A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 484 It's dark and the road is slippery, society is complicated!

Chapter 484 It's dark and the road is slippery, society is complicated! (Seek full order)

In the early morning of the next day, Hua Shier and Gan Hong were woken up by a knock on the door.

As soon as Gan Hong woke up, she found herself lying on the ground, and asked Ji with a confused face: "Yu Huanshui, why did I sleep on the floor last night..., why can't I remember, ouch, my back is sore .”

Hua Twelve snickered inwardly. After copying Gan Hong's phone card last night, he kicked the girl off the bed and slept on the bed by himself.

It's impossible for him to share a bed with a woman who just had an affair with someone else during the day.

"How do I know that you don't sleep well in bed, why did you run to the floor, is it because you are tired during the day, and you are not honest when you sleep at night!"

There is no doubt, this guy is just talking about Gan Hong.

Gan Hong's eyes immediately dodged a little, and then she wanted to use a strong tone to cover up her guilt, she said loudly:
"Yu Huanshui, what do you mean? Why am I so tired during the day? Come on, tell me clearly, what do you mean!"

She yelled so loudly that she seemed to hear voices outside, and the knock on the door became urgent.

"I'll go to open the door, no one will be crazy with you in the early morning!"

Hua Shishi didn't bother to pay attention to this pretentious girl, put on a shirt, walked out in big pants and asked through the door:
"Who is it, it's early in the morning!"

While talking, he glanced at the quartz clock. It's not yet six in the morning, isn't it early in the morning?

"The street police station, I want to ask you to understand the situation!"

Gan Hong was told by Hua Twelve that she was going crazy and was about to chase her out to quarrel, but when she heard that there were policemen outside, she immediately became honest.

When I opened the door, I saw two policemen standing at the door. Hua Twelve asked with a smile, "What's the matter, Comrade Police?"

A policeman asked, "Are you Yu Huanshui?"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Yes, I am."

The policeman said with some seriousness: "Now there is a wounding case, and the victim identified you as the perpetrator. Now please go back with us to accept the investigation!"

Originally, Hua Twelve was wondering, did something go awry when he surrendered himself yesterday?Isn't the prosecution period over, how could the police come to the door.

Now that I heard it, I realized that it was the fat lady walking the dog who really called the police, but it's been a day, and she came too late, so he thought it was all right.

Comrades from the police gave an overview of the situation, and it turned out to be the police who was called by the fat lady walking the dog.

The reason why it was delayed for so long was that the girl suffered a concussion after being slapped by Hua Twelve, she was in a coma for a day, and she woke up from the hospital in the middle of the night.

After waking up, she insisted that the neighbor downstairs beat her. Hua Shishi didn't know her, but she even knew Yu Huanshui's name, which shows how gossip this girl is.

In fact, this fat lady didn't see who hit her, but there were only a few people in the elevator, if it wasn't Yu Huanshui who had an argument with her, who else could it be? Besides, her dog son was trampled to death by the other party. Call the police.

When Gan Hong heard what the police said, his eyes widened: "Yu Huanshui, you can do it. When did you learn to hurt people? You still abuse dogs. Dogs are so cute."

Hua Twelve was speechless. This bitch really has no relationship with her husband. The police haven't convicted him yet, so she's convinced her. She's also a cute dog, cute nima.

Too lazy to pay attention to Gan Hong, Hua Twelve first stated his position: "Yes, it is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the police investigation, and I absolutely cooperate."

Hearing what he said, the faces of the two policemen improved a lot. They felt that this man had a good attitude when he opened the door, and now he showed cooperation.

On the contrary, his daughter-in-law at the back looks like a bone spirit. No matter who is right or wrong, she will immediately identify her husband. This bitch doesn't look like a good person.


Hua Twelve coughed lightly; "Cooperation is definitely necessary, but police comrades, you can't just listen to one side of the story, right? The woman said that I beat her in the elevator, but there are witnesses at the scene. Isn't it in the elevator? Is there any surveillance?"

An uncle of the policeman explained: "For this kind of wounding case, we all have a case-handling process. After all, the reporter insisted that it was you. We will ask you to go back to assist in the investigation first, and then we will investigate and collect evidence!"

Hua Twelfth made a troubled look: "Comrade, you see, I have to send my children to school and go to work later, which will affect my life. Anyway, the property is not far away. Why don't you and I go to see it first?" Watch the surveillance, I believe the surveillance will prove my innocence!"

The two policemen looked at each other, probably because they felt that Hua Shier's attitude was good, and they both agreed to his request.

Hua Twelfth changed her clothes and left with the police. As for Gan Hong, hehe, this bitch stayed at home on the grounds that she wanted to cook for the children at home.

It's only less than six o'clock, so it's too late to order takeaway?
In Hua Shier's memory of Gan Hong in Yu Huanshui, this is the first time that this girl has been so active in taking on the task of cooking. Other times, she only takes the initiative when she returns to her mother's house.

Needless to say, I must feel ashamed to be taken out by the police with my husband.

Originally, Hua Twelve thought that the big meal arranged for Gan Hong was a bit cruel.

But now, looking at the unconcealed disgust in that girl's eyes, he couldn't bear it, and disappeared immediately, and felt that no matter how he dealt with her, it would not be too much.

Think about the original plot, Gan Hong, as the wrong party in the marriage, lived in Yu Huanshui's house with her lover after the divorce, drove Yu Huanshui's car, and was indifferent to Yu Huanshui who was terminally ill. Do not know.

And after knowing that her ex-husband was rewarded 100 million for her bravery, Gan Hong took the initiative to go to the hospital to meet Yu Huanshui.

But she got it with a purpose, and she wanted to talk to Yu Huanshui about his inheritance after death.

This wave operates this show!
It can't keep up with Pan Jinlian, but it can also match Ma Jinlian.

Gan Hong didn't know it yet, but because she showed an attitude of having nothing to do with herself, she missed the last chance to stay away from the tragic fate.

The police intervened, and it was easy to get the surveillance video of yesterday's elevator from the property. As a result, in the surveillance video, when the girl walking the dog fell to the ground, all Hua Shier did was pull his hands out of his trouser pockets, and even None lifted.

Hua Twelve pointed to the video and said, "You saw it too, comrades, I didn't even raise my hand, could it be that I beat her with my shadowless hand? And later on I stomped her to death, but you saw it too, yes The dog stepped on it if it wanted to bite me, so it's self-defense."

The two policemen were also speechless. After the fat girl called the police, she said with certainty that Yu Huanshui had beaten her. They came to the door and wanted to take her back to cooperate with the investigation. But now that it's so obvious, why not investigate it?

In the surveillance video, although Yu Huanshui's beating was not captured, the woman's immoral behavior was clearly captured.

At this time, Hua Twelfth said to the police: "Comrade, I still want to call the police. This woman never tie her dog when she walks, and even scared the children a few times. If she really bites, it will endanger the lives and property of ordinary people." Oh, look at that dog peeing in the elevator, it smells bad, and the property doesn't care about it!"

He spoke happily, regardless of how embarrassed the property manager next to him was.

The policeman coughed twice: "Don't feel wronged. After all, if someone calls the police, we have to investigate. Isn't the matter clear now? Thank you for your cooperation. Now you can go back!"

Hua Twelve thanked the police for their responsible attitude, then turned around and went home. His words of thanks made the faces of the two policemen feel better, after all, everyone loves to hear good things.

After the two policemen waited for him to leave, they asked the property manager to take back a copy of the surveillance video just now. They wanted to criticize the woman's behavior of climbing and biting others and walking the dog without a leash.

When Hua Twelve returned home, Yu Chen hadn't gotten up yet, and Gan Hong, who said he was going to cook, hadn't cooked a single dish yet, seeing him come back, he was surprised and said:

"Why did you come back so soon?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Why, you really hope that the police will arrest me!"

Gan Hong didn't realize her problem at all, "Hey, can you speak well, don't be sly!"

Hua Twelve originally wanted to scold this bitch, but thinking about the big hole he was going to dig for Gan Hong, he gave up taking advantage of it.

After breakfast, it was still Hua Shier who sent Yu Chen to school. When the child entered the school gate, he called Zhao Juemin again.

When the phone was connected, Zhao Juemin's roar came out: "Yu Huanshui, you are so good, you dare to blackmail me"

Hua Twelve interrupted him directly, and sprayed back:
"What the hell, what the fuck, what the hell is wrong with me, your family, what's wrong with blackmailing you? Zhao Juemin, tell me what you say, clean it up for me, and then tell me what the hell, believe it or not, I don't want to work, I'll kill you of!"

Zhao Juemin was dumbfounded by this scolding. He didn't expect that a good old man who is obedient and bullying in the company would dare to scold him like that, and even said that he would kill him if he quit his job.
At this moment, Zhao Juemin's mind flashed many famous quotes.

Mr. Lu Xun said well that "porcelain is not fighting with earthen pots", the old master Confucius said that "the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes", Einstein once said "willing to cut the whole body, dare to pull the emperor off the horse", and the paralyzed Wu Er Er next door He once threatened that "when every man is angry, blood will splatter five steps".

When his grandma was alive, he often said that 'bullying an honest person will not end well'.
At this time, the TV in the office happened to be broadcasting a piece of news about "a young man was severely criticized by his boss for a long time, and he couldn't bear to stab his boss for more than 700 knives".

At this moment, Zhao Juemin was discouraged. He put on a gentle expression, slowed down his tone, and said to the phone:

"Old Yu, you see you are an old employee, if anything happens at home, just tell me, I will help if I can."

Hua Twelve naturally didn't know Zhao Juemin's psychological changes, and was a little surprised by the other party's change of attitude, but he didn't care so much, so he just put down a sentence:
"Ask for another day off!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhao Juemin had black lines all over his head: "If you ask for leave, you can ask for it. Why are you so desperate for it!'

Hua Twelve stopped a taxi and went directly to a professional paternity testing agency, where he took out two tubes of blood, one from Yu Chen and one from him.

According to the system, during the mission of Hua Twelve's replacement plot, although his fingerprints and genes are still his own, as long as he uses the testing equipment of this world, the result is no different from that of the replaced person.

In other words, his current blood is equivalent to Yu Huanshui's, which can be used for paternity testing with Yu Zhen.

After paying the money, the staff told Hua Twelve that it would take two to three weeks for the test results.

Naturally, Hua Twelve couldn't wait so long, he asked, "What about adding money?"

The staff smiled: "6 hours!"

Hua Twelve did not hesitate to choose to use the banknote ability, and planned to come to get the results in the afternoon.

After leaving the testing agency, Hua Shier went straight to Dalong Detective Agency.

In Zhu Dalong's office, Hua Shier took a digital camera and flipped through dozens of photos with hot eyes.

Zhu Dalong patted Hua Twelve's shoulder with some sympathy: "If you want to be more open, women are like that, in fact, they have left hands."

"Huh?" Looking at Hua Shier's eyes as if he had discovered a new world, Zhu Dalong stopped talking abruptly, almost slipping his mouth.

Fortunately, Hua Twelve didn't ask, but pointed to the two meat worms in the photo, and asked Zhu Dalong;

"It's so clear, how did you get it!"

Zhu Dalong chuckled: "Don't forget what I used to do. The owner of the hotel they went to was not an honest person. He had previously installed a hidden pinhole camera in the guest room and was reported to the police. He had rectified for a while. , I cheated him in the past, and sure enough, this brat can’t change his eating shit, so why don’t you shoot casually!”

Hua Twelve nodded: "Report it later, this guy is too wicked!"

Zhu Dalong: "."

Just as Hua Twelve was about to leave with the memory card in hand, he suddenly thought of Zhao Juemin and his counterfeiters, and turned around and took out another 2 yuan:

"Old Zhu, help me with another investigation. This is a deposit. I will give you another [-] yuan after the matter is completed!"

Zhu Dalong is also short of money now, when he heard about the investigation of counterfeit production and sales, he immediately patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, this is a good thing, just leave it to me!"

In the afternoon, Hua Shier received the inspection report from the inspection agency. He directly looked at the final result, and saw the final appraisal conclusion read:

'After the identification of our center, based on the DNA analysis results of the existing blood samples, it is not supported that there is a parent-child relationship between the blood samples A and B submitted for inspection. '

Hua Twelve nodded, this result was within his expectation.

In the original plot, it was said that Gan Hong chased Yu Huanshui before the car accident. After the car accident, Gan Hong's father became prosperous.

Let's look at the number of times the two made humans, and Gan Hong's attitude of giving. The car accident happened ten years ago, that is to say, Gan Hong started to get tired of Yu Huanshui ten years ago, and now Yu Chen is only eight years old.

The most important thing is that in the original plot, when Gan Hong went to the ward and wanted Yu Huanshui to leave 100 million to Yu Chen after Yu Huanshui died, Yu Huanshui once asked Gan Hong, if that man is with you, you will still have your own children, how is it possible Is it good for my son?
Gan Hong said categorically: "He will definitely treat 'our' son well, because I know him well!"

It is very interesting to pay attention to this "we", which can be interpreted as "we" between Gan Hong and Yu Huanshui, or as "we" between Gan Hong and her lover.

Yu Huanshui asked again at the time: "You have only known him for a few days, and you already know him?"

As a result, Gan Hong slipped his tongue: "I knew him before I married you!" Then the fact that Gan Hong cheated was triggered.

Based on these, looking at the appraisal report in front of him, many things suddenly became clear.

So Yu Chen is not Yu Huanshui's own son, so I don't feel any surprise.

Hua Twelve sighed: "Old Yu, Lao Yu, if I hadn't come, you would have lived a miserable life!"

At this moment, the phone in Yu Huanshui's backpack rang. The ring tone was not Yu Huanshui's phone, but the new phone that Hua Shier copied Gan Hong's calling card last night.

He took it out and saw that the call had been answered. He immediately pressed the recording button and put it to his ear to listen.

As for whether the voice on his side will be heard by both sides of the call, there is no need to worry about it at all, because the microphone of this phone has been destroyed by him, and it is always on mute.

I heard a man's voice on the phone: "Gan Hong, I miss you!"

Gan Hong over there was also a little tired: "I hate it, we can't always be like this, if someone finds out, how can I behave!"

The man ignored what she said, and said directly: "I have reserved a room, the old place, come over tonight, I have something to say to you"

Gan Hong sighed: "Oh, that's fine, I really can't stand you."

Although these words were in a complaining tone, there was a sense of intimacy in the voice, which Yu Huanshui hadn't heard for many years in his memory.

When the phone was hung up, Hua Shier took out his mobile phone and called Zhu Dalong:
"Old Zhu, do me a favor!"

At five o'clock in the evening, Gan Hong called Hua Shier after he got off work to remind him to pick up the children, saying that his unit worked overtime and might have to go back later.

Hua Twelve put down the phone with a smile, and saw a Dongben SUV parked in a parking space not far away, Zhu Dalong beside him said:
"Here it is, this car!"

A man of Yu Huanshui's age got out of the car. He was dressed in sleek clothes, his hair was combed meticulously, and his leather shoes were shiny.

Hua Twelve recognized at a glance that this was the male protagonist with Gan Hong in the video taken by Lao Zhu.

The man looked at his outfit in the side-view mirror, then smiled with satisfaction, and then walked towards this side.

Hua Twelve nodded to Lao Zhu who was beside him, and the latter immediately walked over there, and then pretended to be careless, and bumped the man with his shoulder when passing by.

"How did you go!"

The man staggered from being hit, turned around and questioned Zhu Dalong, who immediately apologized.

At this moment, Hua Twelve passed behind the man, stuffed a card into the man's trousers pocket, and then left quickly.

The man didn't notice anything during the whole process, he didn't even see Hua Twelve's appearance.

After the man walked into the hotel cursing, Hua Shier and Lao Zhu got together again, and confessed: "I still have to pick up the child, I'll call later!"

Hua Shier took a taxi to pick up Yu Chen, leaving Lao Zhu here to watch.

After a while, Gan Hong hurried over, Lao Zhu watched her also enter the hotel, and then called Hua Shishir, who hung up after a few orders.

Lao Zhu waited for about 10 minutes and called the police.

It is said that a certain hotel, a certain room, is conducting a PC transaction.

Ten minutes later, several JCs in uniforms walked into the hotel.

Pay attention, this captured woman is called Gan Hong.

Just now she was having a room with her lover, but she was swept away.

The reason is that someone reported selling Y and C.

When she denied it in every possible way, the police found a small business solicitation card with her phone number printed on it from her lover's trouser pocket, and she couldn't explain it for a moment.

Looking at Gan Hong and his lover who were taken away in disheveled clothes, Lao Zhu thought that all this was due to Gan Hong's husband's arrangement, and he couldn't help sighing:

"It's dark and the roads are slippery, society is complicated!"

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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