A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 376 It really became 'Gone with the Wind'!

Chapter 376 It really became 'Gone with the Wind'! (Seek full order)
PS: This world will end as soon as possible, and the next world plans to write about dragons and snakes.

Hearing the sound from upstairs, everyone's expressions changed. Judging from the intensity of the barking of the dogs, there were no less than dozens of dogs, and they all barked like that of ferocious dogs. Wei Jixiang's grandson is too poisonous. Even let the dog bite them.

However, although their faces changed color, it was a normal reaction of people when encountering a bulldog. The actual situation was that they had guns in their hands, and they were not very afraid. They all aimed their guns at the direction of the stairs where the dogs barked.

As the sound of the large group of bulldogs gradually approached, a small Shih Tzu appeared on the stairs on the second floor of the spiral staircase, and kept wanting towards them.

And the voices of those bulldogs came from an electronic speaker tied to the Shih Tzu dog, and a small tape recorder was connected to the speaker. Only then did they know that it was a recording, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter from upstairs, everyone looked up, and saw the handrail on the top floor of Huashi [-] Station, laughing loudly:

"I was taken aback. By the way, Shen Jiaguo and Ding Laosan, what kind of look do you guys have? The heavens and the earth are so lacking. Do you want to combine and go out to beg for food?"

Shen Jiaguo and Ding Wangxie, one lost an arm, the other lost a leg, and together they looked like a heavenly group, these two were heartwarming for a while, and they didn't reveal their faults when they cursed, why did you even call them nicknames? , Take the bamboo shoots.

When Ding Xiaoxie saw Hua Twelve, his enemy was extremely jealous. Just now, this grandson killed his father. At this moment, he realized that he raised his gun and shot, but Hua Twelve retracted long ago, and all the bullets hit the empty space. .

"Chasing, kill him!"

Ding Xiaoxie had some doubts about whether Hua Twelve was in the villa before, but now that he saw the real person, he had no doubts, and immediately issued an order for everyone to rush up and kill.

The height of the private villa is relatively high, and the height of the spiral staircase from the first floor to the second floor is equivalent to the height of the third floor of an ordinary building.

When everyone was about to rush up to the second floor, suddenly seven or eight gasoline barrels hung by ropes wandered down from upstairs. Ding Xiaoxie reacted quickly and bent down directly.

But he was fast, some people were not so lucky, they heard, bang bang bang, three or four people were hit, they were hit by gasoline barrels and flew down the stairs, fell on the floor of the first floor, unable to climb for a long time stand up,

Looking at those gasoline barrels that kept wandering around, Ding Xiaoxie shouted: "Wei Jixiang, do you think you can stop us with these low-level methods?"

The people he brought stood up one after another, raised their guns and aimed at it, ready to deal with the danger that may arise at any time.

This time Ding Xiaoxie was more careful, Hua Twelve couldn't escape upstairs, as long as they went up carefully, they would catch a turtle in the jar.

Walking up the spiral staircase to the second floor without any risk, Ding Xiaoxie suddenly stopped and swayed all over his body. Ding Yixie, who was walking behind him, patted his boss in surprise: "Boss."

This time Ding Yixie also trembled.

Others wanted to check the situation of the two of them, but Shen Jiaguo suddenly shouted: "Don't move!"

He bent down, and saw at a glance a thin metal wire on the stairs in front of Ding Xiaoxie, and his calf was touching the thin metal wire when he stepped up.

"This wire is connected to electricity!"

Shen Jiaguo took a pistol and shot at the thin metal wire, and the thin metal wire broke when the sparks flickered, Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie finally stopped shaking, fell limply to the ground, their mouths started to spit white from the electric shock Foamed.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the two to slow down.

Ding Yixie wiped the froth from his mouth and cursed: "Wei Jixiang, you bastard, are you a bastard too? Use all these dirty tricks, if you have the guts to single out!"

Hua Twelve's laughter came from upstairs; "Who are you scolding, bastard!"

"The bastard scolded you!"

Ding Yixie got the trick without any accident, Hua Twelve laughed loudly:
"So it was the bastard who was scolding me!"

Ding Yixie got angry and was about to continue going up, but Shen Jiaguo stopped him: "Don't move, there is a thin metal wire in front, be careful of electric shock!"

Everyone looked carefully, and there was indeed a thinner metal wire on the last step leading from the first floor to the second floor.

Ding Yixie said with a smart look:

"How can I fall twice in a pit, you see how I get over!"

After he finished speaking, he kicked his legs, jumped over the last step with a dry pull, and successfully set foot on the ground of the second floor.

But as soon as his feet hit the ground, the floor cracked with a bang, and he fell directly from the crack, lying on the ground of the first floor with a bang, motionless.

This scene startled the Shih Tzu, and then ran upstairs along the stairs with the horn that kept barking ferociously, but disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the barking disappeared after a while.

At this time, everyone could see clearly that the floor Ding Yixie stepped on was not a floor at all, it was a foam board a few centimeters thick, and it was painted with the same color as the ground. different.

Ding Xiaoxie shouted from the hole: "Second brother, are you alright?"

They went up the stairs, but Ding Wangxie didn't come up, but a younger brother was waiting on the first floor pushing the wheelchair. At this time, he hurriedly asked the younger brother to push the wheelchair to check, and then let out a long breath, and shouted upstairs:

"Boss, second brother passed out"

Ding Xiaoxie also heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't die, he turned around, stepped on the thin metal wire tentatively, stepped on the place with a color difference from the foam board, and found that it was solid, so he went up to the second floor with confidence .

The rest of the people went up to the second floor like a scholar Ding Xiaoxie. Some people wanted to go to the room on the second floor to check if there was anyone on this floor, but they found a big problem.

"Boss, this door is fake!"

Hearing this person's voice, everyone looked carefully, and they found that the entrance to the second floor was actually spray-painted, and it felt cold to the touch with their hands, and it was actually a metal wall.

Ding Xiaoxie had a bad feeling in his heart, he felt that he couldn't rush forward so blindly, and said to Shen Jiaguo who was at the side:

"Old Shen, can you use your qinggong to go up to the top floor and catch that kid?"

Shen Jiaguo thought about it, clenched the pistol in his hand, nodded and said, "You guys cover me!"

Everyone reached an agreement, Shen Jiaguo jumped up suddenly, stepped on the railing, his body had already swayed up, jumped directly from the second floor to the third floor, then kicked on the railing of the third floor, and jumped up to the fourth floor, and so on The first time I went up to the fifth floor.

Just as Shen Jiaguo jumped to the fifth floor, the lights in the entire villa were instantly extinguished, and the surrounding environment returned to darkness.

In the next second, everyone heard Shen Jiaguo's screams from upstairs, and at this moment, the lights in the entire villa were turned on again.

Ding Xiaoxie shouted loudly: "Old Shen, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Jiaguo's younger brother, Lin Bowen, heard his boss's miserable cry, and couldn't care less, so he rushed up with a gun.

Fortunately, Shen Jiaguo's voice came from upstairs: "Damn it, there are animal traps on it, and I stepped on one."

Lin Bowen rushed to the fifth floor in one breath, and sure enough, he saw seven or eight animal traps placed on the floor of the fifth floor, all of which were placed near the railings, apparently for Shen Jiaguo's lightness kung fu.

At this time, Shen Jiaguo's left foot was clamped tightly by a trap, and he, who has a reputation of iron legs, was already dripping blood on his left leg.

Fortunately, due to the kung fu on the legs, this kind of large trap for hunting wild wolves and bears did not break Shen Jiaguo's leg bones.

"Come and help me, I can't open this clip with one hand!"

Shen Jiaguo was also very helpless, he struggled to cut his nails with one hand, and couldn't complete many things independently.

Lin Bowen looked at the fifth floor vigilantly, but did not find Hua Twelve's shadow, so he carefully avoided a few traps and stepped forward to help his boss out of trouble.

Ding Xiaoxie on the second floor was overjoyed when he saw Lin Bowen rushed up to the fifth floor unscathed, and shouted, "It's safe up there, hurry up!"

He rushed up with the rest of the people, and along the way he found that the doors on the third and fourth floors were also painted dead ends.

With this discovery, Ding Xiaoxie became more and more uneasy, but the killing of his father and enemy was on the top floor, and Lin Bowen climbed to the top unscathed. He was unwilling to let him retreat at this time, not to mention that he already had a faint desire to die in his heart. He just gritted his teeth and led people straight up to the fifth floor.

But when he was about to climb to the top, the stairs under his feet suddenly changed, and the sections of the stairs instantly closed together, and the entire spiral staircase turned into a huge smooth slide.

In addition to Shen Jiaguo and Lin Bowen who had climbed up to the fifth floor, Ding Xiaoxie and his party slid directly from the fifth floor to the first floor. The whole process stumbled and stumbled, making everyone dizzy, and two of them fell and slid During the process, the gun went off and killed a companion beside him.

As they slid down to the first floor, all the stairs returned to their original shape.

At this time, the windows around the lobby on the first floor shattered at the same time, one by one Flying Tigers in combat uniforms smashed the windows and rushed in, pointing the micro-punch in their hands at the fallen people, the leader of the police shouted:
"Don't move. I'm Zhou Xingxing, the instructor of the Flying Tigers. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed immediately!"

One of Ding Xiaoxie's younger brothers held an AK in his hand, and when he saw the police, he raised his gun to shoot, but Zhou Xingxing didn't hesitate, he raised his hand and shot him in the head, and the rest of them didn't dare to move, and all put down their weapons , caught without a fight.

Shen Jiaguo on the fifth floor was stunned by this scene, and then crazily shouted at his younger brother Lin Bowen:

"Bo Zai, you should try your best to break this trap, if you are slower, we will be caught!"

Lin Bowen found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the trap. He looked carefully, and immediately shouted:

"Boss, this animal trap has a lock on it, once it is closed, it will automatically lock, it seems that it needs a key to open it!"

Shen Jiaguo wants to scold her right now, who the hell got a trap and still locked it, you're so fucking hurt.

At this moment, Shen Jiaguo discovered that he and Lin Bowen had two red spots of light on their bodies. Two Flying Tigers appeared on the fifth floor at some point, pointing at them with a micro-shooter equipped with a laser sight.

Zhou Xingxing glanced upstairs, and found that his subordinates had already done it. He immediately picked up the intercom and shouted, "Call work!"

Behind this 'villa', Hua Shier was sitting on the director's chair with the Shih Tzu just now in his arms, watching the video feed from the miniature camera, and shouted: "Crack!"

After shouting, he stood up and shouted to the surrounding crew members: "Everyone, please work hard. After the police take the human traffickers away, you can dismantle the set. When you're done, the labor will be tripled tonight. I'll treat you to supper!"

Immediately, cheers of 'Long live the boss' came from the staff around.

Looking at it from Hua Shier's point of view, behind the villa that the Ding brothers broke into before, there are movie sets built with steel frames and steel plate structures. Only when you look at it from the front can it be a complete villa.

And Hua Twelve's real villa was right behind him. Just now, the Ding brothers took advantage of the darkness to sneak attack. They didn't expect that the grandson built an identical fake villa with a movie set in front of the real villa to deceive them.

And Hua Twelve had finished shouting on the fifth floor before, and left the set with a rope drop, ran to the back to watch the shooting screen, and then he was no longer in the villa at all.

After he announced the end of work, he turned around and shook hands with a fat police officer wearing a senior inspector uniform with a mustache and said:

"Inspector Cao, thank you for your cooperation with the Serious Crime Squad and the Flying Tigers this time. Your nickname of the Tiger of the Serious Crime Squad is well-deserved!"

Inspector Cao laughed and said, "I'm ashamed, I don't know what Boss Wei promised."

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "I am a man of my word. I will personally donate 300 million Hong Kong dollars to the Crime Squad and the Flying Tigers to upgrade your weapons and equipment so that you can better serve Hong Kong Island." Citizens!"

Inspector Cao was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Thank you very much, by the way, what is the name of Mr. Wei's new play? I wonder if I will be lucky enough to show my face in the movie?"

"My film is called 'Home Alone'. If Inspector Cao is willing to make a film, not only can I show my face, but I can also write a script for you. How about calling it 'Fight Back to School'?"

"Okay, okay, is there any passion scene?"

"If Inspector Cao wants to have it, then he must have it. How about an actress like Ruhua?"

"Ruhua, that must be beautiful!"

"Of course, you will know it after hearing the name!"

Inspector Cao nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly asked: "By the way, Mr. Wei, I personally have a lot of research on movies. I don't know what meaning you want to express in the movie with the recording of the dog barking to scare the gangsters?"

"That's a hint, a hint that they will be caught and brought to justice by your Royal Police in the end!"

Inspector Cao wondered; "Why would our royal police use dogs to hint?"

Hua Twelve chuckled, "Don't you guys serve as dogs for the foreign devils?"

Inspector Cao's expression turned pale: "Um, it's hard for me to step down when you talk like that. I can't forgive you unless you pay me!"

Hua Twelve embraced his shoulders and said:
"No problem, you dragged that Zhou Xingxing to help me film, how about I give each of you a salary of 100 million?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a mean voice came from behind: "Boss, when will you start work?"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Zhou Xingxing, the majestic Flying Tigers instructor, looking at him with a flattering expression.

Hua Twelve felt that the combination of Zhou Xingxing and Cao Dahua would definitely be popular, and said with a smile: "Come to my company to sign a contract tomorrow, but let's arrest everything now!"

Zhou Xingxing pointed over there: "It's all done!"

Ding Xiaoxie and the others were handcuffed one by one, and walked out of the elaborate villa set under the escort of the police. Ding Yixie and the two shot guys were also carried out after fainting.

Hua Shier followed Cao Dahua and Zhou Xingxing, walked over together, and sent them to the gate of the villa.

Along the way, Ding Xiaoxie and the others looked at Hua Twelve with cannibalistic eyes, and the latter smiled and said, "I just like to see you who don't like me and can't kill me!"

Cao Dahua and Zhou Xingxing held out their thumbs together.

Arriving outside the villa, a row of police cars had already parked here. Just as he was about to escort Ding Xiaoxie and the others into the police car, Shen Jiaguo suddenly stepped on his feet and flew into the sky with a trap. His rebellious voice came from the air :
"I have practiced hard for 30 years to float on the water, and today it finally comes in handy. If you want to catch me, in your next life!"

Hua Twelve smoothly pulled out Cao Dahua's gun beside him, shot Shen Jiaguo's head off with one shot, and sighed:

"Gone with the wind, you're really floating this time!"

After speaking, he stuffed the gun into Cao Dahua's hand, clapped his hands and said: "The tiger of the serious crime team, his marksmanship is superb, he killed the fugitive, admiration!"

Cao Dahua was stunned for a while: "Did I kill him?"

What happened just now was too fast, everyone's eyes were focused on Shen Jiaguo who was flying into the sky, Hua Twelve put the gun into Cao Dahua's hand, and other people looked over.

Seeing this, Cao Dahua immediately understood, pouted his lips and said: "I just shoot casually, it's nothing, but this kid wants to escape from the hands of the tiger of my serious crime team, it's just a daydream, ah bah!"

The other police officers praised Inspector Cao for his excellent marksmanship, and he made another contribution to killing the fugitive.

Zhou Xingxing, the only one who saw all the situation, curled his lips and wanted to say something, but thought that the one who died was a gangster, and if he wanted to tell the truth, the 100 million yuan salary would be useless, so he just pretended not to see it , muttered in his mouth:

"Fatty, I let you pick up another bargain!"

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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