A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 430 Fighting the tiger up the mountain!

Chapter 430 Fighting the tiger up the mountain! (Seek full order)
The heavy snow fell like a goose feather, everything in front of me was white, the mountain road was rugged, and the jungle was dense.

Where Hua Twelve is now, ten kilometers away from the volcano, but it is already deep in the mountain, and there is no trace of human beings. All the weapons and equipment he will bring are stored in the storage space. Walk through the snow forest.

Decades of pure internal energy circulated throughout his body, the biting cold wind, the snowstorm all over the sky, did not affect him in any way, and the whole person could still calm down, humming an opera ditty:

"Through the forest sea, cross the snow field, and rush into the sky!!!"

Hua Twelve felt that this Beijing opera was very suitable for the occasion, and now he was just hunting tigers up the mountain, and there were several tigers on the mountain that he wanted to fight by himself.

The further he walked, the deeper the snow, but Hua Shier only left shallow footprints on the snow, which was not much different from the legendary Wuhen Treading Snow.

There was a buzzing sound in the headset, and then someone asked:

"Team B, team B, what's the matter, did you kill that kid?"

Hua Twelve laughed. He didn't have any scruples. He thought he was dead.

He turned around slightly, so that Mike was facing Fengxue directly, so that when he was speaking, there was noise from the wind and snow, and the other party might not be able to hear his voice.

Press the communicator and imitate the black Winston's voice and say loudly: "The task has been completed, one shot!"

There suddenly fell silent, and after a while, Xu Tianbiao's voice said:

"Hua Shier is you, you don't need to deny it, if other people will definitely call sir first!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows, and simply stopped pretending, and smiled:
"Xu Chu, I didn't expect that you, a majestic master, would also play tricks on me and let others set a trap for me. Why, you dare not do it yourself, are you afraid?"

Xu Tianbiao snorted coldly: "That's because you don't deserve me to do it yourself, but I have to admit that I underestimated you. Now that you are still alive, Winston and the others should be dead."

What he said in the first half of the sentence was his own judgment, and the second half of the sentence was going to be ruthless, saying something that would tear Hua Twelve's body into tens of thousands of pieces.

But when did Hua Twelve ever suffer a disadvantage in terms of words? He didn't give him a chance to be ruthless at all, so he interrupted directly:

"Don't talk about it, you are just afraid, you are afraid that I will cripple you, when the time comes, you two, uncle and nephew, go out, people in the world will say that the world is incomplete!"

"Is this name domineering enough?"

"Otherwise, how about calling it Shaolin Double Disabled?"

Xu Tianbiao seemed to be unable to take it anymore, and left a cold sentence:
"I believe you know where I am, come here if you have the guts, I will skin you with my own hands, even if you don't have the guts to come here, I will find you and kill you after completing the task!"

After finishing speaking, Hua Twelve was not given a chance to speak, and the communication was ended directly.

On a snow slope about one kilometer away from the volcano, Xu Tianbiao's face turned black with anger. He just switched the communication channel on his own initiative, which made him feel like a loser who actively avoided.

But if he was given another chance, he would still choose to change the channel, because that kid's mouth was so bad, he doubted that if he continued to listen to it, he would have to break his defense even if he was wearing an iron shirt with a gold bell cover.

He raised his binoculars and glanced in the direction of the volcano. There were several figures heading towards the crater. Xu Tianbiao turned his head and said:
"Stay here from 11 to 15, set up an ambush to kill that kid, and the rest of us will go and kill the mission target first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an international mercenary from Xiaotian beside him suddenly had a hole in his goggles, blood spurted out from the hole half a foot away, and then he fell down straight.

Xu Tianbiao shrank his eyes and shouted: "Enemy attack!
The next moment, everyone spread out, looking for cover, while crawling on the snow.

But at this moment, there was a 'bang', a white mercenary who had just crawled on the snow, his helmet made a 'dang' sound, and there was an extra hole, and blood flowed down the forehead of the white mercenary like a fountain When he got down, the man's body froze and he didn't move.

In the communication channel, the leader of the international mercenaries, the blond white man James shouted:
"It's a sniper, find him and kill him!"

At this time, someone on the communication channel responded: "At one o'clock, the distance is 500 meters, on the tree!"

James was taken aback: "Who found the target so quickly?"

Xu Tianbiao had a black thread: "It's Hua Twelve who entered our channel, don't believe his nonsense!"

Two mercenaries who were scouting the enemy with binoculars shouted loudly;
"Sir, he is indeed there!"

Hua Shishier was currently on a poplar tree 500 meters away. This poplar tree was nearly 30 meters high. He was riding on a thigh-thick branch 15 meters from the ground, and was changing bullets.

While he was busy, he smiled and said:
"Little trash, are you surprised? Grandpa is here, and he has clearly shown you the location. Can you hit me? But I can hit you!"

The sniper rifle that Hua Twelve is using now is not a Barrett anti-equipment, but a modified sniper rifle used by the Brotherhood of Assassins for ultra-long-range sniping. At the same time, the bullets used are not ordinary sniper rifle bullets, but three-stage explosive acceleration alloys. bullet.

This kind of bullet adopts the rocket's three-stage separation and boosting principle. Each stage of separation can achieve three accelerations on the warhead through a micro-explosion, thereby extending the flight distance of the bullet and achieving the purpose of ultra-long-distance sniping.

This gun was in Cross's hands at the time, and it had sniped targets as far as [-] kilometers away. Hua Twelve's super long-distance was a little bit worse, and it was still no problem to snipe at seven or eight kilometers away.

What's more, the distance between the two sides is less than five kilometers, so he is naturally handy in using it.

Just now Xu Tianbiao said to Hua Shier through the communicator: "You know where I am!"

Of course Hua Shier knew that Xu Tianbiao must be near the volcano.

So with a thought in his heart, after finishing the communication, he found a tall poplar tree, flew up to it, and started looking for Xu Tianbiao and the others with binoculars.

With the general location, it is not difficult to find Xu Tianbiao and the others.

Hua Twelve has the experience of top killers, so he easily found the communication channel of Group A. Hearing that Xu Tianbiao wanted to ambush himself, he immediately took out the ultra-long-range sniper equipment and killed two of them directly.

In the communication channel, James shouted loudly: "It must not be him, the sniper and others, find out quickly!"

In his perception, it is impossible for anyone in the world to be able to shoot a target 4500 meters away, so he does not believe that it was Hua Twelve who fired the shot.

But at this moment, Hua Twelve fired again. A bullet was accelerated three times, and it took five seconds to pierce James' helmet with a bang.

This kind of tactical helmet, which can block rifle bullets, is as fragile as paper in front of an alloy warhead that can fly more than ten kilometers.

James was headshot directly.

Hua Twelve's laughter sounded like a demon in the communication channel:
"Okay, those who don't believe it have gone to hell, you little trash, the following is my personal hunting time, unfortunately, you are my target!"

While he was speaking, two more bullets had been fired, and five seconds later, the two bullets took the lives of two international mercenaries.

The people in group A should also be unlucky, because the closer to the volcano, the fewer trees there are, and they are on the snow slopes, and there are very few bunkers around them, and they all become living targets.

The most exasperating thing was that Hua Shier could hit them, but they couldn't hit Hua Shier. They fired at that side, and the bullets flew nowhere.

"Retreat to the volcano, there are many bunkers over there!"

At this time, Xu Tianbiao's teeth were itchy with hatred for Hua Twelve, but there was nothing difficult about it.

Now all of them understand how powerful this sharpshooter launched by the military is. In their mercenary team, every one of them is also a sharpshooter. Regardless of the length of the firearms, they are all at the level of the king of soldiers in the world.

But now compared with Hua Twelve One, it's nothing, they specialize in killing soldiers!

The rest of the group A spread out, each kept a certain distance, and ran towards the volcano. When running, they would take the S route for a while, and the B route for a while. In short, they kept running in irregular directions.

But this still can't escape the fate of their prey being killed.

Hua Twelve's predictive shooting is very good. In the state of detached five senses and slow vision, although it takes five seconds from when he shoots to hitting the target, even though the opponent's changing direction is irregular.

But he was still able to accurately predict and kill the opponent's members one by one.

There was only one person, and Hua Twelve fired three shots in a row without hurting the opponent, and that was Xu Tianbiao.

Xu Tianbiao did not run in irregular directions, but ran straight towards the volcano.

But when Hua Twelve aimed his gun at him and pulled the trigger, Xu Tianbiao could sense the danger and avoid the bullet's shooting path in advance.

So the three bullets that Hua Twelve fired at him all fell through.

Hua Shishi was a little helpless, he knew this was the intuition of Huajin warriors, Gong Er was like this, when the two of them were at home, they had done experiments, not to mention pointing a gun at her, as long as they stared at her vest, she Naturally, there will be a reaction.

As long as there is a little bit of bad intentions, Gong Er will feel that the pores are tightened and the hairs are blown up on the part being stared at.

Hua Twelve guessed that Xu Tianbiao should rely on this to avoid his bullet.

After killing the last member of Group A except Xu Tianbiao, Hua Shier stopped shooting.

It was a pity for him, because they were still too far away. If they were within 1000 meters, Xu Tianbiao would definitely not be able to escape his sniping.

Seeing Xu Tianbiao successfully climbed the volcano and flashed behind a strange rock, Hua Twelve said with a smile on the communication channel:
"Xu Chu, your people have all gone to get lunch boxes, aren't you hungry? Otherwise, come out and I'll send you a box lunch!"

Xu Tianbiao said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm right here, if you have the guts to fight!"

Hua Shishi put away his sniper rifle and jumped off the tree: "Don't worry, it's your turn soon!"

After he finished speaking, his whole body was as fast as a wisp of green smoke, and he rushed towards the volcano at full speed.

A few minutes later, Hua Twelve arrived near the volcano, with crimson volcanic rocks under his feet, a large crater appeared in front of him, steam was steaming into the sky, there was no snow on the volcano, and he felt a burst of warmth as soon as he approached.

On the mountain walls on all sides, hot springs burst out of the bones, flowing down, converging into hot spring pools, and flowing down into streams.

There was also a pungent sulfur smell in the air.

There are jagged rocks on the volcano, and there is a big cave on the mountainside.

Hua Twelve knew that Wang Zhong and the others were hiding in this cave without any accident.

He holds an M500 hand cannon in each hand. The left pistol is loaded with steel core bullets, and the right gun is loaded with explosive bullets. With his feet a little bit, the whole person is like a kite, flying lightly towards the mountain.

When approaching the cave, Hua Twelve observed carefully and made sure that Xu Tianbiao was not hiding around. It seemed that he had chased him into the cave.

When Hua Twelve reached the entrance of the cave, he couldn't help hesitating. He wasn't afraid of the people inside, but the active volcano that could explode at any time.

In the original plot, Xu Tianbiao chased into the cave and fought with Wang Zhong. As a result, the blood of Lu Na Yehe's family triggered the ban left by the old demon of Montenegro, causing the volcano to erupt. In the end, the people in the cave traveled to the end of Ming Dynasty during the eruption. up.

Hua Shishi hesitated a little, wondering if he should chase after him, if he also crossed over, it would be a lot of fun.

Immediately communicate with the system in your mind.

The system's answer is that this world has become a parallel world of the original plot, independent of the past, the present, and the future, so there will be no time travel at all, and the black mountain old demon's prohibition will not be triggered.

The original plot is being staged in the original world, and the two worlds have formed a relationship like a parallel universe, and will never affect each other again.

Hua Twelve breathed a sigh of relief: "Then, I can play whatever I want!"

He smiled, raised his guns, and strode into the cave.

The entrance of the cave is as high as a person, and it faces down obliquely, like an underground passage. The inside is dark and very deep, and hot air comes out from it from time to time.

As soon as he entered the cave, his eyes were pitch-black, and the sound of dripping water could be heard faintly in the cave. Hua Twelve touched the stone wall with the back of his hand and felt wet. When he walked down, the accumulated water splashed up to his knees, but it was all hot springs, very warm.

The front gets wider and brighter as it goes, and a dark red fiery light faintly appears!
At this time, the stagnant water has passed through the chest and neck, and it is about to submerge to the top of the head. Suddenly, there is a light in the front, and there is a spacious flat land, which looks like a stone room, which is three or four mu in size.

At this time, on the three or four acres of flat land, two groups of people were confronting each other. It was Wang Zhong and his group who were facing Xu Tianbiao far away, full of gunpowder.

Hua Twelve jumped up one by one, left the stagnant water, and kept his feet on the ground. The scene immediately became a three-legged confrontation.

Seeing the eyes of both sides looking at him, Hua Twelve laughed: "Why don't you fight first, I'm not in a hurry!"

Although he was wearing a tactical helmet and goggles, Wang Chao hated him to the bone. He had already remembered his voice in his mind, and immediately recognized it when he heard it. His pupils were filled with blood, and he shouted:

"Second brother, it's the one named Hua, you help me kill him!"

As soon as Wang Zhong heard this, his eyes widened with anger, and Zhao Hua said, "It's you!"

Xu Tianbiao's eyes lit up, he started to step back, and said to Wang Chao and others:

"I'm just following orders. I don't participate in your personal grievances. Why don't you settle them first!"

The more Hua Twelve looked at him now, the more he disliked him. He was very famous, and he did all the secret things. He raised his hand and shot him. Xu Tianbiao dodged like a monkey, and he dodged away.

At this time, Wang Zhong suddenly shouted: "Do it!"

He stomped on his feet, but he was not heading towards Hua Twelve, but directly towards Xu Tianbiao.

This time, even Hua Twelve was a little surprised. He didn't understand why Wang Zhong dealt with Xu Tianbiao first.

But at this moment, the hairs all over his body exploded, and he felt a fatal crisis at this moment.

A little bit of cold light came first, and a white light pierced through the sky like a snake, approaching from far away, like lightning bolts, and it reached the center of Hua Shier's eyebrows in an instant.

"I rely on!"

Hua Shishi burst out of adrenaline in an instant, opened the state of transcendence of the five senses, and with a shake of the body, one divided into nine.

One real body, eight afterimages.

The white light circled, puff puff puff, piercing four afterimages within 0.01 second.

At this moment, Hua Twelve's double guns were finally lifted up, American-style Juhe, both guns fired at the same time, and he shouted at the same time:
"Jia Yefeng, you bastard, get out!"

 Thanks to: 08a, the little tiger in the devil world, the picturesque rain falling and the clear wind and smoke, book friend 20180408190247676 brothers for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, and thanks for reading and collecting books Thanks bro.

(End of this chapter)

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