A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 375 Dog's life, dog's life! !

Chapter 375 Dog's life, dog's life! ! (Seek full order)

ATV's "SH Beach", although the script is the same as the original drama, but whether it is photography, costumes, props, and everything related to shooting, it is more refined than the original one.

The only problem is the acting skills.

Fortunately, Hua Twelve said that although he has never been an actor, when he replaced others in the mission world, he actually acted every day. After such a long time, although his acting skills are not up to the level of a movie king, they are still comparable to ordinary actors. professional actor.

In addition, he has seen Fa Ge's performance in the original "Sh Tan", and because of the script, he has a very thorough understanding of the character "Xu Wenqiang". But not too bad.

He's fine here, but Cheng Huaixiu has a big problem, what is acting?Then there is nothing!

Fortunately, Cheng Huaixiu is also the leader of the gang, and she doesn't feel stage fright in any scene. She got off the N camera countless times, relied on the director and assistant director, took turns talking about the play, and taught them hand in hand. Finally, she completed the filming and reached the passing standard.

Of course, Cheng Huaixiu's performance is also particularly amazing, such as the emotional scene between Hehua Twelve and Xu Wenqiang, when they look at each other, every frown, every movement, every look, all reveal a deep love .

In the words of the director, this act is as real as it is.

Hua Shishi complained in his heart, nonsense, it must be more real than real gold.

'Sh Beach' exploded in the first episode, and its ratings during the prime time were close to those of TVB at the same time.

In the second episode, the ratings have already stepped on TVB, and then the popularity is out of control.

Although there are only 25 episodes in the whole TV series, these simple 25 episodes vividly express the vicissitudes of old Shanghai, Xu Wenqiang's ups and downs, various character traits, and the love between the male and female protagonists like Romeo and Juliet. into the hearts of all viewers.

With the development of the "Sh Beach" plot, there was a whirlwind of Shoal Beach on Hong Kong Island for a while, all the men wanted to marry Feng Chengcheng, and all the women wanted to marry Xu Wenqiang. Walking on the road during the day, ten men had Eight of them wore trench coats and top hats, and some even wore scarves. The weather in August is not afraid of prickly heat.

When the last few episodes of "SH Beach" were broadcast, every night when the TV series was broadcast, the streets of Hong Kong Island were almost empty, and foreign tourists who came to Hong Kong Island for tourism got off the plane, and there were no taxis outside the airport, and the drivers all went home. I went to watch TV and was urged to compare.

Among the old houses in the surrounding village, today is the finale day of 'SH Beach'. Watching Xu Wenqiang, played by Hua Shier on TV, being shot to death randomly, Ding Yixie, whose body is covered with red spots, directly took The beer bottle smashed:

"Fuck, will this Wei Jixiang be good at filming? Xu Wenqiang is going to France to find Feng Chengcheng, but he was robbed and beaten to death. It makes me feel so uncomfortable."

Others in the room felt the same way, feeling like they had eaten a fly.

Well, after the Ding brothers read the newspaper and found out that Ding Xie had been beaten, they sent their younger brother to find out which hospital their father was in, but they didn’t get any results. The dragon and tiger martial artist who was hit by the car was taken home by Hua Twelve to recuperate.

The real situation is that this is what Hua Shier said to the outside world, and it is actually locked up again.

The people sent out by the four brothers of the Ding family found Wei Jixiang's old house, the public house where he lived before, and the villa where Uncle Hong Taimei lived before, but they couldn't find anyone.

In fact, at this time, Hua Shier had already selected a villa in Deep Water Bay from the dozen or so luxury villas he had bought for a comprehensive renovation. This was the place he planned to live in.

During the renovation of the house in Deep Water Bay, Hua Twelve took several of his women and Fang's family to live in a different house every few days in the remaining dozen or so mansions. Live in Repulse Bay for one day, and live in a large duplex in Central for a few days.

It's no wonder that the Ding brothers can find out where he lives.

Because they couldn't find Hua Shier's address, and couldn't find where their father Ding Xie was, the four brothers, plus Shen Jiaguo and Lin Bowen, could only have luck with Xu Wenqiang in the TV series every day.

As a result, Nima became addicted to watching, which was embarrassing.

Ding Yixie has even become a loyal fan of 'SH Beach'. To use his own shameless words, that is, I hate Wei Jixiang so much that it has nothing to do with Xu Wenqiang.

He even drools at "Feng Chengcheng" on TV, always lamenting that the Zhongqing Society fell too early. If he is still the second head of the Zhongqing Society, then no matter what, he should snatch the actress who played Feng Chengcheng back as a pawn. A Mrs. Yazhai or something.

But what he doesn't know is that if that's the case, he will definitely die in the hands of Cheng Huaixiu, the leader of the Salt Gang, who is regarded as the ancestor of the Heishi Society, and how vicious he treats the enemy is beyond his imagination.

In front of the TV, Ding Xiaoxie, Ding Yixie, and Dinglixie sat together, and Ding Wangxie, Shen Jiaguo, and Lin Bowen sat on the other side.

The reason why they are divided into two waves is mainly because the three brothers in front are too scary now.

Needless to say, Ding Yixie, now looks like a red dalmatian, with dark red spots all over his body.

The Dingxiao crab and Dingli crab were better, only dark red spots appeared on the limbs.

Ding Lixie is a doctor, so it was easy to tell that the three brothers had Mei poison. Of course, Ding Yixie had a few fevers during the period, but he didn't pay attention to it. He just thought that his second brother had a cold. That might be more interesting.

After the finale of 'SH Beach', commercials started to play on TV.

Shen Jiaguo said: "Okay, I've finished watching the TV series, what should I do if Wei Jixiang's matter falls to the ground?"

Ding Yixie slapped the table and said loudly, "What should I do? Of course, rescue my father first, and then kill his whole family, tearing his body to pieces!"

Lin Bowen said in distaste: "Second Ding, can you stop spitting out your words, let me tell you what your situation is now, we're just cooperating for revenge, I'm going to be infected by you, am I wronged or not!"

Ding Yixie is now most afraid of others talking about his illness, so he stood up and shouted:
"What did you say, if you have the guts, say it again, you two are still eating our food and drinking our food, and you still dare to despise me, are you looking for death?"

When he said this, he didn't see a look of unnaturalness flashing across the face of the third younger brother Ding Wangxie sitting beside Lin Bowen. In fact, Ding Wangxie also had the same idea as Lin Bowen's, brotherly love, but it's still counted as not being poisoned together. up.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Shen Jiaguo's eyes, and he said:

"Ding Yixie, make it clear that we are not begging for food. We are cooperating with your Ding family to deal with Wei Jixiang. It is you local snakes who can't find the target. Don't take what our brothers said as mixing food and drink. You want If we don’t want to cooperate, we will turn around and leave.”

Ding Yixie still wanted to speak, but Ding Xiaoxie said angrily, "Shut up!"

When Ding Yixie saw that the boss was angry, he didn't dare to say any more. Lin Bowen gave him a contemptuous look, and sneered twice.

Ding Xiaoxie said to Shen Jiaguo: "Don't worry, I spent 30 yuan to bribe an assistant director in the 'SH Beach' crew, and he promised to help find out where Wei Jixiang lives. There should be news soon!"

At this time, Ding Wangxie, who had a broken leg, suddenly pointed at the TV and shouted, "Look quickly!"

Several people in the room looked at the TV, and after seeing the advertisement, a sideshow about 'SH Beach' started playing. The first scene of the sideshow was the father of the four brothers of the Ding family who was thrown from upstairs. Come down to that scene.

Ding Yixie watched the TV. When his father fell down, his face was terrified and unwilling, and he sighed:
"Dad, this acting is good!"

Ding Xiaoxie slapped him straight away: "Do you really think Dad did it voluntarily? He must have been really thrown down!"

After the scene of Ding Xie falling from the building, there was another scene of him being hit by a car. When he saw the old Ding who was knocked five meters away and bled from his orifices, Ding Xiaoxie almost drew his gun and blew up the TV.

Fortunately, after the two tidbits, the beautiful host of ATV appeared on TV:

"This dragon and tiger martial artist was seriously injured for the filming of SH Beach, so what is his current situation? We have received news that this dragon and tiger martial artist has been taken back to his home by Mr. Xu Wenqiang and Wei Jixiang to take care of him. Let us follow Camera, let’s walk into Xu Wenqiang’s home in reality!”

The screen switched, this time it was a distant view, a news interview vehicle drove into a mansion in Deep Water Bay.

The screen switched again. Hua Shishi was already waiting at the entrance of the mansion. Next to him was Ding Xie, who was covered in bandages and was sitting in a wheelchair, making a six plus seven gesture.

When the reporter interviewed Ding Xie, Ding Xie opened his mouth missing four front teeth, and said vaguely:

"Dog life, dog life"

When the reporter was stunned, Hua Twelve said with a smile:

"This dragon and tiger martial artist just woke up from a vegetative state to a state of cerebral palsy. His speech is still unclear. Let me translate for him."

When Hua Twelve was speaking, his hand naturally hit Ding Xie on the shoulder, and the latter was immediately speechless, so he smiled and said:
"What this guy means is that he is a dog himself, too lowly, don't let me waste money on treating his illness!"

Having said that, he sighed sadly:
"I think what he said is wrong. Everyone's life is the most precious. There is no distinction between high and low. Since he was injured while filming, as his boss, I will be responsible to the end!"

"Now I not only ask the doctor to treat him, but also set aside an hour every day to play games with him!"

Ding Crab is crying, I really hate games.

The four brothers of the Ding family shed tears when they saw their father's miserable situation. Ding Yixie said, "Did dad call for help just now?"

Ding Xiaoxie turned to Shen Jiaguo with red eyes, the two eyes met in the air, they both saw the blazing flames in each other's eyes, both thought that the other understood what they meant, the former meant 'this bastard's home has been found', the latter The latter means 'your 30 wasted for nothing'.

In fact, this interview was released by Hua Twelve. As a crab fisherman, he felt that he had thrown the bait for a long time, and now he should pull a few small crabs over, torture them, and advance the progress of the mission. up.

In the middle of the night, three vans parked in front of a mansion in Deep Water Bay. Ding Xiaoxie opened the door. Ding Yixie, Ding Lixie, Shen Jiaguo, and Lin Bowen got out of the car one by one. .

The group of people who followed Ding Xiaoxie to Wanwan were the only ones left after this trip. The rest either died at sea or were caught by the marine police and imprisoned.

After everyone got out of the car, Ding Xiaoxie turned around and said to the people in the car:
"Third brother, just wait here, we'll come back after we've finished our work and rescued Dad!"

The person in the car was Ding Wangxie with a broken leg. At this time, he said with a firm expression:

"Boss, I want to go with you. If it is possible, I will kill that bastard with my own hands. If I can't do it myself, I will also see his whole family die with my own eyes!"

A good lawyer, because Wei Jixiang's shit-stirring stick has become disabled, his hatred for Hua Shier now is like a torrential river, and it is like the Yellow River overflowing and uncontrollable.

Ding Xiaoxie saw that the third child was firm, nodded immediately and said: "Okay, then I will take you there!"

He immediately took out a folding wheelchair from the back seat of the car, opened it, sat on the wheelchair with Ding Wangxie in his arms, and pointed to a younger brother to push the wheelchair.

Shen Jiaguo snorted: "I don't know what you guys think, but since you are disabled, you still have to participate. This is not a drag on us!"

After saying this, everyone looked at his severed arm with weird expressions, and Shen Jiaguo realized that, Nima, he is also disabled.

Immediately said angrily: "I told the iron legs to float on the water, what is missing an arm, let you open your eyes!"

He lifted his right heel, twisted his toes back and forth on the ground, and then stepped on it suddenly, his body was already flying into the air, and his toes touched the big iron gate of the courtyard of Huashier Villa, and his whole body fluttered four or five meters high. It flew over the iron gate and landed lightly.

After Shen Jiaguo jumped over, he found the button that opened the iron gate, and with a light press, the iron gate opened slowly.

Looking at the crowd who were stunned by his lightness kung fu, Shen Jiaguo showed a complacent expression, and reminded:

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you rush in and take revenge!"

Only then did Ding Xiaoxie come to his senses, and quickly waved his hands: "Rush in!"

The crowd rushed into the iron gate with weapons, and ran along the road in the yard for 5 minutes before reaching the gate of the main building of the villa.

Ding Yixie's face was pale, and he said wheezingly:

"Why don't we drive in!"

Everyone: "."

Ding Xiaoxie felt that asking this question was too demoralizing, and immediately said with a dark face:

"Who the hell knew this yard was so big, and it wasn't shown on TV. I didn't mean that your second child is so young."

When he was speaking, he felt something left from his nostrils. He wiped it with his hand, and the blood on his hand immediately showed it to everyone:

"Look at me, all the blood is flowing out!"

Ding Yixie: "."

This is a five-story villa. At this time, the lights on the highest five floors are on, and the other four floors are completely dark. Ding Xiaoxie ordered:

"After entering, take the hostages first, exchange Dad, and then kill his whole family!"

Lin Bowen was the first to rush in with a gun. As soon as he pushed the door, the villa gate opened. Everyone cautiously entered with their guns in hand. When they all entered the villa hall on the first floor, the lights in the hall suddenly turned on. up.

At the same time, a 40-inch rear-projection TV placed in the hall also automatically turned on.

Two people appeared inside, it was Hua Twelve and Ding Xie sitting in a wheelchair.

On the TV, Hua Twelve held a pistol against Ding Xie's head, facing the screen and said:
"Why did you come here? I've been waiting for you for a long time. Now when I count to three, you all kneel down. If any of you don't kneel, I'll blow Dingxie's head off!"

The eyes of the four brothers of the Ding family were tearing apart, Shen Jiaguo reminded: "He should be on the top, we can't run up to him!"


Ding Xiaoxie couldn't stand his father being threatened, so he said loudly to Shen Jiaguo: "Stop talking, my father can't do anything!"

The brothers of the Ding family were all shouting, "We kneel, we kneel!"

Ding Wangxie, including Ding Wangxie in a wheelchair, struggled to kneel on the ground, and Ding Xiaoxie shouted: "Kneel down, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Bowen snorted coldly: "Why should we kneel!"

Ding Xiaoxie wanted to shoot him dead, but Hua Twelve had already shouted: "Two!"

"100 million, I'll give you 100 million, get down on your knees!"

Shen Jiaguo spoke for his younger brother, "We need to pay more!"

"500 million!"

Ding Xiaoxie was afraid that Hua would count to three from twelve.

Shen Jiaguo pulled his little brother and quickly knelt down, and by now everyone knelt down.

Seeing this scene from the monitor, Hua Twelve said with a smile

Then put down the pistol: "Congratulations."

Just as the Ding brothers breathed a sigh of relief, Hua Twelve raised his hand and shot directly at Ding Xie's heart, and the blood immediately stained the latter's chest.

The task of the system is to let the Ding family experience the pain that the Fang family had endured. Ding Xie disabled Fang Jinxin and then killed him. Now the four brothers of the Ding family have experienced the same pain that the Fang family's children suffered. My father was maimed by the enemy, and I watched my father be beaten to death by the enemy.

But the pain they have to endure is far from over.

Hua Twelve looked at the sluggish Ding brothers and asked with a smile:

"Surprised or not, let's play a game of hide-and-seek next. If you find me, you can get revenge. If you can't find me, you can ask for blessings!"

At this time, there was the sound of dogs barking upstairs. It sounded like many dogs were rushing down from upstairs.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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