A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 370 The Bandit!

Chapter 370 The Bandit! (Seek full order)

PS: The time is indeed a bit late, but there are many words, right?

Hua Twelve was isolated in the hotel room, and the door was always guarded by plainclothes officers from the Wanbei Criminal Investigation Department. Through the door mirror, he could see that there were people guarding the door of Ah Quan and Shen Sha's room opposite.

Fortunately, there is no restriction on their diet. Lunch and dinner are brought in by the hotel's service staff.

When the food was delivered, it had to be checked carefully in plainclothes, as if afraid that someone would pass something or news to Hua Shier.

When plainclothes inspected the dining car, Hua Twelve was watching from the sidelines, and jokingly asked, should the food expenses be free if they are under residential surveillance?
A plainclothes jokingly said: "Don't worry, good luck, your food expenses in the future will be free!"

Hua Twelve seemed to have figured out something from this sentence, which made him feel even more that Wanwan couldn't stay in this place any longer.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, someone in plainclothes outside came to change shifts, and a new batch of faces were replaced. The person who came first put on a cold face, knocked on the door unceremoniously, came in and checked, and then warned Hua Twelve to be more honest, otherwise, what will happen? Even better than the deputy section chief who came during the day.

Hua Twelve chuckled and reminded: "Then you also be careful!"

The other party immediately blew his beard and stared, cursed and said some nasty swear words, but fortunately he was dragged out by his companions, but if he didn't have his companions to pull him away, he would still have the intention of beating Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelfth said hehe, even though his status as a short mule is not on the table, he is still the leading brother of a society, and he doesn't know how a small plainclothes man in Wanbei has the courage to be presumptuous with him.

After locking the door, Hua Twelve sat on the sofa and watched TV to pass the time.

Now Wanbei's TV has begun to broadcast the news that the Wanbei Detention Center was attacked last night.

It can be seen from the TV screen that outside the Wanbei Detention Center, not only the cordon has been pulled up, but also many policemen in uniform are guarding there.

The news said that the Wanbei Detention Center was attacked by dozens of armed men last night. The warden Wang Moumou was heroic in the fight with the gangsters. It is not yet possible to determine who did this incident, but the police have already grasped it. Important clues, there will be more detailed reports later.

Hua Twelve laughed after reading the news, but Warden Wang is so fat, can he still fight the gangsters?That's not a joke.

The TV news also filmed the scene of fortification in the urban area of ​​Wanbei. It seems that there are checkpoints everywhere inside and outside the urban area, and the shadow of the Wanbei police can be seen everywhere.

Hua Twelve felt that this was going to be serious.

It was eight o'clock in the evening, and a circle of light was reflected on the curtains of the hotel room, which flickered twice before disappearing.

Hua Twelve hurriedly got up and walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked outside, and saw a black car parked on the side of the road opposite the hotel, the driver's window was down, and the driver inside was holding a The flashlight was waving at him.

Although it was already dark, with the help of the light from the street lamps, it could be identified that it was Xiao Hei Ke Zhihua.

Hua Shishi knew it was time to go, closed the curtains, and put the big brother in the storage space. After everything was ready, he walked to the door, unlocked the hidden lock, then opened the door suddenly, and then quickly closed it. He dodged into his storage space.

The movement made immediately aroused the vigilance of the plainclothes outside the door. The two plainclothes in front of his room pulled out their pistols, pushed the door in to check, and the two plainclothes outside the door opposite Ah Quan and the others were also vigilant looking at this. side.

When the two plainclothes walked into Hua Shier's room, they didn't see anyone at first glance, and immediately walked in with guns in their hands.

Behind them, a hand stretched out out of thin air, and quickly poked behind the two of them a few times. The two plainclothes officers from the criminal investigation department froze immediately. They wanted to shout, but they couldn't even make a sound.

Hua Twelve stepped out of the storage space, opened the door and walked out of the room. With a few coins in his hand, he typed them out the moment he walked out of the door.

On the opposite side, in front of the room where Ah Quan and Shen Sha lived, two plainclothes men were watching this side vigilantly. Seeing that it was Hua Twelve who came out of the door, they immediately widened their eyes, and then they reacted and were about to make a move.

But at this time, the few coins Hua Twelve threw out had already hit the acupuncture points of these two people, and their bodies froze instantly, losing the ability to resist.

Hua Twelve walked over, grabbed them by the neck and dragged them into his room, and among the four plainclothes, he found the plainclothes who had been cursing at him before and wanted to do it.

With one hand, he pinched the plainclothes' mouth open, and with the other hand, he took out a pair of pliers from the space, and pulled out a yellow tooth facing the plainclothes.

Hua Twelve is a martial artist. When he strikes, he has excellent control over strength, accuracy, and speed. He can pull out two yellow teeth in this plainclothes in one second. In less than 30 seconds, this man is full of teeth. The teeth were stripped.

The man's acupoints were tapped, and the Ya acupoint was also sealed. During the tooth extraction process, the pain was already painful, but he couldn't struggle, and he couldn't cry out. Under the severe pain, tears flowed down.

Hua Twelve was soft-hearted and couldn't bear to see this, so he explained:
"I'm not revenge on you. I just saw that your permanent teeth are crooked. I'm afraid it will affect your gum health in the future, so I'll help you pull out those teeth for free!"

"However, you also know that the Lishi teeth grow in the innermost part. Your front teeth are a bit in the way, making it hard for me to do it. I just cleaned it up for you. It's purely out of good intentions, so don't take it to heart!"

"Hey, why are you still crying? You won't have dental problems anymore, shouldn't you be happy?"

Hua Twelve asked with a pure expression on his face, but he didn't understand.

The plainclothes guy from the Wanbei Criminal Investigation Department is usually used to being awesome. It was the first time he met such a ruthless person. His mouth was full of blood and he was crying like a child. He admitted that what the other party said was good, and there will be no dental problems in the future. The key is that there are no teeth, so where is the problem?

If it doesn't solve the problem, fix the tooth that may be problematic?
Blue thin, mushrooms!
The plainclothes man looked at Hua Twelve with fear in his eyes, as if he saw a devil.

Hua Twelve was very relieved to see the other party showing 'grateful' eyes towards him.

Put away the tools, then throw all four plainclothes into the toilet of this room, lock the door inside, close it gently, and then exit the room again.

From the time Hua Shier found out that Xiao Hei had rushed to meet him, to the time he settled four plain clothes and performed a dental operation by the way, it was slow to say, but in fact it did not take more than 5 minutes.

Walking to the opposite side, Ah Quan and Shensha knocked lightly on the door of the room. After a while, the door opened, and the two of them looked at Hua Twelve in surprise:
"Brother Xiang, did they let you out?"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "Yes, not only did they let me out, but they also arranged for more than 100 beauties to accompany us to the hot springs in Geothermal Valley!"

Ah Quan and Shen Sha couldn't believe it: "You are not joking, brother Xiang!"

"You were the ones who joked with me first, okay? With their attitude during the day, how could they let me out so easily? Of course I knocked me out and locked me up!"

After he finished speaking, he raised an international sign language to the two of them: "Idiot, you two big brothers ran away!"

The three of them walked out of the hotel through the back door without any risk, and got into the black car across the road.

Xiao Hei was still the same, after starting the car, he kept his mouth open all the way, and he could chat with anyone for ten yuan.He didn't pay attention to the fact that there were police inspections along the way.

When passing by the inspection site, a policeman signaled him to pull over and stop. Hua Shier knew that Lei Gong had agreed to send him off, so he had a way to deal with it, so he didn't take it seriously, but both Ah Quan and Shen Sha couldn't help becoming nervous.

Not only did Xiao Hei not pull over, he whistled and drove over. When the police surrounded him, he lowered the car window, pointed to the front and shouted:
"Fuck you cool, this is the car of my boss, Legislative Councilor Lei Gong, will you read the license plate?"

As he spoke, he took out a special pass sign, shook it, and then drove away. The Wanbei police behind him continued to check other vehicles as if nothing had happened.

Shen Sha was stunned: "Damn, what kind of congressman's seat is so daunting?"

Xiao Hei Ke Zhihua chuckled: "Of course, there are many benefits. Now the big brothers who are good in the society are all coming out to elect legislators. If there is no benefit, you think they are all out of their minds!"

Talking and laughing in the car, they left Taipei without any surprises and arrived at the Keelung Wharf before nine o'clock, where they stopped in front of a cargo ship.

Hua Twelve originally thought that the cargo ship that Lei Gong mentioned was a large cargo ship that transports containers, but he didn't expect it to be a small cargo ship that was only tens of meters long.

Before getting out of the car, Ah Quan glanced at the cargo ship, but he didn’t see any cargo on board, and asked Xiao Hei:
"Xiao Hei, what kind of ship is this, where is the cargo?"

Xiao Hei smiled and said, "It's the pineapples, the goods are all in the warehouse below the deck."

After he finished speaking, he was afraid that the three of them would be worried, so he said with a smile, "Don't worry, the shipping company of this ship has shares in our Mr. Lei, so it's his own."

Hua Twelve asked curiously, and the answer he got made him extremely speechless. His own shit, the Sanlian Gang does have shares in this freight company, but so do other gangs.

It turned out that there are several big associations and gangs that are good in Wanwan, such as Sanlian, Zhulian, Sihai, Tiandao, Donghu, Songlin, etc. In addition to open and secret fights, there will also be some economic disputes. Some of the money will not see the light of.

Finally, several gangs partnered to establish a company called 'Yihai Freight'. Firstly, economic disputes could be resolved internally through the accounts of this freight company, and secondly, the purpose of money laundering could also be achieved.

That is to say, the Sanlian gang is the boss of the cargo ship in front of them, and the other associations are also the bosses, so why are they bragging about their own people?

As soon as they got out of the car, several people came up to greet them. Xiao Hei pointed to a middle-aged man in his 50s with dark skin, and introduced to Hua Twelve:

"This is the captain, Lao Lin, Brother Xiang, just call him if you have anything to do!"

Then he introduced Hua Twelve and others to Lao Lin, but he did not directly explain their identities, but said:

"Old Lin, these three are Mr. Lei's guests, this time we are going to Hong Kong Island with your ship, we must take good care of them!"

That old Lin nodded and bowed in front of Xiao Hei, keeping his posture very low.

After Xiao Hei and the three said goodbye, they got in the car and left. Before parting, Ah Quan and Shen Sha hugged him. Hua Twelfth also invited him to come to Hong Kong Island to play when he had time, and Hong Tai paid for it.

Watching Xiao Hei drive away, the three followed Lao Lin and the others on the sampan to the boat.

The deck was empty with nothing on it. Lao Lin told Hua Twelve that the boat would sail at ten o'clock. If there were no accidents, they would be able to reach Hong Kong Island after sailing for more than 20 hours. If they were tired, they could go to the cabin to rest. There are extra berths.

While he was talking, he heard the sound of a car horn honking on the pier when the boat got off the boat. Lao Lin took a look, and hurriedly led several crew members down to greet him.

Hua Twelve, Ah Quan, and Shen Sha all lay on the railing and looked down curiously. They saw four people getting out of the car with travel bags. After they got off, the car drove away. Lead those people to board the boat.

When the four men with travel bags boarded the deck, Hua Twelve saw that these men had tattoos on their arms, and one of them had a red scar on his face, from his forehead to his chin, which looked hideous and terrifying, like a A red centipede lay on its face.

He immediately labeled these four people as 'not kind'!
Seeing Hua Twelve looking at this side, Lao Lin said with a smile: "These are also guests who want to go with the boat!"

Hua Twelve nodded and said nothing, but the man with the centipede scar on his face frowned:
"who are they?"

Hua Shier and Ah Quanshensha were both wearing suits, so they didn't look like crew members.

Lao Lin nodded and bowed his head and said, "These three are the guests of Mr. Lei from the Sanlian Gang, and they are also going to Hong Kong Island on this boat!"

Hearing that he was Lei Gong's guest, the man with the centipede scar turned pale, Zhao Hua Twelve nodded, and then took the others to the other side, also did not enter the cabin, but leaned against the railing and stood Smoke and chat on deck.

Just when Hua Twelve thought that there were only these few unexpected visitors, what happened next really opened his eyes. On average, every few minutes, there would be a car to see people off, and some even drove by themselves. Get off the car and get on the boat directly. Never mind.

From 50:100 p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m., more than [-] waves of people came in these [-] minutes, and at least [-] people wanted to go with the boat.

Without exception, everyone who boarded the boat was full of banditry, holding their hands in salute, and seemed to be running away.

From the beginning, Hua Twelve felt that it didn't matter if there were one or two running together, but later he became numb and felt that something might happen tonight.

Even though the shipping company of this ship has several big gangs standing behind it, but you come up with more than 100 Liu Mang, gangsters, gangsters, do you really think the police are blind?
Especially these runaways must all be wanted with a case on their backs. With so many wanted criminals gathered together, are you sure it's not a joke?

Hua Twelve finally thought about it, and if something happened, he knocked Ah Quan and Shen Sha unconscious, and then took them directly into the storage space. Whoever loves outside, they should all die. Woolen cloth.

The interesting point is that many of the more than 100 people know each other. After boarding the ship, they find acquaintances, say hello or simply get together if they have a good relationship.

Those who had a bad relationship were not angry with each other and looked at each other angrily, but because they all ran away, there was no conflict in the end.

There were also two foreigners among them. Although they also stood on the deck after boarding the ship, they did not lean against the railing, but stood at a corner outside the cabin.

This made Hua Twelve take a look at the two foreign devils more, because they stood where they could see the situation on the deck at a glance, and they were very close to the railing and the cabin. If something happened, they could escape immediately. Or find cover.

This habit of finding favorable terrain as soon as they came up, and the aura that Hua Shier was familiar with from the two of them, he could be sure that these two foreign devils were killers.

The captain, Lao Lin, brought a young crew member over to say hello, and told him in a low voice that the two foreign devils also boarded the ship through the relationship of Lei Gong of the Sanlian gang, and asked him if he wanted to meet him.

Hua Twelve's heart moved, guessing that Lei Gong arranged for these two people to escape, or hired a killer to kill him?

But thinking that there is no grievance with Lei Gong, and there will be cooperation in the future, he ruled out the second possibility.

Of course, since neither Lei Gong nor Xiao Hei mentioned this matter, he had no intention of going over to say hello.

He took out a few hundred dollar bills and handed them over, and told Lao Lin that he wanted to stay in peace and didn't want to be troublesome, and he would take the initiative to find Lao Lin if there was anything else.
Lao Lin also heard the meaning of the words, which means don't bother him.

Lao Lin put the money away with a smile: "I understand, I understand!" After speaking, he turned and left.

After walking away for a certain distance, the young crew member asked Old Lin with some doubts:
"Abba, why did that guest give you money?"

Lao Lin whispered: "I don't want to reveal my identity. It's your first time with a boat. Do you still remember what I told you at home? Listen more, watch more, don't talk too much, that guy just now is not a good person, so don't go to him Make up."

The young crew is a candid man:

"I don't think he's a bad person. He speaks so kindly, and I'll give you a tip. Dad, how can you speak ill of him? Besides, that elder brother looks like a good person!"

Hua Twelve's ear strength is much higher than that of ordinary people. Although Lao Lin and his son have walked seven or eight meters away, they still speak in a low voice, but he can still hear what they said clearly. He can't help feeling that the young man has vision. He's a good guy.

Lao Lin looked around, grabbed his son, and told him seriously:

"Let me tell you, none of the people who boarded the ship tonight is a good person. We are just running the ship. Don't get involved in other things. Be careful and don't lose your life. !"

He spoke in a low voice, for fear that the people around would hear him, and after he finished speaking, he gave his son a pestle with his hand to impress him.

In the end, what Lao Lin didn't expect was that this pestle also brought out his son's stubborn temper, and he immediately shouted:

"Father, why are you beating me? There are so many bad guys in the world. Tell me, who are the bad guys? Why do I not believe that? Where are the bad guys?"

Hua Twelve almost burst out laughing, this young man is completely stupid.

Unlike Hua Twelve, when the young man yelled this sentence, the more than 100 people scattered around on the deck all looked at this side at the same time, all of them had gloomy expressions and no smiles at all.

Lao Lin Haoxuan didn't die of fright, he quickly bowed and said, "Bosses, my son is not sensible, so don't take offense!"

When the people around heard that it was the captain's son, they just gave the young man a look and then turned their heads away, after all, they were still pointing at him for smuggling.

At this moment, the young man's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He finally believed his father's words. Just at that moment, he felt that he was being watched by a group of wild beasts.

He turned his head and gave Hua Twelve a shy look, and when he saw the other party smiling at him, he quickly turned his head away, not daring to look any more.

After a small episode, Lao Lin notified that the boat was about to sail, and told all the guests to be careful.

As soon as the words were finished, another person came, this time it was not just one car, it was as simple as two cars, seven or eight cars came all at once, and there were three big breads among them.

The arrival of these vehicles immediately attracted the attention of more than 100 smugglers on board, and they all became vigilant.

Dozens of people got out of the car, fortunately none of them were police officers, and each of them was carrying travel bags of different lengths. Among them, five or six people had difficulty walking. .

Hua Twelve took a look, with a strange expression on his face: "This is really destined, and they got together again!"

Because there were lights in the port, Ah Quan and Shen Sha could see who was coming, and blurted out, "Brother Xiang, it's Lao Xiao!"

The leader of that group was Ding Xiaoxie who was wearing a windbreaker. Don't think about it, these are Zhongqing's people.

Hua Twelve nodded and said: "The lights on the deck are dim, let's stand on the other side later, don't let them see us!"

He thought in his heart that he was eating melons to watch the excitement, Ah Quan and Shen Sha thought it was because the other party had a large number of people, so they avoided the edge, and nodded in agreement.

Lao Lin led the crew to greet him quickly. Ding Xiaoxie walked in the front and said a few words. The people on the boat couldn't hear clearly, only the word "four seas" came faintly, and they all suddenly guessed that these people should be They followed the path of the Four Seas Gang.

Suddenly someone on the boat shouted in a low voice: "It's them!"

Immediately, a few more people exclaimed, and when others looked at it with inquiring eyes, these people looked embarrassed, expressing that there was nothing wrong.

Hua Twelve was thoughtful, looking at the people who exclaimed, they were extremely tough, they didn't look like ordinary gang members, he guessed that these people should be fugitives who escaped from the Wanbei Detention Center , were released by Lao Xiao and the others last night, and it is estimated that they recognized each other at this time.

Lao Lin made a gesture of invitation below, and invited Ding Xiaoxie and his party to board the boat. Suddenly, one of Lao Xiao's dozens of people shouted:

"Boss, tell Dad, why are we boarding the boat? Are we going to run away, or are we going to sneak out of Wanwan?"

The person who spoke was Ding Xie.

Lao Xiao hurriedly waved his hand, and at the same time explained something in a low voice. Although he was too far away to hear him, Hua Twelve also guessed that he must have asked his father to silence. After all, there is no such thing as smuggling.

Unexpectedly, Ding Xie ignored it and still shouted loudly:

"I won't go, a man. If you have kindness, you will repay your kindness. If you have revenge, you will take revenge. Zhou Ji is dead, and Long Chengbang is still in Wanbei. I want to seek revenge from him. In addition, when I beat him to paralysis, I want to see him. Men can't be so irresponsible."

Shen Jiaguo looked at Ding Xie with a smile on the side, and thought the old man was quite interesting.

Ding Xiaoxie knew that he had to leave, so he winked at the younger brothers: "Send my dad on board!"

The two little brothers went up to grab Dingxie's arms, but he threw them away vigorously, and then they were about to go back, and at the same time shouted angrily: "You go, if I don't go, I will pretend that I have never given birth to you beasts!" .”

These words made the four brothers of the Ding family almost vomit to death.

In order to save Ding Xie, they robbed the law field, not to mention, the third and fourth were injured, the second was not poisoned, and went to battle with illness. In the end, Ding Xiaoxi joined forces with Shen Jiaguo and directly took the Wanbei Detention Center at night. It's almost piercing the sky, this is not called filial piety.

Ding Xiao stomped his feet angrily and said: "My father is born with supernatural powers, so you should add a few more people, don't hurt him!"

At this moment, the gang of Zhongqing Society's juniors have learned a lot, shouting: "I offended the boss!" Seven or eight people rushed forward, hugging their arms, hugging their thighs, and hugging their waists.

A few people froze and lifted the crab above their heads and boarded the boat.

As soon as Shen Jiaguo and Lin Bowen boarded the boat, many people recognized them. After all, the two of them have often been in the headlines recently, and even the wanted criminals are wary of the way they look at them.

Ding Xie still called: "Boss, second, third, fourth, you beasts, rather than being taken away by you, I would rather be taken away by the police, police, come quickly, police, there are fugitives wanted here guilty."

The people around scolded their mothers in their hearts. If they were not afraid of the large number of people in this wave, some people probably couldn't help but want to do it.

What is surprising is that this crow's mouth has come true. On the road to the port, the police lights are flashing at this time. After a while, more than a dozen police cars appear in the field of vision, driving this way Come.

Ding Xie was being held up by everyone, and he could see it clearly. He laughed loudly: "The police come quickly, there are wanted criminals here!"

Hua Twelve was behind the crowd, in the shadow of the deck lights, leaning against the railing on the other side, shrugging his shoulders, his stomach ached from laughing, thinking that Ding Xie's brain was full of poop, this brain circuit is too shocking up.

Someone yelled for Lao Lin to sail the boat, and someone asked Lao Lin to find a place to hide for them, and they all panicked.

Lao Lin insisted on explaining that it was too late to start the boat, and if the police boarded the boat, they would definitely search the boat, so it was better for everyone to lie down on the deck and not get out of the way, and let him go down to deal with it, and it would depend on luck.

In the end, there was no other way, everyone lay down, and Ding Xie was held down by seven or eight people, and this time their mouths were all gagged.

In the distance, the police car arrived at the port and drove straight here. Hua Twelve and the others couldn't see it after lying down, so they heard a policeman shouting to board the ship for inspection.

Hua Shishi's eyes moved, and he recognized that the person speaking was the deputy chief of the criminal investigation department.

Lao Lin stepped onto the sampan and walked down while saying the name: "Officer, we are the ship of Yihai Company."

The policeman was about to step forward and shouted: "No one's boat is allowed, and it will be inspected immediately!"

A big brother on the boat didn't know what he had done, and he was a little impatient at this moment. He took out two spray nozzles from his travel bag, one in each hand, stood up and pointed at the Wanbei police below. trigger.

The atmosphere was already tense, and his movement seemed to ignite a fuse.

All the fugitives on the boat took out various spray guns and started to spray down. At one time, more than 100 guns fired at the bottom at the same time, beating up the Wanbei police below and fleeing.

The deputy chief of the criminal investigation department was still running along the sampan to the boat, and he was shot more than 20 times. The big yellow croaker probably didn't have time to spend.

Lao Lin hugged his head and ran towards the boat with his waist bent, while shouting loudly: "Go on, go on!"

Compared with the police, he was more afraid of the big brothers on board.

Lao Lin's son was dumbfounded at this moment, he felt that he was right, these are not bad people, they are all gangsters.

Ding Xiaoxie, Shen Jiaguo, and Lin Bowen, the three Lang Mie, pulled out the AK from the windbreaker and swiped at the bottom. The scene was so hot.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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