A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 379 Do You Have That Strength!

Chapter 379 Do You Have That Strength! (Seek full order)

Hua Shier once made a calculation for the Zhongqing Society, the three streets controlled by the Zhongqing Society are still profitable, and the gambling stalls, chicken stalls, and parking stalls are all profitable businesses.

In addition, the Ding brothers opened nightclubs and restaurants, these legitimate businesses also earn a lot of income every year.

The most profitable business of Zhongqing is still fans. This thing has high risks and high profits. It can be said that it is a huge profit.

After Lin Lin finally figured it out, the annual income of Zhongqingshe should be around tens of millions.

The Zhongqing Society is a new society, and its reputation is only in the past few years. Hua Shier estimates that Ding Xiaoxie established the Zhongqing Society, and the total amount of money he got should be around two to three hundred million Hong Kong dollars.

This can be seen from the fact that Wucrab Group lost 6000 million a day after it went public, which made Lao Xiao feel hurt. It can be seen that their capital is not too much.

Of course, it's for sure that he makes more money than Hong Tai in Uncle Mei's time.

With a lot of income, there is also a lot of expenditure. Among the [-] younger brothers under the Zhongqing Society, which one doesn't need money for eating and drinking?

Usually, the head fee for the horse, the hard work of the short mule and the friends, the medical expenses for the injury, the settling expenses for the street, jail, and escape, and the bail fee after being caught by the police, these are the fixed expenses of the association.

Hua Twelve did some calculations. When the four brothers of the Ding family ran to Benwan, the money they took away should not exceed [-] million, and it was only about [-] million or tens of millions.

After going to Wanwan, being able to worship under Zhou Jisheng's sect and let him come forward to make peace, I'm afraid it didn't cost less money, otherwise, why would the boss who has run around in Wanwan accept him.

Calculated in this way, the money that Ding Xiaoxie can use is estimated to be in the early [-] million, not much more.

Now that he has offered [-] million yuan to buy his life, Hua Twelve reckons Laoxiao is because of the 'death' of his father Ding Xie and his serious illness, so he has the desire to avenge his father and die with him up.

Hua Twelve was aghast at this, he pointed to Ding Xiaoxie and said:
"Old Xiao, if you want to hug me and die together, do you have the strength?"

All the cameras of the reporters on the scene turned to the two, and the flashes flickered, recording the expressions and eyes of the two club leaders looking at each other at this moment.

Ding Xiaoxie showed a smug smile, stretched out a finger, and said with a sinister grin at Hua Twelve:

"One hundred million, you ask who doesn't want it, look around these people, these reporters, who doesn't want to kill you to get this money?"

Hua Twelve looked around and saw that many people looked at him with red eyes, even the reporters who took pictures of him. If it wasn't for the broad daylight, these people might really have someone for the [-] million The Hong Kong dollar is desperate.

Ruan Mei took Hua Twelve's hand and said with some fear:
"Brother Xiang, let's go, I think their eyes are so scary, as if they want to eat people!"

Fang Ting and the Fang family also advised Hua Twelve to leave here quickly, and think of a way after returning.

Ding Xiaoxie hadn't finished speaking, he loudly laughed at Hua Twelve and said:
"Also, I guess you must want to apply for police protection. If I were a police officer, I would be the first to kill you, and then I would turn myself in. At that time, I would be in prison for more than ten years, and I would come out after seven or eight years if I behaved well. , In this way, you can get [-] million, and you can't spend it all in a few lifetimes!"

This sentence can be described as murderous, even the court police of several courts who rushed over to try to control Ding Xiaoxie when they heard the news showed inexplicable expressions in their eyes.

What Ding Xiaoxie said was right, [-] million Hong Kong dollars, how much temptation?
Who doesn't want it?

Hua Twelve suddenly burst out laughing, his laughter stunned others, they didn't understand how he could laugh in such a situation?
But what he said next made Ding Xiaoxie's face change suddenly, thus dispelling most people's unrealistic thoughts.

Hua Twelfth waved to the reporters of ATV, that is, his own TV station, and asked them to move the camera closer and take a close-up of him, and then announced loudly:

"I, Wei Jixiang, announced that from now on, I will set up a revenge fund with [-] million US dollars. If I am killed, then this revenge fund will be automatically activated!"

"Killers and those who hired killers, as well as all their relatives, friends, and people who have any economic dealings with them, are all within the scope of the revenge fund's revenge!"

"As long as anyone can avenge me and kill all these people, the [-] million dollars will be his!"

"This matter has been true and effective since I said it, and I will contact my lawyer later to form a written document!"

As soon as Hua Twelve's words came out, the scene that had caused a sensation because of Ding Xiaoxie's public bribery suddenly became silent.

The ordinary citizens and reporters who had looked at Hua Twelve red eyes all dimmed their glowing eyes, and even a few policemen breathed a sigh of relief that they no longer needed to struggle in their hearts.

At the same time, including Ding Xiaoxie, everyone gasped, Hua Twelve's move was too ruthless.

Ding Xiaoxie didn't even expect that he was crazy, Hua Twelve was even crazier than him, he used [-] million dollars to buy the murderer, and they simply used [-] million dollars as a revenge fund.

Ding Xiaoxie is very clear about what Hua Shier said just now.

Whoever wants to kill Hua Twelve and win [-] million Hong Kong dollars in secret money, then the killer's family, relatives, friends, and even everyone who can find out that they have had financial ties will automatically receive the same treatment as Hua Twelve, and it is A reward of [-] million dollars.

If there is a messenger behind the killer, then the whole family, relatives, friends, and people with financial contacts of that messenger will also suffer the same fate.

[-] million Hong Kong dollars can make people crazy, so what about [-] million US dollars?

I am afraid no one can refuse this temptation!
People who kill Hua Twelve in order to earn [-] million Hong Kong dollars, get the money either for themselves or for others, but they have money to spend, and they also hurt everyone around them. This is not a crime.

Therefore, Hua Shier only used one method to defeat Ding Xiaoxie's conspiracy in public, and instantly broke the situation.

Now I believe that even if Hua Shishi does not bring bodyguards, no one would dare to attack him.

Everyone looked at Hua Twelve with shock in their eyes, they only had one thought now, how cruel and crazy.

Hua Twelve smiled and stood in front of the media, pointing at Ding Xiaoxie loudly and shouting:

"I've made billions in the international financial market. If you fight with me for money, do you have the strength? You can't do it with your brain!"

After speaking, he raised his thumb to Ding Xiaoxie, and then turned it slowly so that the thumb was facing down, looking extremely arrogant.

The journalists around him seemed to be free of money like the film, and Zhaohua Twelve frantically pressed the shutter, submerging him in a flash of light.

Fang Ting likes this kind of masculine big brother-type man, and she feels very safe. Now that Hua Shier broke the situation with one sentence, and then this arrogant look is getting to her point, she suddenly feels that her legs are tingling Soft, a little unable to stand up, looking at my brother Xiang's eyes are full of little stars.

Ding Xiaoxie recovered from the shock, and knew that his plan of spending money to buy murder was probably in vain, and the matter of avenging his father was probably hopeless, so he finally broke his defense and lost his usual calmness and sophistication. , yelled:
"Bastard, I'll kill you!"

As he spoke, he was about to rush over, but as soon as he made a move, he was restrained and handcuffed by the policemen who had just squeezed into the crowd without the need for Hua's twelve bodyguards to take action.

In broad daylight, the world is bright and bright, just after being released on parole for medical treatment, dare to buy murder outside the court, do you really think that the police don't exist!

Of course, Hua Twelve was also handsome for less than three seconds. A policeman walked up to him and said:
"Wei Sheng, what you said just now is also suspected of buying murder, please cooperate with our investigation!"

It may be that what Hua Shier said just now that he has a net worth of several billion has played a role. The court police did not handcuff him.

Hua Twelve nodded to express cooperation with the police, but he wanted to call his lawyer, so he immediately called Liang Xiandi and asked her to come over to deal with it.

Liang Xiandi, who received the call, admired her boss's ability to cause trouble so much that she had to run to the police station to release him on bail every three days.

The barrister was extra thoughtful. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he called the serious crime team before coming here.

The court police locked Ding Xiaoxie and Hua Shier in the detention room, presumably because they were afraid that they would fight. The former was handcuffed to the left side of the room, and the latter was asked to sit down on the right side of the room, and then called the police through the main station to let the relevant colleagues Come over and take someone back to deal with it.

In the end, unexpectedly, two groups of people came at once. The first wave was from the Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Section, led by Senior Inspector Huang Zhicheng.

The other wave is from the West Kowloon Crime Squad of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, led by Senior Inspector Tsao Tat-wah, the Tiger of the Crime Squad.

Liang Xiandi had just arrived, and was in the process of asking Hua Shier about something, when the two waves collided.

Huang Zhicheng first said: "Sir Cao, Wei Jixiang and Ding Xiaoxie are all leaders of the society, this case should be taken over by our Triad Investigation Division!"

Cao Dahua now gave Hua Twelve a reassuring look, then turned to Huang Zhicheng, with his lips curled up like [-] million, he stretched out a finger and shook:

"NONONO, first, what kind of club leader is Ding Xiaoxie? That is already in the past tense. The Zhongqing Club is gone. What is he still doing?"

As he said that, he turned his head and gave Ding Xiaoxi a disdainful look, and said with a sneer, "I think the gui head is about the same."

Ding Xiaoxie's face turned black, but he had to stay far away, otherwise he would have to spit at the other party to infect him first.

Cao Dahua stretched out two fingers, and said to Huang Zhicheng:
"The second thing is that he is suspected of paying for murder. This is also the responsibility of our serious crime team, so I must take him away!"

Huang Zhicheng didn't expect Inspector Cao to be so difficult to deal with, and he didn't give any face to his own people.

He stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Sir Cao, you don't have to do this. We have been following Wei Jixiang's case for a long time. This time, we will buy murder in public and implicate the nine clans. Maybe we can convict him!"

Cao Dahua looked at Huang Zhicheng like an idiot, and said to himself, have you never watched "Home Alone", arrest my boss, how can I become a star, the box office of the movie is about to exceed 3000 million, and the dividends have not yet been paid. money!
Immediately sternly said: "Sorry, I only recognize the law, not my own people!"

After speaking, he waved and asked his buddy to take Wei Jixiang away.

Huang Zhicheng opened his mouth, but in the end he had no choice but to acquiesce in the other party's actions, because Cao Dahua's reason was also very legitimate, buying murder to kill was indeed a case of the serious crimes team.

If the person from the serious crime team didn't come, he could take him away, but the other party intervened forcefully. If he wanted to avoid a conflict, he could only apply to turn the case around. This was a procedure.

So even if Huang Zhicheng was unwilling, he could only helplessly watch from the sidelines with his hips akimbo.

When Cao Dahua saw his subordinates take out the handcuffs, he directly reprimanded:
"What kind of handcuffs are you wearing? Didn't you see it in the previous interview? Mr. Wei is worth billions of dollars. How could he escape? I just ask Mr. Wei to go back and ask questions without wearing handcuffs!"

After speaking, he made a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile: "Mr. Wei, do you have the honor to sit in my office?"

Hua Twelve stood up with a smile: "Okay, then go and have a seat!"

Huang Zhicheng's liver hurts from watching from the sidelines, and he suppressed it so that he doesn't lose his temper.

A police officer from the serious crime team was going to take away Ding Xiaoxie, and Cao Dahua scolded again:
"What are you doing? That person has AIDS. The danger is of course left to the colleagues in the triad investigation department. Others in the province say that we will take the credit. In this way, two suspects, one in each group!"

Huang Zhicheng and his subordinates all have black lines. You took away the billionaires and left them with AIDS patients. Thank you, mother.

Seeing that Hua Twelve was invited away by Cao Dahua like a distinguished guest, Huang Zhicheng secretly decided to go to the internal investigation department to complain about this veteran gangster when he returned home. I'm not afraid of complaints or anything.

One of his subordinates said angrily, "Huang SIR, just let them go?"

Huang Zhicheng stared at him; "Otherwise, why don't you go and snatch him back?"

Pointing at Ding Xiaoxie angrily, "Give him a mask and bring him back to the police station. As for Wei Jixiang, didn't he say he has billions? Inform the Commercial Crime Investigation Division to investigate him for money laundering. If you want to make him feel restless, let's see if he will show his flaws!"

Hua Shier went to the Serious Crime Squad for a while and then returned home without even paying bail.

Because his barrister, Liang Xiandi, told the story with evidence, and said to Cao Dahua when he arrived at the police station:
"Cao SIR, my client is not buying murder, but to set up a revenge fund. Whether this fund will be launched depends entirely on whether someone wants to kill him. If he is guilty, it will be after the fund is launched. Before that, he is innocent!"

Cao Dahua agreed very much, and then sent everyone out. When there were only three of them in the office, he said, "Lawyer Liang, you are right!"

Then he put a cigar on Hua Twelve with a flattering face: "Boss, the response to Home Alone is good. I heard that the box office is still going up. When will the red envelopes be distributed!"


Lin Bowen and Ding Wangxie were taken to Stanley Prison by a prison van. After a medical examination, they were arranged in the same cell by prison guards.

As soon as the two lived in, they felt that other prisoners in the same cell were looking at them with unkind eyes.

Lin Bowen in Wanwan was the kind of murderous person who would just draw a gun and shoot when others stared at him. It was the same when he was in prison. When he saw someone looking at him with ill intentions, he immediately glared at him and cursed:

"What do you look at for a grass-mud horse? Believe it or not!"

When he scolded like this, the other party seemed to be really scared, and turned their heads away, not looking at him.

Ding Wangxie, who was in prison for the first time, heaved a sigh of relief, saying that being with someone like Lin Bowen is also pretty good, at least he feels safe.

There was nothing to say during the day, but at night, in his dream, Ding Wangxie heard Lin Bowen on the upper bunk groaning, and the bed shook violently. When he opened his eyes, he saw a few people standing around the bed, holding Lin Bowen down, Something stuck on him.

Ding Wangxie was about to yell in shock, when suddenly he pressed a hand firmly on his mouth, and then a person leaned over and whispered coldly in his ear:
"Cripple, Brother Xiang asked me to greet you!"

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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