A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 486 Wishing them a happy marriage!

Chapter 486 Wishing them a happy marriage! (Seek full order)

Children nowadays are precocious, Yu Chen has experienced the incident at the police station, and seeing the sullen expression on his face after returning home, he probably already understood what he should understand.

Back home, the kid didn't even eat dinner, and the fruit Hua Shier brought him didn't move, he just leaned on the sofa and said nothing.

Seeing Hua Shier tidying up Gan Hong's things, Yu Chen finally couldn't help asking: "Father, is Mom really like what the police uncle said?"

Hua Twelve slapped his hand, thinking that this bitch Gan Hong has committed crimes.

Turning to Yu Chen, she said, "It's not that serious, but Mom must have made a mistake. She will come back when the police uncle criticizes her!"

Yu Chen nodded, and after a while, he asked weakly, "Then dad, will you divorce mom?"

This time Hua Shier did not evade the question, and directly told Yu Chen, "Yes!"

Hua Twelve Club originally thought that the child would continue to be sad, but Yu Chen sighed like a little adult: "It's okay, it's fine for you two to get a divorce!"

One sentence amused Hua Twelve, he put down the things in his hands, walked over and put his arms around the child's shoulders:

"No, you brat, I'm divorcing your mother, don't you look sad at all?"

Yu Chen took it for granted, "Zhang Ziming's parents divorced in my class, and he was not allowed to eat this or that before, but after his parents divorced, everyone bought him good things!"

"Stinky boy!"

Hua Twelve rubbed the child's mushroom head: "You're right to think so, I'll buy you a lot of delicious food in the future, okay?"

"Okay, keep your word!"

As Yu Chen spoke, he stretched out his little finger, and Hua Twelve hooked his fingers together: "Hurry up and do your homework, then go to bed!"

The next day was a weekend. Hua Twelve was sleeping soundly in a big bed when he heard harsh noises from upstairs.

Hua Twelve has a sensitive hearing. For him, he can hear the noise that is unbearable for ordinary people, and it is even more disturbing to be disturbed while sleeping.

Originally, she was going to find something to plug her ears and go to sleep, but Yu Chen walked over staggeringly, and said with a depressed face:

"Dad, the upstairs is being renovated again, can you go up and talk about it."

Only then did Hua Shier remember that there was such a passage in the original plot. There are two strange neighbors in this building, one is the fat lady who walks the dog, and the other is the man upstairs who forces the workers to renovate and harass others on statutory holidays. Neighbor.

Thinking of this, Hua Twelve sat up, first made a superman posture, and then said amidst the aftershock of laughter:
"Okay, just wait for the good news from Dad!"

He was wearing big pants, a sweater, and slippers and went upstairs.

As soon as I got into the elevator, I saw acquaintances at a glance, and I saw the fat lady who was walking the dog, with a neck strap wrapped around her neck, and a bag of vegetables in her hand, probably going to buy vegetables.

As soon as she saw Hua Twelve, the fat girl seemed to be seeing a ghost, she was so frightened that all the vegetables fell to the ground, she shrank back, and shouted: "Don't hit me!"

"Don't touch Cier, when a good citizen like me ever hit someone, I think you are Touchi, otherwise you called the police, why didn't JC arrest me, I didn't expect to act like that!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he didn't get into the elevator at all, and pressed the door close button outside: "I won't take a ride with you. If you lie down and touch the porcelain again, I can't tell!"

The moment the door closed, the fat girls let out a sigh of relief. They didn't dare to say anything, but they cursed in their hearts:
"You didn't hit me, how did I get concussion, cervical dislocation and gynecological diseases?"

Hua Twelve just didn't hear this girl's heartfelt voice, if he heard it, he would have to spit on her face, what does it have to do with me because of gynecological diseases?Blame me for your hemorrhoids, and don't even look at your face.

But this incident really has something to do with what happened that day. This girl may have a gynecological disease, but it is not serious, and she didn't notice it at ordinary times. After being beaten that day, she was stimulated. She called the police, but after JC showed her the surveillance video, she was frightened at that time.

Although she herself is 100% sure that Hua Twelve hit her, but the process of how the other party hit him was not filmed in the video, and even the drooping arm didn't make much movement.

And according to what JC told her, the witnesses who were there at the time, that is, the two decoration workers, also didn't see Hua Shier hit her, so it's a hell of a thing.

So the huge shock made the fat girl's already imbalanced endocrine worse, and her gynecological diseases became more serious, so she also pressed this hatred on Hua Shier's body.

Not to mention the fat lady who is destined to have a psychological shadow in the future, Hua Shishi didn't take the elevator here, and just took the stairs. Anyway, it's just a matter of going up one floor, and walking is faster than taking an elevator.

He had already walked to the corridor, the elevator door just opened, the fat girls were about to go home and just took a step, they saw Hua Twelve at a glance, their eyes widened, and they screamed: "You are following me! "

"I'm sick, I'll follow you, I'll come up to find the renovation company!"

As Hua Twelve said, he walked directly towards the place where the noise came from, and the fat lady didn't believe it. She frantically pressed the elevator door and planned to go downstairs to hide for a while, and then come up when there are more people.

The doors and windows of the houses being renovated are basically open. Firstly, it is gray and secondly, secondly, it is smelly. Hua Twelve walked straight in along the open security door.

The two renovation workers in the house were in full swing, drilling the ground with impact, as if they wanted to change the floor heating.

Hua Twelve walked over and immediately pulled out the latch, and the impact drill immediately went on strike.

This caught the attention of the two decorators, Qi Qi turned their heads, and one of the young decorators saw that someone had pulled out the bolt, and immediately became unhappy, and didn't see who it was, and said in a bad tone:
"what are you doing?"

Hua Twelve's eyes widened: "What are you talking about? According to the relevant regulations, the interior decoration activities after the completion of the residential building must limit the business hours, and take other effective measures to reduce and avoid environmental noise pollution to the surrounding environment."

"In the implementation rules, 'restricted business hours' is interpreted as prohibiting business on weekends, holidays and overnights. Holidays include all statutory holidays, and overnights are interpreted as after 22:00!"

"Understood? You broke the law!"

When Hua Twelve spoke, he not only stared, but also exuded a bit of aura from his body, and the two of them suddenly felt creepy.

At the same time, the two decorators also recognized that this was the scary neighbor in the elevator.

Speaking of which, when Hua Twelve hit the fat girl, both of them saw a fleeting afterimage of an arm. At that time, they thought they had misread it, but when they went back and talked about it, they found that the other party had seen it too. , that is to say, the shadow of that arm really appeared.

As for the news from JC, the elevator surveillance didn't capture it, so the two of them felt a little scary.

Seeing clearly that it was Hua Twelve, and feeling that the other party's aura was like a beast, the two of them immediately froze.

The young smoked quickly: "Brother, calm down, I didn't see it was you!"

The older man said kindly: "Sir, it's not that we don't know, but the owner insists on letting us work overtime. If we don't complete the project within the stipulated time, he will deduct our money!"

Hua Twelfth waved his hand: "Anyway, I'm not allowed to work on statutory holidays. From now on, I'll have to wait until after seven o'clock in the morning, and finish work before five o'clock in the evening. I can't do it until I'm harassed. You wait here, and the owner of this house will wait a while. Come and talk to him!"

The two decoration workers looked at each other, smiled wryly, and could only nod.

But at this moment, I heard someone talking outside: "My dear, don't worry, the house is going to be renovated soon, I will deduct their money if the construction is overdue!"

Talking to a man and a woman, the man wore sunglasses, trousers, and floral shirts, while the woman wore a lace top and short skirt, dressed like a third-tier Internet celebrity.

After the two came in, they saw the three people in the house staring at each other and not doing any work, the man suddenly became unhappy;

"Hehehe, what are you doing? Don't work. If you really exceed the deadline, I will deduct your money!"

The two decoration workers quickly explained, and the older one bowed and bowed: "The boss didn't do it. Isn't this a statutory holiday? It affects the neighbors downstairs. This is the elder brother. We can't afford it!"

Hua Twelve glared at the worker who spoke: "Is it me that you can't offend? It's the law! That's what the Guo family stipulated. What's the matter, don't you intend to abide by it?"

When the man heard this, he immediately took off his sunglasses, looked at Hua Twelve, and then handed the sunglasses to the woman beside him. He came up and grabbed Hua Twelve's sweater, raised his fist and said:
"You haven't been beaten, have you?"

Hua Twelve shrugged: "You must have seen it, but he made the first move!"

After speaking, he stretched out his finger and poked the man's chest twice, the man's body froze immediately, and the next moment he found that he couldn't move anything except his eyeballs, even he couldn't speak.

Hua Twelve conveniently tapped the woman's acupoints, and in the end even the two decorators were not spared.

Looking at the four living statues, Hua Twelve yawned: "I'll go back to catch up on sleep first, and I'll release you when I get enough sleep. Stand up first!"

After speaking, ignoring the fearful and pleading eyes of the four people, he yawned and went downstairs, closing the door behind him.

Back home, he smiled at Yu Chen and said, "How is it, does it work this time?"

Yu Chen kept nodding his head, and Hua Twelve patted him: "Go back and sleep for a while, and I'll make you something to eat when you wake up!"

The father and son slept for another two hours before getting up. Hua Shier secretly took out a hot meal from the storage space in the kitchen, and ate with his cheap son. After eating, he asked Yu Chen to wash the dishes, and then he went upstairs God liberated those four people.

The four people upstairs stood motionless for three hours, sweating from exhaustion, when Hua Twelve relieved their acupoints, all four of them collapsed on the ground.

Hua Twelve smiled and said to the terrified male proprietor, "Aren't you decorating? I'll help you do the work for free!"

After speaking, he raised his finger and poked at the wall, making seven or eight holes the size of his index finger.

Just as he turned his head and was about to say a few words of threat, he saw that the male owner and the female were both incontinent in fright.

The other two decorators were also a little trembling, but because they were mentally prepared before, they were much better than the couple.

Hua Shishi squatted down: "The decoration is fine, but you must abide by the decoration law. You can report it, but I won't poke the wall next time. Have you ever heard that the human body has a kind of acupoint, called the death acupoint? I clicked on your appearance. There is no injury, after ten days and half a month, the seven orifices will bleed, so I ask you if you are afraid?"

"Afraid, afraid"

The male proprietor nodded frantically, and the female proprietor knew how to cry.

Hua Twelve patted his face and said: "If you're afraid, be honest, let me rest well, and I'll lose my temper, you know that!"

The male proprietor nodded quickly: "I know, I know!"

"It's good to know!"

Hua Twelve pointed at the other party, then turned and went downstairs.

Not long after returning home, he heard someone knocking on the door. Hua Twelve thought that the upstairs had called the police, and thought it was really brave, but when he opened the door, he saw Gan Hong standing outside.

This girl didn't have any clues herself, she just wanted to go into the house as soon as she opened the door.

Hua Twelve stretched out his hand to stop him: "Wait, whoever let you in, I've prepared everything for you, if you have nothing to do, get the hell out, we're going to get a divorce on Monday!"

Gan Hong was not surprised at the divorce statement, she said directly:

"The house belongs to me, and the children belong to me!"

Hua Twelve was amused by this girl's shamelessness:
"Didn't you hear what the police station said to you that day? The house is pre-marital property, you want to eat it. Besides, Yu Chen and I have no objection with you, as long as he is willing, understand? But I'm afraid you won't be able to support it by then Get a house, because I want to sue you and let you pay for my mental and economic damages!"

After finishing speaking, he cleaned up the door and saluted, and threw it out: "Where do you like to live, go and live, get out!"

At this time, a person came out of the door, holding a gift box in his hand, sneaking around, looking around, it was the male owner upstairs.

Hua Twelve was also angry when he saw this man: "What's the matter?"

The man laughed and said, "Is this a couple quarreling?"

"It's none of your business, if you have nothing to do, get out!"

The man quickly explained: "Brother, my decoration disturbed your sleep, didn't I? It's almost the Mid-Autumn Festival. I'll bring you two boxes of mooncakes as an apology for you!"

He was still imitating Jianghu Fan while he was talking, holding the box and punching with both hands.

Hua Twelve waved his hand and said impatiently, "Hurry up, get out, this is annoying!"

The man looked at Gan Hong with a sad face, then at the packed salute, and nodded repeatedly: "Understand, understand, you are busy, brother, I will go first!"

As he spoke, he took a step forward, put the gift box on the floor of the room, then waved his hands, and hurried upstairs.

Gan Hong was full of surprise. As for the male owner, she and Yu Huanshui had searched for it several times before, and they had also searched for the property, but it was not easy to work at all, and his attitude was tyrannical.

But today, when she saw this man acting like a grandson in front of Yu Huanshui, she felt that there must be something she didn't know about it, and she also felt that Yu Huanshui was a very man these two days, much tougher than before.

Just as she was thinking about it, Hua Twelve forcefully pushed the door out and told her loudly:

"I won't give you the ID for now. On Mondays, at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau, we will meet at 8:[-] in the morning. Don't make me wait for you, or you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

"If you don't come, I will publicize your scandal at the police station to your work unit and your parents' community!"

Gan Hong burst into tears with anger: "Yu Huanshui, you bastard."

Hua Twelve was not angry at all: "Isn't Yu Huanshui, you made it so green, you are a modern Pan Jinlian!"

After finishing speaking, he closed the door. As for Gan Hong, he loved it.

Turning around, I saw Yu Chen staring at him blankly, Hua Twelve rubbed his little head: "Don't worry, when I divorce your mother, you can follow whoever you want, but I think you should follow me , because your mother is destined not to be able to support you!"

After finishing speaking, he took out Yu Huanshui's mobile phone, called up the glory of the king, and handed it over: "See how you treat me, just play casually!"

With the game, Yu Chen immediately forgot about his mother, took the phone and dumped it on the sofa, happily playing.

Hua Twelve looked so funny, a child nowadays, say he doesn't understand anything, but he still understands a lot of things about adults, so he turned his head so heartlessly.

After coaxing Yu Chen to play with the phone, Hua Shier took out the phone that copied Gan Hong's phone card, and took out Gan Hong's ID.

Don't think that copying mobile phones is just to eavesdrop on calls and messages, now this is the real revenge.

Hua Shier began to use Gan Hong's identity information to collect wool on the Internet platform, and all kinds of dai
He looked for those irregular ones, some of which were not strict requirements, and approved them directly. The strict platforms required video confirmation. Dao, the ability to change the voice at will easily passed the verification of the other party.

Hua Twelfth also plans to get an AI face-changing software in the afternoon, and put the fruit dais on it too. Then we will see if Gan Hong is miserable, and more importantly, whether the man will want her to help her pay off the debt.

Hua Twelve didn't think he was taking revenge at all, he was really big-minded.

Thinking in his heart, he was helping Yu Huanshui to test his successor, and Gan Hong to get a touchstone for his next relationship. In case of an accident, if the man was a lover, he would sell both of his kidneys to Gan It is not impossible for Hong to repay the debt.

If that's the case, Hua Twelve wishes them good sex after marriage!

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon Realm, and I am Brother Dayong for the reward. Thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips. Thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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