A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 457 Full force of 'Hua', so terrifying!

Chapter 457 Full force of 'Hua', so terrifying! (Seek full order)

Three sniper bullets shot towards Zhaohua Twelve in the finished zigzag shape, almost locking the space where he could dodge.

Hua Twelve's expression was awe-inspiring, not because of the three shots, but because of the shooter who fired the three bullets.

First of all, the opponent is definitely a gunner at the level of a gun king. This kind of shooting method in the shape of a character is the same as Yingmen Sanbu among the hidden weapons. It requires extremely high control over the bullets to use it.

Secondly, with Hua Twelve's current state of martial arts, even if someone looks at him with hostility, he can feel it. If the other party shows killing intent towards him, it will be like a glow on his back.

But the person who shot these three bullets was able to hide his hostility and killing intent when aiming before shooting, so that Hua Twelve didn't feel anything. Such skill is terrifying.

Of course, Hua Twelve was full of confidence. Even if the opponent was fascinated by marksmanship, he was not afraid. What he was worried about was that if such a gunman did not deal with him, but instead sniped Sun Dasheng and those special forces members, there was almost no possibility of these people surviving.

In addition to this gun king-level opponent, the few attackers he killed before seem to be not simple. Those people have the shadow of the ugly army, but they are far stronger than ordinary soldiers, and they can withstand the bullets of the submachine gun with only their muscles. , which is almost more exaggerated than the body of Huajin Warrior.

At this moment, Hua Twelve knew that Cao Yi and the others had underestimated their opponents. If they sent Changfeng, Sharp Sword, Fangs, and the three special forces over, they might be able to compete with these enemies. It's a little dangerous.

These thoughts flashed through his mind. Don't ask why Hua Twelve was distracted thinking about these things during the battle, but the slow vision and the detachment of the five senses also increased the speed of the brain.

The quick gun technique was activated, and within 0.0175 seconds, two M500 shots were fired. Just one meter in front of Hua Twelve, two sparks shone in mid-air, and the two bullets collided with two of the three sniper bullets. Together, both of them turned into metal cakes and fell to the ground.

The last sniper bullet flew over half a foot to the right of Hua Twelve and hit the concrete wall of the tunnel.

After two shots, Hua Twelve was already heading towards the direction where the bullets came from, but as far as he could see, he did not find the sniper, and the other party did not shoot again.

There were still a lot of vehicles trapped in the tunnel because of the sudden attack. The hot man obviously missed a hit, so he immediately took advantage of these vehicles to hide, and waited for the right opportunity to give him a fatal blow.

The fierce fighting and gunfire continued, and even the driver of the trapped vehicle dared to get out of the vehicle to check the situation. Hua Twelve shouted loudly as he moved forward:
"Don't get out of the car, the front is blocked, all lean down in the car, be careful of accidental injury!"

When the drivers saw that Hua Shishier was getting out of the police car with a gun in his hand, they all thought he was a PC, and immediately returned to the car obediently. In such a critical moment, there is no such guy who stands up and argues with the PC. No matter what kind of temper they used to have, no matter whether they have tattoos or not, they are all very obedient.

After walking a few more cars, I saw a dozen special forces members wearing Flying Tigers equipment, hiding behind two overturned police cars, using the body of the car as a cover, and shooting at the back continuously.

Hua Twelve ran over quickly, and took advantage of the cover of the firepower of the special forces when they opened fire, and took a look with his head. Before he could see the person on the other side, he saw a military grenade thrown from there.

He flicked his hand and fired a shot. A bullet drew an arc in the air and hit the target precisely. The grenade was hit by the bullet and exploded in the air. The sound of the steel ball in the grenade hitting the surrounding vehicles was also mixed with the screams of people. I don't know which unlucky person was injured by the steel ball.

"Go to Sun Dasheng's side, the enemy has been handed over to me, this is an order!"

Although these people didn't know Hua Twelve, they also knew that the mission this time was for him. After listening to his orders, they naturally regarded him as an officer and immediately started to retreat.

Hua Twelfth leaned against the bunker police car, replaced two M500s with full ammunition, and dodged out with one dodge, trying to kill a few enemies by surprise, but as soon as he got out, he saw two flame-breathing tails flying from the opposite side. Things, rockets.

But without the suppression of the firepower of the special forces, the opponent had time to use RPG calmly.

The two rockets had already flown to the front, Hua Twelve could use the bullets to explode, but he himself would also be affected by the explosion.

He hurriedly stepped on his feet, his body flickered, and he jumped to the right. Two rockets hit the two police cars that were in the bunker just now.

There were two explosions, the explosion detonated the fuel tank, and a second explosion occurred. The police car, which had been scrapped, soared into the air in the explosion, hit the tunnel ceiling, and fell down again. At this time, the two vehicles had already seen Nothing but two blazing car frames remained.

From the air, the 12 Hua could clearly see three heavily armed black men in camouflage uniforms more than 30 meters away. Two of them were carrying rocket launchers on their shoulders, and the other was holding a submachine gun.

When others were in the air, they were about to shoot and kill the three people, but at this moment, three more sniper bullets, in the shape of finished characters, shot towards the place where Zhao Hua Twelve landed.

As long as Hua Twelve hits the ground, it will be automatically sent to the door for the bullet to hit.

This method was obviously taken by the extremely dangerous sniper just now.

Hua Twelve remained unruffled in the face of danger, swayed in the air, and displayed the top-level agility in "The Mystery of Mysteries". The person made a turn in the air, then moved three feet to the left, and landed firmly on the ground.

Clank clang clang, the three sniper bullets all missed and hit the ground, sparking three sparks.

Hua Twelve once again successfully escaped the sniper attack, but with such a delay, he also missed the best time to kill the three of them.

"Fuck, don't let me find you!"

Since Hua Twelve was rolling left and right in the air the whole time, he didn't see the shooter at all. When he landed, the sniper hid again, which made him secretly hate.

At this time, the black man with the submachine gun in his hand had already launched an attack on him, and a row of flames swept over him, while the other two black men also threw away the rockets, and picked up the submachine gun to shoot at this side.

Hua Twelve didn't bother to hide, put the two pistols into the storage space, and instantly took out the fire chariot from the storage space to block in front of him.

The never-wearing property allows this motorcycle to block even missiles, and it is easy to block submachine guns.

Hua Twelve, like a Wonder Woman holding a shield, charged forward with his motorcycle facing the bullets. The 30-meter distance was reached in the blink of an eye under his full strength.

After getting close, there was a sweeping leg below him, and the three black men were swept off their legs and fell to the ground together.

Hua Twelve was holding the fiery chariot, stomping his feet repeatedly, bang bang bang, the steel helmet that could block the bullets of the M500 hand cannon shattered like bubbles under his feet, and the three black heads inside also directly became melons .

Putting away the fiery chariot and looking around, there was no more enemy in sight, but Hua Twelve knew that the matter was not over yet, at least there was still a sniper hidden in the dark.

Glancing at his watch, at least 5 minutes had passed since he was attacked. Hua Twelve secretly scolded Lao Cao for being unreliable, why the promised support hadn't arrived yet.

In fact, he didn't know that Lao Cao's side was having a hard time. When they came out of the pier, there were special forces vehicles following Hua Twelve and the others, just to keep a distance so as not to attract the attention of the prey, but in any case, this distance 2 minutes is also enough to be in place.

But after the attack on the tunnel began, the enemy overturned a heavy truck and blocked the tunnel. Those special forces who supported them wanted to rush over to support them on foot, but they were suppressed by the opponent's firepower. I will not be able to rush through at all, and I am trying to figure out a way at this time.


Behind more than a dozen cars, there is a Langley command car. McRaven is in the car at this time, looking at the twelve red dots on the phone screen representing the Terminator team. Except for the four broken ones, they are all gone now. destroy.

You must know that the Terminator squad is the product of top-level soldiers and genetic agents. Every soldier in the squad is a valuable property of the Ugly Army. Combat record without hurting a single person.

As a result, eight of them were killed at once here today.

Even if he was Langley's brigadier general and the commander of the Terminator squad, he couldn't afford this kind of loss.

Now I only want to be able to kill the mission target, and I have made up for it.

McRaven hated those Baodan masters who followed him even more. A few young old immortals insisted on their identities and were unwilling to fight with the Terminator team. And those few Shaolin monks, when they saw that the J side of Hong Kong Island was involved, Immediately frightened, no matter how much he urged, the other party only promised to be responsible for Fuhua Twelve, and refused to participate in the frontal attack.

Otherwise, how could his Terminator team suffer such a loss.

Picking up the communicator, he shouted loudly: "Now you are satisfied, don't hurry up!"

In front of Hua Twelve, four old men got off from the vehicles he thought were trapped vehicles.

When the four old men got out of the car, they exuded an astonishing aura, which instantly attracted Hua Twelve's attention.

At this moment, a figure silently appeared behind Hua Twelve. It was an old man dressed in black and holding a samurai sword. The old man's eyes were shining with strange blood, and he stabbed at his back suddenly. Heart.

This knife, as if the mute button was pressed, was silent at this moment, and the power suddenly exploded without being seen or heard!

And when the old man in black launched an attack, the four old men who had just got off the car all moved,
One of them approached in a blink of an eye, his body was like a big bird or a tortoise, his fist was like a waterfall, or like a mighty Yangtze River, he punched him.

The other three old men launched at the same time, each delivering fatal blows from an angle.

These old men are all in the realm of holding pills. Although they are old, they have locked their vitality and blood. At this time, the peak blow that can be displayed in a lifetime erupts. Five people launch at the same time, which is almost a sure-to-kill situation.

"court death!"

The faint two words spit out from Hua Twelve's mouth, without turning his head, his right hand pointed backwards, and the invisible saber energy poured into the palm of his hand and cut directly on the fine steel katana behind him.

With a clang, the Waguo Baodao, which was infused with the strength of the Baodan warrior, was brittle and broke directly under the invisible flaming saber energy emitted by Hua Twelve's internal force for decades.

And the old man holding the treasured sword couldn't bear the rest of Hua Twelve's casual blow, he swung his arms high, his body was pounding, and he took five big steps back, each step stamping a deep hole on the tunnel floor. Deep footprints, five steps to spare before resting, and then saw that the tiger's mouth holding the knife had cracked, and blood was flowing profusely.

While Hua Twelve's right hand repelled the sneak attack from behind, his left hand held a knife in front of his chest, and he slashed forward.

The four elders holding pills who launched an attack in front of him didn't know what he meant at first, and they all sneered in their hearts. From their point of view, if the five surviving masters of their childhood were ambushing at the same time, the opponent is already equivalent to a dead person.

It's just that you have to have some dignity when you die, so what's the point of such a casual swipe, why don't you just give up and wait until you die.

But the next moment, the expressions of the four old men changed at the same time, because they felt a fatal crisis at the same time.

not good!

run away!


The four old men dodged back at the same time, but it was already too late, no matter how fast they advanced and retreated, the invisible saber energy still left an inch or so of knife marks on the four old men.

"Innate stellar energy?"

An old man actually asked a question in Chinese, but the pronunciation was a bit blunt, which was different from authentic Chinese.

The other old man looked cautious, and at the same time he spoke very quickly back on guard: "No, this is not the innate stellar energy. How could the innate stellar energy be half a foot away from the body?"

Hua Twelve had already seen the roots of these old men from their martial arts methods, and they all obviously carried the Japanese methods in their attacks.

He didn't bother to talk nonsense, crossed his hands, and made a false slash at the same time. With the full force of decades of Quanzhen internal energy, two invisible saber auras, several meters long, formed an X shape and made a false slash forward, covering almost all angles in front of him.

"Go, this man is invincible!"

While flashing backwards, an old man loudly reminded his companions.

In fact, he didn't need to remind them, none of those old men were stupid, and they retreated almost at the same time.

After Hua Twelve slashed that knife, he ignored them, turned around and grabbed the old man in black who was looking confused, but followed his companion who wanted to retreat together. Holding the old man's head, with one finger retracted, the opponent's head exploded into pulp like a melon popping.

And just when the old man in black fell to the ground, the four old men who retreated quickly, before they could retreat a distance of one meter, their bodies froze at the same time, and the next moment they split into several pieces.

This scene is like those people in the biohazard hive who touched the laser channel, and they were shattered by the invisible sword energy.

This is the first time that Hua Twelve has fully mobilized his true qi in this world, sending out saber qi, which is so terrifying.

Fragments of the body fell to the ground, and blood flowed like a river.

Hua Twelve finished all this, turned around slowly, and said in the direction of a truck: "Come out, why don't I catch you out myself!"

Just when several old men died in a tragic way of dismembering the corpses, the person hidden behind the truck was slightly disturbed and had an unsteady heartbeat. Although it was only for a moment, Hua Twelve, who was in a detached state of five senses, clearly felt it.

He was sure that this person was the one who shot him black, because the other party's concealment skills were really good.

 Let me tell you, what Xia Tian originally thought was to use M Airlines as an excuse to let Hua Shier come back on a cruise ship, and then kill the enemy all the way.

  It's just that some brothers said that the logic is not logical, well, brothers can see that the plot has a little turning point in yesterday's chapter.

  Correspondingly, the chapters after coming out of the bank have been slightly modified in the details of the relevant turning points.

  So brothers who feel logically illogical can revisit the previous chapters.

  Thanks: Brothers 08a, Little Tigers in the Demon Realm, Brothers Boundless Night for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who cost 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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