A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 456 Anti-beheading plan!

Just when more than a dozen J cars entered the arena, the Terminator team and a group of martial arts masters who were about to execute the beheading operation had no idea. They were waiting for McRaven's decision. They didn't know whether to follow the original situation. plan to proceed.

Sitting in a fifth-floor coffee shop near the pier, McRaven raised his hand and looked at his watch. The time was 18:35 in the evening. He looked out the window. Although the pier was brightly lit, the surrounding streets were already dark Come down and turn on the street lights.

He turned his head and gave instructions through the headset:
"Follow them and do it on the road!"

Around the port, more than a dozen crooked nuts pretending to be tourists left the pier one after another. A few old men who were strolling in the distance took a look at this side from a distance, and then turned around and left.

On the pier, Sun Dasheng opened the back door of an assault vehicle, pointed at the inside of Hua Twelve Chaos:
"Master Zhao, get in the car, I'm still waiting for me to help you up!"

After he finished speaking, he pointed at Gu Jiaying: "You and Zhao Tai are together, you go up and follow us back to accept the investigation!"

Hua Twelve rolled his eyes helplessly, and got into the assault vehicle with Gu Jiaying.

Sun Dasheng then followed the car, and waved to the people dressed as the Flying Tigers outside: "Come back!"

After finishing speaking, he closed the car door, started the assault vehicle, and drove towards the outside of the pier under the guard of the front and rear police cars.

As soon as the car door was closed, Sun Dasheng stopped pretending, and took out three submachine guns from under the seat, and handed two of them to Hua Shishi and Gu Jiaying, and then laughed:
"How about Twelve, I act like it?"

Hua Twelve took the submachine gun and put it on his shoulder, then lifted off the human skin mask: "Brother Sun, why are you here?"

Sun Dasheng said 'hey': "Didn't you call me last time and say that you saw that kid Zhao Tai abroad? I asked my relationship to check and found that he was on this cruise ship, and his destination was Hong Kong Island! "

"As soon as I thought about it, how could he get away with it, so I applied to arrest him. I also wanted to try my luck."

"As a result, when I came here to seek help from the local J side, as soon as I explained the situation, Lao Cao came to the door the next day and asked me to cooperate with you in a play. When I heard it, it was imperative!"

"By the way, Lao Cao said that people can't do it on the pier, it's better to be on the road, no matter where it is, as long as we persist for 2 minutes, the support will definitely arrive!"

After he finished speaking, he hugged Hua Twelve, and then asked with a smile, "You haven't said how my performance was just now. If you change careers and become an actor, it's okay to be a best actor, right?"

Hua Twelve curled his lips and said, "What's the matter? Which suspect are you arresting and won't be handcuffed?" He gestured with his free hands as he spoke, interrupting Sun Dasheng's bragging.

Sun Dasheng slapped his head: "Hey, I just thought that Zhao Tai was pretending to be you. I forgot about the handcuffs. Will it affect your plan?"

Hua Twelve shook his head: "No, I can feel the fish biting the hook. By the way, is this car safe?"

Sun Dasheng knocked casually on the carriage, and made a dull knocking sound: "Old Cao said, this car has built-in armor, which can prevent rockets, absolutely no problem!"

After speaking, he turned to Hua Twelve and raised his chin towards Gu Jiaying: "Shall I introduce you?"

Gu Jiaying smiled and took off the mask on her face, revealing Gu's original appearance, then rubbed her fingers on her neck, and unexpectedly took off a thin layer of mask, revealing a youthful face that was different from her original appearance Come, then stretched out his hand to Sun Dasheng and said:
"Hello, my name is Lin Yanan, and I am Hua Shier's assistant and attendant!"

Sun Dasheng was dumbfounded, when he stretched out his hand to hold Lin Yanan, he said in shock:

"Hey guys, you agents are really powerful, each of you looks like a living person, one face at a time, one face at a time, changing faces for fun, what's the situation?"

Now that there is no need to hide things, Hua Shier made a long story short about receiving the mission to pick up Dr. Gu Jiaying.

It turned out that not only Da Shishi and his special forces members arrived in Ugly Country with Hua Shier, Lin Yanan was also on the same plane.

It's just that they haven't had any contact with each other since they got on the plane, and Lin didn't live with them after arriving in Chou Country.

Later, after Hua Shier rescued Gu Jiaying, he sent a message to Lin Yanan in the car.

It was not a temporary decision for him to take Gu Jiaying to rob Chase Bank, but to meet Lin Yanan who was pretending to do business there.

In Chase Bank, Gu Jiaying and Lin Yanan, with the help of Hua Shier's human skin mask, switched identities unconsciously.

This is also the reason why Gu Jiaying had a suspicious and unpleasant temperament before, but later she got along well with Hua Shier, and even slept in the same bed without embarrassment, because the later Gu Jiaying was actually Lin Yanan.

As for the real Gu Jiaying, wearing Lin Yanan's appearance, as a victim of Chase Bank, after being escorted out by the police, she went directly to the embassy. Under the arrangement of the embassy, ​​she flew back to the motherland first.

Right under Langley's nose, Hua Shier played a game of building the plank road in the open and keeping the warehouse in the dark.

The fact that he took the fake 'Gu Jiaying' to leave the Ugly Country on a cruise ship was kept a secret from Langley for a while, but he could not hide it for the rest of his life. It will not be exposed early before returning to the country.

In order to keep it from everyone, the two had been performing on the cruise ship. Even Liu Qing only found out about it after Wharton's incident, and complained a lot about it.

And Lin Yanan had received special agent training, imitating her Gu Jiaying was not only beautiful and beautiful, but also her voice was [-]-[-]% similar. At that time, even Wharton was deceived by her.

In fact, after killing Wharton and Morgan, Hua Shier learned through Liu Qing that Dr. Gu Jiaying had returned to China, but he discussed with Lin Yanan and continued to make bait, hoping to attract more Langley agents. , Carried out an anti-beheading plan, and taught Langley a profound lesson.

After discussing with Lin Yanan, Hua Shier and Lin Yanan continued to serve as beacons on the cruise ship, acting as targets to attract Langley's masters to take the bait.

You know, Uncle Zhu Jia and Wu Wenhui not only made Hua Shier the Wu Qingyuan of the martial arts world, but also made him a new generation of beheading kings.

In charge of killing the secret service masters of hostile countries, this was originally Hua Shier's job.

This time, Chouguo went too far. He wanted to detain Dr. Gu Jiaying and use him as bait, so Hua Shier decided to do Langley's bloodletting instead.

In addition, Hua Twelve also has a system task, to bring to justice the martial arts practitioners who violate the prohibition of chivalry. It is obvious that from his standpoint, experts like Langley, such as Wharton and Morgan, are all Can be regarded as a mission target by him.

It's just that Langley didn't make any moves along the way. It wasn't until when he disembarked just now that Hua Twelve felt the killing intent released by a master.

Fortunately, the higher-ups had already anticipated that Cao Yi had come over secretly to cooperate with Hua Twelve in secret.

This time, if Langley dared to reach out, he would chop off one of his paws, making sure the other party felt the pain.

After listening to Hua Twelve's experiences, Sun Dasheng said enviously, scratching his heart:
"If it had been ten years earlier, I would have discussed with Lao Cao and joined you at any rate, with our skills."

Lin Yanan was amused: "Brother Sun, you are not old now!"

Sun Dasheng waved his hand and said: "No, now I have a wife and children, and those who drag the family and the family are not free. Being a prisoner is not happy if you occasionally kill your wife. If you go to be a secret agent, the relationship will be completely broken!"

Lin Yanan couldn't help laughing at what he said, at this moment the interior of the car suddenly went dark, and the assault car entered a tunnel.

Not long after entering the tunnel, a van sped up from behind, overtook more than a dozen J vehicles at a fast speed, and sped away. The car was driving extremely dangerously, and almost collided with this assault vehicle.

Hua Twelve looked around and reminded: "Brother Sun, tell everyone to be careful, I think there is a problem!"

Sun Dasheng nodded, took out the walkie-talkie and was about to speak when he heard a bang in front, and they all felt a huge vibration in the car.

Looking forward from the car window, you can see that there seems to be an explosion in front. The front car was directly blown up, and then fell heavily on the ground. With a series of braking sounds, their assault car also Followed by emergency braking.

Sun Dasheng was unsteady and swayed for a while. Someone in the walkie-talkie he was carrying shouted: "Enemy attack!"

Before the conversation over there was finished, a box cargo that had just overtaken and was ahead of two parking spaces, the rear door suddenly opened, and a man wearing a helmet and body armor was carrying an RPG individual rocket, and pointed at it diagonally. The assault vehicle pulled the trigger.

At this moment, Hua Twelve felt overwhelmed with a sense of crisis, grabbed Lin Yanan and Sun Dasheng, kicked open the back door of the assault vehicle, and jumped off.

With a bang, the armored assault vehicle that Lao Cao said was resistant to rockets was directly penetrated by the opponent's rockets, and then exploded inside. The driver probably couldn't do it.

At this time, Hua Twelve had already grabbed two people and landed on the car behind. Even so, his body was hit by the shock wave, and he was a little unstable.

Those who pretended to be the Flying Tigers were obviously special operations personnel from the Sixth J side, and they responded quickly. After parking the car, these people rushed down with weapons to find cover, and immediately entered combat mode.

Hua Twelve put Sun Dasheng and Lin Yanan behind a J car, turned around and pulled the trigger on the guy on the box, the submachine gun spewed out flames, and the bullets poured out.

Although the man was wearing a bulletproof helmet and a bulletproof vest, Hua Twelve's marksmanship directly hit the gap between the bulletproof helmet and the bulletproof vest, hit the man's neck directly, and knocked him down.

Sun Dasheng complained: "As expected of Langley, he is so fierce, I shouldn't have allowed Lao Cao to take this muddy water!"

Hua Twelve smiled, he knew that Sun Dasheng was just talking, and if he really encountered a dangerous situation, he would be the first to copy the guy.

Sure enough, after Sun Dasheng complained, he asked in the walkie-talkie: "What's going on ahead!"

As soon as he finished asking this question, the sound of submachine guns came from the front and rear ends, and someone shouted in the communicator:

"The captain is injured. The opponent's firepower is too fierce. They are not afraid of bullets. We can't suppress it. What should we do now?"

Sun Dasheng was stunned, what happened if he wasn't afraid of bullets?He didn't even know how to answer it!
Hua Twelve immediately took over the walkie-talkie. When he heard that the captain was injured, he knew that there was no one in command. This situation should not be messed up. He commanded loudly:

"Now listen to my command, shrink the front and back, move closer to me, repeat, shrink the front, move closer to me!"

The next moment, the gunshots were mixed with the sound of footsteps, and the special forces at the front and rear were fighting and retreating, shrinking their lines towards the middle.

Hua Twelve left the submachine gun in his hand to Sun Dasheng and Lin Yanan, and then said: "You wait here, I'll go and see what's going on!"

Sun Dasheng said anxiously: "How can you do without a gun!"

Hua Shishi reached into his arms and took out a Glock 17: "I like to use pistols!
As he spoke, he rushed forward. After a few flashes, he saw the situation ahead. The tunnel in front had been blocked by several overturned cars.

And the one blocking the front of the convoy was the van that passed just now.

At this time, three guys wearing face masks, steel helmets and bulletproof vests were standing in front of the van, firing fiercely in this direction.

Two of them kept shooting with submachine guns, and the suppressed special forces couldn't show their heads.

Another guy who looked black took out another RPG from the van, and then turned around. At this time, he also saw Hua Twelve, immediately grinned, and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

The moment the rocket flew out, Hua Twelve raised his hand and fired a shot. When the rocket flew a few meters away, the bullet hit the warhead and exploded directly.

With a bang, the three attackers were enveloped in the flames of the explosion and flew out directly.

Hua Twelve turned around to see what was going on behind him without even looking at it, but just as he turned around, he turned around again, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

I saw those three people, although they were covered in blood and hit the van, they were not dead yet, but got up from the ground again, picked up their weapons and planned to continue their work.

Hua Twelfth lifted up the Glock 17 and shot three times with a bang bang. Since the three men were all wearing masks, helmets and body armor, all three of his shots were aimed at the arms of the three men holding the guns.

The three bullets hit the target without accident, but to Hua Twelve's surprise, the three bullets only shot halfway, and fell to the ground under the contraction of the three people's arm muscles, and the three people seemed to feel no pain. He pulled the trigger on Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve dodged and hid behind a blocked car. A retreating special forces member saw him and shouted:
"They are not afraid of bullets, our firearms have no effect on them!"

Hua Twelve said in a loud voice: "Go and gather together, leave this side to me!"

In his opinion, the caliber is the truth, and if the bullet does not work, it means the caliber is not big enough.

When he turned around, the Glock 17 in his hand had turned into an M500, and the backhand was a three-shot gun, three 12.7mm warheads, drawing an arc around the police car, bang bang bang, hitting the helmets and visors of the three men.

The bullet pierced through the bulletproof mask, shot directly through the eyes, and exploded directly in the back of the head. The three people fell to the ground immediately, and they couldn't die any more.

After confirming that there were no enemies ahead, Hua Twelve quickly ran towards the back of the convoy. When returning to the assault vehicle, he saw a guy who was also wearing a body armor and a helmet. With the cover of the truck, Sun Dasheng, who was suppressed by firepower, could not lift his head. Come on, I guess this person should be the driver who drove the box just now.

Hua Twelve shot casually, and the bullet entered the gap between the helmet and body armor at the back of the man's head, directly killing him.

At this time, a fierce gun battle had already started behind the convoy, and he immediately went to support.

And just when Hua Twelve appeared on the scene, three sniper bullets appeared one after another without warning, and shot at him quickly and anxiously.
Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

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