A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 429 Arguing With Someone!

Chapter 429 Arguing With Someone! (Seek full order)
The purpose of Liu Guangming's conversation with Hua Twelve was to release goodwill and information that he wanted to solicit, and then asked someone to take him to the base's underground arsenal to pick out the weapons he wanted.

Arriving at the weapon depot on the basement level, after Hua Shier registered with his work permit, he entered the interior of the base's weapon depot under the guidance of the ordnance custodian.

This place is not quite the same as the gun depot of the police station that Hua Shier has seen.

The gun arsenal of the police station is generally a uniform standard weapon, but here may be because Guo-A’s job attributes are biased towards agents and intelligence personnel, in addition to the conventional standard weapons, there are all kinds of weapons.

And it's not limited to domestic equipment, all kinds of well-known firearms from all over the world, even bows and crossbows, and spy equipment seen in some movies can be seen here.

The ordnance custodian told Hua Shier that due to the particularity of this mission, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, he could only choose non-domestic weapons.

At this time, those international mercenaries had been selected, and the arsenal was empty, Hua Twelve could choose his own weapons with peace of mind.

"This, this, and this!"

Hua Twelve did not hesitate, and quickly selected the weapons and equipment he needed.

The ordnance custodian widened his eyes and asked in surprise, "Comrade Hua, are you sure?"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Of course sure, you can register now!"

No wonder the ordnance custodian was surprised, because the weapon Hua Shier chose was not professional at all in the eyes of professional operators.

Two of his favorite 12.7mm M500 hand cannons, one Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle, and several military high-explosive grenades.

The powerful pistol M500, like the Desert Eagle of the same caliber, is the favorite of hunters and weapon collectors, but in the eyes of professional military personnel, whoever needs to use this kind of pistol for missions has less ammunition and strong recoil. Whoever has a pistol with a low hit rate is a fool.

Hua Twelve doesn't care what other people think. Only his feet know whether the shoes are comfortable or not. With his strength, he doesn't care about the recoil of the M500 at all. He just likes that the gun is powerful enough.

In the past, when there were many enemies, his choice would be the Glock 17, but this time the mission target, Wang Zhong is the only one who is threatening, and he is a warrior. This kind of powerful pistol is perfect.

In terms of bullets, Hua Shier found something good in this armory. As far as the 12.7 mm caliber bullets are concerned, Guo-A has two types of steel core bullets and explosive bullets.

Hua Twelve immediately asked for [-] rounds each. When this kind of profit is being made, one must not be lenient.

The ordnance custodian repeatedly confirmed with him whether he really wanted so many.

Hua Twelve nodded without hesitation, urging the other party to quickly prepare the bullets for him.

This time the ordnance custodian looked at Hua Twelve and it was really no different from looking at a fool. This kind of .50 Magnum pistol bullet weighs 16.6 grams for one round, and 8.3 kg for five hundred rounds.

Explosive bullets are the same weight, and steel core bullets are heavier. These two types of bullets each have [-] rounds, which is nearly [-] kilograms.

Forty catties!

Who has ever seen a special soldier on a mission bring forty catties of bullets to the battlefield?

You still have two M500s, Barrett, and so many grenades. Do you want body armor, helmets, and other tactical equipment? Can you walk?

Hua Twelve didn't care about this, he thought it was too little for two kinds of special bullets, [-] rounds each, if it wasn't for fear of arousing suspicion, he would want as many of these bullets as there were.

For Barrett's bullets, he also asked for [-] rounds each of the steel core and explosive bullets. The ordnance custodian didn't want to say anything anymore. Anyway, there was an order from above, and the supply of weapons was sufficient, so they could just record it in the record.

Other tactical equipment is distributed uniformly, including camouflage uniforms, tactical helmets, tactical vests with bulletproof steel plates, tactical knee pads, combat boots, goggles, night vision glasses, individual radios, binoculars, and so on.

All the military equipment prepared for them here is made in Europe and the United States, and it is easy to blame them if something goes wrong.

Putting on these equipments, carrying a backpack full of bullets and Barrett, and inserting two M500s into the tactical vest, Hua Shishi got into the military jeep waiting for him outside the office building of the base.

The driver told him that others were already waiting for him at the dedicated airport north of the base.

The jeep drove to the airport, where a medium-sized transport plane was parked.

When Hua Shishi boarded the plane, he saw that everyone was already seated. A middle-aged leader whom he had met in the conference room before stood in the cabin, pointed to an empty seat and said to him:
"Sit down, we're leaving soon!"

Hua Twelve saluted the other party, and then sat in his seat. Coincidentally, opposite him was the black man Winston who had had a skirmish with him.

The middle-aged leader coughed lightly and said to everyone:

"This mission is only allowed to succeed, not to fail. In addition, you must keep in mind that from now on, what you do has nothing to do with Huaxia, it's just your personal behavior, understand?"

Everyone said in unison: "Understood!"

The middle-aged leader nodded, turned around and got off the plane. After he left, the plane took off immediately and headed north.

At this time, these international mercenaries began to resume their sloppy behavior. Winston, a black man opposite Hua Twelve, stared at him and blew a loud whistle:

"Oh oh oh, look at what equipment our sharpshooter has, I read it right, the combination of Barrett and M500, do you want to go hunting in Africa?"

This remark immediately caused a burst of laughter.

It's no wonder the other party laughed at it. Looking at the weapons Winston chose, the HK416 assault rifle paired with the M1911 tactical pistol and the Glock FM81 combat dagger, in comparison, this one is called professional.

Hua Twelve didn't care about the ridicule from the black man, he smiled and said, "Yes, I'm going to fight the orangutan!"

In a word, the laughter in the cabin grew louder, because everyone knew that the "orangutan" in the other party's words had to be Winston.


Winston stood up abruptly, and was about to make a move when he heard someone shout:


Hearing this voice, Winston stopped in his tracks and turned to look, eyes full of awe.

It was Xu Tianbiao who spoke. Unlike other fighters, Xu Tianbiao only wore a tactical vest, no helmet, and no weapons.

Xu Tianbiao said to the blond white man among the international mercenaries, "James, take care of your subordinates, I don't want to say it a second time!"

The blond white man James showed a rare respectful look, nodded solemnly and said:

"Okay, sir!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Winston and said, "Winston, don't let the officer say it a second time, okay? If you can't do it, I will throw you off the plane with my own hands, understand?"

"Ming, understand, I'm sorry sir!"

Winston seemed to be terrified, he even stuttered when he spoke, and then hurriedly sat back with a embarrassed expression on his face, not daring to speak too much.

The whole journey was silent. An hour later, the plane landed at a military airport near Baishan. As soon as the hatch was opened, a gust of cold wind blew in. The person standing at the hatch shouted:
"It's still snowing here!"

Everyone came from Jinhai. It was March in both places, and Jinhai was already more than ten degrees above zero during the day, but here it was still white and snowing heavily.

Xu Tianbiao told everyone not to get off the plane and wait for the people from Gun-A to come over to contact them.

After a while, people arrived, and they also sent snow combat uniforms for everyone to change into.

The visitor obviously knew Xu Tianbiao, and he greeted Xu Tianbiao after boarding the plane:

"Xu Chu, the suspects have already entered Changbai Mountain. We have arranged for the local W police to seal the mountain. They must still be inside, or they may have gone east and north."

Xu Tianbiao waved his hand: "It's okay, leave it to us!"

The man nodded: "Four helicopters have been prepared and can take off at any time!"

After speaking, he handed over two tablets:
"The two computers can synchronize the satellite, and the satellite can lock the target when the weather is good!"

Xu Tianbiao looked at the heavy snow and said with a smile, "Well, talking is better than nothing, it's better than nothing!"

The man smiled: "Don't think this thing is useless, this computer can intelligently analyze their absconding route based on the trajectory of the target's appearance."

"But this thing will be automatically destroyed after five hours, so you have to act fast!"

Xu Tianbiao took the two tablets, handed one of them to Hua Twelve, and then said to everyone:
"For this operation, I am the team leader, and Officer Hua is the deputy team leader. Everyone is divided into two teams, A and B. The deputy team leader and I each have a team. The above means that the two teams are fighting each other. Let's see who Take the target first!"

"Now take a look at the armbands of your tactical uniforms. Inside is the code name of your mission. From [-] to [-], go with me, and from [-] to [-], go with Police Officer Hua!"

Hua Twelve took off the armband of his tactical uniform, and sure enough, there was a letter B inside.

On the opposite side, Winston unveiled his armband, and it turned out to be the number 22, which meant that he would become a member of Hua Twelve.


Winston was a little depressed, and gave Hua Twelve a hard look: "It seems that my luck is not very good this time!"

A total of 15 international mercenaries, Xu Tianbiao and Hua Shishi each led [-] people. After changing into snow combat uniforms, they got off the plane, followed the staff here, and ran all the way to the four helicopters not far away. go.

Xu Tianbiao shouted on the radio: "Group A FM, give up the public channel to Group B!"

Immediately afterwards, the 15 people he brought changed the communication channels.

Hua Shier commanded his team members to board two helicopters. He was about to go up when Xu Tianbiao stopped him suddenly:
"Officer Hua, wait a minute!"

Hua Twelve turned around and asked in surprise, "What's the matter with Xu Chu?"

Xu Tianbiao came over and said in Hua Shier's ear:

"Officer Hua probably doesn't know yet. I am also from Shaolin, and Duan Guochao is my nephew!"

When he said this, Xu Tianbiao's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Hua Shishi pretended to understand suddenly and said: "Brother Duan is Xu Chu's nephew, so you should thank me!"

Xu Tianbiao gritted his teeth and said, "Am I thanking you for blinding Guochao in one eye?"

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Aren't all of you parents looking forward to your children becoming dragons? I beat your nephew into a one-eyed dragon, so you're still a dragon!"

Xu Tianbiao smiled darkly: "Then I will repay you well this time!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and got on the plane, and the two helicopters in group A immediately took off and flew towards Changbai Mountain.

Hua Twelve raised his lips, turned around and boarded the plane, and ordered the pilot to take off. Immediately afterwards, the two helicopters in group B also took off and chased them in the face of the wind and snow.

As the helicopter traveled through the wind and snow, Hua Shier's mind recalled Cao Yi's introduction about Xu Tianbiao before he left.

Cao Yi told him that Xu Tianbiao was a disciple of Shaolin. He was trained since he was a child. The elders in the temple washed his body with water, practiced the Yijin Jing and the Marrow Washing Jing, and also practiced Shaolin's [-]-way boxing. .

It is said that this person once competed with Zhou Binglin, the young martial arts god before he retired, and the battle ended in a tie.

Afterwards, Zhou Binglin once talked about this battle, and praised Tianbiao as a genius, and he was only one step away from Baodan.

After many years, outsiders have no way of knowing how high this person's martial arts is, whether he has a pill or not.

But Hua Twelve can be sure that this Xu Tianbiao has absolutely no intentions, because the other party's feeling to him is not as good as Tang Zichen, so he doesn't take it to heart.

Hua Twelve turned on the tablet computer, which automatically connected to the satellite, and then the monitoring screen in Changbai Mountain appeared, but at this time the wind and snow were extremely heavy, and it was impossible to search for the target.

He can only choose the intelligent mode, and analyze the traces based on the image signals of Wang Zhong and others monitored intermittently by the satellite some time ago. Combined with the memories of the original plot, Hua Twelve immediately locked on to the depths of Changbai Mountain. An active volcano on the border.

Hua Twelve told the pilot to go near this volcano!
The pilot nodded and began to adjust the direction.

But half an hour later, the pilot suddenly said: "Sir, the wind and snow ahead are too heavy, we can't move forward, otherwise the plane will be in danger!"

"There are still about ten kilometers to reach the target area, and you need to walk the rest of the way!"

Hua Twelve looked at Fengxue, but he didn't feel much bigger than before. He frowned and asked:

"you sure?"

The pilot nodded and said: "Sure, there is really no way to go forward, you guys should quickly descend!"

Hua Twelve nodded, and issued a cable-down command on the communication channel, and the two helicopters began to lower their altitude. After a while, the team members used the cable-down command to land in the snow on the ground.

Hua Twelve was the last one to go down the cable. After waiting, the two helicopters turned around and returned.

Everyone in Hua Twelve Chaos waved their hands: "Let's go at full speed and try to reach the target before Group A!"

Everyone immediately stepped on the thick snow and started walking towards the predetermined goal.

Hua Twelve was walking in the middle of the line. As he walked, he suddenly flashed to the left, and a cold light passed behind him. When he turned around, he saw the black mercenary named Winston. Li was holding a tactical dagger.

Hua Twelve hid his eyes behind the goggles, a cold light flashed, and he asked in a deep voice, "You want to kill me?"

The black Winston grinned grimly and said:

"Little monkey, your journey has come to an end. Xu Chu asked us to give you a ride here. Don't worry, we will complete the task for you. But it's all thanks to Xu Chu. I still want to wrestle with Xu Chu. I'm really impatient!"

While he was speaking, the others had already picked up their guns and moved their feet, forming an encirclement circle, surrounding Captain Hua Twelve.

Winston said loudly: "Don't shoot, I'm going to kill him myself!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Hua Shishi's adrenaline had exploded, and he had activated his five senses. Taking a step forward, he stood on a circle forming an arc with everyone.

Then, in the detached state of the five senses and slow vision, when watching other people turn their guns little by little, and slowly turn to him, Hua Twelve swung one arm, and the 12.7 mm caliber steel core pistol bullets have been fired. out.

Just like Firefox's final suicide shot in the movie "Wanted", at this moment, the bullet drew a circle in the air starting from Hua Twelve.

Everyone standing in this circle, except Hua Twelve, was shot in the throat. When the bullet returned, Hua Twelve had already assumed the classic shape of the black widow when she landed, and just avoided the bullet.

The next moment, Winston, who was planning to fight Hua Twelve one-on-one, saw the other teammates clutching their throats and falling to the ground with bloody hands.

The reason why Hua Twelve hit the throat was because these people were all wearing steel helmets, and only the neck could be used as a target. Fortunately, these mercenaries were all between 1.8 meters and 1.9 to [-] meters tall, and their necks were almost on the same level. , otherwise it would not have such a good effect.

Winston was dumbfounded: "You, what did you do?"

Hua Twelve got up slowly, and said with a smile, "You guessed it!"

The next moment he dodged, and with a ghostly movement, he was already in front of the black man. Although Winston was terrified, his skills and reactions were still there, and he subconsciously made dodge movements. .

Hua Twelve didn't make a grab, but just threw a left uppercut on Winston's tactical bulletproof vest, sending him flying more than ten meters away.

Winston fell to his knees in the snow and began to vomit blood. He couldn't figure out why he was still vomiting blood from being punched while wearing a bulletproof vest with steel plates.

Before I could figure it out, I vomited out a piece of fleshy stuff. Before I died, I thought it was a piece of liver.

Winston still wondered how he would spit out his liver if he hadn't eaten liver today.

In the next moment, all five internal organs were burned, the eyes were dark, and the breathing was cut off.

Hua Twelve put all these corpses into the storage space, and then performed the supernatural lightness kung fu, walking on the snow, thinking in his heart, what the hell, the team will be destroyed before the division is finished, and what the hell did it by himself? Who are you going to reason with?

Moreover, the difficulty of the task has also increased, this time Xu Tianbiao and the others have to be killed together.

 Thanks: Brothers 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon Realm, Brother Yuluo Qingfeng Yanying Ruhua for their rewards, thank you brothers for supporting 200 yuan for a pack of spicy sticks, thank you brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thank you brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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