid of being wronged. When the judicial department investigates the case, the factory guards also need to be present to supervise each other. They are not afraid of the other party turning black and white and fabricating evidence.

Another month passed. On this day, Sun Chengzong wrote a letter to plead guilty. After he went down to court, he was shirtless and carried a stick on his back. He really walked all the way from the imperial palace to Xipinghou's mansion.

Hua Twelve, who had heard the news earlier, hurriedly went out to welcome Sun Chengzong, took the stick, put on clothes, and welcomed him into the mansion. He knew that the judge's conclusion had come out. He justified his name.

With today's scene of Mr. Sun Ge's pleading guilty to Jing, who dares to say that he is a traitor? With the results of the review by the three justices, who dares to say that he killed innocent people indiscriminately!

Next, Sun Chengzong and Hua Shier interacted more, and the latter also talked about his crackdown plan.

Sun Ge was shocked and solemn at first, but after careful consideration, he decided to fully support Hua Twelve's actions.

A crackdown campaign that spread throughout the entire Ming Dynasty started vigorously.

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