A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 471 Spend [-] million in an instant!

Chapter 471 Spend a billion in an instant! (Seek full order)

When Hua Shier saw Lao Jin appearing, the big rock related to the task hanging in his heart finally fell down. Knowing that there was still room for completion of the task, he asked with a smile:

"Mr. Jin wants to give me a bonus again?"

Lao Jin waved his hand: "Actually, I am not the owner of any team. What happened last time was just a test for you. You have already passed the test, so I am looking for you this time because I have something serious to talk to you about!"

He also knew that what he said was unsubstantiated, so he took out a plastic-wrapped black and white photo from his suit pocket.

On it are two young men in coarse clothes, both of whom looked like they were dressed in the period of the Republic of China.

"Do you know the one on the left? That's your grandfather. In fact, your grandfather has a younger brother, the one on the right. He is your second grandfather!"

"Your second master has been in Treasure Island before, and he asked me to do that for the last test, can we talk now?"

Hua Shishi has all the memories of Wang Duoyu, and after looking at the photo, he recognized that the one on the left was Wang Duoyu's grandfather, but he was much younger than in memory.

Of course, he who knows the plot knows that Lao Jin is telling the truth without looking at the photos, he is just pretending.

"That's fine, I'll just trust you for a while, but I'm going to take my friend with me!"

Hua Twelve said and pointed to Zhuang Qiang beside him: "Let me introduce, my best friend Zhuang Qiang!"

Zhuang Qiang raised his chest, raised his head, and retracted his waist in cooperation, then shook his head and said, "How can we be friends?"

After finishing speaking, without Hua Twelve opening his mouth, Zhuang Qiang corrected: "We are brothers, and you are a good brother who can bite for me!"

Hua Shishi really wanted to kick this guy into the green belt: "I'm unlucky because of this biting thing, can you not mention it next time!"

As he spoke, he went directly to the Lincoln Navigator in front of him and sat opposite Lao Jin.

Zhuang Qiang hurriedly followed and sat side by side with Hua Twelve, and said in a firm tone: "This matter must be mentioned, and it must be mentioned frequently. I must remember it for a lifetime. I, Zhuang Qiang, cannot be ungrateful!"


In the top garden of Xihong Life Insurance, Lao Jin and his bodyguards led Wang Duoyu and Zhuang Qiang through the corridor to a huge reception room.

Lao Jin greeted: "Wang Duoyu come with me!"

The next moment, Zhuang Qiang was stopped outside the reception room by Lao Jin's bodyguards.

This reception room is tall, with a circular dome, resplendent and magnificent.

There is a desk by the window, and under the circular dome in the middle, there are two rows of leather sofas. Two middle-aged men in suits, one tall and one short, are sitting on one side of the sofa.

When the two saw Lao Jin coming in, they stood up immediately, with smiles on their faces, with a little humbleness and flattery, and they greeted each other:

"Mr. Kim!"

"Mr. Kim!"

Lao Jin nodded, and then Chaohua Twelve introduced: "These two are Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai from the Bright Trust Foundation!"

The two showed meaningful smiles at Hua Twelve, stretched out their hands and said with a smile, "Congratulations to you, the lucky one!"

Hua Twelve didn't intend to shake hands with the two of them at all, so he laughed dryly: "I'm sorry, when I practiced shooting today, I slapped my wrists, so I can't shake hands!"

The corners of Mr. Yin's and Mr. Lai's mouths were twitching, Nima hurt his wrist with his big feet, can you twitch a little more.

Before Hua Twelve could finish his words, he continued: "What's more, one of you is a scumbag, and the other is a scumbag. I will be more careful with you in the future, don't be tricked by you behind your back!"

Both Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai froze their smiles. The former said, "Mr. Wang really knows how to joke!" The latter also laughed dryly, "Yes, it's really humorous!"

Lao Jin looked at Hua Twelve in surprise. He felt that since he came into contact with Wang Duoyu, this person gave him a different feeling from the person in the investigation data, and he didn't seem to be that miserable.

Hua Twelve turned to look at Lao Jin: "Now it's time to tell what's going on!"

Lao Jin nodded and pointed to the sofa: "Sit down first, and I'll explain it to you carefully!"

Hua Twelfth was also polite, and walked over to sit on the leather sofa, while Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai sat opposite him, looking at him with some malicious intent.

Lao Jin leaned on his cane, walked up to Hua Twelve, and began to say as if telling a story:
"Your second master fell out with his family in [-] and lost contact. All relatives thought he was dead, but actually."

When Lao Jin said this, there was a flash of grief in his eyes: "In fact, he just passed away in Baodao last month, and the property he owned during his lifetime is beyond your imagination!"

Hua Shishi pretended to be surprised, and asked in amazement: "I can't imagine what it is like, could it surpass Bill Gase?"

Lao Jin coughed after hearing the words: "That's not that much, he is a tens of billionaire, an insurance tycoon, and if his property is counted as a soft girl, it is 300 billion RMB!"

He pointed at Hua Twelve: "And you are the only heir of your second master Wang Zongyao!"

After finishing talking, Lao Jin stared at Hua Twelve, wanting to see how a poor and white guy in the information behaved after hearing that he had inherited a fortune of tens of billions.

As a result, Hua Shier's face was indifferent, and the 300 billion inheritance was as if he had picked up fifty cents when he went out, with a face of indifference.

Lao Jin couldn't help but asked in surprise: "You know you will inherit such a large sum of money, aren't you excited?"

He didn't know that the 300 billion Hua Twelve would be donated, it wasn't his own money, why was he so excited.

Hua Twelve spread his hands and said, "What's there to get excited about? If you really want to pay, you just call a lawyer to come over and talk about it. You got two foundations, and they're still shady and cynical, or there are still tests. Either I want to smuggle this money, or I will lose it!"

"But you don't look like you want to be greedy for the money, and the two Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai on the opposite side look cautious when looking at you, and look at me with malicious expressions. I guess there should be a test, right? , and [-]% has nothing to do with these two people!"

Clap clap, Lao Jin applauded and said:
"Wang Duoyu, I admit that I underestimated you, I didn't expect you to have such an IQ!"

Hua Twelve shrugged: "Look, my second grandfather can earn 300 billion, which proves that our family has such excellent genes. Besides, hurry up and talk about business, it will delay my live broadcast!"

Lao Jin took out a remote control, closed the electric curtains in the living room, and then turned on the projector: "Let's see your second master's will!"

The projector emits light beams and projects colorful images on the white screen. In the video, Wang Duoyu’s second grandfather Li is inhaling oxygen in a luxurious room. Behind him is a beautiful nurse posing as a stewardess, with her hands folded on her abdomen, dignified stand.

Hua Shishi asked strangely: "Is that nurse a part-time job as a model or a stewardess? Is my second grandfather inhaling oxygen and she doesn't help her, so she just plays a vase there?"

Looking at Lao Jin's expression, he seemed a little puzzled, but he still reminded: "Look carefully, don't talk!"

In the video, the second master Wang Duoyu seemed to be more energetic after inhaling oxygen. He put the oxygen mask aside, then opened his eyes wide and said:

"Wang Duoyu, I am your second master, I never thought you could pass my first test!"

"When I knew you were my only heir, I almost hiccupped, you grandson thief!"

Hua Twelve turned his head to Lao Jin and asked, "You guys are swearing in this video, don't you change it to 'beep beep beep'? Baodao is too outdated, we are all beep beep beep beep."

Lao Jin rolled his eyelids and ignored him.

In the video, the second master Wang Duoyu continued: "It's a big old man, playing women's football with a shy face, I'm bah."

Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai on the opposite side started laughing, obviously laughing at Wang Duoyu's kicking of women's football.

And at this time, the second master Wang Duoyu accidentally spat out his dentures while he was poohing.

Hua Twelve suddenly stood up, rushed over to Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai, just punched and kicked.

Lao Jin quickly paused the video, went up and asked, "Wang Duoyu, what are you doing!"

Hua Twelve angrily pointed at the two guys: "Didn't my second master spray out his dentures? These two dare to laugh at my second master. As his sole heir, I must help him vent his anger!"

Lao Jin was speechless for a while: "Did you misunderstand, they just laughed at you!"

Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai nodded with black eyes.

"Really? Then the typo is correct!"

Hua Twelve was upright and confident, with an indifferent expression on his face. He had already seen the two guys as unpleasant, so he could just find an excuse.

Mr. Yin yelled, "I want to call the police!"

Lao Jin turned his head and glared at the guy: "Shut up!"

He has that kind of relationship with Wang Duoyu's second master, which is equivalent to Wang Duoyu's second grandmother. How could he let his subordinates sue his grandson.

The grievances of Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai, they dare not refuse Lao Jin's words at all, and this plan is for nothing.

The video continued to play, and Lao Jin raised his hand high, which seemed to be a gesture of "please look".

But in the video, the second master Wang Duoyu suddenly shouted: "Old Jin, pump him!"

Lao Jin slapped Hua Twelve directly in the face.

Hua Twelfth naturally raised his left hand to clap with his teammates just like clapping hands with his teammates in a football game, and said, "Come on, Ollie!"

Lao Jin saw that the slap was not slapped, so he simply gave up and continued to watch the video.

The second master Wang Duoyu finally talked about the inheritance issue:

"Wang Duoyu, listen carefully, I want you to spend one billion within a month, if you can do it, you can inherit my 300 billion inheritance!"

Then there are the rules of the game. First of all, the money must be spent legally in the tomato, and no assets can be left after one month.

Second, don't give gifts, don't do charity, every money must be spent on yourself.

Third, you can only hire no more than one hundred people, provided you accept equivalent services from them.

Fourth, it is not allowed to destroy anything of value, and it is not allowed to drive up prices.

Fifth, this game is not allowed to tell anyone!

Finally, there is a coward clause, that is, Wang Duoyu can pretend that none of this happened, and take 1000 million to leave, but as long as he accepts the challenge, he will inherit 300 billion inheritance if he wins, and he will not get a dollar if he fails.

After watching the video will, Lao Jin put two things in front of Hua Twelve: "Here is an agreement to challenge [-] billion yuan, and the other is a check for [-] million yuan. Choose one yourself!"

At this time, Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai came together, and they both started talking strangely, and the former said:
"Spend one billion in a month without leaving any assets, something that is simply impossible!"

The other is more insidious: "Some people, after winning the big prize, choose to commit suicide when the money is almost gone."

Hua Twelve took out a wrench more than a foot long from his trouser pocket, and turned to look at the two guys.

Both Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai were taken aback: "What are you going to do?"

Hua Twelve was calm, pointing at the two of them and Lao Jin: "You, you, you, you three, I'm sorry, the last rule of the game that my second master said is not to tell anyone, sorry , I'm going to silence it!"

Lao Jin felt that he was going crazy. Is there something wrong with his grandson's brain circuit? He hurriedly shouted:
"We are witnesses."

Hua Shishi asked suspiciously: "But my second master didn't say it in the video?"

Lao Jin said: "If we are not witnesses, who will supervise you? If you choose 1000 million to give up 300 billion, the inheritance will be managed by the foundations of Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai, so they must be in charge of this matter." witness!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "That's true!" He casually put the wrench back into his trouser pocket.

Lao Jin said angrily: "What are you doing with a wrench?"

Hua Twelve said solemnly: "As a Chinese football player, it is very reasonable for me to carry a wrench for self-defense. Is there any need to explain this!"

As he spoke, he picked up the pen that Lao Jin had prepared for him, and directly signed the agreement: "Hurry up, give me one billion, I can't help but want to consume!"

Seeing that he didn't think about it, Lao Jin signed and shook his head: "Okay, at 30:[-] noon after [-] days, we will end this game on time, and during this period I will supervise you according to the rules in the will !"

"I will also send a treasurer in the company to record your expenses. If you try to bribe her, you will also automatically lose your inheritance rights!"

At this moment, a young woman in business attire came in, and Lao Jin greeted, "Xia Zhu, this is the client I mentioned to you earlier, Mr. Wang Duoyu!"

Hua Twelve looked at the woman, she was just a blind pig.

"It's you."

Xia Zhu obviously recognized Hua Twelve, and he still remembered the loss of 200 yuan.

"Hello blind woman, where are you going to fight the injustice again?"

Hua Twelve greeted the other party, but the latter ignored him angrily.

Lao Jin smiled and said: "It seems that you already know each other, so why don't you look at the billion cash first?"

Hua Twelve snapped his fingers: "That's necessary, I used to see only US dollars, this time let's see what a billion-dollar girl is like!"

Xia Zhu muttered in a low voice: "Bragging!"

After several people left the reception room, Hua Twelve called Zhuang Qiang, who was staring at the bodyguard at the door, "Go, brother, I'll show you to open your eyes!"

Under the leadership of Lao Jin, everyone went to Ligao Bank in Xihong City and opened the underground vault.

There were a few security guards with guns behind them, and two bank clerks were standing by with two chairs with pulleys. If Hua Twelve hadn't watched the movie, I really don't know what these two people are doing.

They were holding the chairs, waiting for Wang Duoyu and Zhuang Qiang to be knocked down by money, so that they could use them.

The door of the vault was opened, and the vault was filled with piles of red banknotes.

Zhuang Qiang was excited at the time: "Duoyu, you inherited so much money?"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Calm down, it's only one billion, not much!"

"Many, how much?" Zhuang Qiang's legs softened, and he got on the seat immediately behind him, causing him to collapse on the chair.

Hua Twelve turned around and asked Lao Jin, "Can I just spend whatever I want now?"

Lao Jin made a gesture of invitation: "You can spend the money as you like!"


Hua Twelve opened his arms, made an airplane shape, and ran happily around the vault.

Wherever he passed, piles of banknotes began to disappear, and this guy ran very fast, returning to Lao Jin in ten seconds, and there was not a single billion banknote left behind him, all of which were used by him to expand his storage space out.

The security guard went crazy: "Where's the money!"

Mr. Yin and Mr. Lai greeted: "Call the police, call the police!"

Hua Twelve shouted: "Shut up, that's my money, call the police!"

Lao Jin also asked with horror on his face, "Where did the money go?"

"It's spent!"

"Where did you spend it?"

Hua Twelve pointed upwards: "I bought a wish!" (The next chapter will have a reversal)
Lao Jin was caught by a black line when he said: "Buy a wish?"

Hua Twelve explained: "Just now I prayed to God in my heart, asking if it would be okay to buy a wish with money. I didn't expect God to say yes, but you saw it."

Lao Jin didn't believe it at all.

Zhuang Qiang was no longer paralyzed at this time, and with his Wolong-level IQ, he directly asked a key question:

"Why is wish so expensive?"

Hua Twelve said with a sacred expression: "World peace!"

Zhuang Qiang suddenly understood: "That one billion is not expensive!" He still hasn't considered whether this matter is true or not.

Hua Twelve nodded approvingly: "One billion is definitely not expensive, so it was just a down payment just now."

He turned his head and said to Lao Jin: "Have I completed the task? Hurry up, give me the rest, I still have to pay the mortgage!"

Hua Twelve used one billion yuan to expand the space, and he felt that he had made a profit. He had already thought about it. If these people didn't play their cards according to the routine and insisted on pulling him into slices, he would immediately give up the mission and leave this world.

Lao Jin and the others were all speechless. If you want to believe what Hua Shier said, you would feel like a fool, but if you don’t believe it, the money is gone, and then there is nothing left. Does that mean he has completed the game? Challenge, what a problem!

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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