A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 371 I am an Enthusiastic People!

Chapter 371 I am an Enthusiastic People! (Seek full order)

Under the darkness of the harbor, more than 100 trolls fired on the cargo ship and dozens of police officers on the pier below the ship.

This scene fell into the eyes of Hua Shier, a melon-eating crowd, and he felt a big hole in his heart.

He felt that if this scene was filmed by a reporter and broadcasted on Wanbei TV, those who knew it was the exchange of fire between the police and robbers, but those who didn't know it would think it was an attack from there.

Such an exciting scene made it seem like a song sounded in Hua Shier's mind:
"I have a beautiful pasture in my heart, blue sky, white clouds, and clean soil."

"Dreams are a group of cattle and sheep grazing, and you are the sun grazing."

The title of this song, plus the full name of the location at this time, is what Hua Twelve has been looking forward to for a long time.

Seeing this scene, he immediately felt a sense of mission.

After the gun battle, the captain Lao Lin was so frightened that he ordered the crew to sail the ship, and then hid in the pilot building.

As I said before, compared to the Wanbei police, Lao Lin is more afraid of the behind-the-scenes bosses of his company.

You must know that these people on the boat were all sent on board through the relationship between the major gangs in Wanwan. If this wave is taken over by the Wanbei police, who knows if the gang behind it will take their anger out on this little guy like him.

Lao Lin made up his mind that he would rather turn around and be wanted, and would rather go in and squat for a few years after being caught, than let these 'thugs' on the boat fall into the hands of the Wanbei police.

So what he has to do is to sail out of the port as soon as possible, as long as he reaches the sea, otherwise based on his experience, it will definitely be a bright future.

Hua Twelve here is feeling a sense of mission, as if in his mind..., um, he seems to be feeling again, this time it seems that the sound of the charge
Although the scene in front of us is on a boat running away, we can think of it as a beach landing after such a fierce exchange of fire.
Beep beep, beep beep beep, cough cough.
I haven't listened to the Charge for too long, and even the echo in my mind is a little out of tune, but as a surgeon who knows martial arts, he pays attention to the meaning and not the shape, as long as he remembers the spirit of the song.
Just thinking about the most expensive postage stamp issued in China after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Hua Shier suddenly felt a vibration under his feet, and found that the cargo ship had started and was slowly leaving the shore.

This won't work, Hua Twelve feels that he has already made up the sound effects and pictures in his head, so he has to fire two shots to keep his thoughts.

You must know that he came from a later life, but he represents, well, he can't represent anyone, but he represents himself. Anyway, he has to shoot two shots to have fun.

Hua Twelfth took out two pistols and handed them to Ah Quan and Shen Sha, telling them to separate from each other to keep a distance from him, and told him these two younger brothers to watch his actions and then act according to circumstances.

Seeing that the people on the deck didn't pay attention to this side after speaking, Hua Twelve took out a big black star that gangsters in this era liked most from the storage space, and raised his hand to shoot.

A gunshot of 'bang' was not very conspicuous among other gunshots.

The buddy who fired the first shot before, Zheng Huan who was shooting with two guns, half of the back of his head was knocked off by the bullets.

that scene.
The visual impact is the same as popping a melon, bang, and then blood and brains, like freshly squeezed juice, splashed all over the faces of the people around.

Ah Quan and Shen Sha had separated to the left and right at this moment, and distanced themselves from Hua Twelve. At this moment, both of them were stunned when they saw this scene.

They thought that Brother Xiang was going to open fire on those Wanbei policemen on the pier, but how did they kill the people on the road who were running together on the boat?
The two even suspected that brother Xiang's shot must have missed, right?

The horrifying scene of a headshot happened right in front of his eyes, even the blood, brains, etc. splashed on his body, and there was that warm touch.

Even though there are gangsters, wanted criminals, and gangsters on board, such vicious, even full of evil guys, they still feel uncomfortable physically and mentally.

There were also a few gangsters with poor psychological qualities who vomited on the ground, and there was a moment of silence on the deck.

Fortunately, the cargo ship was already some distance away from the shore. Even if they were not shooting down, they were not afraid of the police rushing up. Even as long as they were a little farther away from the railing, the police bullets would not be able to pose a threat to them.

So those who were still standing focused their eyes on the head of the fallen buddy.

Suddenly someone shouted: "No, Xu Hu was injured in the back of the head, he was beaten to death by the people on board!" This person can call this person's name, obviously he knows this person.

When Hua Shier heard Xu Hu's name, his eyes moved, and he remembered the information about the name.

He was watching the news from Wanwan in the hotel recently. He had heard of the name Xu Hu, and he was one of the top ten most wanted criminals of the year selected by Wanbei.

This man was originally a member of a gang, and he made a living by watching the scene and selling bulk goods to the gang. However, because he found out that his wife was having an affair with others, he angrily killed the family of the adulterer. In the process, he was discovered by the neighbor of the adulterer, so he shot and killed more than a dozen innocent neighbors. , this is the beauty of peaches,

Hua Shishi was very relieved, who would have thought that the first shot would do justice for the heavens, and if he accidentally punished the evil and promoted the good, this person is kind enough to a certain extent, and he is doing good deeds with every gesture, so he is very helpless .

At the same time, he also understood, no wonder Xu Hu was the first to lose his composure just now, for the things this man did, if he were to be arrested by the Wanbei police, two hundred shots would not be too many.

After hearing the man's words, everyone's eyes shrank, because what the other party said was right, Xu Hu's front face was hardly injured, but the back of his head was torn off by a bullet, which was obviously shot by someone behind him .

So the shooter was on the boat, among them.

Hua Twelve pretended to be shocked at this time, pointing to an old acquaintance standing not far behind Xu Hu and shouted:
"I saw it just now, it was he who fired the gun!"

Everyone glanced at Hua Twelve first, and then at Ding Yixie pointed at by him. Sure enough, they saw that Ding Yixie was standing not far behind Xu Hu. distance.

Ding Yixie was suddenly identified and said that he had killed the people on board. He was stunned at first, but after he recognized Hua Twelve, he said angrily:

"Wei Jixiang, it's you bastard!"

The hatred between the two parties is too great, and Ding Yixie is a master who loves to do things impulsively without considering the consequences, so he raised the gun and pulled the trigger directly.

Many members of the Zhongqing Society also shot towards us with guns.
Hua Twelve stepped on his feet with ever-changing footwork, his figure flashed, and he was already hiding behind several gangsters. He didn't know these people, but when he was shooting at the police just now, the firepower of these people was so strong. It was also a sudden one.

Ding Yixie missed one shot, and the second shot came right after. Even though Ding Xiaoxie saw something was wrong, he didn't have time to tell him to stop, and killed a guy standing in front of Hua Shier with one shot .

This unlucky guy is a head of the Tainan gang. Because he worked for the gang, he killed a city councilor and then ran to Wanbei to avoid the limelight. This time, Wanbei's large-scale investigation and crackdown forced him to run away again. It was because the Ding brothers and Shen Jiaguo brought the pot to the Wanbei Detention Center.

He boarded the boat through the Tiandao League, but he did not expect to die in the hands of Ding Yixie.

Hua Twelve shouted loudly: "The murder has been silenced, everyone be careful."

While performing all kinds of changes, he kept using other people to block the muzzle, while shouting loudly, causing chaos.

The head of the Tainan gang didn't board the boat by himself, he also brought five younger brothers. Seeing his head was killed at this time, his eyes were red, whoever you are, pointed a gun at Ding Yi The crab is about to shoot.

Ding Xiaoxie didn't stop Ding Yixie from firing, so he knew he was going to suffer, so he raised his guns. Seeing that the other party wanted to hurt his brother, this guy didn't make any sense. Of course he would not help his relatives at this time Reasonable.

He pulled the trigger of the AK and fired, directly blocking the guys who wanted to shoot his brother.

This caused public outrage, and the other people on board raised their guns and aimed at the Ding family brothers.

Shen Jiaguo pulled Lin Bowen, and the two took a few steps back. At this time, they were already on the boat, and there was no reason to get involved with the Ding brothers.

The members of the Zhongqing Society also raised their guns and confronted the people on the boat.

Ding Xiaoxie shouted loudly: "It was a misunderstanding just now, don't shoot!"

Hua Twelve hid behind the crowd, and raised his hand to shoot: "Misunderstand you!"

Of course he would not beat the father and son of the Ding family. He hadn't played enough with the five, but he just beat to death a younger brother from the Zhongqing club.

People from the Zhongqing Society immediately fired back. Hua Shishi dodged left and right, looking for someone to top the tank.

Ah Quan and Shen Sha, who were on the left and right flanks, also understood the intention of their boss at this time. It was not to deal with the Wanbei police on the pier at all, but to provoke conflicts between the stowaways on the same boat and the Ding family.

After the two reacted, they also pretended to be individual travelers and fired at Zhongqingshe.

Ah Quan on the left side of the crowd even shouted in substandard Mandarin:

"These bastards want to kill us, let's fight back together!"

Shensha on the right side of the crowd echoed: "Although I don't know you, I think what you said is right, kill them!"

Hua Twelve was very speechless, as long as the two of you have a standard mouthful of Hong Kong, don't talk, okay, it looks like a gang.

Fortunately, everyone on board tensed their nerves. As soon as the two sides fired, they fired at each other. They didn't pay attention to the accent at all, and the whole deck began to fight.

Hua Twelve gestured to Ah Quan and Shen Sha, and the three of them walked back while shooting, hiding in the cabin first.

The Wanbei policemen on the pier looked at the flames on the boat in a daze. They were shooting at each other just now. Why did the gangsters on the boat kill each other after the boat sailed?

There are very few bunkers on the deck that can block bullets. When the scuffle started, it collapsed in an instant. Whether it was the members of the Zhongqing Club or others, they suffered heavy casualties.

There were a total of more than 100 smuggling teams, and 40 to [-] people fell down without much effort. Some were directly shot to death, and some were injured and fell to the ground, wailing and wailing.

Originally they were all figures in the world, but they were all in a state of disunity, and their eyes were all red. It is said that there are not a few people left in this battle, and it will never stop.

If you want to say that the most powerful person in this world is Ding Xie, the son of luck. When he saw Hua Twelve, he also recognized that he was being arrested, and even threatened to beat his mother, that brat.

Although Ding Xie didn't know the grievances between Hua Twelve and his sons, he felt that Hua Twelve was a bad guy, and the brawl in front of him was definitely provoked by this bad guy on purpose.

Ding Xie's fierceness came up again, he felt that it was a misunderstanding, as a man who stood upright, he should stand up and explain the situation, so as to end this brawl.

Immediately raised his hands high, walked to the middle of the warring parties, and shouted:

"Stop it all, stop the fire, I have something to say!"

The four brothers of the Ding family all shot at the opposite side with their guns. One of them didn't pay attention. Their father had already gone out, and it was too late to pull Ding Xie back.

Ding Xiaoxie hurriedly shouted: "Everyone cease fire, everyone cease fire!"

It should be said that Ding Xie's luck is really not covered up. When the two sides exchanged fire, he swaggered to the middle, but he was stunned that no bullet hit him.

Moreover, the gangsters on the opposite side saw an old man with his hands raised up without a weapon, and then saw that the opposite side really ceased fire, and they stopped shooting.

Just now, the situation where bullets and flames were flying randomly under the night sky was over in an instant.

Seeing the ceasefire on both sides, Ding Xie became more confident in himself, and immediately shouted to the people around him:
"Hey, the brats behind me are my sons, and the others are their younger brothers. The sons I have educated are very loyal, and they will never shoot behind the brothers who fought together. It was that person before who instigated us to kill each other, big guy, don’t be fooled, I know that person, he said he is the leader of Hongtai on Hong Kong Island, what’s his name?”

Ding Yixie blurted out, "Dad, that bastard's name is Wei Jixiang."

Ding Xie nodded vigorously, and said to the surrounding gangsters, wanted criminals, and gang members:

"That's right, it's this bastard. Guess how I know him. He colluded with the police. I escaped from the Wanbei Detention Center. It was he who took me back with two people and locked me up again. Just now Shout out to the two gangsters, as if they were his two younger brothers."

When he said this, the others became suspicious, and Ding Xie said again:

"Think about it, what good does my son do to everyone, why don't we find that person, how about I want to confront him?"

At this time, the two foreign devil killers who boarded the boat on Lei Road stood up and said:

"Gentlemen, I have to say that we saw it. It was indeed the man who called out just now to shoot. He moved very quickly, which is very unusual!"

The elder brother with the centipede scar that Hua Twelve had seen the first time, was shot in the shoulder at this time, and cursed while covering his wound:

"Damn you, don't tell me sooner when you see that, let us fight to the death."

A foreign killer pointed at the cabin door: "I saw that man go in."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw an assault rifle protruding from the cabin and spouting flames towards the outside. The pupils of the two foreign killers shrank, and they were beaten into a sieve before they could react. At the same time, there were more than a dozen Individuals were directly killed.

Poor these two foreign devils are killers trained by the 3K Klan in the United States. They are not top-notch, but they are first-rate.

Naturally, it was Hua Twelve who fired the shots. He considered these two killers to be relatively threatening. He was not afraid of being confronted, but he was afraid that they would shoot coldly, so let's talk about killing them now.

By the time the crowd concentrated their fire on the cabin, there was no movement in the cabin.

Ding Xiaoxie ordered people to rush in and found that there was no one in the cabin, and then he led people to search the entire cargo ship, and found that the captain and crew members were shivering in the pilothouse, while Hua Shier and his two younger brothers All disappeared without a trace, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

The same is true after searching N times. In the end, everyone thought that the shit-stirring stick just now might have jumped into the sea and escaped.

In this way, the Zhongqing Club of the Ding brothers reached a settlement with the other smugglers. The previous death and injury did not hold grudges against each other, and the captain was allowed to continue driving to Hong Kong Island, and the two sides each found a place to rest.

As expected of an experienced veteran captain, Lao Lin is very familiar with the sea patrol route in the Wanwan area. He knew that the police might have notified the ship and listed the ship as a wanted target, so he avoided the patrol boat and successfully left the Wanwan sea area. And arrived in Hong Kong Island waters 24 hours later.

Just as the passenger ship was approaching Hong Kong Island in the dark, and all the stowaways were standing on the deck, looking at the bright lights of the city of Hong Kong Island, a head protruded out of nowhere in front of a certain porthole in the cabin, it was Hua Twelve.

After this guy entered the cabin, he clicked on Ah Quan and Shensha's dark caves, and led them into the storage space, so when Ding Xiaoxie brought people in to search, he couldn't find his whereabouts at all.

At this moment, he took the time to come out and look out the window, and saw that he was about to arrive at Hong Kong Island. Hua Twelve turned back and found two big brothers, found the one on Hong Kong Island, picked them up, and dialed the alarm number directly. , whispered:
"Hey, I want to call the police. A cargo ship full of militants is docking. Well, there are guns, AK or something. They are all wanted criminals who smuggled from Wanwan. Who am I? I It’s enthusiastic people, um, the ship’s docking place is.”

 Thank you: brother 08a, book friend 20171020175603518 for your reward, thank you for your support of 200 yuan for a pack of hot strips, thank you for your monthly and recommended tickets, and thank you for your reading and collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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