A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 498 See Dapao Xu again and was kidnapped!

Hua Twelve pressed the fingerprint lock, walked into the room with Luan Bingran, pointed to the well-decorated high-end apartment with an area of ​​more than [-] square meters and said:

"How about looking here? Are you satisfied?"

Luan Bingran stared wide-eyed, looking at the apartment in front of him blinking and blinking, guessing in his heart, surprise and disbelief in his eyes, but he still forced himself to ask calmly:

"Brother Yu, aren't we going to the hotel? What are you doing here?"

Hua Twelve saw what Luan Bingran was thinking, so he didn't try to expose it, and scratched her nose with his hand:
"It doesn't cost money to take you to the hotel, why not just buy an apartment once and for all!"

He said with a chuckle: "Besides, you are usually so obedient, so I have to think about it, so I wrote the names of the two of us in the apartment. This apartment will temporarily give you [-]% of the property rights, and it will increase by [-]% every year. Ten, starting from this year, ten years later, this house will belong to you!"

Although Hua Twelve said that Luan Bingran only had [-]% property rights in this house for the time being, Luan Bingran jumped up excitedly, wrapped his arms around his neck, and hung his body like a koala:

"Brother Yu, you are so kind to me, I will always be good!"

Jinhai is a first-tier city, where every inch of land is precious. This high-end apartment is more than 5 square meters, and the location is good. The house price here is at least [-] yuan per square meter.

As far as the present is concerned, even if it is only 60%, it is worth [-] million soft girls, not to mention that her property rights will increase every year. How can Luan Bingran not be excited? Isn't the purpose of her looking for rich people for these things? what!

Although Hua Twelve didn't plan to develop a relationship, he didn't want to lose his mind, but he had to feed the fish to raise goldfish. Although this house is expensive, it's really nothing to him who has been making a lot of money in stocks recently. , Sprinkle water.

This one house can keep Luan Bingran devoted to her for at least ten years, and by then he will probably have left this world long ago.

Looking at Luan Bingran who was excited and tired of himself, Hua Twelve chuckled: "Be happy, there is one more thing that makes you happy!"

As he spoke, he took out a car key from his pocket: "Volkswagen Beetle, don't think it's bad, I think that car is pretty!"

Luan Bingran's eyes were gone from laughing, and she pushed Gong Hua Twelve hard with her head:

"Brother Yu, you are so kind to me, how can you ask me to repay you!"

Now she can get a sum of living expenses from Hua Twelve every week so that she can live a good life without going to work.

Now that the house and car are in place, Luan Bingran feels that it was the most correct choice and the most important opportunity in his life to be next to this handsome, physically strong, and most importantly, rich brother Yu in the bar. .

Faced with Luan Bingran's strong willingness to repay her kindness, Hua Twelve held her hand a little harder, and said with a half-smile:

"What do you say?"

They are all adults, and you understand many things, everyone understands, and the other party knows what to do with just one look.

But just when the two were about to stage a promise in the apartment to repay the favor of the gentleman, Hua Twelve's cell phone rang suddenly.

Hua Twelve ignored it at first, and it was all on the line. Is any major event as important as human reproduction?
In the end, the caller was also stubborn, and the ringing never stopped.

In the end, Luan Bingran couldn't take it anymore, lying on the bed and laughing loudly:
"Brother Yu, just pick it up and see who is so persistent, what if something really happens!"

Hua Twelve got up helplessly, picked up the phone and pressed the answer button: "Hello"

Two hours later, Hua Twelve appeared in the room of a nursing home with Luan Bingran, whose face was still red, and old man Yu was lying on the bed, moaning, and the staff said:
"Uncle Yu fell into a coma all day yesterday, and when he woke up today, he complained of a headache and a stomachache. We want to say hello to your family members. If it doesn't work, take uncle to the hospital to take a good look!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Okay, then you are busy, I will take him to the hospital for a check-up in a while!"

He really didn't want to care about old man Yu's affairs, but he had no choice but to replace Yu Huanshui's identity, and having the other party's memory would inevitably be affected.

In addition, Hua Shishi himself is not a heartless person. He has read so many online novels for nothing, and he is dubious about the cause and effect entanglement of the time traveler, so he finds a place for the old man to retire.

If not, with the old man's virtue back then, he would have ignored it before. After the old man was tortured to death by Zhang Dong's mother and son, he would come out to clean up the mess and punish the wicked.

Because of this mentality, I received a call from the nursing home just now, saying that when old man Yu was sick, Hua Twelfth should do whatever he wanted, and he brought Luan Bingran over to take a look when his body and mind became clear, but he didn't expect this. It seems to be quite serious.

I made an emergency call, and after a while, 120 people were taken away by the old man.

After arriving at the hospital, old man Yu's condition improved a lot. Hua Twelfth came here thinking about it, so let's have a checkup.

I signed up for an expert account, then took blood tests and took CT scans. After the process was completed, I was waiting for the test results.

The old man was already able to walk by himself at this time, Luan Bingran bought the old man a rice bowl, and the old man Yu started to eat in the patient rest area of ​​the hospital. After eating, he became more energetic and thanked Luan Bingran:

"Thank you girl, this kid is really nice, and he looks so handsome."

Luan Bingran now also knows that Old Yutou is Brother Yu's father. Although the relationship between the father and son seems to be a bit wrong, but he can get the compliment from the other parent, and he also smiles happily from the bottom of his heart.

Old Yu asked Yu Huanshui secretly: "This girl is not bad, what does it have to do with you?"

Hua Twelve rolled his eyelids: "Why do you care so much!"

Old man Yu said 'Huh~', "I'm your father, so why don't you ask me?"

Hua Twelve was so annoyed by him, he didn't hide Luan Bingran's back, and said directly: "What's the matter, Qing'er!"

Luan Bingran's originally happy face suddenly darkened, and Lao Yu raised his hand and said:

"Nonsense, such a good girl, you can't let her down!"

Hua Twelve sneered and said, "Your wife was okay back then, why did you run away with other women, by the way, she was the woman who wanted to kill you later!"

He didn't deliberately keep his words low, old man Yu couldn't hold back his face, and said anxiously: "I admit my fault, why don't you just say it?"

Luan Bingran also listened to the general idea at the side, and had some guesses about the relationship between the father and son. Seeing that the two were choking, she quickly persuaded with a smile:

"Master, brother Yu was hurt by a bad woman before, and was hurt emotionally. I don't blame him, I did it voluntarily!"

Old man Yu smiled at Luan Bingran, then turned to Hua Twelve and said, "Look at how sensible the girl is, you just want to piss me off"

Hua Twelve curled his lips, he didn't believe what Luan Bingran said at all, if he had no money, even if he was handsome, tall, and good at work, you could see if Luan Bingran would follow him.

If he has to choose someone to marry, he must choose someone like Ziming's mother, who is a virtuous person who can live a life.

As for Luan Bingran, he is just a companion, so the requirements don't need to be too high, young and beautiful is enough.

After waiting for more than two hours, just as Hua Shier was going to pick up the film, the phone rang. It was from the company. It turned out that the sales department was going to talk about a subway project today, and there were several important links that could not be reached on the negotiating table. Yes, I made a special call to ask for instructions.

Hua Twelve handed over the things to pick up the film to Luan Bingran, and asked her to scan the QR code to see if the film came out.

Old man Yu took the initiative to take it over at this time: "I'll go, now that the pain is over, I'm going to be active!"

While listening to the report from his subordinates on the phone, Hua Shier said to old man Yu, "Can you do it?"

"I don't know how to ask if I don't understand!" Old man Yu staggered away with his hands behind his back.

After half an hour of Hua Shieryi's phone call, old man Yu lost his mind and walked over staggeringly. Seeing this, Luan Bingran hurried over to help him.

After Hua Twelve finished the last two sentences, he hung up the phone and said angrily, "I told you not to let you go, you must be tired!"

Old man Yu waved his hands with a painful expression:
"Shui'er, I took the film to find an expert, and the expert said to let the family members go, but it doesn't work what I say, call the family members, it's been played on TV, if the doctor calls the family members, it's over, your father and I The doctor called me as a family member."

Seeing the sad look on the old man's face, Hua Twelve was amused and laughed, and said amusedly:
"Then you didn't ask the doctor, which family member is it? Is it Yu Huanshui, Zhang Dong's mother and son, or Yu Huanshui's mother?"

The old man was upset, and he was confused by what he said: "What do you mean?"

Hua Twelve laughed: "Look, if you call me, it should be a tragedy. If you call me Zhang Dong's mother and son, it's a story about the rule of law. If you call me Yu Huanshui's mother, it's a horror movie!"

The old man wanted to give him a pestle angrily, but thinking about what he owed Yu Huanshui, he leaned weakly on the chair, looking frustrated that he hadn't had a good life for a long time.

"Okay, I'm just kidding with you. It's not necessarily what you think when the doctor calls the family. I'll go and have a look!"

Hua Shishi took the film and went to the doctor's office. Before he got there, he saw the expert coming towards him with two interns. He quickly took out the film and asked, "Doctor, my dad is the old man surnamed Yu. I want his family to come over and watch the film, do you have any questions?"

The expert waved his hand, looked at his watch impatiently, and then said:
"I have a meeting right now. I was stopped by your father just now. I have already seen this film, so I won't watch it. Let's make a long story short. The old man has pancreatic cancer, which is in the middle and late stage. Go through the hospitalization procedures as soon as possible. That's it"

After speaking, he hurried away with two interns.

Hua Twelve felt that the plot was so familiar, and then recalled the appearance of the expert, wasn't it the one who misdiagnosed Yu Huanshui in the original plot.

He quickly took out the diagnosis report in the film and took a look, and sure enough, he saw that the film had someone else's name on it, and the old man took the wrong film.

Hua Twelve laughed and shook his head. Just as he was about to scan the QR code to pick up the film, someone suddenly called him.

"Hey, this way!"

Hua Twelve turned his head and saw a patient in a hospital gown waving at him at the iron gate of the safe passage.

He walked over and asked, "Are you okay?"

The man whispered: "I heard what you said to the director just now. Pancreatic cancer, this disease is not good. It doesn't matter how much it costs. I just want to ask if you want to leave some money for your family?"

Hua Twelve's eyes moved, and he immediately understood that this is the character in the original plot again. Isn't this person the one who introduced the Qi seller to Yu Huanshui in the hospital.

It is estimated that what this person heard just now was limited, and he regarded the illness of old Yutou as his own, which brought the plot line back to the original line.

I don't know if this world correction function is powerful, or it's just such a coincidence.

Hua Twelve thought about it, and felt that this group of people really cannot be let go. He has done things that JC knows about it. It is because of them that there are so many abducted and trafficked people who are raised as meat The QI officer who sells pigs, he immediately asked:
"Is there anything you can do?"

The man dragged him into the safe passage, and when there was no one else, he first took the inspection report from Hua Twelve's hand and looked at it carefully.

After confirming that the above result was indeed pancreatic cancer, he carefully took out a note with a phone number on it and handed it to Hua Twelve:

"Call this number and see if you have any qi officials that are still worth money. You can give money when you are alive, and pick up the goods after you die. You can leave some money for your family no matter what!"

Hua Shier knew that the man in front of him was a terminally ill patient, and he was considering his wife and children as a middleman, so he didn't make things difficult for him. After all, this man didn't have a good life for a long time.

Immediately received the note, said: "Thank you!" Then he left quickly and helped the old man get the film again.

When he got the film again, he looked directly at the diagnosis report, which stated that alcoholism was suspected and clinical observation was recommended.

Going back to the patient's rest area, I found old man Yu, and under his expectant eyes, asked:

"Now there is good news and bad news, which one do you listen to first?"

Old man Yu opened his mouth and said in a trembling voice after a while: "Let's talk about the bad first, I can handle it!"

Hua Twelve nodded expressionlessly: "What do experts say? According to the films you took, pancreatic cancer is in the middle and late stages. You should be hospitalized, but this kind of disease is almost the same. Do you understand?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man twitched immediately, his hands were like chicken feet, and he was still spitting bubbles, Luan Bingran was stunned, this is called holding it?
Hua Twelve hurriedly called for his pulse, and found out that it was a heart attack. He quickly used his internal strength to protect his heart, and then pinched him again. Then the old man woke up, and then his eyes were full of tears, obviously he hadn't lived enough yet.

Luan Bingran also shed two tears.

Hua Twelve suppressed a smile and continued: "The good news is that I confirmed it. You took the wrong film. The person with pancreatic cancer is someone else, and it has nothing to do with you!"

At this moment, both Luan Bingran and Old Man Yu showed astonished expressions. After a while, the latter shook his head and said:

"Shui'er, don't lie to Dad. I know my own body. I have dizziness, stomachache, and vomiting blood before. I didn't tell you about it."

The more Hua Twelve heard this, the more familiar he became, and immediately asked, "Did you drink alcohol before you fell ill?"

The old man nodded: "Yes, Moutai, one thousand 490 nine, I think I have never had such a good wine at such an old age, I want to enjoy it."

When Hua Shier heard the price, he was stunned: "Where did you buy Maotai?"

The old man recalled it and mentioned a place, which was a roadside supermarket not far from the nursing home.

When Hua Twelve heard this, I'll go. Isn't this the supermarket that gave him 80 yuan? He couldn't laugh or cry.

He immediately explained to the old man: "You are so sick, what a mistake!" He took out both reports and showed the names to the old man.

Old man Yu can't read many words, but he still knows his name. After comparing it, he found that the photo he took before was really not his.

The old man stood up immediately, looking at his legs and feet, the general sub-healthy young people can't compare:

"Isn't it a misdiagnosis? I was so scared that I had a heart attack. No, I have to go to that bullshit expert and talk about it!"

Hua Shishi quickly stopped him: "Don't make trouble, I've thought about this matter, I don't blame the doctor, it was you who showed the wrong film to the doctor, and the doctor was in a hurry to have a meeting, so he didn't call it from the computer. Take it, I will show you the finished film directly, so I made a mistake!"

"If you took the right film and don't rush to let the other party see the result, you can't make this kind of oolong!"

"In addition, I also understand that after drinking fake wine, headache, stomach cramps, and vomiting blood are all normal phenomena, and these symptoms are very similar to pancreatic cancer, so this misunderstanding occurred, but in the final analysis , or because you took the wrong film!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand: "Let's go, and settle accounts with the guy who sold you fake wine!"

It was the same supermarket as before, and it was the same boss. When Hua Twelve walked in with old man Yu, the boss was so frightened that he fell backwards.

"This is my father!"

Hua Twelve slapped the old man's bottle of fake wine bought yesterday and today's inspection report on the counter, the boss burst into tears, trotted to close the shop, and said with a bitter face when he came back:
"My brother is not as good as you. I lost more than 80 yuan, so I thought about selling some money back. You two can't form a group to harm me!"

Hua Shishiyi waved his hand and said, "Don't be so useless, look at the car I'm driving outside, who has the time to harm you, the old man lives in a nearby nursing home, bought a bottle of wine from you the day before yesterday, went back to drink and slept all day , Go to the hospital for an examination today, you can see the result yourself, alcohol poisoning, we are economic officials, or private!"

The boss asked weakly: "Do you have a receipt?"

Old man Yu suddenly became anxious; "What a small ticket, you didn't give me that either."

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll call the police!"

The boss immediately panicked. Although there is no receipt, he has a criminal record. This wine is from the same batch that was confiscated by the industry and commerce last time, but some of them were not found last time, but if there is an investigation, this matter will not go away. .

The boss bowed and bowed again and again: "I'll take it, I'll pay ten times the compensation, and I'll give the old man another 2000 yuan to buy nutrition. I just ask you, my brother, to be generous and show you your hand, so let's stop being an official!"

Hua Twelve took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat: "Let's transfer money!"

After he came out, he walked a little further away, and Hua Shier called the report number, and then waited for a while, and cooperated with JC and the market supervision department to come to collect evidence and close the store.

This time is different from the last time, this time the matter is serious, more fake wines were found, especially people were drunk, JC came and took the boss away, in addition to fines and closure of the store, it is estimated that he will probably go to jail .

Old man Yu and Luan Bingran were dumbfounded. Why does Yu Huanshui talk like farting!

When the supermarket owner was taken away, he looked at Hua Twelve as if he wanted to kill someone.

After the matter was settled, on the way to send the old man back to the nursing home, old man Yu really couldn't hold back: "Shui'er, you don't keep your word, you report to the police even if they lose money, and you go back on what you said, immoral! "

Although Luan Bingran didn't speak, she could tell by looking at her eyes that she also thought the old man was right.

Hua Twelve sneered: "You guys, seeing small profits and forgetting righteousness, the old man is fine today, what if he drank to death? What if he continues to sell this fake wine and harm others?"

Luan Bingran understood a little bit, she acted deeply, she didn't know if it was a deliberate obedience, or if she really wanted to understand.

Old man Yu thought about it for a while: "That's not right, if you want to be an official, don't take money from others!"

Hua Twelve didn't bother to talk to him: "Are you confused? He said that you will pay ten for a fake one. This is the money he should pay you. Okay, if you don't want the money, I'll keep it for you. it took!"

Old Man Yu: "."

After sending Old Man Yu and Luan Bingran back separately, it was already getting dark. Hua Shier called Ziming's mother and asked her to help pick up Yu Chen, saying that he had a job and asked her to take care of it for a day.

After hanging up the phone, Hua Twelve went home and changed into a set of clothes left by Yu Huanshui that were not worth much and hadn't been thrown away, then took out the note and dialed the number above.

The reason why he changed his clothes was because he was worth hundreds of thousands in that outfit, and he still had a famous watch in his hand. The patient who gave him the note couldn't see it, but it doesn't mean that the gang of unscrupulous dealers who messed with QI officials couldn't see it either.

With the habit of being a killer and a policeman, Hua Twelve has always felt that it is better to be more cautious in doing things.

In front of a bus station, a black business car was parked here. As soon as the door opened, an old lady asked, "Did you call?"

Hua Twelve didn't speak, but pretended to be depressed and nodded, and got into the car directly.

After getting in the car, the old lady took a pair of blindfolds for him to put on. Hua Shishi didn't say much, and closed his eyes to rest after putting it on.

Chekaidao stopped in front of an old-fashioned tube building in the suburbs of the urban area. The old lady helped Hua Shishi, who was covering her eyes, and entered the door of the building. doctor video.

Same as the original plot, people with pancreatic cancer only received the cornea, still talking about [-]. After signing and depositing, Hua Twelfth received [-] in cash, and the remaining [-] was kept until the other party received the cornea after death.

After collecting the money, the other party sent him to the place where he got into the car. Seeing the black businessman drive away, Hua Twelve planned to call the police. What are you doing with these scourges after all the money has been collected?

But before that, Hua Twelve planned to go back and change back his clothes. He was a bit awkward in Yu Huanshui's clothes.

As soon as he entered the door of his building, an acquaintance appeared in front of him. It was Xu Dapao who stabbed someone on the street and escaped that day!

When the other party saw Hua Twelve, he took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, then shrank his eyes, nodded and said:
"You are the one!"

Before Hua Twelve could speak, he felt that two people were following behind him. He turned his head and saw that one had no impression, and the other was Xu Dapao's younger brother, Xu Erpao.

Both of them had knives in their hands, and one of them threatened: "Be honest and come with us!"

The other also said: "Don't make a sound, if you dare to shout, I will kill you!"

Hua Twelve was about to put all three of them down, but then he thought, this is not right. Before saving someone that day, he saw Xu Dapao in the car, but the other party didn't see him, so why did he suddenly come to the door.

And after Xu Dapao glanced at the phone just now, he said 'it's you', if he guessed right, there must be his photo on the phone.

There is definitely something wrong with this!

Hua Twelve immediately made up his mind, let these people run wild for a while, and he decided to go with them to find out what was going on and who was targeting him behind it.

Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

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