A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 325 Handle it safely!

Chapter 325 Handle it safely! (Seek full order)
In the capital, Qianqing Palace, Zhu Youxiao fiddled with the wooden blocks in his hand, trying to make what Hua Shier had described to him, the kind that could be assembled into any item at will, called Lego.

While studying vigorously, Wang Tiqian, the eunuch of Bingbi, came over and said softly: "Long live, Mr. Sun Ge will see you!"

Hearing this, Zhu Youxiao put down the work in his hand and ordered: "Tell me!"

When Sun Chengzong entered the Qianqing Palace, he saw the sawdust on the ground at a glance, and he knew that the emperor was working as a carpenter again.

Speaking of which, Sun Ge has lived such an old age, is well-read, well-informed, and has experienced three generations of emperors.

In his cognition, the emperors have always been very happy, or they like wine and sex, or they are like Song Huizong.

But this emperor who likes to do carpentry is probably the only one in front of him since the beginning of the world.

Sun Chengzong sighed secretly, he didn't give Zhu Youxiao a face-to-face order as he did when he was the emperor's teacher, but directly talked about the business:
"Your Majesty, this is the [-]-mile rush sent by Xiping Hou from Jinling to Jinyiwei."

When Zhu Youxiao heard the news that Hua Twelve had come, his face showed joy, and he hurriedly asked Wang Tigan to bring Hua Twelve's memorial over to watch.

As soon as the memorial was started, Zhu Youxiao couldn't wait to open it and watch it. After reading it, he was furious:
"Damn it, really damn it!"

After he finished speaking, he handed over the secret folder in his hand to Sun Chengzong: "You should take a look too!"

Sun Chengzong took it over and took a look, and immediately broke out in cold sweat. Xiping Hou killed more than 100 dignitaries and officials as soon as he arrived in Jinling. The outside of the Meridian Gate was chopped down with a knife.

Sun Ge was shocked, but he couldn't believe it.

Ordinarily, such a big matter, if it is true, then Jiangnan's impeachment of Hua Shier would not fly over like snowflakes, verbal criticism and take-out cursing.

But now there is not even a document impeaching Hua Twelve, which is too weird. So many nobles were killed in Jinling, even if the local officials dare not speak out because of the power of the factory guards, what about other places in the south of the Yangtze River?
What about Yangzhou and Suzhou and Hangzhou?

It's impossible for no one to know!

Sun Chengzong looked down with doubts, and only then did he know the reason. It turned out that it was the Marquis of Xiping who asked the factory guards to take over the Jinling city defense, and ordered that entry and exit were not allowed, so the news did not spread.

But how many days can this be concealed?

Sun Chengzong's views on Hua Shier are very complicated. Speaking of which, he doesn't like this person. He was born as a factory guard, he does things very spicy, kills too much, and he does not follow the rules. He is not the same as him.

As the saying goes, different ways do not conspire with each other, that's it.

This is also the reason why Sun Chengzong didn't go to visit him after he entered Beijing knowing that Hua Shier recommended him.

However, after the previous contact, Sun Ge's view of this Xipinghou has changed slightly. The other party's killing is true, but the people who kill have a way of death. He began to think that Hua Shier is like Mao Xiang again. figure.

Mao Xiang, the commander of the first generation of Jinyiwei, was a sharp knife in the hands of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. At the beginning of the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, when the court was full of chaos, he went on a killing spree and killed many unstable factors. , It played a great role in stabilizing the country for Zhu Yuanzhang.

For example, the famous Hu Weiyong case was handled by Mao Xiang. It is worth mentioning that Hu Weiyong was the last prime minister in Chinese history.

Mr. Sun Ge felt that the current Ming Dynasty was not much better than when the country was just founded and was waiting to be rejuvenated. It was even prosperous at that time, but now it is in decline.

It might be a great thing if someone like Mao Xiang could replace the emperor and Daming to clear up those unstable factors and save the chaff from the chaff.

This is the reason why Mr. Sun Ge changed his views on Huashi [-], and it is also the reason why he supports property disclosure and crackdown.

It’s just that Mr. Sun Ge didn’t expect that Hua Twelve’s methods were so cruel. He did it on the first day he arrived in Jinling. several.

Mao Xiang is ruthless, but compared to this one, that's nothing.

Sun Chengzong was a little heartbroken, why was he so reckless, and slowly figured out what he had agreed with him before leaving?

Such a vicious killing will inevitably suffer a backlash, and will be impeached and criticized by noble officials from all over the country. Looking at the emperor's anger just now, the Marquis of Xiping is simply hanging himself after eating arsenic. He is dead!

At this moment, Zhu Youxiao on the throne patted the armrest of the dragon chair and cursed:

"This gang of damned corrupt officials really deserves to be killed. Marquis Xiping did a good job!"


Sun Chengzong felt that he was getting old, and a sharp turn in thinking almost brought him down directly.

No, after killing so many noble ministers, if they were replaced by others, they would have died more than 100 times, and they would have to flog their corpses.

You are too biased!
It is probably not the blessing of the imperial court that the emperor favors and trusts a subject so much.

Sun Chengzong asked a little puzzled: "Your Majesty, the Marquis of Xiping killed so many noble ministers, are you not angry at all?"

Zhu Youxiao pointed at Mi Zhe: "Why are you so angry, look at what my good courtiers have done!"

Elder Sun Ge continued to look down, and he saw that the reasons for the murder were clearly written in Twelve Mizhe Shanghua.

It turned out that after the property announcement in the capital, the news spread, and officials from all over the south of the Yangtze River were moved by the news, and all their properties were attached to the name of Xungui.

Only Wei Guogong Xu Hongji’s family has added more than 1000 shops in the recent period, and more than 2 farmland, paddy fields, cotton and mulberry fields, most of which are affiliated with officials from Jiangnan and Guangdong and Guangxi.

Now the whole of Daming's arable land area is only 400 million square meters. How dare a Wei Guogong dare to accept more than 2 land from other people in just over two months?

Let’s take a look at Hua Twelve’s rough statistics on Wei Guogong’s property in the secret book, plus the properties mentioned earlier, the property of Wei Guogong’s mansion is no less than [-] million taels of silver.

Elder Sun Ge finally understood why the emperor said that it would be good to kill. The family property of a state prince has caught up to one-tenth of Shen Wansan. This is the way to die.

And how many nobles like the Xu family does Daming have?I'm afraid it's too much.

This is nothing more than the emperor is so angry.

Sun Chengzong thought about it, and he had to persuade him about this matter. Such a cruel method was afraid of causing turmoil in the south of the Yangtze River, so he immediately said:
"Your Majesty, the Marquis of Xiping wants to clean up the officialdom in the south of the Yangtze River. Although this is a good thing, it should be done slowly. Such a thunderbolt method may be a disaster rather than a blessing!"

Zhu Youxiao agreed deeply, nodded and said: "The elder Ge is right, I will make an order to let Marquis Xiping do it freely, and if there is anything, I will support him!"

After finishing speaking, he greeted Wang Tiqian and started to draw up the decree. Sun Chengzong looked confused, did I mean that?

Although Sun Chengzong did not agree with Hua Twelve's approach and could not persuade the emperor, he did not hold back. He followed Hua Twelve's intentions and began to select officials. He selected talents from young officials who were ambitious but unsuccessful, and Send these people to Jinling as soon as possible to fill the vacancies.

Not only that, Mr. Sun Ge also selected many more people very predictably. He expected that Hua Twelve would not just kill a group of people so easily and give up. It turned out later that he was right.

In Jinling City, after Hua Twelve killed a large number of honorable officials and officials, he also sent factory guards to search the homes of those killed honorable officials, and counted the property of these killed.

As for those nobles and officials whose problems were not found out, Hua Twelve did not intend to let them go just like that. Whether they are good or evil, they have to go through it all over again.

He directly placed a drum for grievances in front of the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City in Jinling, and then posted a notice to inform the people of the whole city that anyone who had a grievance could play the drum.

Hua Twelve guarantees with the Shangfang sword in his hand that no matter who is involved, he will investigate to the end and give justice.

At the beginning, when the Drum of Crying Wrongs was placed in front of the Meridian Gate, there were quite a few people onlookers, but no one dared to step forward to beat the drum.

However, Hua Twelve was not in a hurry. He asked Pei Lun to start reviewing the case files in Jinling Yamen over the years. Whoever it was, they were all arrested and killed.

One of the cases was a case of a bully occupying other people's restaurants. The specific situation was that a restaurant had a booming business, but a bully who opened a martial arts gym in Jinling City took a fancy to it.

One night, this bully brought a lot of thugs, broke open the door of the owner of the restaurant, rushed in and beat the other couple violently, plundered all the money in the owner's house, and then forced them to sign a loan loan. .

Not to mention, this bully actually went to Yingtian Mansion to sue the officials the next day, demanding the huge amount of silver on the IOU.

The restaurant owner and his wife were beaten severely the night before, and they were carried to the court. Because they are civilians, according to the law, civilians have to kneel and worship when they meet an official, let alone in the court. It is difficult to get up, where can I kneel.

Ever since, before the trial started, the two couples were forked out by Yin Tianfu on the pretext of contempt of the court, and each of them was beaten twenty boards.

The restaurant owner and his wife, who were already injured, died outside the courtroom without having to go to court again after these [-] boards.

The bully had in his hand the paper signed by the couple last night, so the account could not be canceled after death, and according to Tian Fu Yin's judgment, the restaurant belonged to the bully.

This case happened last year. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the IOUs that the restaurant owner and his wife pressed their fingerprints on.

Pei Lun immediately started with this case and began to investigate the details of the matter. With Jin Yiwei's methods, the truth was revealed within a day.

It turned out that the bully came from Ying Tian Fu Yin's father-in-law's family. Before he did it, he gave Ying Tian Fu Yin's father-in-law a gift of 100 taels of silver, and then the father-in-law wrote a note asking his son to go to his brother-in-law's house for a while. trip.

After the couple's death, the bully gave [-]% of the shares in the restaurant to the father-in-law of Fu Yin Yingtian, so the gang of sluts were very happy.

When Pei Lun presented the results of the investigation to Hua Twelve, Hua Twelve laughed angrily. Aren't these people going to kill and keep the little villains?
Immediately, they sent people to drag Yingtian Mansion Yin's father-in-law, brother-in-law, and Fu Yin's wife outside Yingtian Mansion's court, where they beat the restaurant owner and his wife to death.

As for Yin Tianfu, he was directly dragged outside the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City in Jinling, and after the crime was read out, he was slashed with a knife.

Hua Twelve is throwing bricks to attract jade, using this typical unjust case to prove to the people in Jinling City that he is determined to crack down hard.

Sure enough, after this case, many people who had grievances chose to go to the Meridian Gate to beat the grievance drum. The drum sounded continuously for three days, day and night.

The sound of the drum was earth-shattering, and the blood of the common people was excited, but the corrupt officials who shook it were all terrified.

Just ask, under the feudal system, how many nobles and officials could there be without bullying others?I'm afraid it's less than one hundred.

So next, Hua Twelve's eyes were red, and the heads of batches of honorable officials fell to the ground, and the stone bricks in front of the Meridian Gate were dyed dark red, and they couldn't be washed with water.

Of course, not all nobles and officials have committed capital crimes. Those whose family property comes from a legitimate source and who have no lives in their hands are no big deal.

Hua Twelve told Pei Lun that when dealing with the case, he must keep complete evidence, and whoever dares to kill him at that time will have a good reputation.

His preparations were not in vain. You must know that Hua Twelve ordered the city to be closed for three days before, and after three days, the city was automatically lifted. Received news one after another.

Immediately, I was stupefied with fright. I don't know if they were filled with righteous indignation or out of fear to protect themselves. These officials from the Jiangnan area even joined forces to impeach Hua Twelve for killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Sure enough, as Mr. Sun Ge expected before, when the news spread, not only Jiangnan, but also nobles and officials from other places wrote letters to impeach Hua Twelve with cruel methods and framed his colleagues.

Although Zhu Youxiao supported Hua Twelve, he was a little flustered when he saw the impeachment memorial like Xiaoshan, so he immediately wrote a secret letter to Hua Twelve and asked him what to do?
Hua Twelve sent people the files of Jin Yiwei's handling of the case to the capital, so that Zhu Youxiao could announce it to the world.

In addition, regarding Jiangnan's officialdom, Hua Shier promised to deal with it safely, so that officials in Jiangnan would not be dissatisfied again.

When Sun Chengzong saw Hua Twelve's memorial, he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the Marquis of Xiping had finally matured.

But just three days later, I received another memorial from Hua Twelve. Yangzhou officials beheaded 46 people, and officials from Suzhou and Hangzhou beheaded 130 people. All factual evidence.

Sun Chengzong almost fainted, and dealt with it safely, that is, they all were killed.

Hua Twelve naturally didn't know what Sun Chengzong was thinking. He was currently arranging for Lu Wenzhao to take along Ding Tai and Ding Chong, who were from the frontier army, to start rectifying the Jinling military mansion and retraining the army to fight.

 Thanks: 08a, old.shu.chong brothers for their rewards, thank you brothers for your support of 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thank you brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thank you brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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