A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 355 Prepare to Raise Dingcrabs as Dairy Cows!

Chapter 355 Prepare to Raise Dingcrabs as Dairy Cows! (Seek full order)
PS: It's late today, something has delayed me, sorry.

In fact, simply injecting cancer cells into the human body will not cause cancer.

As early as the 50s, American medical scientist Chester Southam conducted experiments on mice many times in order to study whether cancer cells were contagious and the way of transmission, injecting cancer cells like injecting viruses, and observing the small The case of rats.

As a result, it was found that the mice injected with cancer cells developed cancer successfully, so Southam determined that the cancer cells may be inextricably related to the virus, which can make human beings 'infected' with cancer.

In order to further prove his idea and obtain human body data, Chester recruited more than 60 volunteers in the prison and began human experiments. As a result, all the prisoners injected with cancer cells had cancerous changes or tumor reactions at the beginning.

But in the end, they all defeat foreign cancer cells through their own immune system.

As a doctor, Hua Twelve naturally knew about this case. He believed that since the prisoners had disease reactions at the beginning, it meant that the foreign cancer cells still played a role in their bodies, but they were limited by the experimental subjects themselves. Just the immune system.

That's why Hua Twelve first got some HIV disease blood and injected it into the Ding brothers to destroy their immune system, so that the cancer cells can exert their due effects.

It's not easy to say that Hua Twelve, in order to satisfy the simple and unpretentious wishes of these two brothers, how much he has broken his heart!

Moreover, he also meticulously prepared mei virus as an easter egg. The Ding brothers must never have imagined what kind of surprises their lives would usher in.

After injecting the two brothers, Hua Twelve took out two Three Corpse Brain Pills and planned to feed them to Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie.

But after thinking about it, it's better to try the new product, so he took back the Brain God Pill, and took out two 'Leopard Taiyi Tendon Pills' that he got from Wei Xiaobao.

'Baotai Yijin Pill' is a kind of elixir, it has a nourishing effect after eating, it can strengthen the body, but if the antidote is not taken after one year, the extremely violent medicinal properties will break out.

Fat and thin Toutuo of Shenlong Island was the beneficiary of this medicine back then. Within three months, Pang Toutuo's body suddenly grew three feet, the skin all over his body was dripping with blood, he changed from short and fat to tall and thin, from short and thin Poor and successful counterattacks become tall, rich and handsome, which can be of great benefit.

However, Xiao Toutuo was originally troubled by his height, but under the effect of "Leopard Taiyi Jin Pill", he suddenly became shorter, his body became fat and swollen, and he became a cylinder body. He successfully got rid of malnutrition and boarded the The pinnacle of life.

The most surprising thing is the magic of this elixir, that is, every time it erupts, there will be unexpected surprises. If you are unlucky, you may rejuvenate, and if you are lucky, you may become an octagon.

Hua Shishi was very curious about how happy and surprising changes the Ding family brothers would have after their attack. He waited and saw.

After finishing all this, Hua Twelve left the hospital without a sound. There was no surveillance in the hospital in this day and age, so he left gently, just as he came gently, only fulfilling the wishes of the Ding brothers, but not Take away a cloud.

Flick your clothes away, hide your achievements and fame deeply, the style of an ancient chivalrous man, nothing more than that.

While the Ding Brothers of the Huatwelfth Gang were busy, there was a shooting incident on the site of the original Zhongqing Society. At the scene of the club's fight, several AKs were fired in the street, and grenades were thrown in several nightclubs.

Even the foreign superintendent who knew that Ding Xiaoxie was released from prison and was going to watch a show couldn't stand it anymore, so he sent military police to block the streets. As a result, hundreds of policemen in military uniforms were suppressed by a group of gangsters, who dared not dare to use firepower to suppress them. Take the lead.

The foreign police superintendent immediately called the Flying Tigers for support. As a result, at this moment, two dump trucks smashed past the blocked vehicles, rushed into the police encirclement, and successfully rescued the gangsters.

When the police wanted to pursue them, a few grenades were thrown over, overturning the two assault vehicles, and no one dared to chase them anymore, and the criminals lost their whereabouts.

The foreign police superintendent jumped up and down the street, insulting his subordinates as trash, and ordered all the police officers to chase after him quickly, but everyone farted like a dog and pretended not to hear.

They are not fools, those thugs use AK, grenades, they use .[-] to chase after you, thinking that it is Chen Jiaju.

The two dump trucks were finally found by the sea, and the occupants of the trucks had long since disappeared. After checking the license plates, they were all reported lost vehicles in the morning.

The next morning, when Hua Shier was watching the morning news in the public housing, he was a little surprised at the vigor of the Zhongqing Club. The three second-rate clubs, Hong Le, Chang Qing, and An Le, had 300 casualties overnight. Seriously injured, more than 20 nightclubs were violently renovated, causing heavy losses.

Overnight, when Ding Xiaoxie was imprisoned a few days ago, the three gangs in Sneaker Street were divided, causing heavy casualties. The gang forces in Sneaker Street were also wiped out by Zhongqing Club overnight.

As soon as the news screen changed, the police held a press conference. The superintendent of foreign devils apologized to all the citizens on TV, and promised that he would vigorously crack down on crime in the future and would not let this kind of thing happen again.

Hua Shier called the elder brothers of the club and called them to a meeting at Hongtai's headquarters.

Now these bosses are all promoted after Hua Shier took office, and they have all heard of the grievances and grievances between their leader and the old filial piety of the Zhongqing Club.

At this time, they all expressed their opinions at the meeting. They felt that Zhong Qing was crazy, and they were afraid that Lao Xiao would kill Red Eye to retaliate against Hua Twelve, and wanted to mobilize people to protect the safety of the leader.

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Old Xiao is crazy, but he is not really mentally ill. Now the foreign devils are being driven crazy by him. In the next period of time, one can imagine that the whole world will be in turmoil, and the police will crack down on the society. It will also be greatly strengthened, so I believe he will not do it at this time."

The others thought for a while, and it was the same reason, and they nodded one after another.

Hua Twelve smiled and changed his tone: "However, this is also an opportunity. This time, the Anle team suffered the most heavy losses. I heard that their boss Feihong had a heart attack this morning and was hospitalized. I think this is a good idea." Opportunity, we can take the opportunity to annex An Le's territory!"

A big brother said: "Brother Xiang, you also said that the police will intensify their efforts to crack down on social groups. Now whoever takes the lead will die!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Death is definitely not going to die, and squatting in a kiln is a must. If you want to get ahead in this world, you don't want to pay the price. How can there be such a good thing?"

He looked at the big brothers who were in the hall, and said:
"This time I will give you a chance. Whoever wins An Le's territory today will be rewarded with 300 million yuan in housing allowances for one year in the Kuyao Association, and 3000 million yuan in rewards for ten years in the Kiln Association. After prison, this person will take over!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone stood up and shouted, "I'll go!"

The person who stood up was in his 30s, with murderous looks and determination on his face. Hua Twelve remembered that this person was called Guizaishan, and he was the newly promoted elder brother after he became the leader. No, my wife has been sick all year round. She is a medicine jar and spends a lot of money on medical treatment every year.

Seeing him stand up, Hua Twelve understood a little. It is estimated that Guizaishan was moved by the annual settling fee of 300 million.

As soon as Guizaishan expressed his opinion, the other big brothers also moved their minds. Without him, Hua Shier's offer was too good, and they all expressed their willingness to deal with Anle.

Hua Twelve stretched out his hand and pointed: "Just go to Ah Shan, don't worry, the club will help you take care of your family!"

When Guizaishan heard the words, he showed joy: "Thank you, leader!"

That afternoon, Guizaishan led more than 200 younger brothers to raid Anle's site, like a blitzkrieg, taking advantage of Feihong's entry into the hospital, and knocked down all the two streets controlled by Anle.

By the time the other gangs reacted and wanted to take advantage, it was too late, and the police had already taken action.

Guizaishan took advantage of this battle and caught the other party by surprise, but the aftereffects were also obvious. For this kind of crime against the wind, the police acted quickly and launched a crackdown. All of them were taken back to the police station for questioning.

Guizaishan took it upon himself to bear it, and insisted that he had a personal enmity with Feihong, who was sitting in Anle's restaurant. This made Feihong, who was still in the hospital for heart disease treatment, belch as soon as he heard the news.

After Feihong died, An Le was leaderless, and was successfully swallowed by Hong Tai taking the opportunity.

Guizaishan was finally sentenced to three years in prison. According to the previous agreement, the association needed to give 900 million yuan in settling expenses, and Hua Twelve made up the whole thing with a wave of his hand and gave 1000 million yuan.

Hua Shier asked Ah Quan to take charge of the territory laid down by his colleague Guizaishan. The monthly profit society took [-]%, Ahquan [-]%, and the remaining [-]% was distributed equally to Guizaishan's original family and younger brother.

Inside Hongtai, Hua Twelve's behavior style of doing what he says and rewarding him with a lot of money, compared with Uncle Mei's behavior style of slandering and dishonesty at the beginning, and making judgments, greatly boosted the morale of the club. At the same time, his reputation and status as a leader has become more deeply rooted in the society.

In the past, this kind of community fight would definitely hit the headlines, but this time Hong Tai's attack on An Le did not attract much attention, because the biggest news right now is still the shooting that day.

Although it was rumored that the big circle committed the crime that day, everyone knew that this incident had something to do with Ding Xiaoxie, the leader of Zhongqing Club.

Therefore, when the two brothers Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie were discharged from the hospital and went home to recuperate, countless journalists flocked to them.

The Ding brothers walked out of the hospital gate under the escort of bodyguards, and were immediately surrounded by reporters who wanted to interview him. A dozen microphones arrived in front of them, asking whether the shooting incident on Sneaker Street was related to them personally or the Zhongqing Club. .

Facing the camera, Ding Xiaoxie solemnly emphasized that he was seriously ill and was recuperating in the hospital during this period, which had nothing to do with any Jianghu incident.

Moreover, he justly condemned this kind of behavior that disregarded the safety of the citizens of Hong Kong Island, expressing that he personally hated those gangsters.

Hua Twelve watched the live broadcast on TV in the public house, and couldn't help laughing. This is called talking nonsense with open eyes. Who doesn't know that Lao Xiao spent a lot of money to buy a batch of weapons from Haishu.

But he was a little puzzled, seeing the two brothers of the Ding family in the TV screen, their faces were flushed and full of energy, and they didn't look like they were seriously ill at all. He wondered if the things he injected didn't work?

But after thinking about it, he was relieved. As a doctor, Hua Twelve instantly figured out that the state of the Ding brothers should be similar to what is commonly known as 'beating chicken blood'.

Chicken blood therapy is "chicken blood therapy". It used to be popular in the mainland. It is to take the blood of a year-old rooster and inject it into people. People who have been injected with chicken blood will have red faces and high spirits. In fact, this is just a human body. just a stress response.

The two brothers of the Ding family are so full of energy and flushed. Hua Shier guessed that in addition to the stress response, there should be a tonic effect of the 'Baotai Yijin Pill'.

In this situation, when the stress response subsides and the HIV virus takes over the high ground, the two brothers should look different.

In addition to grabbing two streets on Hong Tai's side, the factory on Ah Quan's side has also started to prepare, and all the production machines shipped from Japan have been put in place.

On this day, Ah Quan told David that the goods from the factory had arrived and asked him to deliver the goods to the customs clearance point in Shencheng.

David turned around and reported the matter to Mike, who was overjoyed and decided that Hong Tai's shipment this time was drugs, and began to arrange an arrest plan.

The next day, when David led Hong Tai's convoy back from the customs clearance port, he was stopped by Mike and the police force on the way.

When he opened the back door of the truck and looked at boxes of white powder wrapped in plastic, Mike Dole went crazy, and ordered the arrest of Hua XII before checking the goods.

After Hua Twelve was invited to the police station from the headquarters of Hongtai Company, Mike excitedly interrogated him in person, but it was embarrassing at the beginning of the interrogation, because the forensics department sent a report that those white powders were not drugs, but 2 - Potassium hexadienoate.

Mike looked confused, what is potassium 2-hexadienoate?
Seeing his bewildered expression, Hua Twelve sat on the interrogation chair and said with a sneer:
"It's potassium sorbate, idiot, food preservatives are treated as drugs by you, idiot!"

Hua Twelve, who was uncuffed, said to Liang Xiandi who had just arrived:
"Help me sue your ex-boyfriend, Senior Inspector Mike, for always taking advantage of his position to harass me, a legitimate businessman!"

After speaking, in front of all the police officers, he stretched out his hand forcefully on Liang Xiandi's slender waist. The latter's body froze, and Hua Twelve hurriedly whispered:

"Give me some face and get mad at him!"

Liang Xiandi's body was still stiff and unnatural, but she didn't struggle, it was a face to him.

Mike was really angry. This situation reminded him of the five boxes of Durex, and he rushed over to do it:
"Wei Jixiang, you are looking for death"

But before he rushed in front of Hua Twelve, he was hugged tightly by several of his colleagues and advised him to calm down.

Hua Twelve secretly called it a pity, if the other party did something, he could use this opportunity to suspend him from his job, so as not to harass him all the time.

He wanted to try harder, so he made another cut, and smiled and said to Mike who was like a bull:

"Ah SIR, your girlfriend is very moist!"

It's a pity that Mike was still roaring, and he couldn't get rid of his colleagues and rushed to beat him up. Hua Twelve shook his head, just incompetent and furious.

After walking out of the police station, Liang Xiandi immediately distanced herself, looked at him vigilantly, and warned him not to make any crooked ideas.

Hua Twelve said with a look of disgust: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in airports!" After finishing speaking, he got into the car and ran away, and Liang Xiandi's scolding voice came from behind the car.

A few days later, in the public housing, Hua Twelve was holding a note with the horoscope written on it, which he asked someone to ask Mr. He's personal life teacher in Macau to help with the note, and was sent back today, and there were four sentences on it: criticize.

"Half life is bumpy, half life is insane, half life is rich and honorable, half life is outstanding, once blessings and fortunes come, God will be prosperous and everything will be prosperous!" '

Naturally, this horoscope is not Hua Shier's birthday horoscope, nor is it Wei Jixiang's, but the birthday horoscope of the Ding Xie who is currently in jail.

The person who sent back this note also sent word that the fortune teller wanted to get acquainted with the owner of this horoscope, because after the first half of his life was rough, this person would have decades of good luck, and the most prosperous fortune would be Mr. He from Macau It's also not as good as it is.

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows, as expected of Mr. He's personal life teacher, the calculation is really accurate, if you want to say that in the original plot, the luck of the second half of Ding Xie's life is almost utterly utterly utterly lacking. You can't die even if you jump up and down. If you don't make good use of it, it will be wasted.

Hua Shier spent nearly 2000 million of the association's money, especially the stock market in this world does not match the information he collected, so he is worried about how to make money recently. I remember when I was reading infinite stream novels, there was a team called raising Pig team, why not
Thinking of this, the corner of Hua Shishi's mouth curled up, and he called Shensha to choose Bai Shilai to go to prison in Wanwan. He heard that Dingxie was about to be released from prison. Why would such a person be released? Wouldn't he like to be a cow obediently? .

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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