A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 356 The Ding Crab Killed a Killer!

Chapter 356 The Ding Crab Killed a Killer! (Seek full order)
In the "Big Times World", there are two wonderful players who can make a difference in the stock market and make a lot of money. One is Fang Zhanbo, the lone star of Tiansha, and the other is Ding Xie.

Let me talk about Fang Zhanbo first. He studied under Ye Tian, ​​a mental patient who claims to be a stock god, and his stock trading skills are like an epiphany.

After an epiphany, he has a superhuman intuition about the stock market. He may not have enough stock knowledge, no information accumulation, and he does not need to look at technical indicators, fundamentals, or even candlesticks.

Then, with just a 'flash of inspiration', you can accurately and instinctively select the one that is going to skyrocket among countless stocks, and achieve the achievement of hundreds of times in one day.

In "Big Times 2", this gentleman stands in a stock market hall of a certain city in the Mainland, without looking at any data, only by looking at the constantly changing stock codes on the big screen, he can accurately judge which stock is about to rise and limit, and bring Let the stockholders in the entire stock hall get rich together.

After Hua Shier watched the TV series, he felt that this was definitely not a stock market, it was a special function.

Even more awesome than Fang Zhanbo is Ding Xie.

Ever since Chu Liuxiang switched from playing martial arts to playing stocks, his means and achievements in making money in stocks, such as Zhanbo, are even worse.

Fang Zhanbo still had a flash of enlightenment, but Ding Xie was completely based on luck. He could buy any horse in the betting, and he would win. He could easily win 2000 million with ten Hong Kong dollars. Reward some, spread fortune.

Not to mention stock trading, there is no judgment or anything, which one you want to buy, you can just point with your eyes closed. It is so fierce that even Fang Zhanbo of the "Epiphany School" has to avoid it.

Later, Fang Zhanbo, who came from epiphany, teamed up with Chen Taotao, a technical expert who returned from Wall Street, and the two stock experts jointly fought against Dingxie.

At the moment of crisis, Fang Zhanbo finally came to his senses, and found that epiphany, aura, technology, etc. are all floating clouds, and luck is king.

Immediately, he took out the favor of his dead father and invited Wei Jiacheng, the richest man in Hong Kong Island, He Xin, the gambling king of Macau, and Guo Yingzhong, the legendary rich man, to gather the luck of the three richest men, and compete with Ding Xie in luck.

In the process, they had to find a few outdated tycoons who were particularly unlucky and had already begun to memorize their words. They held back the luck of the crab, and only then did they successfully win the round.

Knowing all this, Hua Twelve came up with Ding Xie's idea. As long as he holds it in his hand, he has mastered the money printing machine.

No, money printing machines can't even be described. If you earn 2000 million by betting on horses for [-] yuan, it should be a money printing factory.

At noon, Ruby cooked two dishes for herself and drank two bottles of beer. In the afternoon, Ruby went shopping with her former sisters and said that she would pick up Wei Dahong in the evening before returning.

Hua Twelve was bored watching TV at home, when someone knocked on the door, opened it, and it was Fang Ting, the second daughter of the Fang family across the door.

"It's Fang Ting, what's the matter?"

Hua Twelve didn't invite the other party into the house. After all, he was the only old man in the house and had been drinking, so he couldn't explain anything about it.

"Xiang, Brother Xiang."

Fang Ting rubbed the corners of her clothes shyly. Seeing Hua Twelve looking at her, she lowered her head with a flushed face, not daring to meet his gaze.

Seeing the little girl's embarrassing appearance, Hua Twelve suddenly realized with a smile, and immediately asked with a smile:

"Are you here to take a shit"

The toilets shared by public housing are unhygienic and there are queues, so when Ruby is at home, if the Fang sisters are on a tuba, they will come to borrow the toilet to use the toilet at home, so he asked such a question.

Fang Ting's expression froze on her face, and she felt like she was about to explode. It took her a while to recover, and she stomped her feet and said:


As she spoke, she took out a movie ticket and stuffed it in Hua Shier's hand, blushing and said:

"Brother Xiang, I'll invite you to watch a movie this afternoon. We'll see you at the entrance of the movie theater. Remember to come!"

One sentence seemed to have used up all her courage, and after she finished speaking, she turned around and ran back home.

Hua Twelve looked at the movie ticket in his hand, and then at the closed door of Fang's house, he couldn't help being confused, he didn't live alone, with Ruby and Wei Dahong around, wasn't it obvious enough that he was a married woman?
Sighing: "I am a damn charm that has nowhere to put it!"

Back in the room, Hua Shishi was also a little depressed, Fang Mitao was not bad, on the contrary she was the sexy goddess in many people's dreams, but what he wanted more was Little Jew.

Cough, don’t get me wrong, he’s not greedy, he mainly wants to make friends with Amin, um, Hua Twelve firmly believes in himself, that’s what he thinks, his thinking is simple and pure, whoever wants to be complicated is himself Unhealthy thoughts.

But it's strange to say that Hua Twelve went back to the public housing these days, but he didn't meet Ruan Mei once. I don't know what the little Jew is up to recently, whether he has gone out to collect paper wine bottles.

Glancing at the movie ticket in his hand, Hua Shishixin said, "Should I go, or go, or go?"

Finally, thinking of the movie "When the Peaches Are Ripe" that I watched at the girl's shoes when I was a teenager, Hua Shieryi gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. Hey, who makes himself a gentleman and can't deceive himself, so let's go.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in front of the movie theater near Antun, Fang Ting waited there looking around, raised her hand to check the time on her watch, stomped her feet anxiously, and said to herself:
"Oh, he shouldn't be coming. If I knew it, I would come with him. Why don't you say goodbye!"

Suddenly, someone patted her shoulder from behind, and a familiar and expectant voice came from behind her: "Are you waiting for someone?"


Fang Ting looked back in surprise, and a brioche ice cream was handed to her. The smiling Hua Shishi also took an ice cream in his hand, and motioned: "Hurry up and eat it, it should melt in a while." Already!"

Fang Ting took the ice cream shyly, and asked in a low voice, "How do you know I like ice cream?"

Hua Twelve was speechless for a while, some girls don't like this stuff.

He didn't answer this stupid question, but looked Fang Ting up and down. This girl was obviously well-dressed when she came here. A little powder was applied on her pretty face, making her more delicate like a lotus in water. She was dressed in a pink floral check The dress made her look even more beautiful.

Fang Ting looked embarrassed, lowered her head and ate a small bite of ice cream, and asked shyly, "What are you looking at?"

Without even thinking about it, Hua Twelve said, "Look at your picturesque face!"

Fang Ting's face instantly turned red to the base of her ears, her heart was beating like a deer, and she was beating violently. She didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only turn her head and run away, leaving a sentence:
"The movie is about to start!"

Hua Twelve smiled and followed behind, bought a large bag of popcorn at the entrance of the theater, and took two cans of drinks, then walked into the theater, and found his seat according to the movie ticket.

At this time, many people were already sitting in the movie theater, most of them were couples. When Hua Twelve sat down next to Fang Ting, the beautiful girl hadn't recovered from her shyness. She looked forward, Eyelashes blinked, not daring to look at Hua Twelve next to him.

Hua Twelve could only take the initiative to ease the atmosphere, and asked in a low voice, "What kind of movie will you be playing later?"

Fang Ting was stopped by this question, and she also replied in a low voice:
"It's hard to buy movie tickets now. You can only buy tickets for the afternoon show. It doesn't matter if you catch up. But I took a look and it seems to be a historical movie called Song Dynasty or something!"

Hua Twelve nodded. He didn't have any expectations for historical films made on Hong Kong Island. He should just watch movies with beautiful women.

After the conversation just now, the atmosphere between the two gradually returned to normal. After eating the ice cream, the lights went out and the movie officially started.

Hua Shishi just grabbed a handful of popcorn and put it in his mouth. When he saw the title of the film, "Song Chao's Unrestrained Girl", he almost spit it out. Although he held back, he also coughed twice.

Fang Ting quickly asked, "Brother Xiang, are you okay?"

Hua Twelfth waved his hand, indicating that he was fine. He thought that although they were all Hong Kong Island, the "big era world" was very different from the real world. Besides, the one he was familiar with was from the Tang Dynasty, while others were from the Song Dynasty. What if he thought too much?

As a result, when the feature film was released, well, he found that the Song Dynasty was more bold and unrestrained than the Tang Dynasty.

The main character of the film is Empress Xiao Zhou of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and the first half of the plot is about stealing her brother-in-law, which is the part with Empress Li's "socks and golden shoes".

The second half of the plot is stolen by someone, which is the scene in the "Xiling Xing Xiao Zhou Empress Picture" after Zhao Er ascended the throne.

The movie had just played for about ten minutes, and the couples in the front, back, left, and left were not calm. After a while, some bold ones around had already started to pick each other's teeth.

Hua Twelve was quite interested in watching this movie, let alone such movies on Hong Kong Island, the standard is really not ordinary high.

Suddenly a soft hand held his big hand in the darkness.

Hua Twelve could feel that the catkin's palm was sweating and trembling slightly.

He turned his head to look over, and saw a pair of bright eyes looking at him. Fang Ting slowly closed her eyes and raised her chin slightly as the light fluctuated.

Hua Twelve felt his heart beating rapidly. At this time, no matter what kind of breathing technique, what kind of true inner strength, facing Shili Peach Blossom, Fang Taozi, who has matured, couldn't bear it.
After they came out of the movie theater, the two of them never let go of their hands. I don't know what happened inside, and the blush on Fang Ting's face never faded for a long time.

When the Mercedes-Benz was parked downstairs, Hua Twelve signaled the driver to go down for a cigarette, and then Fang Ting said:
"You should know that I have a woman?"

Fang Ting blushed and nodded: "I know, I won't destroy the relationship between you and Miss Ruby."

Hua Twelve said again: "My woman is not just Ruby."

Fang Ting was a little disappointed when she heard that Hua Shishi had other women, but she found that she had more complex and incomprehensible emotions.

Hua twelve lit a cigarette, and said solemnly: "If you can't accept that I am so careless, then what happened just now should be regarded as impulsive, and I will treat you as my younger sister in the future. If you don't mind,

Looking up at Hua Twelve waiting for his next words, there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

When Hua Twelve saw her gaze, he guessed what she was thinking, and said with a smile, "Then I will support you for the rest of my life!"

Fang Ting didn't say yes or no, but suddenly hugged him and kissed him, turned around like a frightened little rabbit, opened the door and ran away.

But seeing how she jumped up and down after running for a certain distance, it didn't look like she was unhappy.

In the days that followed, whenever Fang Ting was free, she would ask Shanghua Twelve to go out to play, the playground, Ocean Park, and other places where ordinary couples dated, and the two of them went all over.

Not only Fang Ting's face is filled with a happy smile every day, but Hua Shier, who already considers himself a scumbag, found a long-lost love feeling and enjoyed this good time very much.

When Hua Shier and Fang Ting were immersed in the sweetness of love, Ding Xie was not in such a good mood when they were in the Wanbei Detention Center.

At this time, Ding Xie, whose temples were already grey, was making bamboo strip products with the help of prisoners, when Ji's iron spatula quietly made a sharp bamboo dagger.

It is said that Ding Xie has been in prison for more than ten years, and tomorrow will be his big day when he gets out of prison, but last night when he was sleeping, someone took the opportunity to get through his back door with an awl. Before, take revenge on this hatred.

As for whether he can be released from prison after revenge, that is not in Ding Xie's consideration at all.

When lunch was served, Ding Xie stuck the bamboo dagger in his waist, blocked it with his clothes, and then leaned on crutches, slowly moved towards the cafeteria.

Seeing his strenuous walk, the guard couldn't help but shook his head, and kindly persuaded him, "Ding Xie, you're going out tomorrow, change your bad temper from now on, and don't do anything wrong again!"

Ding Xie responded nonchalantly: "Okay, okay, I got it!"

The perfunctory and foolishness in the tone can be heard, this kind of attitude of treating kindness as a donkey's heart and lungs made the two guards shake their heads, and they didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore.

Ding Xie ordered a meal, walked to a small man who was eating, reached out and grabbed the other man's crotch under the table, the latter immediately begged for mercy in pain:

"Brother Crab, take it easy, I still want to keep the baby to carry on the family!"

Ding Xie snorted coldly: "Macao boy, I ask you who stabbed me with an awl last night while I was asleep!"

How could Macau boy dare to speak, begging: "Brother Crab, don't make trouble, you have to go out tomorrow, let's forget about this matter, and I want to tell you, how will I mess around here in the future?"

Ding Xie exerted strength in his hands, pinching Macao boy repeatedly begging for mercy, he angrily said:
"Fart, I came to Wanwan from Hong Kong Island to go to jail. I represent Hong Kong Island here. How can I be stabbed by PY and still keep silent? Even if I can't go out today, I will let the people here know that we People on Hong Kong Island are not so easy to bully.”

While crying out in pain, Aberdeen stretched out his hand and pointed: "What kind of Hong Kong Island can you represent? There are more than 100 Hong Kong Islanders who have just arrived over there, and they didn't speak. Do you need to represent them?"

Ding Xie was startled when he heard the words: "Over 100 people from Hong Kong Island, where are they?"

He looked in the direction of Aberdeen Macau's finger, and saw a group of people looking towards him.

Ding Xie felt that they were all fellow villagers, so he nodded in greeting, and the other party stood up alone, smiling and walking towards him.

When Ding Xie got close, just as Ding Xie was about to say hello, he saw the man step forward, and a bamboo dagger appeared in his hand, and he plunged into Macau Boy's chest.

Then the man backed up abruptly, took off a glove, threw it behind him, and shouted: "Ding Crab killed, Ding Crab killed!"

The canteen became chaotic in an instant, and several people took advantage of the chaos to transfer the gloves that the man took off, and disappeared after passing through the hands of several people.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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