A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 326 99 Double Ninth Festival, another day!

Chapter 326 Ninety-Nine Double Ninth Festival, Another Day! (Seek full order)

A large number of corrupt officials and powerful gentry in Jinling, Yangzhou, and Suzhou and Hangzhou were killed by Hua Shier. Perhaps it was a matter of time, and the expected rebound from local officials and gentry did not happen.

At the beginning of Hua Twelve, he was puzzled, but after careful consideration, he seemed to understand something. Just think about how even a hundred Japanese pirates can fight for thousands of miles in the south of the Yangtze River, as if entering the land of no one. Factory guards, sweeping Jiangnan, isn't this a normal thing?

What's more, even if someone has evil intentions, they can only act in secret and cannot openly use force. After all, the 'Jinyiwei' is the emperor's pro-army, and the 'Dongchang' is the emperor's minister. Anyone who dares to move the factory guard is tantamount to rebellion.

With this understanding, Hua Shier fortunately let go of the whole thing. Under the two major killers of "property publicity" and "reversal of old cases", hundreds of heads fell to the ground every day in the southern part of the Ming Dynasty, and countless The criminal evidence was quickly sent to the capital through the Jinyiwei channel.

Hua Twelve said in a letter to Zhu Youxiao and Sun Gelao: "It's not that the minister is murderous, but that there are too many people who should be killed."

He also stated in the letter that all the people he killed had a way of killing them, and if the court had any doubts, they could ask the judiciary to verify.

Of course, Sun Chengzong didn't believe that so many people deserved to die, so he suggested to Zhu Youxiao that Yuan Keli, who was upright and upright and dared to plead for the people, be named as the official, and led the three judicial officials to verify the crimes of those killed officials.

As a result, through Yuan Keli's re-examination, all the evidence was correct, and on-the-spot investigations showed that the facts were true.

The results of the investigation left Sun Chengzong speechless, and he had a new understanding of the extent of corruption in Ming Dynasty. What else could he do, he could only work harder in selecting officials.

On Huashier's side, after doing a lot of work in Yangzhou, Suzhou and Hangzhou, he returned to Jinling to sit in town. In other places in the south of the Yangtze River, Pei Lun, who is good at investigating cases, brought a thousand factory guard photos and gourd painting scoops to do it.

Therefore, most of the heads killed later were the ruthless hands of this kid Pei Lun, whoever he learned from, this kid followed Hua Twelve, and he was absolutely unambiguous in killing corrupt officials.

There are three reasons why Huashier sits in Jinling.

The first reason is laziness, letting his subordinates do the work. He took his wife Ding Baiying to visit this famous historical capital, and spent the whole day traveling around the mountains and rivers without doing business.
The other is that most of the officials in Jinling were killed by him. If there were no Hua Shier in charge, there would be chaos.

The third is the training of recruits. If he is not there, Lu Wenzhao will not have his backing, so it is not easy to conduct drastic conscription training.

Speaking of military training, Hua Shier's only request to Lu Wenzhao was to train an army capable of fighting. In terms of remuneration, he directly piled it to the top.

In fact, the treatment of the army in the earliest Ming Dynasty was quite good. The treatment of soldiers recruited in the early Ming Dynasty was not bad.

It doesn’t look like much, but there are benefits, including food, drink and accommodation. Each soldier is distributed three catties of lard, one catty of salt, twenty catties of rice, five catties of cloth for daily necessities, and more for those with families. .

At that time, this was simply the current level of treatment for civil servants. It was much better than farming at home and digging food in the soil.

Because of the good treatment, the army was full of vigor in the early days of the Ming Dynasty. In wartime, the soldiers worked hard and were invincible.

However, as the late Ming Dynasty became more and more corrupt, the incident of drinking soldiers' blood and eating empty pay became more and more serious, so that each soldier received less than one tael of pay, and sometimes there were things in arrears.

Therefore, in the late Ming Dynasty, the Ming army could not fight, and they did not complain that the soldiers were greedy for life and fear of death. Weapons require the spirit of the army without the spirit of the army, and the equipment without equipment. How can such an army fight?
The imperial court doesn't give food, drink, and money, so why let people starve and work for you?
Hua Twelfth asked Lu Wenzhao to train a new army, the number was set at [-], and the military salary was directly distributed according to the highest salary in the early Ming Dynasty. Anyway, he copied the Jiangnan officialdom, and he had plenty of money.

For this reason, he sent people to escort half of the silver taels obtained from ransacking his home in Jiangnan to Beijing and put it into the treasury. The other half wrote to Zhu Youxiao, explaining the situation, and wanted to stay in Jiangnan to rectify the army.

As for the imperial court, Elder Sun Ge had a lot of opinions on Hua Twelve's rectification of military affairs in the south of the Yangtze River. Hua Twelve didn't care about this matter. After all, military affairs were not something that a Jinyiwei commander could intervene in.

Mr. Sun Ge made several suggestions, but Zhu Youxiao rejected them. In the words of Xi Zong, the Marquis of Xiping brought a thousand people from Dongchang to the south. Are you afraid that he will rebel?

Sun Chengzong was right to think this way, Dongchang was a minister of the emperor, even if he was as strong as Wei Zhongxian at the beginning, he could only be loyal to the emperor.

More than 1000 Dongchang fanzi, that is equal to more than 1000 eyeliners of the emperor, as long as Xiping Hou has the slightest misconduct, I am afraid that he will not be able to hide it from the eyes of the emperor and the court.

In fact, how did Sun Chengzong know that there is only one loyal person in the entire East Factory, but that person is no longer the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, but Hua Twelve, because the latter controls their life and death.

This is also because Hua Twelve has no rebellious intentions. If he has the idea of ​​rebellion, as long as he utters a casual word, just one Wang Tiqian who cultivates "Sunflower Treasure" can make Zhu Youxiao die without knowing why.

Speaking of military training, Hua Shier asked Lu Wenzhao to send people to post bulletins in various places in the south of the Yangtze River to recruit soldiers and horses. .

At first, the common people didn't believe it, thinking that the imperial court couldn't be so generous. As a result, some people signed up with the attitude of giving it a try, and they really got real money, which caused a sensation in an instant.

Not only many young adults signed up to serve in the army, but middle-aged uncles in their 50s and [-]s also enthusiastically signed up, but they were all rejected.

In the case of only recruiting young and strong, the quota of 5 people is easily enough.

When Lu Wenzhao was training soldiers, Hua Shier had no intention of managing Jinling City. There were too many things to do, and he felt a headache just looking at them. As the same saying goes, professional things should be left to professional people.

Not all corrupt officials in Jinling City are damned corrupt officials, there are also honest and honest ones. For example, Zhang Hairui, a scholar in the Nanjing cabinet, is a good official who has not been affected by the crackdown.

When Hua Shier heard this name at first, he felt that he had heard it before, but after thinking about it, he felt that the other party had the same name as Hai Rui, an upright official in history, so he felt familiar, so he didn't care.

Hua Twelve asked Zhang Hairui to temporarily act as Yin Tian Fu Yin to preside over the affairs of Jinling.

If you say that he is a great scholar, he is indeed a talented person. It only took half a month to manage Jinling City, which was in a mess due to the lack of officials after the crackdown, and put it in order.

With the arrival of alternate officials sent by the imperial court one after another, the entire Jinling resumed normal operation and gradually returned to prosperity.

On this day, Hua Twelve had already toured all the mountains and rivers around Jinling, and there was really nowhere to go, so he asked the guardian eunuch Han Zanzhou to take him and Ding Baiying to the imperial palace in Jinling.

The Jinling Imperial Palace was later called the No. [-] palace in the Middle Ages. It is said that it covers an area larger than the imperial palace in the capital. Unfortunately, when the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom perished in later generations, the palaces and palace walls in the Forbidden City of Jinling basically disappeared, and almost all of them were destroyed.

Hua Twelve is also very yearning to see the complete Jinling Forbidden City.

When they entered the palace, Wang Xuetong, the chief eunuch of Jinling Palace, came to welcome them in person, and together with Han Zanzhou, they were willing to act as guides, introducing the palace scenery and various legends to Hua Shier and his wife.

When Hua Shier saw this Wang Xuetong for the first time, he recognized Wang Xuetong's face. Isn't this the Li Yutang from 'October'?

He guessed which movie this Wang Xuetong should be a character in, but Hua Twelve didn't watch many film and television dramas that Mr. Wang acted in, even very few, so he didn't know which film and television drama this person came from .

Unexpectedly, Hua Twelve didn't look for trouble. Anyway, as long as he doesn't provoke himself, whether it's a coincidence or there are other plots involved, it has nothing to do with him.

Listening to this Wang Xuetong explaining various allusions about the Jinling Imperial Palace like a lotus flower, both Hua Shier and Ding Baiying felt like an eye-opener.

Hua Twelve asked curiously: "Old Wang, do you know where Emperor Jianwen escaped from this palace?"

Wang Xuetong and Han Zanzhou glanced at each other, both shook their heads and smiled wryly, this master really dares to say it.

Wang Xuetong reminded: "Master Hou, it is my court's conclusion that Emperor Jianwen was burned in Fengtian Palace."

Hua Shishi said impatiently: "Okay, folklore has noses and eyes. Didn't Chengzu look for it all over the world? It's not that Jin Yiwei has no relevant records. This Marquis is just curious to ask you in private. Which one is better for me or Lao Han?" Going out and talking nonsense will kill you!"

Han Zanzhou has also learned to be good these days. He knows who is the master. Hearing what Hua Twelve said, he immediately chimed in and said:

"That's right, this matter is not an important secret. Don't worry, how long have we known each other? How can I harm you? Old Wang, you have been in this palace for decades, I don't believe you don't know some secrets!"

Wang Xuetong seemed a little embarrassed, and stomped his feet for a while: "Then you must not tell it, there is a rumor in the palace that there is a secret passage under the portrait of Emperor Taizu in the Taimiao, and it is said that Emperor Jianwen left the palace from there! "

Hua Twelve liked to hear such legendary and secret stories, so he asked quickly, "Then you haven't seen it with your own eyes?"

Wang Xuetong smiled bitterly and said: "Master Hou, it's easy for you to say, let alone me, even the emperors of the past dynasties, I have never seen it before, that is the Taimiao, under the eyes of the Taizu, who dares to try a brick? It is Chengzu Someone should have seen it at that meeting, otherwise there would be no such rumors!"

Listening to Wang Xuetong's words, everyone thought about the changes in Jingnan back then, and felt that the scenes of historical pictures seemed to be right in front of them, which made people fascinated.

After walking around the Jinling Palace and hearing a lot of legends, Hua Twelve sighed: "This time I have traveled all over Jinling's radius of a hundred miles, and when I want to go back, I don't know where I went! "

Ding Baiying couldn't help but laugh, saying that the scenery of Jinling might not be enough to go around many times, and my husband is still young at heart, he likes something new.

Han Zanzhou laughed along with him, but Wang Xuetong's eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "Your Majesty, there should be a place you haven't been to yet!"

Both Hua Shier and Ding Baiying were interested, and hurriedly asked where it was.

Wang Xuetong pointed to the southeast, and said with a smile: "Smoke cage, cold water, moon cage sand"

Hua Shishi's eyes lit up, and he said, "Yebo Qinhuai is close to the restaurant. The merchants don't know the hatred of subjugation. It's not bad. I haven't been to the Qinhuai River. I heard that the girls there are very moist."

In the middle of the sentence, he realized that his wife was still beside him, and when he turned around to look, he saw Ding Baiying looking at him angrily, and immediately smiled mischievously.

Wang Xuetong seemed not to notice the delicate atmosphere between the couple, and continued:

"A few days ago, Lord Hou purged Jinling's officialdom, and even the boats on the Qinhuai River stopped. These days, I heard that they will reopen, and the date is set for Chongyang, Jiujiu, five days later. In the evening, a night tour of the Qinhuai River must be quite enjoyable!"

Speaking of this, the old eunuch showed a smile that any man could understand and said:
"I heard that Qinhuai's number one oiran, Miss Bailu, will groom her on that day. If the Marquis goes, he will definitely win the top spot!"

After Wang Xuetong finished speaking, he seemed to have just seen Ding Baiying's unfriendly eyes, and immediately confessed his crimes again and again.

Hua Twelve and Ding Baiying returned home after eating a meal of the Jinling imperial meal in the Jinling Imperial Palace.

After sending these two away, the smile on Wang Xuetong's face instantly subsided, and he went straight to the cold palace in the palace. There are no emperor's concubines in the entire Jinling palace, only eunuchs and maids, and there is no one living in the cold palace.

Wang Xuetong stood in the courtyard of the cold palace for a while, then a middle-aged eunuch walked in quickly and bowed to salute:

Wang Xuetong nodded, and asked, "Last time you said that you went out of the palace to Chenji Youfang, and when you came back, was there someone from Dongchang following you?"

The middle-aged eunuch nodded and said: "Yes, I followed me for two streets, I pretended not to know, and after a few circles in the city, I got rid of him!"

Wang Xuetong sighed and said, "Those people in Dongchang are too sensitive. It should be that they smell something different from you. You are so clever but you are mistaken by your cleverness. If you get rid of them, isn't there no silver 300 taels here?" !"

The middle-aged eunuch trembled when he heard the words, and fell to his knees with a plop: "Godfather, my son is wrong, my son is wrong, be careful next time."

Wang Xuetong helped him up with a smile: "Don't worry, you and my father and son, how could I blame you."

Just as the middle-aged eunuch breathed a sigh of relief, his expression froze suddenly. When he looked down, there was already a dagger in his heart.

The handle of the dagger was being held in Wang Xuetong's hand. The latter's expression remained unchanged, and he still smiled and said:
"However, godfather has a major event to do recently, and there is no room for any mistakes. Only you and I will continue the father-son relationship in the next life!"

After speaking, he twisted the dagger, and the middle-aged eunuch died immediately, leaving no life behind.

Throwing the eunuch's body into a dry well in the cold palace, Wang Xuetong found a pen and paper in an empty room, and wrote a note, which read:

"Ninety-ninth Chongyang, change the day and change the day, Jin Jingtong will launch the third watch, this life and death are at stake, so be sure! '

After finishing speaking, he went to another courtyard of Lenggong to fetch a carrier pigeon, put the strip into a bamboo tube thick as a little finger, tied it to the carrier pigeon's leg, held it with both hands and threw it upwards, a white shadow shot straight into the sky, After circling in the sky, it went straight to the direction of the capital.

In the middle of the night, at Chenji Youfang in Jinling City, a black shadow entered through the window without sound.

In the oil workshop, Boss Chen was keeping accounts under the oil lamp, when he suddenly saw a figure hidden in a cloak, he was startled, and when he realized it, he got up quickly: "Why are you here in person?"

The black figure retreated the hood of the cloak, revealing an old face, it was Wang Xuetong, and he said leisurely:
"In the future, you should inform Xiao Yu and the others that the time to do it will be on Chongyang Nineteenth Ninth. At that time, kill Xi Pinghou and Zhang Hai Rui together. This will not only clear that obstacle, but also get Rama's body. This time, I will definitely win it." .”

 Thank you: 08a, righteousness limited awe-inspiring, old.shu.chong brothers for their rewards, thank you for your support of 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thank you for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thank you for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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