A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 497 Miserable Gan Hong!

Returning to the barn again, Lao Yu hummed weakly: "That vicious mother-in-law just killed me, Huan Shui, hurry up and get Dad out of the house, it's so cold here."

Hua Twelve detested his smell of urine, and he was not his own father, so he didn't want to do it, so he just said:

"Persist for a while, I've already called the police, at least let the police see how that girl treats you, this is all evidence!"

The old man was right when he thought about it, he couldn't destroy the scene, he hummed and said:
"Then, then I will persevere?"

"Yes, stick to it!"

Hua Twelve snickered in his heart, but his face didn't show. He took his mobile phone and called the emergency call again. The old man's illness was his fault, but it seems that he has suffered a lot this week. It's better to go to the hospital for recuperation. .

And the most important thing is this whole body of piss. Could it be that he can't help?

Hua Shishi thought that it would be fine to wait until the hospital and spend some money to let the nurses help with it.

JC arrived soon, Hua Shier took out his mobile phone and showed the video of him to the police, and the old man Yu testified, and the matter was quickly clarified.

When the ambulance arrived, they examined the three wounded at the scene. The old lady was the least injured. Hua Twelve was afraid that she would kill her, so he didn't exert much force. Yes, and was taken away by JC directly.

Old man Yu is paralyzed, his vital signs are okay, but he is severely malnourished.

The most serious one was Zhang Dong with the green skin. Although his life was not in danger for the time being, his lower part was swollen from being kicked. It was purple and black and looked like a round eggplant.

After taking the three of them to the hospital, Hua Twelve went back with the police to record a statement. When Wang Zhengyi arrived the next day, he became the shopkeeper who let him go, and left everything to Lao Wang for help.

Old man Yu's police also recorded a statement. According to the statement and the live video recorded by Hua Shier, the matter soon became clear.

Old man Yu urinated blood that day, and went to the hospital for a preliminary examination for acute renal failure. His later wife and cheap son Zhang Dong didn't want to spend money on treating the old man's illness, so he carried him back home and waited to die at home. In order to prevent the old man from calling Yu Huanshui, Confiscated his cell phone.

Old man Yu was naturally unwilling to die like this. He yelled and cursed in the house every day, and asked the two to take him to the hospital, which annoyed Zhang Dong yelling. Killed.

The old lady had no good intentions either, she was just afraid that her son would be killed. Later, the old man was paralyzed on the bed, peeing and urinating. The old lady was unwilling to serve him, so she and her son Zhang Dong wrapped the old man in a broken quilt and threw them away. I went to the warehouse, throwing half a steamed bun every day, and I couldn't get enough food, so I just waited for old man Yu to die.

When JC was taking the statement, he also had doubts and asked the old lady:
"Since old man Yu has his own son, and you don't want to see a doctor for him, why don't you call his own son and ask his own son to treat him? Why don't you call his son?"

The old lady hesitated at first, but when JC was frightened by the interrogator, she told her true thoughts. Their mother and son were still thinking about the 5 yuan promised by Yu Huanshui.

The two women were afraid that after telling Yu Huanshui about the old man's illness, the latter would use the 5 yuan that he promised to marry Zhang Dong to treat the old man's illness. Wouldn't Zhang Dong have no money when he got married?

Another point is the problem of the old man's house. The couple are also afraid that after the old man dies, their own son will come back to compete for the property.

So the mother and son concealed the fact that the old man was sick, and sent text messages to Yu Huanshui asking for money by confiscating the old man's mobile phone.

After hearing this, JC felt that this girl was not as vicious as usual.

After the interrogation, the nature of the case suddenly became serious. Zhang Dong's mother and son thought that they would have no responsibility if they didn't see old man Yu and waited for him to die, but this idea was actually wrong.

The law stipulates that if a person with specific obligations refuses to ask for death, he will be suspected of intentional homicide by omission. What's more, according to the confession, the two women have subjective wishes, and they have also implemented a series of actions including abuse. Seriously ill patients carried the cold barn to die, which is already suspected of intentional homicide.

At the hospital, after the nurses scrubbed old man Yu clean, Hua Shier found an opportunity to dissolve the dark energy in his body, allowing his body to recover quickly, and now he is able to walk on the ground.

As for Zhang Dong, he is lying in the intensive care unit now. The old man Yu, who is also in the same hospital, went to take a look. He laughed for a long time when he came back, and Hua Twelve sighed:
"It's true that evil comes with evil. Huan Shui kicked you really well. The doctor said it couldn't be cured, so he cut Zhang Dong up!"

Hua Twelfth was not worried about the fact that he deposed Zhang Dong, because he kicked Zhang Dong when he stabbed him with a knife, and there was no subsequent injury, which has been deemed as self-defense by the police.

Seeing old man Yu gloating at this time, Hua Twelve sarcastically said, "Aren't you still waiting for someone to take care of you?"

Old man Yu said this himself back then.

When old man Yu took Zhang Dongniang and his wife to run away, Yu Huanshui once found old man Yu and threatened him with red eyes, saying that if old man Yu dared to go with other women, Yu Huanshui, a son, would not give him a pension.

At that time, old man Yu seemed to be insane, saying that he didn't need Yu Huan's water to support him, and would rely on Zhang Dong in the future.

Now that Hua Twelve mentioned this matter, old man Yu blushed with embarrassment, wishing there was a mouse hole for him to slip into.

"Shui'er, I was confused at the beginning. I was wrong. I kowtowed to your mother to apologize, so don't mention it!"

The old man looked ashamed, but after he finished speaking, he remembered the two girls and gritted his teeth:
"I treated that kid better than your own son, but when I got sick, he actually wanted to freeze me to death, and didn't even give me enough food. He really is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!"

Hua Twelve picked an orange from the fruit basket that Wang Zhengyi bought for old man Yu, and said while eating:

"By the way, the hospital said that Zhang Dong is waiting for his family members to pay the fee. Go and pay the money later!"

Old man Yu, who was still paralyzed two days ago, collapsed two feet high, and said angrily: "Why, why should I pay that beast."

Hua Twelve gloated: "Isn't he your son? You married his mother and raised him for so many years. Legally, you are a family!"

The old man said with a white face: "Whoever is in the same family as that beast, I have never registered with his mother."

When Hua Twelve heard this, he was also a little surprised, and hurriedly asked what happened.

It turned out that when old man Yu abandoned his wife and son, he left in a hurry, and Yu Huanshui's mother refused to agree, so he took Zhang Dongma back to his hometown in the countryside to live with friends without even going through the divorce procedures.

Although old man Yu and Zhang Dongma have no legal marriage procedures, they don't pay much attention to those in the countryside. There are many couples who have had several children and haven't registered yet. There are not a few of them, and other people don't know who they are. The situation, so I have been confused for so many years.

After a long time, old man Yu almost forgot about it. It was only in a hurry that he remembered such a thing, and even Yu Huanshui and Zhang Dong, the next generation of the two families didn't know about it. .

Hua Twelve-One was amused: "You have been in an illegal marriage for so many years. The Zhang Dong mother and son are really interesting. I still miss the houses in my hometown!"

Old man Yu scolded after hearing this: "I have sons and grandsons myself, so why give them these two white-eyed wolves, even if I set the fire on fire, I can't let the old house fall into their hands!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head towards Hua Twelve and said with a smile: "Shui, Dad will depend on you from now on, isn't your house two bedrooms and one living room, Dad?"

Hua Twelve hurriedly waved his hand: "Stop, you are not a good old man, you think so beautifully, you have never cared about me since I was 12 years old, now I can give you pension money every month, and I can see a doctor for you, you Just go with a smile and want to move to my house, what do you think?"

The old man became anxious immediately: "Shui'er, Dad admitted it wrong, you can't leave me alone, I'll give you all the land and rooms in my hometown."

Hua Twelve laughed straight: "As far as what you said, can you buy me a car? You can pull it down!"

Seeing the old man getting angry in a hurry, scratching his ears and cheeks, he said with a smile:
"I'll sell the things in my hometown later, plus the living expenses I give you every month, I should be able to find a better nursing home in Jinhai for you to spend the rest of your life, and Yu Chen and I can visit you if it's okay, but That's all, if you want to get ahead, don't blame my relatives for not recognizing me!"

When he said these words, he still smiled at the beginning, but gradually the smile subsided, and at the end there was a chill on his face, which made old man Yu feel his heart beating.

What kind of melons are planted will bear fruit. Old man Yu also knows that he has gone too far. Hua Shishier can send him to a nursing home. It is the best of humanity. He didn't dare to say more in the last sentence, so he could only nod and acquiesce in this arrangement.

Zhang Dong's mother and son were arrested by the police for cruelty and intentional homicide. Zhang Dong's mother has already entered, and she will be arrested immediately when Zhang Dong is discharged from the hospital. What awaits them is severe legal punishment.

Hua Shier asked the old man to sell the house and land in his hometown, and he and Wang Zhengyi returned to Jinhai first.

Time flies like an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, January has passed, and many things have happened during this month.

First of all, the results of several cases came to fruition. Hua Shier entrusted Wang Zhengyi to sue Lu Fumeng's case. Because the evidence was sufficient, the other party would definitely lose as long as the trial was held, so Lu Fumeng chose to be soft and reached an out-of-court settlement.

Lu Fumeng not only compensated Hua Shier's principal and interest, but also paid 2 yuan for mental damage and paid all the lawyer's fees.

Just Hua Twelve felt that Lu Fumeng was cheap, and planned to use other means to deal with this shameless guy, but after he saw Lu Fumeng, he gave up his plan to continue revenge.

It turned out that Lu Fumeng's glamorous life was all a fake appearance. The high-end apartment he lived in was rented, the BMW car was rented by installments, and the rented gallery had no art exhibitions of Tang Yun's works, so he lost his underpants.

When Hua Twelfth saw Lu Fumeng, it was very cold in October, and he was driving in front of the hotel at night. I read in the WeChat group of college students that this guy sold all the BMW cars that were paid in installments in order to pay back the money. , still owed a butt account.

Seeing the other party's situation, Hua Twelve's heart for revenge also faded. What punishment is there for surviving in the metropolis, which can compare to the word 'poor'?

The matter of Lu Fumeng came to an end, and Wang Zhengyi sued Gan Hong for Hua Shier, and the case for child support and compensation also started.

Wang Zhengyi has the evidence of Gan Hong's cheating and the paternity test results provided by Hua Shier, which is more sufficient than the evidence in the Lu Fumeng case.

Since it took a lot of money to train Yu Chen, and it basically came from Yu Huanshui's salary, when Wang Zhengyi helped Hua Shier sue, the calculated compensation amount was 50 soft girls.

In court, Gan Hong was speechless in the face of the evidence. She just cried and said that she had no money, that her salary was not high enough to spend on herself, and that it would cost two thousand to buy a set of cosmetics. After so many years, she had no savings. .
As a result, the court conducted an investigation and found that Gan Hong was suspected of transferring assets. She originally had more than 32 yuan in her card, but it was all transferred to her mother's account a few days ago.

Naturally, all the money was recovered. Considering that Gan Hong didn't have that much money, the court only sentenced her to 30 yuan. During the execution, Gan Hong cried so badly.

Hua Shier searched for Gan Hong's sad memories from Yu Huanshui's memory, and found that in Yu Huanshui's memory, this was the worst time Gan Hong cried in more than ten years.

In addition to the case of Lu Fumeng and Gan Hong, Wang Zhengyi also has a case in which the owner of a supermarket pays ten for one fake.

There is really nothing to say about this. The police station and the market management department all believe that it is legal to pay ten for one fake.

After going to court, the case was not controversial at all, and the compensation of 80 yuan was quickly transferred to Huashier's account after the verdict.

After the three cases were concluded, Hua Shier gave Wang Zhengyi a high amount of legal fees. In addition, the supermarket owner finally paid 80 yuan in compensation. He divided it into three parts on average. He took one part and gave the remaining two parts to Zhu Dalong and Wang Zhengyi. two people.

It was Hua Twelve who proposed the anti-counterfeiting at the beginning, but all three of them participated, and he was not short of the money, and knowing that the two were short of money, he decided to split it equally.

Wang Zhengyi and Zhu Dalong couldn't refuse, so they both accepted it, and they were naturally grateful to Hua Twelve.

The fact that Wei Guangjun, Liang Anni, and Zhao Juemin manufactured and sold fake cables was also investigated by the police, and the whereabouts of the fake cables were all found.

Because Hua Twelve's report made a great contribution to public safety and avoided accident losses that might be caused by fake cables, Jinhai City specially rewarded his soft girl with [-] yuan, and this matter was also on the news.

At the head office, Hua Shier specially rewarded him with 100 million yuan because he saved the company's losses and reputation, and let him sit in the position of the branch manager, with an annual salary of more than [-] million yuan.

When Hua Shishi saw his salary, he said he couldn't figure it out. Wei Guangjun's annual salary and bonus were only 300 million. What kind of fake cables are you selling? It seems that he really fell into Liang Anni's beauty trap.

On the first day he sat in the right position, he was dismissed on the grounds that "Wu Antong entered the company with his left foot first".

Wu Antong still refused to accept it, and still caused trouble in the company, threatening to sue Huashishi and apply for labor arbitration!

Hua Shier directly asked the accountant to bring out the evidence that Wu Antong negotiated a 1000 million bill into 100 million a few years ago, and the latter immediately had nothing to say, be honest.

Wu Antong also knew clearly in his heart that he had caused a huge loss to the company, and he would not be dismissed more than a hundred times with this reason, and if people publicized this matter, he would be stink in the entire industry.

So when he left, he bowed obediently to Hua Twelve and left in a well-mannered manner.

Seeing that he was so sensible, Hua Shier stopped here. After all, he had done things for himself, so he didn't mean to chase Wu Antong away.

Although everyone knows that the real reason for dismissing Wu Antong is because of his white-eyed wolf attributes, but since that day, when everyone enters the company's gate, they stand at attention first, and then walk in with their right foot first, Hua Twelve said This happened a few times, which made him dumbfounded.

Old man Yu sold the house and land in his hometown and found Jinhai. He still wanted to live with his children and grandchildren.

Hua Twelve couldn't get used to him, so he was sent to a nursing home on the same day, and he deposited the money from old man Yu's land sale into the card, and paid another [-] yuan a month as a pension.

When Hua Shier's side was going smoothly, Yu Huanshui's ex-wife Gan Hong had a hard time.

After Gan's father and the pig-headed brother were taken away, the Gan family was found to have serious financial problems. Not only all illegal income had to be handed over, but the Gan family's villa and the million-dollar car were also sealed.

Gan's mother took her daughter-in-law and grandson, together with Gan Hong, and the family squeezed into Gan Hong's current home.

Five people squeezed into a house of [-] square meters. It has to be said that the living area per capita is [-] square meters, which is much more spacious than some people living in the old society hutongs and alleys.

However, the Gan family was still not satisfied, and they washed their faces with tears all day long.

Gan Hong paid her ex-husband more than 30 yuan in child support and mental damage, and her natal family was torn apart by her ex-husband's report. She thought she was miserable enough, but the reality gave her a loud slap in the face, letting her know what it means Only worse, not the worst.

Suddenly one day, Gan Hong received a call from a stranger, who told Gan Hong that her Yibi loan was due and asked her to pay it back quickly.

Gan Hong thought it was a prank or a scam call, so she hung up without bothering to pay attention.

As a result, in the two days before and after, she received more than a dozen calls for debts belonging to different platforms. At this time, she also felt that something was wrong.

After she hung up the phone one by one and refused to admit that she borrowed money, Gan Hong's nightmare began.

Her address book was blown up. Colleagues in the unit, friends around her, and relatives at home were constantly harassed by phone calls. The other party told them that Gan Hong borrowed money and would not pay it back, etc.
In the end, the leader of Gan Hong's unit came forward and dismissed her directly on the grounds that "personal reasons affected the work and caused losses to the company".

When she got home, she saw that the door of the incumbent's house had been torn with red paint, and it said "Gan Hong owes money and will not pay back" in big red characters, which scared her nephew to tears.

Angrily, Gan Hong reported it to J for handling, but after investigation, other platforms were able to produce evidence that it was the loan that Gan Hong applied for, and some even had videos as evidence.

JC told Gan Hong that she had to pay back everything except some platforms with unreasonable interest rates that did not have to pay high interest rates.

Gan Hong was dumbfounded, because the video released by the other party was indeed her, even the clothes she was wearing were exactly the same, but she had no relevant memories in her memory.

Suddenly, Gan Hong noticed the date of the loan. All the loans took place during the days when she and Yu Huanshui divorced, and her ID card, bank card and so on were kept at home in those few days.

Thinking of this, she immediately had an intuition that this matter had nothing to do with Yu Huanshui. She immediately picked up the phone and called her ex-husband, only to find that she had been blocked.

So at night, she waited at the school gate ahead of time, and saw with her own eyes the intimate scene of Hua Shier driving a luxury car and holding hands with Ziming's mother.

Gan Hong felt so blocked, she cursed in her heart, Yu Huanshui, are you worthy of me!

Sue her right after the divorce, report her father, and the most important thing is that it's only been a few days, Yu Huanshui, you've hooked Yu Chen's fucking classmate.

Some selfish people are like this. After breaking up with their significant other, instead of blessing, they expect others to have a bad life.

Just like there is a good song, "As long as you live better than me, I can't stand it." Gan Hong is thinking this way at this time, I betrayed you, I am right, you are useless, you are worthless I live a good life, but you can't find someone else so quickly, I will be angry if you live a good life.

Seeing the pair of dogs and men receiving Yu Chen and Zhang Ziming happily, Gan Hong walked over angrily.

Yu Chen noticed Gan Hong first, and called out weakly: "Mom is here."

Ziming's mother was a little embarrassed, but it was fleeting, and she greeted Gan Hong generously: "Mother Yu Chen, why are you free to pick up the child today?"

Gan Hong looked at Ziming's mother and said coldly, "Are you mocking me?"

Hua Shier pulled Ziming's mother behind him, and said to Gan Hong angrily: "If you have something to say, don't make trouble for nothing!"

Gan Hong sneered and said, "Yo, Yu Huanshui, you feel bad. How long have we been divorced? You hooked up with others so quickly. I used to underestimate you. I didn't expect you to be so capable!"

Ziming's mother, who has always been gentle, suddenly took Hua Shier's arm, and with a restrained smile, she said to Gan Hong:
"We started dating after your divorce. It's reasonable and legal. What right do you have to be sarcastic here? I heard that you were the one who cheated first and proposed the divorce. For Yu Chen's sake, I don't want to argue with you. Don't look for trouble!"

Gan Hong let people pick up the scandal, and her momentum suddenly weakened a little. She also knew that she was making trouble for no reason, so she simply ignored Ziming's mother, turned her head and said to Hua Twelve:

"I have something I want to talk to you alone!"

Feeling the strength from his arm, Hua Shier reached out and patted Ziming's mother's hand, and said softly: "You take the two children back first, I won't go there today, I will call you later!"

Ziming's mother took a look at Gan Hong, then she nodded at Hua Shier, and said submissively, "Then be careful yourself!"

After speaking, she took Zhang Ziming and led Yu Chen into her big Benz.

After Ziming's mother drove away, Hua Shier saw that the school gate was not a place to talk, so he greeted Gan Hong to get in the car, and asked, "Speak, where are we going to talk?"

Gan Hong thought for a while: "Go and have a cup of coffee!"

Hua Twelve drove away, Gan Hong touched the interior of the R8, his eyes were full of liking, and he said to himself: "If I didn't leave, you still have this car, and these belong to me."

She spoke in a very low voice, thinking that Hua Twelve couldn't hear, but Hua Twelve has no hearing ability, she really listened, so she sneered:
"Stop dreaming, okay, is a woman like you worthy?"

An angry look appeared on Gan Hong's face, but he suppressed his anger again when he thought of something.

Hua Twelve took Gan Hong to the coffee shop they used to go to when they had no children. They sat at the old card table and ordered two cups of latte.

Gan Hong's eyes sparkled: "You really still have me in your heart, you still remember this place!"

Hua Twelve is so worried: "Can you show some face, I don't want to take you to the places I often go to, and this place is not far from Yu Chen's school, that's why I came here, don't be sentimental!"

Gan Hong's teeth were about to be gritted in embarrassment. She reached into her pocket across the table, pressed something lightly, and then asked:

"Yu Huanshui, let me ask you something, did you use my ID card to pretend to be me to borrow money?"

Hua Twelve looked at her and smiled, which was full of sarcasm and ridicule.

Gan Hong looked at him unnaturally: "Is it you, you can just say it, why are you laughing!"

Hua Twelve pointed to her right hand: "Take out what's in your hand first, and then we'll talk!"

Gan Hong's face froze, and he said unnaturally: "No, there is nothing."

Hua Twelve leaned over and pulled out her hand as soon as he reached out. He was holding a recording pen in his hand.

Turning off the recorder, Hua Twelfth Chao hooked his finger to Gan Hong: "Mobile phone!"

Gan Hong reluctantly took out his mobile phone, Hua Twelve checked it, and found that there was no recording, and swept his eyes again, and found that there was no place to hide things, and then said:

"It's me, but do you have proof?"

Gan Hong burst into tears, and asked with red eyes, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Hua Twelve took a sip of coffee: "Then why are you treating Yu Huanshui so much? Is he treating you badly?"

After he finished speaking, he stood up and said, "That's all for today, don't look for me in the future if you have nothing to do, thank you!" Hua Twelve turned around and left.

Gan Hong sat on her seat and cried for more than half an hour. She has nothing to do with Hua Twelve now, and she has nothing to do with those debt collectors.

As Hua Twelve said, she didn't borrow the money, but she has no evidence to prove it.

She cried and got up and wanted to leave the coffee shop, but she was stopped by the waiter as soon as she arrived at the door: "Ma'am, please pay the bill!"

Gan Hong choked on crying; "That bastard didn't even settle the bill? How much?"

The waiter smiled and said, "Chenghui, two thousand and eight!"

Gan Hong asked incredulously, "How much?"

"Two thousand and eight, before the gentleman left just now, he took two cans of hand-ground Blue Mountain coffee and said that it was you who paid the bill."

Gan Hong didn't know how to get back home. She felt like a walking dead. After returning, she cried for a while. When the incumbent asked, she told everything about what had happened.

Suddenly she felt ruthless, she was so miserable, and she couldn't let Yu Huanshui live well, so she discussed with her incumbent in a low voice:
"Then Yu Huanshui drives more than 200 million cars, if we can."

Incumbent Gan Hong thought for a while, and was also moved: "I recently met a group of people outside, they are very vicious, I can try it, but I have to share some with them afterwards."

Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

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