A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 431 It's a showdown, I'm a peerless master!

Chapter 431 It's a showdown, I'm a peerless master! (Seek full order)

Hua Twelve doesn't even need to think about it, there is no one else who can get along with Wang Zhong and can fly swords, except for that Taoist Jia Yefeng!
He pulled out both guns in an instant, and pulled the triggers one after another.

Clang clang clang clang clang.
Boom boom boom boom.
Dangdangdang is a steel core bullet, and bang bang bang is an explosive bullet.

In the two M500s, ten rounds of 12.7mm steel core bullets and explosive bullets, under the state of slow vision and detached five senses, all accurately bombarded on the white light beam transformed by the flying sword.

Hua Twelve fired all the bullets in the two M500s in one breath.

The lightning-like white horse uttered a weeping weeping cry, turned around and flew back wobbly.

While flying back, the prototype had already been revealed in mid-air, it was a flying sword two feet three inches long.

The last time I saw this flying sword in the hotel, it was white and shiny, but now after hitting ten special bullets in a row, it has lost all its light and turned white and dangling. Injured, or feeling old.

Looking carefully at the flying sword, there was a gap the size of a grain of rice.

At this time, Hua Twelve's sentence: "Jia Yefeng, you bastard, get out!" had already yelled out, and under the urging of his internal force, the cave was buzzing.

Pointing at Lu Na: "Is it playing with the eyes of the heart and internal boxing?"

Zhou Huanwen wanted to take Lu Na into confinement, but the latter used Wang Zhong as a shield.

Hua Twelve has a black thread, what do you mean I don't recognize it because I'm wearing too much, it's like you've seen me without clothes, he just wears a helmet and goggles, Jia Yefeng's words are too weird Ambiguity.

Knowing that the Zhou family was too powerful to be offended, Jia Yefeng decided not to return to Qingcheng. In order to avoid misfortune, he went to Changbai Mountain. With luck, the sword is stained with fire, so you won't be afraid of those red dragons, celestial sunflowers, and other filthy things.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Hua Twelve sighed: "Stop pretending, showdown, I am a peerless expert!"

Hua Shishi was not in a hurry, and used the destroyed M500 hand cannon in his hand to fly out like a brick, and the nearly five-pound iron horn smashed his head and face at Wang Zhong, and asked if you were afraid.

Hua Twelve looked calm on the surface, but the middle finger of his right hand behind him was constantly moving, Nima's finger cover was split, and the flying sword was nothing, he flicked it on the side of the sword, but there was still sword energy on it, Although the bones were fine this time, the flesh and blood still suffered a little.

Dao Gang continued to slash towards Hua Twelve, but was blocked by the latter with the M500 in his hand, and then dissipated with a pop.

He pointed to Xu Tianbiao with his left hand: "Is it martial arts?"

Lu Na and Jia Yefeng were behind the two of them preparing to make up the knife.

In this way, conflicts inevitably occurred between the two sides.

Jia Yefeng sighed inwardly, and started at the same time, now he only had to rely on Lu Na and Wang Zhong's group.

Hua Twelve has the power of the peak Ao Pang, and he has practiced the Taoist breathing technique for decades, and added decades of Quanzhen internal strength, under this blow, he has at least a thousand catties of strength.

Hua Twelve was really moved to kill. Originally, he thought that he would just kill Xu Tianbiao and Wang Zhong and be done. As for Lu Na and the others, they had nothing to do with the overall situation, so he would let them live.

As in the original plot, Wang Zhong confronted the flying sword and was quick to wit, using a sanitary napkin contaminated with tiankui to break Jia Yefeng's flying sword. People knocked on the door.

At this moment, both Xu Tianbiao and Wang Zhong heaved a sigh of relief. Because Hua Shieru showed off the move of 'Spiral Nine Shadows' before, they were a little confused about the depth of the latter, and felt that Jia Yefeng should get rid of this hidden danger. , is not a bad thing.

Over there, Lu Na rolled her eyes and said quickly:

But I didn't expect that girl Lu Na to kill him. Jia Yefeng slashed him twice with flying swords. It can be explained that he didn't recognize him the first time, but if you vomit blood again, it can't be justified!

Xu Tianbiao knew that he set up an ambush twice to get rid of Hua Twelve, and the grievance between the two could not be resolved, so he made a decision immediately, and even made concessions on the task.

Wang Zhong succeeded with the move of "Three Yin Killing Demon Knife", and he didn't use the knife again, but stepped forward and twisted his body, and a Xingyi Bengquan came over.

But just when everyone thought that Hua Twelve was going to be finished, this guy calmly raised his right hand and flicked it with his fingers, right on the spine of the flying sword turned into white light.

Hua Twelve didn't move, just turned his head slightly, or turned sideways occasionally, so no bullet could hit him.

Jia Yefeng took Lu Na's words for the truth, thinking that it was Zhou Huanwen who introduced Hua Shier to him last time, and immediately thought that Hua Shier was the person sent to kill him.

But Lu Na didn't intend to let him go, she yelled coquettishly: "Putting other things aside, Xu Chu and Jia Dao will go together, let's kill this person first!"

Everyone is stupid, what's the situation?
Breaking the flying sword with a flick of a finger!
This Nima is too exaggerated!
Hua Twelve shot the flying sword away, put his hands behind his back, and looked like a master:
"Originally, I used guns to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in return was your contempt and misunderstanding. You thought I could only use guns, didn't you?"

"What!" Jia Yefeng panicked when he heard this, because he still didn't want to confront Guo's machine in his heart.

In just a split second, Wang Zhong turned into a blood man and flew back backwards, falling to the ground like a blood gourd rolling on the ground.

Jia Yefeng himself didn't feel it, he looked at the flying sword in his sword box with distress, and his face was full of pity:
"Mr. Hua is good at marksmanship, the gun hits the target, what kind of bullets are you? With just a few shots, I will spend at least ten years of hard work to restore it to its original state!"

Hua Twelve couldn't help but smile at what he said. Xu Tianbiao couldn't listen anymore, and said in a deep voice:

As soon as Hua Twelve loaded two bullets, he saw Xu Tianbiao and Wang Zhong rushing towards him from left to right.

Under Xu Tianbiao's mobilization, there was a burst of bones all over his body, and his whole body was suddenly raised by more than a foot, and the dimensions of his whole body became thicker. Out of phase, the whole person looks like a living King Kong.

Disdain flashed in Hua Twelve's eyes, and with a wave of his left hand, there was a chi-chi piercing sound in the air, and more than a dozen invisible sword auras were cut out in an instant.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Wang Zhong turned over with a kite, avoiding the roaring iron bumps.

After clearing up each other, Wang Zhong went back to practice hard on the "Three Yin Killing Demon Knife" and was successful. He made 36 groups of Gangsha in the lung meridians and hands meridians. A supernatural martial art.

With a roar, Xu Tianbiao suddenly jumped to the left and dodged.

Jia Yefeng smiled wryly, what the hell, Feijian lost contact.

Xu Tianbiao's pupils shrank sharply. His punch had a strength of at least two thousand catties. How could it be so easily blocked by the little boy in front of him.

Pointing at Jia Yefeng: "Will the flying sword kill me?"

When Xu Tianbiao saw Hua Twelve loaded the bullet, the corner of his eye twitched, and he greeted Wang Zhong opposite:

Lu Na was very scheming. After she finished speaking, she was afraid of being exposed as a lie, so she took out a pistol from her arms and started shooting at Hua Shier and Xu Tianbiao, while shouting:
"If you don't do it yet, when will you wait!"

After pointing at these people, Hua Twelve hooked his fingers indifferently:
"One of you counts as one, let's let the horse come here together, you will all die today!"

Wang Zhong waved his hands together, in front of Zhaohua Twelve, above his head and under his feet, he cut out five sword gangs in a row, blocking his dodging space, trying to kill him with one blow.

As soon as these words came out, everyone had weird expressions, even Wang Zhong and Xu Tianbiao who were fighting together froze.

Therefore, Hua Shier had already sentenced Lu Na and Jia Yefeng to death in his heart.

On the other side, Wang Zhong didn't dodge or dodge, he waved his hand towards the muzzle of the gun and slashed straight. An invisible knife directly split the steel core bullet in half and fell to the ground.

If Wang Zhong continued to move forward, he would be smashed all over the face by the M500 before he hit Zhonghua Twelve with this punch.

On Jia Yefeng's side, the matter was not completed, so he took the initiative to refund the money to Zhou Huanwen, but Zhou Huanwen was a playboy, and he insisted on asking Taoist Jia to give an explanation, otherwise he would make him look good.

The flying sword got a mouthful of blood from its master's tongue. Although its power was not as good as before, it also recovered a bit of its lethality. In addition, Hua Twelve had no gun in his hand at this time, everyone thought that he could not escape the flying sword.

Hua Twelve emptied the bullet, put the M500 in his left hand into the holster of the tactical vest, and then started to load the M500 in his right hand in front of everyone, saying at the same time:
"If an apology is useful, what do you need the police for?"

Therefore, Jia Yefeng didn't know about Wang Zhong's killing of Zhou Huanwen. At this time, Lu Na was using Zhou Huanwen to put pressure on Taoist Jia, forcing him to deal with Xu Tianbiao and Hua Shier together.

Wang Zhong nodded: "Dealed!"

Xu Tianbiao's figure flickered again and again, what he dodged was not the bullet, but Lu Na's hand aiming at him.

After smashing Wang Zhong's five saber gangs, there were still seven or eight saber qi, cutting Wang Zhong's chest and limbs.

Of course, at this time, you must not be cowardly or show it.

It may be that they realized that Hua Shier's side did not fight as scheduled, and the two regarded the former as a major enemy, so after a slight delay, the two separated each other like lightning and stopped fighting, but they still retained a trace of alert.

Lu Na had already taken out two daggers, and rushed forward one by one. Her internal boxing practice has reached the level of dark strength, and she is also a master of the level of a big boxer outside.

Jia Yefeng was reluctant to part with the flying sword that he practiced hard for 40 years, so he had no choice but to admit that he was cowardly, and took out the flying sword and the method of "Sanyin Killing Demon Sword" as an apology, and resolved the grievance.

When he took a step, the ground felt tremors. Under one step, there was a distance of ten meters. The fist was punched from the waist, and the next moment, it was already one foot in front of Hua Twelve. The fist collapsed like an arrow. This punch really took shape Yiquan has the characteristic of "everything will fall when the lighter is fired".

"This surnamed Hua's marksmanship is as good as a god. He is too much of a threat to my generation of warriors. Why don't you and I join forces and kill him first, and then talk about other things?"

There was no way, after all, with his slow vision and supernatural five senses, the flying speed of bullets and mosquitoes was not much different.

The power was everywhere, and a cloud of dust rose from the feet of Hua Shier and Xu Tianbiao at the same time. It was stone powder shattered by the power of the two people's feet.

It turned out that after Rihua Twelve bought the cheat book from Jia Yefeng that day, the development of the matter returned to the original track.

Pointing to Wang Zhong: "Isn't it an invisible sword?"

Looking at the M500 in Hua Twelve's hand, it was split in half from the barrel, and the crack extended to the runner, splitting the fine steel runner in half, which is really amazing.

Seeing that Lu Na's bullets couldn't do anything to Hua Twelve, Jia Yefeng immediately roared: "Mr. Hua, I'm sorry!"

What people didn't expect was that Xu Tianbiao was the first to respond and shouted loudly: "Okay, Wang Zhong, I can guarantee that I will kill this person and let you run for thirty miles first, and then we will make a deal!"

"Jia Daochang, Zhou Huanwen is now in power, we are forced to flee abroad, even you are in the ranks of arrests, why don't we do it together, kill these two people, when the time comes, we will pass Changbai Mountain, and we will arrive at the Northern Dynasty. You have a lot of money in the Swiss bank, and you follow us to enjoy happiness abroad, wouldn't you feel at ease!"

As soon as the words fell, Jia Yefeng, who was dressed as a Taoist priest, ran out behind Wang Chao with a heartache on his face. He stretched out his hand and put the flying sword back into the sword box, and then bowed to this side with a bitter face:
"It turned out to be Mr. Hua. I only recognized it when you called me. It was really a crime. The main reason was that you were wearing too much clothes. I didn't recognize it was you!"

At this time, Hua Shier had no gun in his hand, and for Wang Zhong and Xu Tianbiao, the threat was reduced immediately.

He didn't panic, he pushed the wheel back with his left hand, and then moved the firing pin with his hand, the quick spear technique was activated, and instantly two bullets shot towards the eyebrows of Wang Zhong and Xu Tianbiao.

The two rushed towards Hua Twelve at the same time.

After the silly Taoist finished speaking, he bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood into the sword box. The flying sword that was originally injured immediately burst into a ball of brilliance, and Jia Yefeng pointed at him casually, and shot at Chaohua Twelve.

Hearing what he said, Hua Twelve didn't get angry at all: "Fortunately, I have some skills. If I slow down a little bit, I will become the soul of your sword now, and I will become mine if I co-authored it!"

Jia Yefeng persuaded: "Mr. Hua, sit down and talk slowly about something. Little brother Wang Zhong can be regarded as an upright and good person, everyone, don't hurt your peace!"


It was the first time Wang Zhong saw Xu Tianbiao. Compared with his cousin Wang Chao, he had a bigger quarrel with Hua Twelve. He nodded without thinking. Kill here.

"Taoist, don't meddle in things that don't have you here. The good man you call has no less than twenty lives in his hands. I am from Guo-A's Crisis Management Department. I was ordered to arrest this criminal. Do you want to be implicated?" , just step aside."

Hua Twelve repelled Wang Zhong with one move, and then stretched out his right hand behind his back lightly, lightly grasping Xu Tianbiao's punching fist.

There was a loud bang, the flying sword was hit by a heavy hammer, it flew out at a speed faster than flying, and poured into the stone wall with a chirping sound, it didn't go in, leaving a flying sword on the stone wall shape of a black hole.

Several of Zhou Huanwen's domestic slaves who practiced martial arts failed to please him, and finally paid a lot of money to ask Jia Yefeng to kill Wang Zhong with a flying sword.

At this time, Xu Tianbiao's fist was the size of a sea bowl, but he blocked it with a light raised hand.

Jia Yefeng also knew that he was wrong, and said awkwardly: "Didn't the old man apologize!"

The two men began to be afraid of each other again, and neither of them continued to attack Hua Twelve, for fear that the other party would take the opportunity to sneak attack.

But before he could figure it out, Hua Twelve grabbed his fist with one hand, twisted it suddenly, and with a click, Xu Tianbiao's invulnerable arm became like a twist.

Hua Twelfth still didn't let go, grabbed Xu Tianbiao as a sledgehammer, started to spin the wheel, bang bang twice, and knocked Lu Na and Jia Yefeng who came after them to the ground.

After finishing all this, Hua Twelve casually threw Xu Tianbiao in his hand like garbage into the depths of the cave, and fell directly into the crater.

 Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon Realm, and book friend 20180408190247676 for the rewards, brothers for supporting 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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