A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 380 Leopard Fetal Attack, A Medical Miracle!

Chapter 380 Leopard Fetal Attack, A Medical Miracle! (Seek full order)

Lin Bowen died. This mixed-race gangster who was born in the Wanwan gang was not targeted as his original fate. He did not die in Wanwan. Instead, he died in the prison on the first night of his imprisonment on Hong Kong Island.

When the prison guards discovered the situation, they found that Lin Bowen had multiple wounds caused by sharp weapons, his body was covered in blood, his eyes were wide open, and he was dying.

Ding Wangxie, who was imprisoned on the same day as him, was in Lin Bowen's lower berth. He was not dead, but he was holding a blood-stained toothbrush with a sharpened tail in his hand. After comparing the wounds on Lin Bowen's body, it was precisely because of this A dagger made of a toothbrush with a handle.

Ding Wangxie seemed to be frightened by something, his body kept shaking, and he couldn't speak a complete sentence in a frenzy.

Some of the other inmates in the same prison said that they were so asleep that they didn't see it, and the rest insisted that it was Ding Wangxie who hit Lin Bowen in the middle of the night.

In fact, the matter was done by members of the Hongtai Club in Stanley Prison. Hua Shier beat Lin Bowen's boss, Shen Jiaguo, to death with his own hands. Naturally, it is impossible to leave a hidden danger alive in the world.

And as far as Lin Bowen did those things, no matter how many times he died, since the British law could not kill him, let the bad boy be born in the reckless and die in the rivers and lakes.

As for Dingwang Crab, in fact, it is not wrong to kill them together. Han Chen, who died in Wanwan, has a saying that makes it clear that one will succeed and ten will die.

The rapid rise of the Zhongqing Society is all based on stepping on the bones of the enemy. The sins committed in this process are absolutely indispensable to Ding Wangxie, a black and black society.

However, although Ding Wangxie deserves to be damned, Hua Twelfth didn't let anyone move him, he just asked him to bring his greetings. He hasn't completed the task yet, so naturally he won't let the other party game ovre so easily.
In Hua Twelve's mind, if he wants to complete the mission of the Ding family, he must let the Ding family and his son experience the same pain as the Fang family.

The whole process included that my father was first disabled, then beaten to death, then bankrupt and destitute, and then thrown down from upstairs one by one. It is estimated that this task can only be completed.

So it is necessary to let Ding Laosan live for a while longer.

When Hua Twelve came back from the court, he and Liang Xiandi immediately finalized the matter of the revenge fund. This thing is a life-saving talisman and must be finalized.

In addition, Hua Shier also hired two world-class professional security teams at the Blackwater Company in the United States to protect the safety of him and the people around him.

The protection period is one year, and I won't mention the amount of money, but the amount definitely exceeds the hidden flowers that Ding Xiaoxie opened.

For the sake of safety, Hua Twelve is not afraid of spending money, and is willing to spend money.

As for why it is one year, this question is very simple, because after one year, there will be no more Ding family brothers, and the hidden flowers that offer rewards will naturally lose their effectiveness.

In addition to these arrangements, Hua Shier also hired a professional private detective team to closely monitor the movements of the Ding brothers and prevent them from leaving his sight.

As for the above-mentioned consumption, Hua Twelve said embarrassingly, with Ding Crab in hand, I have the money.

Based on the funds he currently puts in the international futures market, if he is not afraid of causing unnecessary troubles by blindly guessing the futures trend with [-]% accuracy, he can earn back this money in a day.

It is a crime to have money and not spend it. Hua Twelve directly raised the security level of him and the people around him to the same level as that of the President of the United States.

This made those desperadoes who had enough food for one person and the whole family was not hungry, without the ties of relatives, who wanted to take risks and earn the [-] million hidden flowers, fell into despair, and scolded their mothers angrily, thinking that they would not be able to complete this task without missiles.

Brothers Ding Xiaoxie, Ding Yixie, and Dinglixie were all released on medical parole. Although they escaped prison because of their illness, civil compensation is still indispensable.

However, the word 'bad guy' is not just talk. After the court awarded the compensation, it was found that the Ding brothers had no property under their names that could be enforced, and the funds in the bank accounts that could be found did not exceed three persons. Counting is nonsense.

After the Ding brothers came out, they went straight back to the big house where they originally lived. Although the property was not under their name, everyone knew about it.

The three brothers stopped showing their faces after nesting in the villa, and they stopped for a while, maybe they were afraid that Hua Shier would find someone to kill them, or they were planning some conspiracy.

On the other side of Ding Wangxie, although he held the toothbrush that killed Lin Bowen, and his fingerprints were indeed on it, the police still ruled out his suspicion because there was no motive.

Of course, being stuffed into a toothbrush by fellow prison inmates didn't mean to frame him, the main thing was to send greetings, it was just mental damage.

It’s just that Ding Wangxie seemed to be really frightened and stupid. After half a month, he even reached the level of being unable to take care of himself. After a medical appraisal, he was notified to his family that he would be exempted from the six-month sentence, and he would be released early so that he could seek medical treatment outside the prison.

The four brothers of the Ding family went around and regained their freedom.

But what is different from before is that the four brothers who were originally healthy, now have three AIDS and syphilis, and the only one who is not infected has become a fool with one leg, how can it be called a miserable word.

Hua Twelve felt that it was not good if the bowstring collapsed too tight, and it was easy to jump over the wall in a hurry, so let's put aside the matter of the Ding brothers and let them take it easy. Apart from completing the system tasks, he also has his own things to do .

Perhaps it was Ding Xiaoxie's [-] million hidden flowers that put a lot of pressure on Ruan Mei. The little Jew had a congenital heart attack. Fortunately, Hua Twelve was by her side at that time, and he used internal strength to help her sort out her heart in time. Pulse, and sent to the doctor in time, this did not lead to irreversible consequences.

This outbreak sounded the alarm for Hua Shier, and he immediately devoted himself to stem cell cultivation, so as to race against time to treat Ruan Mei.

The stem cell laboratory is located in Uncle Mei's half-mountain villa, and the villa has been remodeled to become a private scientific research institution.

For the cultivation of stem cells, Hua Twelve is naturally familiar with the road. With all the equipment in place, he quickly produced a large amount of stem cell injections, and then began to treat the little Jew with injections.

The stem cell technology was successfully researched by Hua Twelve himself. It can be used to maintain the longevity of the human body and treat some genetic diseases, and it can achieve the desired effect.

It's just using stem cells to reshape human organs. This technology is a technology developed by the country in the "World of Wonders of Immortality". Although Hua Shier has a full set of technology, he still has to go through several experiments before he dares to start the treatment.

In addition, Ruan Mei's situation is also more troublesome. Her heart is congenitally deformed, and she has passed the optimal age for treatment.

To reshape her heart with stem cells, she had to go through more than a dozen surgical operations to correct her heart back to the normal structure little by little. After each operation, the old heart was replaced little by little by injection of stem cells. Heart cells need to be remodeled more than a dozen times before they can be completely remodeled.

Fortunately, Hua Shier is the top surgeon of this era, as long as he has a few assistants, he can complete these operations by himself.

Seven months later, Ruan Mei's treatment was completely completed. All the old cells in her heart were replaced by brand new cells. It can be said that to a certain extent, she has reborn a new heart.

Not only that, due to the injection of stem cell injection, Ruan Mei not only recovered from her heart, but also like Hua Twelve, she will never age again. As long as she has a dose of stem cell injection every year, if there is no accident, she can always live young and beautiful.

Ruan Mei herself also felt this, because she was in high spirits every day. Not only that, she also found the scars left by more than a dozen operations on her, and the permanent scars on her legs caused by a fall when she was a child. With the injection of stem cell injection, the scars will gradually fade until they disappear.

Finally one day, when Ruan Mei asked this question, Hua Twelve frankly admitted that these changes were related to the treatment, but he didn't tell her about immortality, and only told her that she could get an injection once a year.

On the second day of Ruan Mei's recovery, she took the initiative to shut herself and Hua Shier in the room, allowing herself to complete the transformation process from a girl to a woman. Word or so, quite intense.

Afterwards, Hua Shishi fell into confusion, because he was the one who was tortured, and the beautiful woman who attacked him was crying beside him.

Ruan Mei cried that day not out of reluctance, but because of uncontrollable joy. She never thought that she would have this day, be able to live as a normal woman, and do some embarrassing things with her lover that are beneficial to the body and mind. .

After injecting Ruan Mei with stem cells, Hua Twelfth would not favor one over the other, and used the stem cell laboratory to produce a large amount of stem cell injections, and injected the entire course of treatment for Cheng Huaixiu, Ma Chunhua, Fang Ting, and Ruby respectively, so that their Age can be permanently locked in the most beautiful stage of a woman.

During this period, Hua Twelve's business empire was also developing rapidly. With the support of his "parallel time and space classic drama transfer magic skill", ATV has already beaten TVB without the slightest ability to fight back. For a phenomenal blockbuster drama, the advertising revenue is relentless.

In addition to the TV series, the movies produced by his film company are also blockbuster movies in parallel time and space. They are still popular in this world, and the works of other film companies can only be released after the release of Asian film and television films. Only dare to think about the box office.

And Cao Dahua and Zhou Xingxing, who signed a contract with China 3000 before, released two more films during this period, each of which had a box office of over 85 million in Hong Kong Island. starring movies.

Now Zhou Xingxing and Cao Dahua have become hot comedy stars. They are both considering whether to resign from public office and concentrate on developing their acting career.

In addition to the entertainment company, Hua Shier also used stem cell technology to develop a series of cosmetics during the treatment of Ruan Mei.

These cosmetics are more effective than all contemporary cosmetics in removing skin wrinkles and scars. Once they were launched, they became popular all over the world and became the new favorites of women all over the world.

Of course, the stem cell technology used in these cosmetics does not surpass modern medicine too much, and will not attract the attention of the government, but even so, Hua Twelve has won this world because of his outstanding contributions to stem cell technology. The Nobel Prize in Medicine in 86 has become the pride of Chinese people all over the world.

Well, in fact, Hua Twelve has already won this award in the "World of Immortal Wonders", and the pride is not once or twice. He doesn't feel much about things that others are crazy about. He launched these cosmetics The purpose is extremely simple, mainly to make money.

Hua Shier's cosmetics company is also not listed, but he sold a small bottle of skin care cream for the price of a luxury item.

Now his skin care company's daily income is no less than what it earns in the financial market. No matter how many products it produces, the supply is in short supply.

After Ruan Mei recovered, dealing with the Ding brothers and completing system tasks was also on the agenda.

According to the news from the private detective team, after Ding Xiaoxie knew that it was difficult for the dark flowers to achieve the effect of revenge, he seemed to have a desire for life again, and he was actively saving himself.

Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie have reached the late stage of AIDS, a small cold may kill them both, but they are unwilling to die like this, so they hired the best medical team from the UK to treat Their individual constitutions, antiviral research and treatment, I heard that the effect is very good.

In addition, Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie, two high-risk patients, undergo blood transfusion once a week to reduce the number of viruses in the body, so as to maintain physical vitality and prolong life.

Hua Twelve knew that with the character of old filial piety, he would never give up on avenging Ding Xie. The revenge of killing his father was irreconcilable. This guy hadn't moved much for half a year, so he must have done nothing good.

Through the internal relationship of the telephone company, the detective company investigated the call records of the Ding brothers, and it was found that Lao Xiao and Italy maintained frequent calls with the Golden Triangle.

Hua Shier investigated the phone number he communicated with Lao Xiao through the Blackwater Company, and learned that the former was an internal phone number belonging to a family of the Italian Mafia, and the latter belonged to the private phone number of General Chachai of the Golden Triangle.

After knowing the result, Hua Twelve exclaimed, "The enemy is determined to kill me!"

But he counted the days, but smiled: "It should be in these few days!"

Then he went to Italy and the Golden Triangle separately. When he left, the mafia family and General Chachai were all removed from the world.

Three days after returning to Hong Kong Island, news came from the private detective that the two brothers Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie were rushed to the hospital just now.

Then the news came from the hospital that Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie had unexplained organic changes in their bodies.

For the next month, Hua Shier received specific news about the two brothers every day. Ding Xiaoxie changed from a 1.8-meter strong man to a dwarf with a stooped body like Wu Dalang.

Ding Yixie was even worse. In one month, he had two extra pieces of fat on his chest, his buttocks became plump, his beard fell off, and his voice became shrill.

When Hua Twelve heard the news, he immediately burst out laughing. The Leopard Taiyi Jin Pill had an attack. It really didn't follow the routine, and it could create medical miracles casually.

This guy was very unkind and asked his ATV to report this amazing news, and at the same time broadcast the footage that was secretly filmed. He was also willing to be sued by the hospital for this.

The effect was sensational. In an instant, what happened to the Ding family brothers became a hot topic among the melon-eaters on Hong Kong Island. The two brothers Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie died socially before they were discharged from the hospital.

After Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie were discharged from the hospital and returned to the Ding family's mansion, Hua Shier began to kill them all. In the name of kidnappers, he sent a roll of Ding Crab's videotape to the Ding family brothers.

In order to prove that Ding Xie is still alive, Hua Twelve did not leave the country during the video recording, but asked Ding Xie to recite the contents of the latest Hong Kong Island newspaper.

The next day, Hua Shier called with a voice changer and asked Ding Xiaoxie to answer the phone by name.

The old filial piety on the opposite side said very excitedly: "Wei Jixiang, you bastard, let my dad go!"

Hua Twelve said with a voice changer: "Don't spread rumors, Mr. Wei Jixiang is brilliant, powerful, erudite, courteous, talented, outstanding, resourceful, and imposing. Although I am also a good-looking talent, how can I compare with him?" What about his old man!"

Ding Xiaoxie had actually called the police over there, and he was looking for Senior Inspector Huang Zhicheng who was hostile to Hua Shier.

At this time, the phone was completely monitored by the police. After Hua Twelve finished speaking, even the Ding brothers and all the policemen were in a black line.

Although there is no evidence, they are sure that this shameless person is that Wei Jixiang did not run away.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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