A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 369 There's a Ship Tonight!

Chapter 369 There is a boat at ten o'clock tonight! (Seek full order)

PS: I didn't fall asleep today, but my thoughts were not smooth, and I kept writing and rewriting, the legendary Calvin. 55
The father and son of the Ding family never do bad things, but there is one thing that is better, that is "filial piety". Of course, this filial piety is in quotation marks, because it is somewhat different from the filial piety that normal people understand.

The filial piety of normal people includes not being disobedient to the elderly. There are five Dingxie fathers and sons, and one is more disobedient than the other. But if you say that they don't care about their own elderly, that's not true.

It's as if Hua Twelve threatened Ding Xiaoxie with a cheap mother-in-law. It was a threat, but now he is used to threaten Ding Xie, an old bastard who never listens to his mother, he has to obey obediently.

Ding Xie stopped the motorcycle after hearing Hua Twelve's threatening words of 'beating his old lady', turned his head and shouted:
"Are you lying to me?"

Hua Twelve stopped chasing her, and shouted out the face of the cheap mother-in-law and the address of the Buddhist temple on Hong Kong Island.

When Ding Xie heard it right, he gritted his teeth in hatred, but he had no choice but to turn around on his motorcycle and return to throw himself into the trap.

When he got to the front, Ding Xie said with a depressed and angry face after getting off the car:
"You young man is immoral, and you actually threatened me with my old lady."

Hua Twelve didn't bother to pay attention to him, such an easy-to-use spell, a fool would not use it, and kicked Ding Xie:
"Let's go ahead, and you will follow behind. If you want to escape, I will call someone to beat your old lady!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Seeing this scene, Ah Quan and Shen Sha gloated and followed behind their leader.

Ding Xieqi had blue veins on his forehead, and his fists were clenched loudly, but in the end he could only follow behind obediently.

Halfway through, Hua Twelve said that he was tired and asked Ding Xie to carry him on his back.

Ding Xie sneered: "Don't even think about it, I'm not human if I want to carry you on my back!"

Hua Twelve: "If you don't recite it, I'll send someone to beat your old lady!"


Ding Xie bent his knees and bent down, with an expression of unwillingness and humiliation on his face: "Come up!"

He thought to himself: "I'm not a human, you are a real dog!"

When he returned to the Wanbei Detention Center, even though Ding Xie was exceptionally gifted and stronger than ordinary people, he was so tired that he was sweating all over his body and almost collapsed. Now that he was told to run, he didn’t run away anymore. He just wanted to lie down wherever he wanted and sleep. It's better to sleep last time.

The collapsed north wall of the execution ground has been cordoned off, and the discipline chief helped to receive Ding Xie, who was directly locked up in a small black room because he escaped from prison.

Hua Shishi and his two younger brothers were taken to an office to rest.

After more than an hour, Warden Wang hurried over to meet him, and told Hua Shier what happened today was a big deal, and he spent a lot of money to suppress his responsibility.

When Hua Twelve heard what he said, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Is it the money I spent, but the money is a lot of money to you, and it's just a drizzle to him.

Warden Wang also said that there is one more troublesome thing, that is, everyone who visited the detention center today, regardless of their status or purpose, must be examined by the Criminal Investigation Department, and Hua Shier is naturally also included in the investigation.

But there is no need to worry, after all, Hong Tai has more than 100 people in prison here, and as the leader of Hong Tai, it is absolutely reasonable to come across the sea to visit his brother.

Warden Wang said that people from the investigation department are at the detention center right now, and he will call over to Hua Shier to make a statement, and then he can leave.

The two exchanged their words, and seeing that there were no loopholes, Warden Wang left to call for someone.

After a while, Warden Wang brought a deputy chief of the Wanbei Criminal Investigation Section over to take notes for Hua Shier, asking him why he came to Wanwan, the general itinerary, and so on.

Hua Twelve said the lines he had spoken to before, and the other party told him that he was not allowed to leave Wanbei within 24 hours, and they would call him after they investigated, and then wrote down the address of the hotel where he was staying, and the interrogation ended.

After finishing the transcript, Wang Dianyu sent the deputy chief of the criminal investigation department out, and returned after a while, asking his driver to take Huashier back to the hotel.

Seeing that the expression on Warden Wang's face was much more relaxed than before, Hua Twelve asked with a smile:

"Is it settled?"

Warden Wang showed a wry smile, and said in a low voice: "Tofu, I finally saved the position of warden, but these guys are really greedy, and I didn't keep any of the 100 million dollars."

Hua Shier listened to a black line, I took out 100 million US dollars to help you get through the relationship and save yourself, cooperating with you and want to make some money, I don’t know who is greedy.

Warden Wang asked his driver to take Hua Shier, Ah Quan, and Shensha back. They went downstairs and got into the car. They drove out of Wanbei Detention Center and headed for downtown Wanbei.

Along the road, road cards are set up at intervals, and armed police are patrolling, and passing vehicles will be subject to police inspections and interrogations.

Since Hua Twelve and the others were in a police car, they saved a lot of unnecessary trouble.

When they got back to the hotel, Ah Quan and Shen Sha were exhausted from chasing Dingxie today, they went back to their room and went to rest early, while Hua Shier sat cross-legged on the hotel bed, replacing sleep with the way of practicing internal strength.

Before dawn, the door of the hotel room was knocked loudly and annoyingly, and some people yelled for the people inside to open the door immediately.

Hua Twelve, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes immediately, and jumped out of the bed without a sound. He already had an extra pistol in his hand. He quickly walked to the door, looked out the door mirror, and saw standing outside the room There were quite a few people, some in police uniforms and some in plain clothes. The first one was wearing a plain clothes jacket, and he was the deputy chief of the criminal investigation department who took the record for him.

Hua Twelve put away his pistol, opened the door, and the deputy section chief led someone in.

Hua Twelve frowned and asked, "Officer, what are you doing!"

The deputy section chief waved his hand and told the police he brought to search the room, then turned to Hua Twelve and asked:
"Mr. Wei, may I ask where you were last night? Is there anyone who can prove it?"

Hua Twelve couldn't help being startled: "I'm in the hotel, the front desk of the hotel should be able to prove it, after all, I haven't been out since I got back to the hotel!"

The deputy chief's eyes flickered: "That is, from the moment you entered the hotel to now, no one can prove your whereabouts?"

Seeing this man's unsteady eyes, Hua Shier knew that the other party was not holding back anything, and maybe he was just thinking about how to hurt him.

He whispered: "Sir, can we talk alone!"

He pointed to the bathroom at the door of the room.

The deputy section chief thought for a while, and ordered to his subordinates: "You guys continue to search."

Then he turned his head towards Hua Twelve and said, "You are advanced!"

Hua Shishi entered the bathroom, and the deputy section chief then walked in, closed the door, looked at him with scrutiny, and said coldly:
"If you have anything, just say it!"

Hua Twelve put his hand into the pocket of his trousers, and the deputy section chief drew his gun and pointed at him in an instant:

"What do you want to do?"


Hua Twelve slowly took out his hand, holding a big golden yellow croaker in his hand, and handed it to the deputy section chief.

The deputy chief of the criminal investigation department looked at the big yellow croaker, his Adam's apple twitched, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes, but he said:
"You want to bribe me?"

Hua Twelve shook his head and said, "It's not about bribery, I just want to buy some news. I want to know what happened to make you trouble me so much?"

"Besides, if you take this thing, I won't tell it. It doesn't have your name on it. You can hide it anywhere after you go out. Even if I tell you later, if others can't find it, they will only think that I planted you!"

The deputy section chief pondered for a while, as if he was struggling, he reached out to pick up the big yellow croaker, shook it, and put it in his jacket pocket, before saying:
"Shen Jiaguo and Lin Bowen, who were kidnapped at the execution ground yesterday, led people to bypass the police blockade on foot at night, raided the detention center, released all the felons in custody, and killed some gang members in custody!"

"In addition, they also killed many prison guards. After the police reacted, they had already held several prison guards hostage. Tao Zhiyaoyao!"

Hua Twelve was shocked and fell into a big trough. His plan seemed to have failed. Not only did Iron Legs Shuishang Piao and the Ding brothers fail to fight, but they seemed to join forces.

After the shock, Hua Twelve asked suspiciously: "But what does this have to do with me?"

The deputy section chief glanced at Hua Twelve lightly, and continued:

"It didn't matter at first, but Warden Wang was among the prison guards who were taken away. At three o'clock in the morning today, we found the bodies of the prison guards who were taken away in the wild, and Warden Wang was not spared either!"

The more Hua Twelve listened, the more startled he became. What was going on? That bastard Wang had just settled the matter of robbing the Falun Gong yesterday, and at night, his joy turned into sorrow, and he rushed to the street?

The deputy section chief hadn't finished his sentence yet: "After the death of Warden Wang, the discipline chief exposed and reported Mr. Wei that you colluded with the warden and framed the prisoner Ding Xie. We will investigate this matter carefully in the future, but during this period, Mr. Wei, you will be under residential surveillance and cannot leave Wanwan!"

It may be that the gold bar played a role. After the deputy section chief finished speaking, he added:
"Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Hua Twelve blurted out, "Will you reimburse me for the expenses during the quarantine period?"

Deputy Section Chief: "."

Hua Twelve suddenly laughed and said, "Just kidding, I want to ask how Ding Xie is doing?"

The deputy chief's eyes were fixed: "Ding Xie was rescued by those people last night. We think that saving Ding Xie should be one of the goals of those gangsters!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Hua Twelve with a half-smile and asked:

"It seems that Mr. Wei's framing of Ding Xie is not groundless. I want to ask if you have any clues, can you provide us?"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows:

"This is true. You know my identity. I received news from the Tao that I killed Zhou Jisheng and the Ding brothers who are the four leaders of Hong Kong Island. I bought a batch of arms from the Four Seas Gang before, and Ding Xie is Ding Crab. My brother's father, is there any connection between you and me?"

The deputy section chief looked shocked: "Is your news reliable?"

Hua Twelve shrugged: "Of course!"

The deputy section chief nodded: "Okay, I've said everything I want to say, and we're leaving if there's nothing else to do."

After he finished speaking, he was about to open the door and go out. Hua Twelve stretched out his hand and pressed on the door. The deputy section chief stared at him, raised his pistol again, and said vigilantly:
"What do you want to do?"

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "Officer, I feel that this matter is by no means that simple, can you show me the way?"

The deputy section chief stared at Hua Twelve for a long time before saying:
"This incident has shattered the sky. Now that many serious criminals have escaped, the authorities will definitely need someone to resist this incident. If Shen Jiaguo and the Ding brothers you mentioned can't be caught, there will be many people It was taken out to take the blame and used to appease the anger of the people!"

"The matter between you and Warden Wang is nothing in normal times, but it is on the cusp of the storm"

The deputy section chief didn't finish his sentence, but Hua Twelve already understood. Obviously, if the real culprit cannot be found, then he, the big brother of the Hong Kong Island community who has illegal collusion and money transactions with the warden, will undoubtedly become a lot of blame. one.

After the deputy section chief finished speaking, he opened the door and walked out. His subordinates had already searched outside, so he asked directly, "Did you find anything?"

All the subordinates shook their heads.

The deputy section chief turned around and announced formally: "Mr. Wei, starting today you and your two companions will be placed under residential surveillance. Without the consent of the authorities, you cannot leave the room, the hotel, or even Wanbei!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: "Close the team!" He led the people to withdraw.

After they left, Hua Shishi was going to think of a way, and just as he opened the door to go out, he saw two plainclothes people reaching out to stop them: "Mr. Wei, you can't go out!"

"I want to see my two companions?"

Both plainclothes shook their heads and told Hua Twelve that this is not allowed until the matter is investigated clearly.

Hua Twelve closed the door, thinking that it was time to leave Wanwan.

The leaders of the four major clubs on Hong Kong Island died in Wanbei, and the news spread back to Hong Kong Island, causing chaos within the four major clubs.

The big brothers at each stall were vying for the position of leader in their own clubs, and fierce conflicts broke out between the same sects, and it became a mess, which can be called a big storm in the world.

After Hua Shier heard the news, he didn't plan to return to Hong Kong Island so early. After all, he was a witness to the gunshot scene in Zhou Jisheng's villa. After returning, he would definitely be involved in the storm. Let the dwarf mule dogs bite the dogs.

He was determined to clean up his crimes, but he had no interest in being involved in disputes between Jianghu and Jianghu.

But now it seems that the plan is not as fast as the change. If you don't leave, you will be asking for trouble, and you will probably be tricked by the Wanbei authorities.

Walking to the head of the bed, he picked up the mobile phone and wanted to dial out, but suddenly his eyes shrank, and he saw a slight wear mark at the seam of the front and rear fuselage of the mobile phone. Ignore the past.

But Hua Twelve, who has a top killer skill package, has noticed this and thinks it is very problematic.

He took out the tools from the storage space and took the big phone apart, and sure enough, he found an old-fashioned wiretapping device inside. Of course, this 'old-fashioned' device was more advanced for him in the 80s.

Hua Twelve searched the room carefully and only found this bug. He put the bug in the storage space and cut off the wiretapping signal. past.

"Mr. Lei, I'm Wei Jixiang. I'm very interested in what you said about the casino in Macau last time. We can do it together, but I need to leave Wanwan as soon as possible. The sooner the better, please help me arrange it." a bit!"

Lei Gong on the phone laughed loudly: "In Wanbei, nothing can be hidden from my ears. Mr. Hua is under residential surveillance, right? A cargo ship will leave Keelung Port to Hong Kong Island at ten o'clock tonight. I can arrange You get on board, but I want [-]% of the shares in the casino!"

Hua Twelve didn't care about the odds at all, and immediately agreed: "Seventy percent is seventy percent!"

"Happy, if you find a way to get out of the hotel at night, I will ask Xiao Hei to pick you up on the boat!"

The two made a simple agreement, and both happily hung up the phone.

After Lei Gong was rejected by Hua Twelve last time, he wanted to find Hongxing or Dongxing on Hong Kong Island as a partner, but those two are the four major clubs in Hong Kong Island. If he wants to cooperate with them, the other party will definitely The asking price is not cheap.

Before he had time to make a decision, the leaders of the four major associations had thrown themselves into the street with Zhou Jisheng.

The four major associations began to fight for power and became a mess, so Lei Gong hadn't found a suitable partner for cooperation, and Hua Twelve's call was exactly what he wanted.

Just as he hung up the phone with a smile, the phone rang again. He thought it was Hua Twelve who didn't say anything, and just after he picked it up, he heard a voice speaking English on the phone:
"Lei Gong, I'm George Harold!"

Lei Gong's expression changed. George Harold is a professional killer of the Ku Klux Klan in the United States. He met when the Triple Gang and the Ku Klux Klan cooperated.

A while ago, Lei Gong had two troublesome competitors in Taichung. He couldn't send his own men to do it, so he spent money to hire George Harold and his partner from the United States to help him cross the sea and kill the two A big boss of the Tainan gang, the two killers have since returned to the United States through special channels.

Lei Gong couldn't figure out what would happen when George called at this time.

Immediately smiled and said: "George, have you returned to the United States? Please give me greetings for old Jim. Next time I go to New York, I will definitely visit him."

George's cynical voice sounded:
"No, Lei Gong, we didn't leave, we have been in Bend, originally we wanted to play for two more days, but since last night, the police in Wanbei have gone crazy, and now there are policemen setting up checkpoints everywhere, me and I The partner has an arrest warrant from Interpol on his body, so he can't be caught, now you have to help me get out of Wanwan as soon as possible!"

Before Lei Gong could speak, he threatened on the other side:
"Listen, if I'm caught, it's very likely that the two previous cases will be brought out, and then you will be the one who is unlucky!"

Lei Gong was so angry that he wanted to scold her, but he couldn't ignore it, so he said immediately: "There will be a cargo ship leaving Keelung Port to Hong Kong Island at ten o'clock in the evening, and I can arrange for you to board the ship."

A clinic in Keelung put up a closed sign today, and the doors and windows were closed with iron gates. Inside the clinic, a loud voice said:

"You don't know how cruel those people are. They stabbed me with a mop and forced me to play games. Fortunately, you brats are filial and know how to rescue me. Hey, this brother is kind, aren't we Where have you seen it?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Shen Jianguo rubbed his toes and said with a smile:

"Old man, you may have seen me on TV, my name is Shen Jiaguo!"

"Floating on the water with iron legs? Which gangster are you?"

Not far away, Ding Xiaoxie was calling the relationship of the Four Seas Gang. On the opposite side was a leader of the Four Seas Gang, cursing on the phone:
"Hong Kong guys are so crazy. You bought arms from us all over the world, and you went to rob the execution ground. Do you think you are a hero in Liangshan? I'll fuck you!"

Ding Xiaoxie was not angry at all, and asked with a smile: "Then what do you think we buy arms for?"

"I thought you guys were going to rob cash trucks and gold companies... Forget it, forget it, ten days tonight, there will be a ship sailing from Keelung to Hong Kong Island. I will arrange for you to board the ship. Anyway, you must leave tonight. Don't implicate our Four Seas Gang, otherwise the police won't be able to catch you, and our Four Seas will kill you."

On this day, countless thugs, wanted criminals, and gang killers who were forced to flee by the Wanbei police on a large-scale and comprehensive investigation received a message from different channels: "There is a ship at ten o'clock tonight." !"

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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