A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 483 Get rid of knots, Gan Hong is the real hammer!

Chapter 483 Get rid of knots, Gan Hong's real hammer! (Seek full order)
Like the original plot, Hua Shier met Yu Chen's classmate Zhang Ziming and Zhang Ziming's mother at the school gate.

It was a divorced young woman with an appearance of over [-], and she was very enthusiastic when she spoke.

After a few pleasantries, Hua Shier received Zhang Ziming's birthday invitation. He smiled and responded to the past, but he was wondering whether Yu Chen is Yu Huanshui's son or not. It's not yet confirmed whether the birthday invitation is confirmed or not.

Watching the two children enter the campus hand in hand, Hua Shier and Zhang Ziming's mother waved goodbye. When he turned around, he took out his mobile phone, found the company manager Zhao Juemin in Yu Huanshui's hand, and called.

After a burst of ringtones, Hua Twelve didn't wait for the other party to speak, and just said on the other side:
"Manager Zhao, I'm going to ask for leave today!"

Zhao Juemin sneered: "Yu Huanshui, you said that your performance is not good all day long, and you always like to arrive late and leave early. Now you just ask for leave. What do you want to do? You, take leave, right? Deduct your wages for three days!"

"Thank you!"

Hua Shier took it as his approval and hung up the phone.

On the other side of the company, Zhao Juemin in the office was stunned for a moment, and said to himself:
"Hey, you have a long temper, dare to hang up on my phone!"

After pondering for a while, Zhao Juemin felt that Yu Huanshui's courage should not be able to, and muttered suspiciously:

"This kid didn't hear it wrong. He thought I approved it?"

As he spoke, he dialed back with his mobile phone, and just after two rings, he heard a voice from the phone saying 'Hello, the person you dialed is currently on the call, please try again later! '

It was still the same when I dialed again. When I dialed again, it was simply "the user you dialed is busy". At this time, Zhao Juemin realized that it was rejected by Yu Huanshui.

After Hua Twelve rejected the call twice, he directly blocked Zhao Juemin, and then used his mobile phone to search the Internet for the information he wanted.

After finding it, I hailed a taxi, got in the car and reported the address, and then began to close my eyes and meditate.

Ten minutes later, Hua Shier got off the car in an old residential area, and found the 'private detective agency' he had just found on the Internet on the second floor of a certain unit building.

The evidence of Gan Hong's cheating still needs to be proven. Although he can follow and take pictures, why should he do it himself when he can spend money to solve it.

I searched for a private detective agency on the Internet, and there was a lot of information, and all kinds of high-level introductions, it was hard to tell the truth from the fake.

The reason why Hua Shier came to this company was because the information stated that the founder of the private detective agency had experience as a criminal police officer.

Before knocking on the door, I heard a man inside shouting loudly: "That's my son, why do you want to take him abroad!"

Immediately afterwards a woman's voice sneered: "Why, just because the court awarded him to me, just because you didn't pay child support for several months!"

"The surname Zhu, tell yourself, how many months is this? If you are still a man, don't delay your son's support!"

Immediately afterwards, the door was suddenly pushed open from the inside. If Hua Twelve hadn't been able to hide quickly, someone else would have hit him in the face.

The one who opened the door was a middle-aged woman, who gave Hua Twelve a surprised look, and hurried downstairs without saying a word.

A decadent man in his 40s with a stubbled face chased him out of the room:

"Wen Juan'er, my business has not been good for the past two months. I will definitely give it to you in a few days. You can't take your son abroad!"

The woman didn't speak, and went downstairs without looking back.

The man scratched his hair in frustration, and suddenly noticed Hua Twelve behind the door, nodded in embarrassment, and asked:
"you are?"

Hua Twelve felt that he might have found the wrong place, and regretted that he hadn't called in advance to confirm. Hearing the other party's inquiry, he still said:
"I'm looking for Dalong Detective Agency!"

When the man heard this, his eyes lit up: "This is the Dalong Detective Agency. I am the president Zhu Dalong. Come, brother, come in and talk!"

Hua Twelve originally wanted to leave, but he didn't expect that this was the true master. Although he didn't hold out any hope, he still followed in.

After entering, I found that this is an ordinary two-bedroom house. The living room is not big, about four or five meters away. Facing the door are the doors of two bedrooms. The doors are open. One of them is the bedroom, and the quilts on the bed are scattered randomly. I don't know if I just woke up or never made the quilt.

The other room was packed into an office, with a desk and two rows of sofas.

Zhu Dalong might also be a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I just got up and I haven't cleaned up much yet!" He said as he quickly closed the bedroom door and invited Hua Twelve into the office to talk.

He brought two cups of hot tea, took out half a pack of Huazi and presented one to Hua Shishi.

Hua Twelve saw that the edge of the opening of the cigarette case was yellow, and he didn't know how long the pack of cigarettes had been stored, so he waved his hand and declined.

Zhu Dalong thought he didn't smoke, so he didn't. Sitting opposite Hua Twelve, he asked:
"Sir, your surname, I don't know what you want to investigate with a private investigator? But let me make it clear first, I don't do commercial espionage or anything that violates the criminal law!"

This sentence is very mysterious, do not do things that violate the criminal law, that is to say, some things that step on the line can still be discussed.

Of course, this is understandable. The job of a private detective is to investigate other people's privacy. He is always on the line. If he is really bound by rules and regulations, what kind of private detective is he? What Zhu Dalong means is that he has a bottom line.

Hua Twelve nodded: "My name is Yu Huanshui. Before commissioning, I would like to ask Mr. Zhu a few questions, because the reason why I chose your detective agency is because I saw the information you left on the Internet and knew You used to be a prisoner"

He directly asked a few questions related to the criminal police, which were all the working terms he used when he was a criminal in the 'Dragon Snake World', and there were some things that outsiders couldn't answer.

Zhu Dalong's eyes lit up when he heard Hua Shier's questions, he answered them one by one, and then asked, "Brother, have you ever been a criminal policeman?"

Hua Twelve smiled and waved his hands: "My buddy has done this job before!"

Now he can be sure that Zhu Dalong has indeed been a criminal policeman, so he couldn't help asking curiously: "How did you make it like this?"

After finishing speaking, he felt that the words were shallow and deep, so he immediately waved his hands and said, "If it's not convenient for you, just pretend I didn't ask!"

Zhu Dalong smiled wryly and shook his head: "There's nothing I can't say, that is, a few years ago, in order to destroy a F gang gang, I went in as an undercover agent and was forced to become addicted to D. Later, the gang was abolished and the case was closed, but I I can't quit this D addiction!"

"The unit said it was a work-related injury, and sent me to detox. After more than a year of detoxification, the effect was not great. I knew that I couldn't do it for a month, so I resigned by myself. After another two years, my D addiction kept recurring, and I was arrested by my former colleagues. However, the family’s money was gone, and the wife couldn’t take it anymore and took her son away, and then got a divorce.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his left arm and rolled up his sleeve, only to see that there was still a scar left by the injection on his arm.

Hua Twelfth patted Zhu Dalong on the shoulder. He was a criminal policeman and also a police officer. Zhu Dalong has never seen this kind of situation. From being a hero to being contemptible, do you blame them? Really, they are all heroes. If you want to blame, blame those criminals, they all deserve to die.

"Then quit now?"

"Quit. I have done electrotherapy and psychological counseling for more than a year, but it is too late. My wife started a new family. The court sentenced the child to her because of my sexual intercourse."

Zhu Dalong looked a little depressed.

Hua Twelve sighed in his heart, this is really like another Yu Huanshui, he knew that Zhu Dalong said it was easy to quit, but he hadn't succeeded for so long before, so you can imagine how much hard work and suffering he has suffered in this year , Only then did he succeed, but unfortunately his career and family were irreparable.

Zhu Dalong sighed: "Stop talking, let Mr. Yu talk about the entrustment!"

Hua Twelve nodded, and stated his commission request:
"My wife cheated. I want you to monitor her every whereabouts after she leaves home every day. I want to know who the adulterer is. I also need to provide real evidence. I must take photos!"

When it comes to work, Zhu Dalong rubbed his eyes and put away his frustration:

"If it's true, it shouldn't be difficult, but the fees in our business are not cheap. According to the workload of ten days, can I charge you [-]?"

Hua Twelve nodded: "The price is no problem!"

Zhu Dalong rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said: "Brother, I know it's not in compliance with the rules, but I really need money now, can you pay for it first?"

After watching the previous scene, Hua Twelve also knew that the person in front of him was short of money, so he immediately put his hand into the pocket of the suit (storage space), and took out two stacks of red notes from it:

"no problem!"

Zhu Dalong's eyes were red, and he could only keep saying: "Thank you, thank you!" Seeing that he was made so difficult by money, Hua Shishi couldn't help sighing, he really is a penny hero.

Ten minutes later, the two came out of the residential building together. Zhu Dalong had already obtained Gan Hong's information from Hua Shier, and drove a second-hand Jetta directly to start work.

Hua Twelve didn't go to the company either, but to do another thing. He wanted to atone for Yu Huanshui, who was replaced by him.

He hailed a taxi and surrendered himself to the police station first.

In the original play, Yu Huanshui was not so useless at the beginning, there is a story in the middle.

Ten years ago, Yu Huanshui and his other two classmates and friends, Chen Dazhuang and Lu Fumeng, started a food delivery company together.

On the day of negotiating financing, Yu Huanshui rode a locomotive, took Chen Dazhuang, and rushed to the negotiation site with relevant materials. On the other side, Lu Fumeng kept calling and urging. Yu Huanshui ran a red light because he was distracted during the phone call. The truck crashes.

Yu Huanshui was sent to the hospital, and Chen Dazhuang in the back seat died on the spot.

Needless to say, Yu Huanshui is at fault. If he admits that he drove the car and violates traffic regulations in accordance with Criminal Article F133, resulting in a major accident, causing serious injury, death, or heavy loss of public and private property, he shall be sentenced to a sentence of up to three years. Fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention.

In order to avoid prison, Yu Huanshui told the traffic police that the car was driven by the dead Da Zhuang against his will. Because of this statement, Da Zhuang became the wrong party and did not get the compensation he deserved.

From then on, Xu felt guilty, and Yu Huanshui's character became submissive, muddling along, from a winner in life to a wimp in the eyes of others later.

Hua Shier received Yu Huanshui's memory, and at the same time, he also accepted his deep feelings of guilt towards Da Zhuang. His mind could not be understood, so he wanted to do something to untangle his heart.

After arriving at the police station, Hua Shier directly said that he would surrender himself, and was then taken into the interrogation room by JC for a private conversation.

After listening to his statement about the events of the year, JC nodded: "Originally you should be sentenced to less than three years, but you lied that your friend drove the car and evaded criminal punishment. fixed-term imprisonment."

Hua Twelve nodded, and said with a sincere and heavy expression: "I accept all consequences!"

The policeman took a deep look at him, and said after a long while: "You go, ten years have passed the criminal prosecution period, and no one has filed a complaint, so we will not be prosecuted!"

Hua Twelve nodded again: "I know, I just want to come and talk to Uncle Police, so that I can feel better!"

After saying this, the guy got up and left. The comrade behind him stared at Hua Twelve's back with wide eyes, "Hey, what a grandson this guy is!"

After Hua Shier came out of the police station, he went to the address of Da Zhuang's house in his memory.

When he arrived at Da Zhuang's house, he saw that the door was closed and the windows were covered with dust. Hua Twelve knew that this was because Da Zhuang's mother had also passed away.

I asked the neighbors around where Da Zhuang’s mother was buried, but was told that it was only placed in the funeral parlor by relatives in his hometown. The neighbors knew a lot, so he could tell him that the house of Da Zhuang’s family was given to relatives in his hometown. Hang up for sale online.

Hua Twelve turned around and went to the funeral parlor again. The staff checked the information and said:

"I owe more than two months of storage fees, and I called several times to inform, why did I come here? If I don't renew the fee in a few days, I will be processed!"

Hua Twelve immediately paid to make up the expenses, and then asked the staff for the phone number of his relatives in his hometown.

The call was answered by a man. Hua Shier said on the phone that he was Da Zhuang's classmate and wanted to buy a cemetery for the old lady, and hoped that they could bring the certificate of deposit so that they could collect the ashes.

As a result, this relative in his hometown was working in this city. He rushed over within 20 minutes after hearing about this. He was a young man in his 30s. After seeing Hua Twelve, he smiled and said Hua Twelve was their Solved a burden.

Taking the ashes storage certificate from the other party, the man wanted to leave after saying hello, Hua Twelve stopped the other party directly:

"Wait, since you're in the city, why didn't you come over to pay for the phone call several times to inform you to renew the fee? Did you know that the ashes of the big strong mother will be disposed of in a few days?"

The man showed a bit ashamed expression at first, but then he became annoyed and said: "You can control it, it doesn't cost money to let it go, I think it's good to let them handle it."

Hua Twelve smacked his mouth, and the man who hit him staggered.

The man covered his face and pointed at Hua Twelve and shouted, "Do you dare to hit someone?"

"You deserve it. You inherited the house from Da Zhuang's family, right? You took the house, but the ashes don't matter? I'm the one who beat you, get out!"

Hua Twelve kicked the man down to the ground, maybe he was acting too fiercely, or maybe the man was said to be guilty, got up and didn't speak, covered his face and left quickly, without even daring to look He glanced.

After taking the old lady's ashes with the ashes deposit certificate, Hua Shier went straight to the cemetery where Da Zhuang was buried.

After arriving at the place, I spent 3000 yuan in a nearby store selling funeral supplies and bought a lot of paper money and ingots, as well as things for worship.

Because he bought too many things, the boss personally delivered the goods to his door and helped him carry them to Da Zhuang's grave.

Hua Twelve put the ashes of the old lady beside Da Zhuang's tombstone. After the boss left, he took out some fruits from the space and placed them on the tomb, took out a baijiu cigarette, poured a glass of baijiu, lit three cigarettes, They are placed in front of the tombstone.

Then Hua Twelve said while burning the paper:
"Da Zhuang and Auntie, it was Yu Huanshui's fault at the beginning. He didn't want to go to jail and put the blame on Da Zhuang, so that Auntie didn't get the compensation she deserved. I apologize to you here today. I'm sorry!"

Silently burning all the paper money and ingots, Hua Twelve went to the cemetery office and spent [-] to buy an empty cemetery not too far from Da Zhuang, and asked the staff to help remove Da Zhuang's mother's ashes buried.

He also ordered a tombstone here in the cemetery. The tombstone was only a few thousand yuan, but the staff said it would take two or three days to get it ready. Hua Twelve directly took out 1 yuan:
"I'll add money, I want it today!"

As a result, the tombstone was erected in two hours, and the photo was enlarged with the photo on the urn. On the tombstone was written, "The tomb of Da Zhuang's mother XXX, respected by Da Zhuang's best friend Yu Huanshui!" '

Hua Twelve took a look at this place, and found that Feng Shui was not bad, so he bowed three times to the tombstone respectfully.

I don't know if Da Zhuang and his mother's spirit in the sky sensed his sincerity. Just when he finished bowing, it started to rain heavily.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. When the raindrops fell on Hua Twelve's body, they were released by a soft force and fell to the ground. He was not wet at all. At this moment, through Yu Huanshui's memory, he had a knot in his heart for Da Zhuang's mother and son. It all dissipated, and my spirit was relaxed.

After finishing the work at the mausoleum, it was already school time, Hua Shier took a taxi to the school to pick up Yu Chen, and went straight back home.

As soon as he entered the door, he received a call from Gan Hong, asking him if his child answered.

Hua Twelve said he answered, and Gan Hong hung up the phone in the next instant, obviously having nothing to talk to him about.

Just as he was about to put the phone away, he received another text message from Zhu Dalong, with only three words 'it's done' on it.

There was a sneer on Hua Twelve's face, no wonder Gan Hong hung up the phone so quickly, she was with her lover, she went to meet her lover by herself when it rained heavily, and let her husband pick up the child, this bitch is really good.

After replying to Zhu Dalong's message and agreeing to meet tomorrow, he started cooking dinner for Yu Zhen.

Hua Twelve's so-called cooking is to take the vegetables out of the storage space and put them on the plate while the child is not paying attention.

In less than 10 minutes, three dishes, stir-fried prawns, braised beef, and lettuce with garlic, were placed on the table, along with a pot of rice.

Without waiting for Gan Hong, the father and father started cooking directly. The dishes he brought out were all handcrafted by famous chefs. Yu Chen ate so deliciously that he ate two big bowls of rice with his cheeks off.

When Gan Hong came back from get off work, she saw the leftovers on the table, and this bitch immediately became angry:
"Yu Huanshui, what do you mean, don't you know to wait for me for dinner?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Then we won't eat if you don't come back? The meal is ready, let Yu Chen go hungry? You mother can't be so selfish!"


Gan Hong wanted to turn his face directly, but he glanced at his anxious son, and thought of Yu Huanshui's talk about the 1 yuan bonus in the morning, so he suppressed his anger again.

He picked up the bowl and ate some leftovers, and after he finished eating, he couldn't help but ask, "Have the bonus been paid?"

"What bonus?" Hua Twelve directly refused to accept it.

"Yu Huanshui, you want to keep money from your own house, don't you? Yu Chen heard what you said about the performance award this morning!"

Seeing Yu Chen nodding, Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Send it, why worry, can I give it to you tomorrow morning?"

Gan Hong thought that Yu Huanshui was thinking about it, and her face was a little impatient, but she didn't say anything. After all, she brought it up by herself in the morning.

Coaxed Yu Chen to study, then went to bed, waited for the child to sleep, then walked over and kicked Hua Twelve: "Go take a bath!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing in the shower?"

"What do you think? If you don't want it, I'll be asleep!"

Gan Hong's tone of words is a charity.

Hua Twelve smiled: "You talk about men and women, forget it, I feel dirty when I touch you!" After speaking, he stretched out his hand and poked Gan Hong's sleeping hole, and the girl passed out directly.

After putting down Gan Hong, Hua Twelve went to Yu Chen's room, tapped the child's acupoints, then took out the syringe from the storage space and began to draw blood. He will go for a paternity test tomorrow.

After drawing blood, Hua Shier unloaded Gan Hong's mobile phone card, took out a new mobile phone and a blank phone card from the storage space, and began to use the skills in the 'killer gift package' to make a Copy the card out.

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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