A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 487 Chapter 486 Make a fuss in the office!


Hua Shier sent Yu Chen to school in the morning and went straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau for divorce. As for the company, he didn't even bother to ask for leave this time.

As for Zhao Juemin?
Which bastard is that?
When Hua Shier rushed to the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Gan Hong was already waiting there with a haggard look. He went over to say hello:
"Hehe, I haven't seen you in two days, you're in good spirits!"

Gan Hong has long since lost the arrogant and domineering look she had when she treated Yu Huanshui. At this time, facing the irony of her soon-to-be-divorced husband, she just said with some confusion:
"Stop talking, go through the formalities!"

In the divorce room, there were big red characters on the wall that read "Clutch and Reunion". The two female staff members looked at Hua Twelve with the eyes of a scumbag, and then asked Gan Hong:

"You voluntarily give up all your property?"

Gan Hong lowered her head and clapped her fingers in silence, obviously very reluctant, Hua Twelve elbowed her: "Speak up, I'm asking you!"

Gan Hong nodded reluctantly: "Mmm!"

Seeing this, a female staff member reminded her: "The division of property is entirely voluntary. Threats are not allowed. Lesbians, you have to think carefully!"

Gan Hong hesitated again, Hua Twelve looked at him with half a smile but not a smile, and when the latter looked at him, his heart jumped, thinking of the other day's threat to publicize her affairs at the police station, he immediately compromised , said to the staff:

"Comrade, I am voluntary!"

The staff looked at the two of them suspiciously, and this time they looked at Hua Twelve even more unkindly.

Hua Shishi was unhappy: "Hey, two comrades, what kind of eyes are you looking at? She is the wrong party in the marriage, and the house is my pre-marital property. Of course, she has left the house without leaving the house. Do I, the victim, still want to marry me?" It’s impossible to let her go in terms of property, let me tell you that I was at the police station last Friday.”

Gan Hong suddenly became anxious: "Yu Huanshui, stop talking, I agree with everything!"

The two lesbians suddenly realized that they had seen many such things. At this time, the eyes they looked at Hua Shishi changed from looking at a scumbag to sympathy and bewilderment. Such a handsome young man, this woman still Cheating, what do you think?

In fact, people who have never met Yu Huanshui, see Hua Twelve is Hua Twelve's original appearance, and those who have seen Yu Huanshui have a slow transformation process under the influence of system rules.

So when Gan Hong looked at Hua Twelve, she just felt that Yu Huanshui was a little different, but in the eyes of the two staff members, Gan Hong was a woman in her 30s, while Hua Twelve looked like a young man in his early twenties with skin It is because the relationship between the master of martial arts is like a baby, the whole person is so handsome that there is nothing to say.

That's why they preconceived, thinking that Hua Twelve was the fault party in this failed marriage.

Now both of them wonder if this woman is short-sighted, has such a handsome husband, and is cheating on her head.

Then the two turned their contemptuous gazes to Gan Hong, which made the latter restless and hot-faced.

The staff continued to ask: "About your child Yu Chen's question, will all the living expenses and education expenses in the future be shared by the two of you?"

Hua Twelve shook his head and pointed at Gan Hong: "That child is not related to me by blood, of course she took it!"

The two staff looked at Gan Hong with even more contempt, which made Gan Hong wish he could get into every crack in the ground.


With the two steel seals falling, it also means that the marriage between Yu Huanshui and Gan Hong has officially come to an end.

Walking out of the office, Hua Twelve hummed "today is a good day" all the way out of the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, which surprised everyone who saw him come out of which office.

Standing on the steps outside the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Gan Hong cried angrily after hearing all the "good days" all the way: "Yu Huanshui, can you be a human being!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "I have worked so hard for you for so many years, but today I jumped out of the cage and escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, can't I be happy?"

After he finished speaking, he directly asked the most realistic question for Gan Hong at this time:
"Yu Chen, what are you going to do? Have you thought it over whether to pick her up or leave me there?"

Gan Hong's face showed a tangled look again, and after pondering for a while, he said in a discussing tone:
"You also know that my dad has turned against me, and now he won't let me in, can Yu Chen stay at home first, and wait for me to turn around."

Hua Twelve shook his head: "Don't look back, Yu Huanshui and Yu Chen still have feelings, just let me go, you just remember to pay living expenses and education funds on a monthly basis!"

Yu Huanshui in his words was naturally referring to his predecessor. Although Gan Hong sounded a little awkward, he didn't doubt it.

In the original plot, after Gan Hong ended her marriage, although she felt a little guilty, it was more likely that she would live together with her lover from now on. This can be seen from her attitude towards Yu Huanshui afterward.

But this time, because of Hua Shier's intervention, Gan Hong is now going out of the house and has broken with her natal family. Now her eyes are full of confusion.

Facing Hua Shier's question about his son, Gan Hong said in a discussing tone, "Can you let Yu Chen stay with you for a while and wait for me."

Hua Twelve was too lazy to listen to her finish, so he interrupted directly: "Okay, let Yu Chen follow me first!"

At this moment, a CRV drove over from the parking lot next to the Civil Affairs Bureau, stopped in front of the two of them, and honked its horn. The person in the car was the man I saw at the police station last Friday.

Hua Twelfth whistled and joked: "A car worth more than 20 yuan is quite rich. Would you like to buy a bathroom in my house? I don't know if this man has a house. You don't know how to sleep on the street? Haha!"


Gan Hong felt that her face had been stripped layer by layer, and finally became angry from embarrassment:
"Yu Huanshui, let me tell you, he is much better than you. He at least has his own car. Look how old you are. Every time you send your children to school, you squeeze the bus!"

Hua Twelve was not angry at all, and nodded with a smile: "You are right, but don't forget that you chased me back then, I can't do that, why are you chasing me?"

"Oh, by the way, it's because the house your family of four lived in wasn't half the size of my house, and it's because I made more money in a month than you did in half a year, so your family was nothing at that time !"

"Later your father was promoted, and I couldn't do it anymore, so you started to shout at me, picking your nose and eyes, you are such a trash woman who dislikes the poor and loves the rich, and can only share wealth but not adversity. Divorcing you means breaking away from me." The sea of ​​bitterness!"

Seeing Gan Hong's face turning blue and turning pale, Hua Twelve smiled again and said, "I have something to tell you. In fact, I reported that you and this man were arrested by the police."

Gan Hong was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted heartbreakingly: "Yu Huanshui, you are not human!"

Hua Shishi's face turned cold: "I'm not a human being? Then you and this man's hotel room are doing human affairs? Do you know that you are married? Broken shoes used to be soaked in pig cages, but now they are cheap for you. "

"In addition, let me tell you that I also put the piao card on this man's body. What can you do to me? La la la la."

This product is still humming.

Gan Hong pointed at Hua Twelve, almost gasping with anger: "You, you, I'm going to sue you, you framed me!"

Hua Twelve took out his mobile phone and directly released the bed photo of the other party's cheating. Under the eyes of the other party's wide-eyed and unbelievable eyes, he smiled and said:
"Go, after you go, I promise to put you on the hot search, if you can afford it, go!"

Seeing the dispute between Gan Hong and Hua Shishier, the man in the car immediately got out of the car and shouted: "Gan Hong, don't be afraid of him!"

Before he finished speaking, Hua Twelve turned his head and pointed at him and shouted, "Shut up the fuck, is there room for you to speak, if you say another word, I will kill you!"

His voice was not loud, but the aura emanating from his body instantly gave Gan Hong and her lover the illusion that what they were facing was not Yu Huanshui, but a tiger.

At this moment, they really believed that Hua Shier would do what he said, and Gan Hong was horrified and sat on the ground. The man took two steps back, his face turned pale and he didn't dare to make a sound.

Hua Twelve sneered, pointed at the man, and smiled at Gan Hong who was on the ground: "Look at the worthless you're looking for!"

After leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, Hua Shier was in a good mood and planned to go to work, so he called Zhu Dalong first, and the other party answered the meeting and said he was sleeping at home.

Hua Twelve had a question mark on his face: "Brother, this is how you do things, what time is it?"

Zhu Dalong said that he followed Zhao Juemin yesterday and slept too late, and told Hua Shier not to worry, he followed Zhao Juemin to find the counterfeiting den last night, not only took photos, but also installed a GPS in the car of the other party.

Now as long as the other party's car moves, there will be a reminder on his mobile phone. Now the other party's car is in a place where the company does not move. He takes advantage of this time to sleep for a while.

"Okay, Lao Zhu, high-tech, I'll give you a credit, then you go to bed first, and let me know if you have any news later!"

After Hua Twelve sent the message, he happened to walk to the door of an Audi store. Looking at an Audi R8 sports car parked in the floor-to-ceiling window, his eyes lit up. He had been in this world for several days, either by bus or by taxi. Time to enjoy it too.

He took out the 'money card' he got in the lottery, Hua Twelve went in and directly swiped away an Audi R200 worth more than 8 million. Under the effect of money-making ability, all the formalities were quickly handled by the fourth son's shop.

Driving a new car, Hua Shier went straight to the discipline department, and when he arrived at the gate, he took out his ID card: "Comrade, I want to report the problem, and I want to report my former father-in-law with his real name."

After being invited into the conversation room, Hua Shier talked about Gan Hong's father's various problems, and then said to the staff member who took notes for him:
"Comrade, the problem is very serious. You must pay attention to it. Think about it in a place like Jinhai where every inch of land is expensive. The family of four used to live on [-] square meters. After becoming an official, they lived in a big villa and opened millions of dollars. Cars and alcohol cost thousands of dollars, which has a very bad influence among the masses, which is very bad.”

After all this tossing, it was almost noon when Hua Shishi drove the Audi R8 to the company.

After he walked in, everyone looked at him with gloating eyes. He asked for two days off work and was late for one morning today. In the eyes of these colleagues, Yu Huanshui was about to be in big trouble.

Hua Twelve seemed to ignore the eyes of the others, and sat down at his desk carelessly, turned on the computer, found a card game, and started playing poker.

At this time, Yu Huanshui's apprentice, Wu Antong who always stepped on him, got up and walked over with a smirk on his face:

"Hey, old Yu, you're playing games. You've finished all the tasks. What's your score this month? Tell us about it. Besides, if you haven't come these two days, it's because you went to the big sword and got caught, hahaha "

Hua Twelve didn't even look at him, his eyes were fixed on the playing cards on the screen, and he only said one word:


Usually, Yu Huanshui is submissive in the company, and Wu Antong, a former apprentice, can step on it, which shows how miserable his status as an old employee is.

This suddenly became tough, and the colleagues all looked this way in amazement, Wu Antong couldn't believe his ears, and sneered:
"Old Yu, what did you just say?"

"I tell you to get lost, get lost, it's called get lost in English, just to let you stop bothering me, you idiot!"

Wu Antong was scolded by the master he always looked down on, especially when all his colleagues watched him, he suddenly felt unable to get off the stage, and his face was hot.

He reached out and grabbed Hua Twelve's neck: "Old Yu, I gave you face!"

Hua Shishi grabbed Wu Antong's wrist with his left hand, and pressed down, and the latter immediately knelt down in front of him involuntarily.

"You said you are cheap or not, tell you to get out or not, you insist on kneeling down!"

Wu An felt as if his hand was being bitten by iron tongs and he couldn't break free. He shouted: "Old Yu, don't be shameless!"

Only then did Hua Twelve turn his head, sitting on a chair condescendingly looking down at Wu Antong who was kneeling, and said loudly:

"Who is shameless? Wu Antong, have you forgotten your past, you negotiated a 1000 million bill to 100 million, hiding in the toilet and crying, who comforted you?"

"You knelt down for me at the time, and didn't let me tell others. Please ask me for help. Who will help you settle the matter? You knelt like this at the beginning. Does your mother know about it?"

Wu Antong was kicked out of his old background, looked around, saw his colleagues showing strange eyes, and immediately said anxiously: "Yu Huanshui, you fart!"

Hua Twelve smacked his mouth in one go: "If you keep being mean, I'll still slap you!"

The sound in the office area finally alarmed the company's leaders. Wei Guangjun, the head of the branch, Zhao Juemin, the manager, and Liang Anni, the financial director, who were in Wei's general office for a while, hurried out to check the situation.

Looking at the scene, Wei Guangjun immediately pointed at Hua Twelve, and ordered: "Yu Huanshui, let me go, you are messing around during work hours, what does it look like!"

Zhao Juemin seemed to have caught Yu Huanshui's braid, and sneered: "Yu Huanshui, Yu Huanshui, you have been absent from work for two days innocently, and you were late for the whole morning today, and beat up your colleagues as soon as you arrived, you can do it!"

He turned to Wei Guangjun and said, "Boss Wei, I think this kind of black sheep should be fired, what do you think?"

Wei Guangjun was about to nod his head, when Hua Twelfth kicked Zhao Juemin in the stomach, and then went up and slapped his mouth: "You said I didn't ask for leave? When did I not call you!"

After Zhao Juemin was beaten, he was angry: "I didn't approve it, so you are absent from work!"

"Then it's you who make things difficult for me!"

Hua Twelve didn't say a word, and Zhao Juemin was whipped into a pig's head by crackling!
The other colleagues all stared wide-eyed and stood up. Wu Antong looked scared. Fortunately, he only got hit just now. Liang Anni screamed in fright, and Wei Guangjun trembled angrily:

"Crazy, Yu Huanshui is crazy, report J!"

Immediately, a colleague took out his mobile phone and dialed the report number, saying that a colleague here went crazy, caused trouble in the company and beat the leader.

Hua Twelve was not afraid at all. After beating Zhao Juemin, he sat down at his desk, stretched out his hand to wipe off the blood on Wu Antong's suit who was still kneeling, and then said to Wei Guangjun with a half-smile:
"Report, hurry up, I also have something to ask JC, do you know what I haven't been here for the past two days? I found that someone in the market is manufacturing and selling fake products from our company, so I just talked about it with JC .”

Wei Guangjun, Liang Anni, and Zhao Juemin, whose face was smacked, all changed, and panic appeared in their eyes.

Wei Guangjun hurriedly said to the employee: "Don't report J yet!"

The colleague looked confused: "I'm done!"

Liang Anni said loudly: "Didn't you hear what Boss Wei said? Call back after the call, and say that your colleagues are joking and make you take it seriously. Hurry up, do you still want to do it!"

Zhao Juemin was aggrieved, and he just got beaten for nothing.

Wei Guangjun Chaohua Twelve said: "Yu Huanshui, Xiaoyu, you found this issue is very important, let's go to my office to talk!"

Hua Shishiyi waved his hand: "No, I'm still waiting to communicate with JC. Besides, I was fired by Manager Zhao just now. Besides, I still beat him like this. I have to be responsible. I'm guilty. I surrender myself."

Wei Guangjun quickly said: "Xiao Yu, I can trust your character, this time it must be Manager Zhao deliberately making things difficult for you!"

"He just doesn't know how to unite with colleagues. I can see through this problem at a glance. If you beat him, it's because he made things difficult for you first. It's understandable, and the company won't pursue it. In addition, your work performance in the past few months Outstanding, on behalf of the company, I have decided to reward you with 1 yuan."

The other colleagues were stunned. Yu Huanshui's sales performance in the past few months was at the bottom of the company. It is indeed outstanding, but this is the opposite, right? There is also a bonus?

Wei Guangjun didn't care about others, and glared at Zhao Juemin: "Manager Zhao, hurry up and apologize to Xiao Yu and admit your mistake!"

After finishing speaking, he winked.

Zhao Juemin wanted to scold his mother, what the hell is going on, but he also knew that the overall situation was the most important thing. After all, they also did what Yu Huanshui said was fake. The most important thing at present is to understand whether what Yu Huanshui said is the three of them .

Enduring the grievance, Zhao Juemin whispered: "I'm sorry!"

Yu Huanshui shouted loudly: "Ah, what are you talking about, I can't hear clearly!"

Zhao Juemin almost collapsed, and shouted loudly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Lao Yu, you did ask for leave. It's me, Zhao Juemin, who doesn't know how to unite and consider colleagues, and made things difficult for you. I will definitely change my past."

Only then did Hua Twelfth nod in satisfaction, and stood up with a smile: "It's not too bad, let's go, go to President Wei's office to talk!"

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon Realm, Fengshen Reaper, I am Brother Dayong for the rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who cost 200 yuan for a pack of spicy sticks, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you .

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